Chapter 617
After Zhou Yun asked this sentence, he regretted it.

She knew that Song Chi had few friends among his peers in this industry.

But she forgot.

Song Chi has a wide network of people and knows a lot of people. If he really needs to ask for help, Song Chi will definitely be able to invite many people.

This is not worth the candle.

Zhou Yun was able to invite Wen Xi and Gu Huaichun here because he thought that the relationship with these two people could be regarded as true friends, and besides a little interest, there was also a little affection in it.

But Song Chi didn't have such a friend.

The road to fame he took back then was more arduous and arduous, the more talented he was, the more he made enemies on all sides.

In addition, Zuo Jing, the brokerage company at that time, only wanted him to be a cash cow, and basically did not give him personal space in the early stage.

Others needed Song Chi's help, but Song Chi couldn't.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, it's that his company restricts him from helping.

Everyone thinks Song Chi is disloyal and impersonal.

Later, Song Chi worked hard to get a lot of voice, but he had already reached a position that his peers could not hold a candle to.

Everyone has a lot of respect for him, but no closeness.

This is the situation Zhou Yun will encounter now.

Song Chi started to meet a long time ago.

Especially those young actors who debuted around the same time as Song Chi, how could they be willing to bow their heads in front of Song Chi.

But Song Chi didn't ask them to do this, the public opinion environment and the attitude of the media would require them to do so.

The result of this is that everyone alienates Song Chi even more.

Only someone like Gu Huaichun, who debuted after a few years with Song Chi, can accept the fact that Song Chi's status is very high, calm down his mentality, and be able to joke with Song Chi on stage.

Song Chi said to Zhou Yun: "Originally Sister Hongyu promised to come. If she comes, I don't think there is any need to invite others. But she can't come temporarily, and you just happened to be able to come again, so I didn't look for it again." other people."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

It turned out that Zhang Hongyu couldn't come temporarily?
"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "I thought you couldn't save face and ask a friend to help you stand."

Song Chi stroked Zhou Yun's hair, smiled and said nothing.


Wen Xi answered a phone call and motioned for her to go to the side to answer the phone.

Zhou Yun nodded.

When Wen Xi left the table, only Song Chi and a few actors from the "Mother" crew were left on the table.

Several actors in the crew of "Being a Mother" are all unfamiliar faces, especially those who play Zhang Hongyu's son and daughter are teenagers and girls.

They sat in the crowd a little greenly, their eyes looked around curiously, but they dared not speak.

Zhou Yun turned his gaze to them, laughed, and said, "I'm not in front of the stage today, and I don't know your names yet. May I get to know you?"

The youngest, fifteen years old, was a girl with a pretty oval face, pursed lips, and clear eyes.

She said, "My name is Wenzhi."

"Are you in junior high school now?" Zhou Yun asked.

This girl looks very quiet, but her temperament is very dignified and generous.

Wenzhi replied, "I'm already in the freshman year of high school."

Zhou Yun nodded, then looked at the boy sitting on Wen Zhi's right.

He is not tall and thin, and he doesn't look very handsome at first glance, but he looks very lively, and he is not stage-frightened. When Zhou Yun looked at him, he immediately opened his mouth and said: "Hello, Miss Xiaoyun, my name is Zhang Zeshan, This year, I'm in the third year of high school, and I'm going to take the college entrance examination soon."

When people smile, they smile brightly.

Zhou Yun asked: "Are you preparing to take the acting school entrance exam?"

Zhang Zeshan nodded and said, "My grades are so poor that I can only take the acting school."

"The professional exam should be soon, right?"

"Hurry up, I'm currently participating in a training camp, and I was only released for a day today." Zhang Zeshan said slickly, "Sister Xiaoyun, I like acting very much, if you have a chance, take me with you."

People are so proactive.

Zhou Yun smiled and nodded, "Okay, I will take you to act together if there is a suitable opportunity, but why don't you let Brother Chi take you to act?"

Zhang Zeshan glanced at Song Chi who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, shook his head, and said, "acting with the boss is too stressful, he always scolds me."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and looked at Song Chi, "You signed him?"

Song Chi whispered, "I have signed all these children."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's quite eye-catching."

Probably out of the mentality of loving the house and Wu, Zhou Yun looked at the few children and felt close to them in his heart.

