Chapter 619

"Who knows, I won't tell you anymore, I'll hang up." Zhou Yun said.

"Okay, hang up."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone and looked at the two people who were walking towards her.

"Are you reporters?" Zhou Yun asked immediately.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"Ms. Zhou, hello, we are not reporters." The taller person on the left said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Chen Ping, and I am a staff member of the Little Star Foundation. This is my colleague. morning."

The shorter person said: "Miss Zhou, I'm very sorry to bother you. I wonder if I could take ten minutes of your time?"

Zhou Yun hesitated for a while and asked, "Do you have any documents that can prove your identity?"

Chen Ping immediately took out his work certificate and handed it to Zhou Yun.

Lu Chenqi then handed over his own.

Zhou Yun opened it and took a look. The stamp, photo, and name all matched.

She handed it to Zheng Xiaoju and said, "Xiaoju, help me check it online."

According to Zhou Yun's instructions, Zheng Xiaoju picked up his mobile phone to check the foundation, and at the same time searched for the information of these two people.

Zhou Yun asked, "What do you two want me for?"

Chen Ping said: "Miss Zhou, it's like this. You made a donation to our foundation before. We plan to use this donation to support children in mountainous areas to go to school. Because you are a star, we came to you abruptly to invite you Come to our donation ceremony."

"Donation? Donation ceremony?"

Zhou Yun didn't even remember that he had donated a sum of money to this Little Star Foundation.

When did this happen?
She does make donations on a regular basis, but it is Zhou Lan's specific operation, and she usually only reads the report every quarter.

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju confirmed the existence of this foundation, and found the information of these two people on the official website to confirm their identities.

She said to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, I have confirmed the identities of the two of them. They are indeed staff members of the Little Star Foundation. There is their information on the official website. In addition, I have also heard of this foundation. Before Sister Lan asked me to sort out the materials, and it should be the foundation that Sister Lan connected with that donated a sum of money in your name."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Confirm with Sister Lan."

She smiled at Chen Ping and Lu Chenqi, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm usually busy with work, so I don't remember where I donated to. First of all, thank you very much for inviting me to participate in this event, but I'm currently working on the set. Filming, you should know when you read the news, I have to go back to the set early tomorrow morning, and I won’t be able to come out for the next few months. No, celebrities and entertainers will be scolded for showing off if they do something good, I just want to do something within my ability, thank you."

Chen Ping and Lu Chenqi looked at each other.

Chen Ping said: "Miss Zhou, why don't you think about it again? We...need your help."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was slightly stunned.

Lu Chenqi seemed to be in a hurry. Seeing Zhou Yun's refusal, he finally couldn't help it, and hurriedly said: "Miss Zhou, our Little Star Foundation mainly provides donations and help to children in need. Over the years, we have been working hard To maintain the operation, but there are really too many children who need help. Although we have been working hard to find donations, we still cannot make ends meet. You are a big star. If you are willing to donate to us, you must understand and recognize us. If you are willing to attend Our donation ceremony will definitely allow more people to recognize our Little Star Foundation..."

Zhou Yun waved his hand, not wanting to continue listening.

Chen Ping and Lu Chenqi looked at Zhou Yun suspiciously.

"You two, it's like this. I won't participate in this donation ceremony. In addition, I don't want my name to appear in any publicity reports. When I donated this money, my original intention was to help some people within my ability. I have already explained the reason for doing it to you." Zhou Yun smiled slightly, "I have to rush back to the set early tomorrow morning, sorry, I will go to rest first."

Seeing this, Chen Ping and Lu Chenqi became anxious.

But Zhou Yun completely ignored their persuasion and left.

After entering the elevator, Zheng Xiaoju glanced at her cautiously, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, were you a little angry just now? Why do I feel that you are in a bad mood?"

"Don't donate money to the Little Star Foundation anymore." Zhou Yun said, "I don't feel good about this foundation."

"Ah?" Zheng Xiaoju blinked suspiciously, "Is it because the two of them came to see us in the middle of the night without any prior notice?"

