I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 618 Toast to you 2 glasses of wine

Chapter 618 Toast You Two Glasses of Wine

Zheng Xiaoju and Zhang Zeshan's rebuttals were resounding.

Until this time, Wu Chengbao came back from outside the hotel and saw the situation inside. He was stunned and didn't know what happened. He pulled someone over to ask about the situation, and slapped himself on the forehead.

Damn, what is this called?
Wu Chengbao glanced at the drunk actor with disgust, pushed aside the others, and walked into the center circle.

He was about to speak, when Brother Hu suddenly laughed and said, "What are you two talking about? Nine out of ten of these female stars are not clean. What are you talking about helping her? Song Chi Didn't say anything!"

"Damn you!" Wu Chengbao glared at the man directly, "What are you doing? Pull him out to sober up! After drinking, his brain becomes twisted, and his brain is full of pig shit!"

When Brother Hu saw Wu Chengbao, a powerful figure, he still felt a little reflexively afraid.

But being reprimanded in front of so many people and encouraged by alcohol, Brother Hu couldn't swallow it.

"Wu Chengbao, don't fucking think you're a producer and just--woo! Woooo!!"

Before he finished cursing, someone covered his mouth and dragged him out.

Then Wu Chengbao turned to look at Zhou Yun, and said to her: "Xiaoyun, I'm sorry, this kind of thing happened, and you were shocked. That person just drank too much, and he couldn't talk out of his head. If you talk nonsense, don't take it to heart. go."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly, shook his head, and signaled that he didn't care about it.

She thought about the words she had heard before.

She realized that there was a problem. If she didn't respond to this matter in public, these people would always gossip behind her back.

It's okay to hurt her with these rumors, they have nothing to do with her anyway, but these words will affect Song Chi.

In this social environment, if a man is green, he will be looked down upon to some extent.

Zhou Yun didn't want Song Chi to be affected like this.

She settled her mind, turned to Zheng Xiaoju and said, "Xiaoju, help me find a cleaner cup."

Zheng Xiaoju went immediately.

Zhou Yun glanced at Zhang Zeshan who stood up to speak for her just now, and said, "Xiaoshan, go and help me get the wine on the table."

Zhang Zeshan was taken aback for a moment, but also went in response.

Everyone looked at Zhou Yun in bewilderment, wondering what she was trying to do.

Everyone looked at each other.

Wu Chengbao didn't know what Zhou Yun was going to do, so he looked at Zhou Yun suspiciously.

He lowered his voice: "Xiaoyun, what are you?"

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju and Zhang Zeshan came over with wine and clean glasses.

Zhou Yun received it, poured half a glass of wine into the glass, lifted it up, looked at everyone, and said, "Everyone, someone reminded me just now that I didn't toast you a glass of wine. Think about it, what they said is true." That's right, everyone has worked so hard to make the drama "Being a Mother" and have been busy until today. It is really not easy. I have to toast and congratulate everyone. The previous hard work will soon bear fruit! "

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what Zhou Yun's intention was.

But Zhou Yun drank it all in one gulp, everyone froze for two seconds, Wu Chengbao was the first to applaud, and said: "Okay! Xiaoyun is so sassy!"

Under the leadership of the producer, everyone applauded.

Zhou Yun smiled, gave the wine glass to Zheng Xiaoju, continued to smile, and said, "Everyone knows that today I was here to attend the press conference with you, but before the press conference started, someone broke the news on the Internet that I and another A date with a strange man has aroused a lot of discussion on the Internet. In order not to affect the smooth progress of the press conference, I discussed it with Song Chi and decided not to show up. However, I hope everyone will not think it is because of me and Song Chi Really affected by these rumors and untrue rumors, there are conflicts between the two. I like Song Chi very much. He is my boyfriend and I am also his girlfriend. We are in a relationship, but we also have We have our own circles of work and friends, so it is inevitable that people will be photographed like last night, but Song Chi and I fully trust each other, and I hope that everyone will not be affected by these voices."

"No, no, how come? That person is obviously Wei Heyun, we all know each other." Wu Chengbao said.

