Chapter 620
After Zhou Yun hung up Song Chi's call, he hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should call Wen Bing now.

Wen Bing didn't take the initiative to mention this matter to her. She called and asked rashly. Wen Bing might not be willing to talk about it. Besides, breaking up is an unhappy thing anyway. Wen Bing is in a bad mood. She This pokes the knife again, right?

But Zhou Yun also felt that he and Wen Bing were friends. Since they were true friends, it would be too embarrassing if they didn't make a phone call to ask about the breakup.

In the end it was a phone call.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I was working on the storyboard of "The Female Assassin", and you suddenly called me, what's the matter?" Wen Bing's voice could not hear a trace of abnormality.

Zhou Yun said, "I heard you broke up with Windsor?"

"Hmm." Wen Bing admitted directly without any hesitation.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and asked, "When was it divided? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"I'm still shouting about this kind of thing all over the street?"

"That's right, but this time you broke up with someone, why didn't you see anything unusual about you?" Zhou Yun said, "I have chatted with you these days, and I don't feel that there is anything wrong with you."

Wen Bing sighed and said: "To be honest, I wanted to break up with her a long time ago. When I was with her, I didn't expect her ambition to be so big, nor did she think that she had so many thoughts. "

"I told you a long time ago that the purpose of her being with you is not pure."

"The purpose of this person being with me is not pure and nothing. I can understand. I just thought that as the two of us spend more time together, she will be able to change."

"Change?" Zhou Yun asked, "Do you think you are a Bodhisattva, coming to someone's house to save someone with a destiny?"

Wen Bing: "Your mouth is really bad."

"Oh, no, I thought you already knew she was such a person and didn't care." Zhou Yun said, "Then you two break up, I heard that you still let her work in your team?"

"No, they have already climbed another high branch." Wen Bing said with a waned look, "Why do you care about my one-acre three-point land here?"

"Huh? What kind of high branch did she climb?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing said: "She has gone to Chen Wenjun's company, and Chen Wenjun is willing to give her a chance to work on his company's projects."

Zhou Yun was very surprised: "Chen Wenjun? Why did he appear suddenly?"

"Windsor is also good at dealing with people. She met her before, and she came and went, and the two became familiar with each other." Wen Bing said, "She has always wanted an opportunity to do bigger things. I don't have her place here. , It's normal for her to complain to me."

"Come on, if it wasn't for you, she would still be an ordinary clerk in that law firm." Zhou Yun said, "How did she know Chen Wenjun?"

Wen Bing smiled, "You don't have to comfort me."


"How is the filming of "Chen Yin" going?" Wen Bing asked, "Can the filming be finished on time? We have already seen the scenery here, and we are just waiting for the filming to start in March."

Zhou Yun said: "Don't worry, I can wrap up this drama in January, leaving a buffer time."

"That's good." Wen Bing said, "I saw that director Jiang Xin was injured on the set, and your crew stopped filming. I'm really worried that you won't be able to come over then."

"Shooting will resume tomorrow." Zhou Yun said, "After the filming of "The Female Killer", I really need to take a good rest for a while, and at the end of next year, I will join the filming of "Killing Song". "

"You have a lot of dramas that you haven't seen yet, so you can really take a break." Wen Bing said, "I watched "Four Killers" at the internal preview of Xindun not long ago, and everyone's evaluation was very good. , especially for your evaluation, I think you are quite suitable for making martial arts films. You have a chivalrous spirit, which is rare. Compared with you, the other three are just like students, and the aura of several scenes is dominated by you I'm suppressed, when the movie is released, I guess many people will think you are handsome."

Zhou Yun said: "What do you think of the final effect of this movie?"

"It's a good-looking martial arts movie." Wen Bing said, "However, to be honest, it's not what I expected."

"Huh? How do you say it?"

"How should I put it, it's too neat." Wen Bing said, "Of course, there is nothing to say about the convincing way and pictures of this movie, especially the photography, which is of a high level and very delicate, but I personally think it is just a story. , told a complete story from the beginning to the end, and it was quite interesting, but I didn’t leave much impression after reading it.”

Zhou Yun thought, her premonition came true.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I felt this way when I was filming."

"is it?"

"Well, Yao Yuanfeng has been trying to convince me to make a second film." Zhou Yun said, "I was very unhappy with the filming."

"I have also dealt with Hou Mengjie, and I feel that he is quite a self-important person. You don't like his character, can't you get along with him?"

"It can't be because of this, it's just his way of directing, I can't get used to it." Zhou Yun said, "I can't talk about the specifics, maybe it's also my problem, anyway, I really can't get used to it."

Wen Bing: "I also heard from other people that he asked everyone to listen to him on the set, right?"


"But you are the kind of actor who can't fully listen to the director if you don't trust the director." Wen Bing obviously knows Zhou Yun very well, "However, Xin Dun is quite optimistic about this movie. The box office of movie theaters can reach more than one billion."

"Yao Yuanfeng told me, otherwise why would he want to develop the second film." Zhou Yun said, "He wants to set my schedule in advance."

Wen Bing smiled.

"Compared to filming the second part of "Four Killers", I would rather follow you to shoot a few more "Female Killers"." Zhou Yun said, "They are all action movies, and it is much more comfortable to shoot with you."