"Xiaoyun, Song Chi, I have to leave first." Wen Xi hurried over and said goodbye to them, "I have something to do, so I'm leaving first, bye."

Seeing Wen Xi's haste, Zhou Yun asked, "Is there something urgent about you or something?"

Wen Xi said, "A little personal matter."

Wen Xi said so, Zhou Yun is not easy to ask.

"Do you have a car to pick you up? Do you want me to arrange a car to take you?" Song Chi asked.

Wen Xi hurried over, her driver might not be waiting for her.

Wen Xi said, "It's okay, I drove here by myself."

Wen Xi left.

In a hurry.

Zhou Yun: "I don't know what Sister Wen Xi is going to deal with, so anxious."

She put down her chopsticks and said to Song Chi, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Okay." Song Chi nodded.

Zhou Yun got up and went to the restroom of the hotel.

She came to the sink, washed her hands first, and was about to turn around and go in.

Suddenly someone came out from inside.

"Hey, you said that Zhou Yun is really amazing. I really admire her for her date with Wei Heyun, a lonely man and a widow, and the next day without changing her face. If it were my boyfriend, she would have Got into a fight with me."

"If you had a face like hers, your boyfriend would be reluctant to quarrel with you."


The chatter and laughter of the two stopped abruptly.

Because they saw Zhou Yun in front of the sink.

The expressions of the two people were particularly at a loss, and for a moment they seemed to not know what to say to find a way for themselves.

Obviously, what the two of them said just now has been heard by Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun's eyes fell on the two of them, and there was a force that was not angry and self-imposing.

The two of them took a step back in unison.

Zhou Yun stared at them for two seconds before speaking, "Please let me go."

The two girls immediately turned around and gave way to Zhou Yun in the middle aisle.

Zhou Yun walked between the two of them expressionlessly.

The two girls ran away, not even caring about washing their hands.

Zhou Yun heard the footsteps of the two running away, so he turned around and glanced at their backs.

She raised her eyebrows slightly.


"Actually, I also heard that sister Zhou Yun was going to be on stage today, but I don't know why she didn't come on stage again, obviously everyone came." Zhang Zeshan said.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun both left the dinner table, and the other seniors also went to chat with familiar people at other tables, leaving only a few young actors still sitting here.

Several people inevitably chatted about the fact that Zhou Yun was not on stage today.

Another actress named Zeng Daili immediately said: "Didn't you see today's hot search? Someone broke the news and took a photo of Zhou Yun dating a strange man last night. Today, many people on the Internet are saying that Zhou Yun is cheating." .”

"That's fake news." Zhang Zeshan waved his hand, "I thought you were going to say something, that person's name is Wei Heyun, and he's a good friend of Sister Zhou Yun, I know all about it."

"What a good friend, sister Zhou Yun is already with the boss, so she shouldn't go out alone with another man at night."

"Not going out alone, sister Zhou Yun's driver has been with them all the time."

"Driver?" Zeng Daili smiled contemptuously and said, "What is this?"

"Do you think sister Zhou Yun is really cheating?" Wen Zhi suddenly asked.

Zeng Daili spread her hands, put on an expression of "how do I know?", pouted, and said, "But doing this is easy to attract people's tongues. No matter whether Sister Zhou Yun really cheated, the boss didn't say anything. Let's just pretend nothing happened."

"You'd better control your mouth. If sister Zhou Yun hears you say these words, it's up to you to do." Zhang Zeshan smiled.

Zeng Daili shrugged her shoulders, "There are only you and Wenzhi here, and you two won't speak out."


Song Chi stood at the door of the hotel with Wu Chengbao.

Both are smoking.

Song Chi didn't smoke before, but recently he started smoking too.

He kept this matter from Zhou Yun and didn't tell her.

Wu Chengbao said: "I had a phone call with both Hongcheng Satellite TV and Lizi Video. They were all satisfied with the results of today's press conference. The four hot search terms allowed them to communicate with the leaders above."

"how much did you spend?"

"All together, three million, just for this press conference." Wu Chengbao sighed with a smile, "Nowadays, publicity really burns money, even more than the production process."

"How about the viewing volume of the trailer of "Being a Mother" on Lizi Video?"