Zhou Yun nodded: "There is no way, I also often receive some anonymous messages telling me that Song Chi is close to a certain woman, or some similar news, I also know that there must be many people who think that I am with a certain woman This man behaved too intimately, thinking that Song Chi was cheated by me. Others said that, I have no choice but also don't want to explain anything to them, because in the end, Song Chi and I are in love, apart from us Two, it has nothing to do with you, but because everyone here today is a colleague who works with Song Chi, if others misunderstand, it may not affect anything, but if you misunderstand, it will affect him and work , so please don’t spread and discuss these rumors in private, especially the ideas that are speculated based on personal evidence.”

She poured herself another half glass of wine and raised it, "I've finished what I want to say, and I'll toast everyone!"

After speaking, she drank it in another gulp.

She smiled and put down the glass, "Good night everyone!"

She walked away with a bright smile.

Wu Chengbao was shocked, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Zhou Yun's actions just now were beyond his expectation, and he didn't know how to react.

But what happened just now will definitely reach Song Chi's ears.

What would Song Chi think?
Zhou Yun was wronged tonight.If possible, Wu Chengbao really wanted to beat Liu Hu up.This kind of actor who relies on the old to sell the old has caused such a big incident!


Zhou Yun got into the car, and his back was straight until he relaxed.

Zheng Xiaoju asked with concern: "Sister Xiaoyun, are you okay? You drank so much wine in one go."

Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "This little wine is nothing."

Zheng Xiaoju knew that Zhou Yun could drink, so she didn't doubt Zhou Yun's words.

"Sister Xiaoyun, if that person lost his nerve just now, don't take it to heart." Zheng Xiaoju comforted, "That person looked like he had drunk too much alcohol, lost his mind, and began to feel that he was awesome."

"I didn't take it to heart, don't worry." Zhou Yun said, "Xiaoyu, I'll rest for a while, call me when I get to the hotel."

"Okay." After Zheng Xiaoju heard this, he stopped talking.

Zhou Yun closed his eyes, but he wasn't sleeping.

She just felt a little tired and wanted to be alone for a while.

She leaned her head against the car window.

The car window was a little cool, which relieved some of her stuffy heat.

The words she said in front of everyone just now flashed back in her mind, and she felt embarrassed for a moment, wondering if she had done it before.

However, at that time, she had a sigh of relief in her heart, and she just wanted to do this.

It was as if a voice was telling her to do it.

Zhou Yun raised a hand and covered his face.


On a small road not far from the restaurant where we had dinner just now, Lin Xiaomiao was standing under the street lamp, kicking the stones under his feet in boredom.

A figure approached stealthily from a distance, looking around while approaching, as if afraid of being discovered by others.

Lin Xiaomiao looked at this man and sneered.

She has seen this kind of attitude a lot.

The man approached cautiously, saw her, and said in a low voice, "This time it's a big hit. There's a video. If it's less than [-], I won't give it."

Lin Xiaomiao glanced at this person sternly, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, let's see what it is first."

The man immediately took out his mobile phone with ease and opened a video file.

Zhou Yun was satirized by the actor named Brother Hu in the restaurant just now, and the whole process of toasting and talking to everyone was recorded, all in this video.

Lin Xiaomiao read it again and smiled coldly.

"This is nothing big, let's put it down." She waved her hand disdainfully, "I thought you called me out in such a cold weather, there is something really big, it's all you have been doing for a long time."

Seeing Lin Xiaomiao's attitude, the man became anxious.

"Isn't this big news? It was posted, and the number of hits exceeded [-] million in minutes."

"Come on." Lin Xiaomiao said, "This thing looks like a bluff, but in fact it has no real goods, nothing of substance, and it is easy to be sued by Zhou Yun's team. It's [-], and you sell it for [-]." I don't even want it."

Seeing that Lin Xiaomiao's attitude was so determined, the man was not so sure for a while.

"Wait, don't, how can this video be a hot search?"

"How can being on the trending search help me?" Lin Xiaomiao said, "What we want is news headlines that can be published in a serious manner, and things that can be realized."

