Chapter 616
"Xiao Yun."

Wen Xi walked over in a hurry on high heels.

Zhou Yun turned around and saw Wen Xi, and immediately smiled, "Wen Xi, you're here!"

Wen Xi asked, "Aren't you late?"

"Song Chi is organizing a reporter's Q&A." Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wen Xi, "This time I really troubled you, so I hurriedly asked you to come over and help."

"It's okay, it's a little thing, I'm fine right now." Wen Xi patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder and said, "Then I'll go to touch up my makeup first. Is there a rest room?"

Zhou Yun immediately looked at Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, take Miss Wenxi to the lounge."

Zhou Yun said to Wen Xi, "Wen Xi, I'll call you later."

Wen Xi nodded.

Five minutes later, Gu Huaichun also arrived.

Zhou Yun asked Liu Yun to send him to the lounge, and he was really relieved.

When the reporter's interview session was about to end, a reporter suddenly asked, "Mr. Song Chi, is Ms. Zhou Yun not here today?"

Song Chi smiled indifferently and looked at the other party.

The reporter felt a little guilty when Song Chi's eyes met him, but when he thought about the possible benefits of asking, he regained his courage and said, "We saw someone broke the news on the Internet that Zhou Yun dated a man last night. Do you know about this?"

The reporter who asked this question like an idiot was Sun Hee.

Why is Sun Xi willing to take this trip by himself, just to get a red envelope.

He had just entered this line of work, and it was the time when his ambitions were high.

Song Chi looked at the awkward reporter, smiled, and asked, "Did you just start this job?"


"Because, generally, only journalists who have just started this industry don't know that man?" Song Chi said, "Wei Heyun and my Xiaoyun are friends, and the general entertainment journalists know it, not even the person who broke the news yesterday. Say they are dating, know they are friends, how did you say it became a date?"

Sun Xi's expression froze for a moment.

Several reporters around burst out laughing and quickly covered their mouths.

Seeing this, Sun Xi knew that he had made a big oolong.


"Since you are just starting out in the industry, I won't argue with you, and don't ask me about such unfounded rumors and scandals in the future." Song Chi said calmly, "Today is the press conference of "Being a Mother". Everyone pay attention to our drama, not some boring gossip."

Sun Xi's expression turned embarrassing, but he couldn't let it go.

Just sat down like this, where else should he put his face?
"But, Mr. Song, today is the press conference of "Being a Mother", and the leading lady, Ms. Zhang Hongyu, is not coming. Didn't you invite other celebrities to attend?"

Sun Xi didn't say this directly, but anyone who understands can tell that Sun Xi is criticizing today's press conference, the stars are too dim.

Song Chi smiled slightly.

Amidst the discussion, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey, who said there was no invitation?" Gu Huaichun appeared in the audience with a microphone in his hands, stepped onto the stage, and said with a smile, "It's a good thing I'm salivating."

The moment Gu Huaichun appeared on the stage, the reporters were in a commotion.

The camera is on him.

Taking pictures, taking pictures, and recording videos, I was very busy all of a sudden.

Song Chi turned his head to see Gu Huaichun, smiled, and in front of everyone, the two embraced.

Song Chi said, "You're here."

Gu Huaichun hooked Song Chi's shoulders affectionately, "That must come."

The two of them stood on the stage as good brothers, and let everyone take pictures for a long time before getting to the point.

A reporter asked questions.

"Gu Huaichun, are you and Song Chi good friends?"

Gu Huaichun said: "Isn't this nonsense? I am such a good friend with Xiaoyun. If I want to be friends with Brother Chi, what am I thinking? By the way, you all remember to promote the drama "Mother" more .”

"Gu Huaichun, have you seen Song Chi and Zhou Yun falling in love, have you ever thought about when you will end being single?"

"This is my personal matter, why are you so gossip? You are more gossip than my parents, but let me tell you, people like you are definitely loyal viewers of "Being a Mother", and the promotion work must be arranged."

"Gu Huaichun, were you invited by Song Chi or Zhou Yun to attend the press conference today?"

"Two of your classmates in high school got married and invited you to the wedding. Did the guy invite you or the girl invite you? Why are they divided into Song Chi and Zhou Yun? You just deliberately dig a hole for me here ? You have to write a big article to promote the drama "Being a Mother", otherwise I won't be interviewed by your media next time."