"Xiaoju, don't you think these two people are suspicious?"

"Ah?" Zheng Xiaoju hadn't reacted yet.

"First, you came to us for help, but you didn't say hello in advance, and you didn't contact us officially. You came to me directly. Sister Lan should have arranged someone to help me when you donated. Why did they Ask me for help but you can find me directly?"

"Secondly, my itinerary today is temporarily arranged. How can they know which hotel I'm staying in today, and block me directly?"

"Third, don't you think this is strange? I donated a sum of money to them, but they want me to stand for them? I hope that I can use my influence to get more donations. But they didn’t mention at all which places and which children they donated. When we do film and television projects to talk about directors and actors, we have to bring a detailed project book to talk about it? Do you think they brought any materials?”

Zheng Xiaoju suddenly realized.

"Are they liars? No, there are indeed photos of the two of them on the foundation's official website."

"They may not be liars, but I don't believe them." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, let's not have anything to do with this Little Star Foundation in the future."

"okay, I get it."


Early the next morning, Zhou Yun simply washed up and set off on his way home.

The coordinator sent a message that Director Jiang will be discharged from the hospital today and filming will resume tomorrow.

Zhou Yun told Zheng Xiaoju about the news, saying: "The filming can resume now, it was delayed for two days, it's okay, it's okay, it's good that it didn't delay for a longer time."

"Yes." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Lan has always been worried, afraid that the filming of this drama will be postponed, which will affect the work in the future."

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered something.

Zhou Lan told her that yesterday was the day when the film list of the Berlin International Film Festival was released. Did "Words of Fallen Leaves" not be shortlisted?
So far, there is no news.

She immediately took out her mobile phone and searched for related news.

Sure enough, yesterday the Berlin International Film Festival released the film list, including the shortlisted films in the main competition unit, and "Words of Fallen Leaves" was not among them.

Not only is this film not included in the main competition unit, but also in other units.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

This year's Berlin International Film Festival, there is not a single Chinese film.

Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan.

"Sister Lan, I saw the film list of the Berlin International Film Festival, and "Words of Fallen Leaves" was not shortlisted." Zhou Yun asked, "However, I heard you say that even if it is not shortlisted for the main competition unit, it will enter other units , why didn't I see it?"

Zhou Lan sighed, "I saw a lot of things about you yesterday, and I haven't had time to tell you about it. Originally, this film was going to be a special screening, but Shi Luoqi didn't want it. They didn't want to release "Words of Fallen Leaves" Entering the main competition unit, Shi Luoqi felt that this film deserved higher treatment, and the two sides did not reach an agreement, so she withdrew the film.”

"I see." Zhou Yun said, "Then what will Sister Luo Qi do next?"

Zhou Lan said: "She is in contact with other film festivals, and I guess she still wants to send this film to the film festival."

Zhou Yun didn't think that "Words of Fallen Leaves" must be shortlisted for the main competition, but she could understand Shi Luoqi's thoughts.

If there is no "Behind the Scenes", I won't talk about this, but now that Xue Qin is no longer a fledgling rookie, and the starring lineup has a big star like Zhou Yun, Shi Luoqi must not be reconciled to such a film appearing at the film festival as a special screening.

Back on the set, Zhou Yun first went to the hospital to visit Jiang Xin.

The last time I went to the hospital with Jiang Yuzhen, Jiang Xin was sleeping. This time, Jiang Xin was communicating with several people about the follow-up shooting.

Jiang Xin lay on the bed, the head of the bed was shaken up, and the rest of the crew sat around the bed.

"Little Yun is here."

Someone with sharp eyes saw Zhou Yun appearing at the door of the ward.

Zhou Yun smiled and walked in.

"Director, are you feeling better today?"

"It's almost better." Jiang Xin smiled.

Zhou Yun said: "I came to see you. I didn't expect to meet you guys talking about something. Let's talk slowly. I'll go back first. See you tomorrow."

"Okay." Jiang Xin nodded.