"That's how much, you give me a price, I took such a big risk to take it, so it's not worthless, right?"

"It's not about whether it's worth it or not, it's about your stuff, it's hard to cash in." Lin Xiaomiao said, "Forget it, you've known me for a long time, so it's good not to dampen your enthusiasm. Well, this video, I’ll count it as your hard work. For me, I only earn a traffic fee, and I can’t earn much. Let’s talk about the price, eight thousand. If you are happy, then we will make a deal. If you are not happy, we will not talk nonsense. , you find someone else."

This price is obviously lower than the psychological price of this person.

But Lin Xiaomiao's attitude made this person a little uncertain for a while. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth, nodded, and said, "Okay, eight thousand is eight thousand."

"Don't feel like you're losing money, just shoot a video, you don't have to do anything, you don't have to take any risks, and you can earn [-] yuan for nothing." Lin Xiaomiao checked the copied video, and directly transferred the money to someone on the spot, saying: "No Like us, after posting this thing, we still face the risk of being sued.”

"That is, that is."

The phone rang, indicating that the transfer had been received.

The man didn't stay any longer, nodded, turned around and went back sneakily.

Lin Xiaomiao looked at this man's back and sneered again.

She waved to a car parked at the corner of the street, the car started immediately, drove over, and stopped in front of Lin Xiaomiao.

Lin Xiaomiao got into the car and took a long breath.

"I'm freezing to death, okay, tonight is destined to be a long night, work, and add chicken legs tomorrow!"

The people in the car did not complain, but cheered.

What I eat is this hard meal.


Before Zhou Yun arrived at the hotel, Song Chi called.

As soon as Zhou Yun saw Song Chi's name displayed on the caller's name, he immediately understood what he was calling for.

She answered the phone and said, "Don't apologize to me, and don't worry about my emotions, I've adjusted it."

Song Chi was blocked by Zhou Yun, unable to speak.

There was a moment of silence.

"You left me speechless." Song Chi said helplessly.

Zhou Yun: "I knew that someone must have tipped you off."

"Stop talking, I was so angry when I heard this." Song Chi said speechlessly, "As soon as I left, they made such a thing for me, or did this to you, I I have already told Wu Chengbao that our company will no longer cooperate with the person who spoke rudely to you tonight, and I will not cooperate with him again."

Zhou Yun hummed.

"Okay, that's it, don't worry about it, it's nothing." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't say those things for this matter, I know there are many people behind Talking about gossip, talking about you, talking about me, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say something, I thought, no matter what, most people should be able to listen to it? Others follow the same words and listen to rumors Just fine."

Song Chi: "Xiaoyun, you don't need to explain so much to them, I believe in you, and this is a matter between the two of us, it's enough for us to trust each other."

"No." Zhou Yun said, "Forget about the voices on the Internet, most of the people who came tonight are from your company, or people from the movie "Mother", and they all have a cooperative relationship with you Yes, letting rumors spread will have a bad impact on you and your company."

"It's nothing."

"I think there is something." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want you to be talked about behind your back."

"No matter how much we explain, we can't stop some people's mouths."

"But we must at least draw people who have the ability to distinguish right from wrong into our camp." Zhou Yun said, "If we keep not explaining, those people will be slowly drawn away by those rumor parties."

Song Chi smiled.

"Why is your temper still so big? I remember I praised you not long ago, saying that you have calmed down a lot."

"It's just that I don't care about some things, and I don't get so angry. This matter can't be done." Zhou Yun said.

At this time, the car stopped.

Zheng Xiaoju turned her head from the front co-pilot's seat and whispered, "Sister Xiaoyun, we're here."

Zhou Yun got out of the car and continued to call Song Chi while walking into the hotel.

"Have you arrived at the hotel?" Song Chi asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "What about you?"

"I still have a long time to go. I'll be squinting in the car for a while later." Song Chi said, "Go on, go on, I think it will be fine after a year or two."

"We can only fool ourselves like this."

"This can't be called self-deception." Song Chi said, "Why won't we be so busy all our lives?"

(End of this chapter)

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