The reporter group was speechless.

Each of Gu Huaichun's answers was followed by the promotion of "Being a Mother", which left them speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

Song Chi saw Gu Huaichun come on stage, and in a few words, the whole venue was heated up, so he let Gu Huaichun play.

He signaled the host to control the scene, and he stepped off the stage and went to the backstage.

"Why is Gu Huaichun so lively now?" Song Chi asked, still a little surprised.

Zhou Yun said: "Who knows, I was shocked, but his mouth is as powerful as ever."

"Who are you talking about?"

At this time, Wen Xi changed his clothes and walked out slowly.

She is tall and tall, basically as long as she doesn't dress indiscriminately, she can't go wrong.

As the leading supermodel in China, no matter when she appears, her image is always beautiful.

Zhou Yun looked at Wen Xi in surprise, and said, "Sister Wen Xi, you look so beautiful in this dress."

Wen Xi said with a smile: "You are interested, and you even borrowed a skirt for me."

"Then I can't let you come to help, and let you sacrifice your own image." Zhou Yun smiled, "Please, by the way, Miss Wen Xi, don't mention that I am also on the scene later, otherwise those reporters will definitely The one who tried so hard to find me, alas, a photo with Wei Heyun suddenly popped up."

Wen Xi nodded: "Okay."


On stage, Gu Huaichun was still talking about stand-up comedy by himself.

"Brother Chi is so awesome. As a producer, I dare to make subjects that others dare not do, and it is not tailor-made for myself. I really admire it." Gu Huaichun said, "Please also support me a lot. , Our industry needs to be more diversified in order to look better, we want to shoot more diverse themes, and we also need everyone's help."

"Then have you considered the issue of transformation? If you were asked to act in a work with the theme of "Being a Mother", would you act?" A reporter asked.

Gu Huaichun said: "I have never considered the issue of transformation, because I have always only read scripts, and I don't use a certain type to restrict myself. It's just because I became popular because of idol dramas, so I came to find my drama, basically They are all idol dramas, and there are very few scripts like "Being a Mother" who come to me, and you are welcome to recommend me to other producers and come to me to act."

Gu Huaichun fended off this somewhat sensitive question with all his might.

For him, Yue Hai would definitely not let him act in a TV series with this kind of theme.

Yue Hai wants to ensure his screen image, especially in the hearts of fans.

Gu Huaichun has never failed a drama so far, which makes the producers who want to cooperate with him flock to him.

In comparison, Gu Huaichun is very popular, and his salary is not as high as that of Song Chi, which means "high quality and low price".

Gu Huaichun chatted with the reporters for a while, until Song Chi appeared with a message.

"Wen Xi!"

The moment the reporters saw Wen Xi, there was another cry of surprise.

Wen Xi's public popularity may not be as high as that of actors and singers, but among the audience who pay attention to entertainment news, she has a lot of fame and popularity.

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the lively shouts coming from ahead.

It seems that this press conference was a success.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief now."

"Yes, finally." Zhou Yun said.

Because Gu Huaichun and Wen Xi appeared as guests in surprise, the media reporters were all pleasantly surprised.

After the press conference, Song Chi talked about having dinner together in the evening.

But Gu Huaichun wanted to leave in a hurry.

"I still have a program to record, it will start soon, and I will eat it next time." Gu Huaichun came and went in a hurry, and left quickly.

It wasn't until this time that Zhou Yun had the time to spare his hands to respond to the hot discussion on the Internet.

It's on the hot search again, so don't even think about it.

Zhou Yun logged on to Weibo and posted a response on Weibo: The owner of the melon said that the owner of the melon is waiting for "Mother" to be broadcast, and he is eager, so don't disturb.

Her fans left a message: Hahahahahahaha.

Soon thereafter, Gu Huaichun's speech at the press conference of "Being a Mother" also aroused heated discussions.

One of the entries became a hot search: Gu Huaichun really worked hard to promote her as a mother.

Someone edited a collection of Gu Huaichun's answers to reporters' questions, sorting out the part that Gu Huaichun must bring "Mother" to the stage at the end of each answer.

People who don't know "Being a Mother" thought it was Gu Huaichun's new play.

Fans of Gu Huaichun said one after another: Gu Huaichun didn't even put so much effort in promoting his new drama.