"It's okay, it's not particularly high. This drama, I told you, if you want to do it, I support you, but we can't have too high expectations, the subject matter is too restricted." Wu Chengbao said, "Now The drama has already been sold, and with the early implantation, we have already paid back the cost, and we will see the performance of the drama later, and then decide how much additional publicity funds will be added later.”

"Thanks for your hard work."

"I'm fine, I'm working with wages." Wu Chengbao smiled, "It's Xiaoyun who worked hard today, and in such an emergency, he invited Gu Huaichun and Wen Xi."

"She's also kind to her friends."

"Yes." Wu Chengbao nodded, "Old Song, I think you have to learn from Xiaoyun. Look at her, she is absolutely unambiguous when it is time to trouble others. This interpersonal relationship, it is you who trouble me and me. You, help each other."

"Okay, don't do ideological education work for me, I'm going back to the crew to film soon." Song Chi said, "The next drama will be up to you."

"Don't put so much pressure on me, okay? This is the first drama we officially broadcast, and it's a victory when it's aired." Wu Chengbao said, "In order to get the schedule, I accompanied the grandchildren of Hongcheng Satellite TV to drink A week of drinking will hurt my stomach."

Song Chi patted Wu Chengbao on the shoulder.

"Thank you."

"Come on, I won't ask you for this thank you. Are you full?" Wu Chengbao said, "You have to go on your way later in the evening, don't be hungry again."

Song Chi said, "I ate a lot just now."


Wu Chengbao turned his neck, gave himself a pinch, and said, "Today we have achieved a phased victory. Go back to sleep at night and continue fighting tomorrow."


Song Chi returned to the restaurant.

"What did you go for?" Zhou Yun, who had already returned, asked him.

"I went to chat with Wu Chengbao." Song Chi grabbed Zhou Yun's hand, kneaded it lightly, and said, "I'm going back to the set later, where do you stay tonight?"

"Sister Lan has already booked a hotel for us, are you going back to the set so late?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is it too late to go back tomorrow morning?"

"There will be filming tomorrow morning, so I have to go to the set tonight." Song Chi explained.

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "Then you go quickly, don't waste time, leave early, arrive early."

Song Chi said, "I'll stay with you for a while, and I'll take you back to the hotel."

"What do you want to give here? They are all here." Zhou Yun said, "You should hurry up, don't waste time."

Song Chi nodded.

After Zhou Yun sent Song Chi away, he was also preparing to go back to the hotel.

Suddenly, a drunk old actor stopped Zhou Yun's way and said, "Xiao Yun, what you did is wrong, why don't you have a drink with all of us?"

Zhou Yun was startled when someone blocked his way.

Immediately someone grabbed the actor's hand and said, "Brother Hu, Brother Hu, you're drunk!"

The old actor pushed him away and yelled, "I'm drunk, why am I drunk!"

Both Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun had already guarded Zhou Yun's front.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, let's leave him alone and go first."

The people next to him were all from the project "Being a Mother". Seeing this, they all came forward to help Zhou Yun out of the siege.

"Brother Hu, can I drink with you?"

"That's right, Brother Hu, what are you doing with Zhou Yun for a drink? She's not an actress on the crew of "Being a Mother."


The actor named Brother Hu shouted loudly: "What's wrong with her not being an actress of "Being a Mother"? Is she a junior? The junior sees the elder, shouldn't he toast?"

His voice is so loud that no one can hold it back.

For a time, the scene was a little awkward.

Zhou Yun stood in place, locked on by everyone's eyes, she could only smile calmly.

"Then Song Chi has worked so hard. It took a group of us to film this drama with great difficulty. Song Chi asked me to help him film this drama. I came without saying a word. Then she, as Song Chi's daughter My friend, can't I afford her a glass of wine?"

Brother Hu looked at Zhou Yun, "Or do you mean you don't care about Song Chi at all? Are you really in love with him?"

The audience was silent.

Zhou Yun's hands were trembling slightly.

Harmful eyes shot from all around, and murmurs of discussion had already started.

Zhou Yun held his breath in his heart and couldn't get out for a while.

"What are you talking about!" At this moment when Zhou Yun suddenly felt helpless, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly scolded, "Sister Xiaoyun and Brother Chi have a good relationship, everyone's eyes can see it, you are an old and disrespectful guy What nonsense!"

"That's right, I'm not sober when I'm drunk!" Zhang Zeshan also stood up to help.

(End of this chapter)

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