Zhou Yun handed the things he brought to Jiang Xin's assistant and walked out of the ward.

"Wei Heyun?"

She looked at a figure walking in front of her in surprise, and shouted in surprise.

Wei Heyun had a plaster cast on one hand and hung it around his neck, looking miserable.

"What's wrong with you?"

When the two of them met the day before yesterday, Wei Heyun's hands were fine, why did she only go out for a day, and Wei Heyun became like this?
"Are you fractured?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Wei Heyun looked at Zhou Yun unexpectedly.

"Hey, what a coincidence, I can meet you every time I come to the hospital, if this is photographed by paparazzi again, wouldn't it be rumored again?" Wei Heyun teased.

"What kind of gossip, now who would believe the gossip between the two of us?" Zhou Yun stared at the plaster cast on Wei Heyun's right arm and asked, "What's going on?"

"Oh, what else could it be? The ground was icy, and I accidentally slid and fell to the ground. I desperately supported the ground with my hands, but my hands slipped, and I broke my hand just like that. .”

"...sounds like a sitcom."

"Isn't it?" Wei Heyun curled his lips, "If this luck is bad, people will recite the time."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

"You have no conscience, you're still laughing." Wei Heyun said.

Zhou Yun: "You can't blame me for this, it looks so funny."

"Come on, I'm too lazy to tell you, someone is coming to pick me up, so don't worry about me." Wei Heyun said.

"Who's coming to pick you up?" Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Didn't you come here by yourself?"

Wei Heyun's eyebrows danced brightly, he was proud of the spring breeze, and his face was full of spring.

Before he could speak, Zhou Yun suddenly heard a delicate voice shouting: "Old Wei——"

Zhou Yun turned his head to look, and saw a stylishly dressed woman waving at Wei Heyun in front, walking over brightly and gracefully.

The woman looked at her curiously. Even though Zhou Yun was still wearing sunglasses, the woman showed a surprised expression within a few seconds and asked, "You are Zhou Yun, right?"

Zhou Yun took off his sunglasses and smiled kindly.


Wei Heyun wrapped his uninjured arm around the waist of this beautiful woman, and said with a happy face, "Let me introduce you to my true destiny, Ji Hanzi."

What, what?
Destiny girl?

Zhou Yun didn't recover for a while, and was even shocked.

The day before yesterday, the two of them were discussing in the car when Wei Heyun would really let go of Yu Sitian and fall in love with another woman. Why did Wei Heyun bring his one-woman today?
"What's the situation?" Zhou Yun looked at the two people with some surprise, "I didn't hear you mention it when I met you the day before yesterday."

Ji Hanzi showed a shy smile, looked at Wei Heyun with a light in her eyes, and said, "The two of us met yesterday."

"Did you meet yesterday?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

Ji Hanzi said: "It's really a coincidence, I was looking at the photo of him and... your scandal, and then I saw the actor in the photo fell to the ground, very embarrassed, I thought I was dreaming, it was incredible gone."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, this is really incredible.

If it were her, she would think it was too coincidental.

So the two of them just had sex like this?

Zhou Yun looked at Wei Heyun and said, "Ah."

Wei Heyun raised the corner of his mouth and said, "That's right, I'm leaving, see you later."

Zhou Yun let out an oh, and watched the two of them leave.

She put her sunglasses back on and was still in disbelief until she got into the car.

She spoke to Song Chi about it.

Song Chi said: Then maybe these two people just met eyes.

Zhou Yun: No matter how eye-catching, this speed is too fast!
Song Chixiao: Everyone's speed is different.

Zhou Yun: Unbelievable, I was really surprised.

Song Chi suddenly said: Don't tell me, do you know something?Wen Bing broke up with his girlfriend.

Zhou Yun sat up straight, his eyes widened, and he called Song Chi.

"Wen Bing and Windsor broke up?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "When did it happen?"

"I don't know either. Didn't Wen Bing tell you what I just heard?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun: "No, he was still chatting with me about "The Female Killer" two days ago, and he didn't mention it at all."

(End of this chapter)

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