Song Chi has been answering the phone, and the people in charge of all parties related to "Being a Mother" are contacting him to discuss some follow-up matters.

Seeing that he couldn't stop for a while, Zhou Yun and Wen Xi didn't wait for him, and chatted while eating.

"I saw the news that Director Jiang was injured on the set, what's going on?" Wen Xi asked.

"It's not a serious injury, but I have to recuperate in the hospital for a few days, so I'm free today." Zhou Yun said, "I was supposed to be on stage today, but suddenly someone sent me a message with Wei Heyun." Photos, there is no way, I have to ask you to help."

Wen Xin: "I happen to be in BJ, and I have a commercial shooting tomorrow."

She didn't move her chopsticks much, and basically ate two mouthfuls of vegetables.

Zhou Yun asked: "Are these dishes not to your taste?"

"No, I have to control it tonight." Wen Xi said, "My habit, there is a shoot the next day, and I couldn't make myself feel full the day before."


At this time, Song Chi finished a phone call and came back.

"Xiaoyun, when are you going back to the set?" Song Chi sat down and asked.

"I'll go back tomorrow morning. You should hurry up and eat something. I've been busy." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi nodded and picked up the bowl and chopsticks.

"Song Chi, why don't you create a play and let Zhou Yun do it?" Wen Xi suddenly asked with a smile.

Song Chi just took a bite, and when he heard Wen Xi's question, he smiled and said, "I have prepared a few notebooks for her, but she has already accepted a lot of dramas, and the schedule is too full, so I don't want her to too busy."

Zhou Yun only knew that Song Chi had prepared a script for her and Yu Zhiyang, but he hadn't heard Song Chi say anything else.

She said: "I'm really tired now, I really need to take a good rest after filming the films I'm currently on."

Wen Xi nodded.

"You have been in a lot of dramas in the past two years, and I have watched several of them." Wen Xi said.

She asked Song Chi: "Are you going to shift your focus to behind-the-scenes production now? You have only broadcast two dramas in the past two years."

Song Chi said: "I have been filming, but the post-production time of some scenes is longer, and some scenes are still under pressure and have not been scheduled to be broadcast. This is beyond my control."

"You have started your own company now, why don't you find a film where you can star in?" Wen Xi said, "Actually, I am also a little curious. You are like "Mother", where Zhang Hongyu was invited to star, but you didn't act in it." , You are seriously transforming into the identity of a producer."

"No, if there is a suitable role for me in "Being a Mother", I will act it, but the point is that there is no one." Song Chi said, "I can't ask the screenwriter to add a role for me."

"He just finished filming a movie, "The Man Who Do Nothing"." Zhou Yun said to Wen Xi, "He started this company more because he wanted to make something that the mainstream market would not make, but he liked it very much. play."

Wen Xi: "Wow."

Zhou Yun turned to Song Chi and asked, "By the way, you also asked for leave from the crew today?"

Song Chi is filming "Jianyuntai".

Song Chi nodded and said, "I asked for a day off."

Zhou Yun asked: "But sister Hongyu can't come today, why do you still have this press conference?"

Generally speaking, the leading actor will definitely come to the press conference.

If the lead actor can't come, what is the need for this press conference?

Song Chi said: "I can't wait any longer. "Being a Mother" was finally aired, and I got the schedule. If I waited for Sister Hongyu to come over to hold the press conference, the schedule would have been snatched away by others."

"Being a Mother" is a TV series, and it is broadcast on the stars at the same time.

Zhou Yun: "No wonder."

"Each platform also needs to attract investment. If the press conference is not done, advertisers will not be optimistic about this drama." Song Chi explained, "So no matter how rushed it is, we still have to do it."

"It's been hard work." Zhou Yun helped Song Chi pick up the bowl and scooped up soup for him.

Song Chi smiled.

"Thank you." Song Chi said, "I made you run."

"Anyway, the production crew has stopped filming, so if you're idle, you're idle." Zhou Yun shook his head, "You didn't tell me earlier."

"I didn't intend to invite friends to help me out on the stage. I'm not sure about this drama either."

"It is precisely because you are not sure that you need a friend's platform." Zhou Yun said seriously, "I find it strange that you didn't invite your friends to participate in such a big press conference."

(End of this chapter)

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