"But their box office prospects for "The Female Assassin" are not as high as that of "The Four Killers." Wen Bing said, "But yes, "The Female Assassin" is not made according to the model of a commercial blockbuster, it is still relatively in style. I don't want it to be a popcorn movie either."

"Don't think so, I never think that only popcorn movies can get high box office." Zhou Yun said, "Look at Nolan and Quentin, they are not popcorn movies, they are full of style, but they can win the box office."

"Don't compare me to them, I'm not the same type as them."

"I know, what I mean is, we don't think that stylized and author-type movies won't be liked by the audience. Look at "Days", didn't it exceed everyone's expectations, and won hundreds of millions of box office? Zhou Yun said, "The production company must judge the box office prospects of a movie from the safest point of view. They will do various data analysis reports, but that is not what we want to manage, Wen Bing, We just do the best we can, and that’s it.”

Wen Bing sighed and said: "Stop talking, you don't even know, Xindun has always wanted to add a love scene for you in "The Female Killer", I have rejected them many times, but they are very Be tough, come up with all kinds of... data reports, come and tell me that if they don't do this, the box office of "Female Killer" will be much less, and they want a handsome male lead to increase their bargaining chips to attract female audiences , At the same time, I also want to add a little love element to your character, instead of pure action fighting, there must be a little ambiguity between men and women, so that your character in this movie can be more feminine. "

Zhou Yun's head felt big when he heard it.

"You didn't tell them, didn't I want to?"

"I said it, but they... well, you know what they do."

Zhou Yun was a little annoyed.

"So if you and I add up, they don't take it seriously?" Zhou Yun asked, "Then what will they do if we don't agree in the end?"

Wen Bing said: "Of course they won't do anything, but they will repeatedly emphasize internally that we did not modify the script according to their suggestions, so if the box office is not good in the future, we can't blame them."

Zhou Yun: "I sound a bit over the top, but "One Mountain and Two Tigers" has already been scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival, and the promotional activities should have started by now, right?"

"It's warming up, the movie release promotion is not as long as it used to be, and it's easy to get tired if you start the promotion now." Wen Bing explained.



Zhou Yun thought for a while, and felt that he still needed to call Yao Yuanfeng and communicate with him seriously.

"Mr. Yao." Zhou Yun said to fight, without any hesitation, she didn't have so many scruples about Yao Yuanfeng, "How did I hear that the script of "The Female Killer" hasn't been finalized yet? Isn't it coming in March? Has the filming started yet?"

Yao Yuanfeng laughed and said, "Xiaoyun, we didn't say that we would change the content in the current script, we were just discussing adding a romantic love line for you, just like 007, he doesn't appear in every movie. Is there a big beauty? Only in this way can the audience be attracted."

Zhou Yun said: "But, Mr. Yao, if you add a love line, it will destroy the structure of the current script. This script is originally about a thrilling story of escaping from pursuit. During this exciting process, if you To add a love line, unless it is a one-night stand, how can it be integrated into the script?"

Yao Yuanfeng said: "A one-night stand is also fine. All in all, there must be some romantic elements, so that it can attract more audiences, don't you think?"

"Mr. Yao, no, you have to arrange a love line for her. Wait until the second and third parts. Now that the script has been completely written, it's too strange to add a line all of a sudden." Zhou Yun said "Also, ours is not like 007, it is a more passionate story of punishing evil and promoting good. The character I play is a killer, full of vigilance, and wary of the surroundings. How can it be so easy to fall in love? Well."

Yao Yuanfeng: "Xiao Yun, I understand that you want to insist on artistic creation, but you have to think about it for me. The investment in this movie is so high. If the box office is not good, it will lose money. How can I tell shareholders? Do you explain?"

"Do you think that the third film I collaborated with Director Wen Bing will fail at the box office?" Zhou Yun said, "I thought you believed in our creative ability long ago. Back then, "Days" was not favored by anyone, I also thought it was a boring literary film that couldn’t sell tickets, but you also know that Wen Bing and I are people you know very well, so you need to give us more trust.”

Yao Yuanfeng: "... Xiaoyun, the success of "Days" itself has many unexpected factors. Of course, the most important thing is that you contributed an unparalleled performance, but the cost of "Days" is only a few million. "Female Assassin" is different, with an investment of hundreds of millions, we Xindun can't afford it."

"In the end, you still don't believe that director Wen Bing and I can make you money back." Zhou Yun sighed, "The confidence I gained from others, today's phone call completely destroyed it."

Yao Yuanfeng: "Don't, Xiaoyun, I'm afraid of you, don't say that, I didn't mean that, I, I... okay, like this, you promise me, "Four Killers" Part two you Continue acting, and I promise you that the script of "The Female Assassin" will not be changed for now, okay?"

"Mr. Yao, you are not kind." Zhou Yun snorted, ""One Mountain Two Tigers" will be released soon, and the pre-sale should be very good now, right? With "One Mountain Two Tigers" succeeding first, even if you I don’t believe director Wen Bing and I, but you have to believe that after the success of “One Mountain and Two Tigers”, everyone’s expectations for the spin-off films, I thought I agreed to play “Female Killer”, how could Mr. Yao think of me three-thirds of the time? Well, it turns out that in the eyes of Mr. Yao, this movie is so risky."

"Oh, I'm really afraid of you." Yao Yuanfeng clicked his tongue, "I support you, you are my goddess of luck, if I don't support you, it's not against my goddess of luck, but I'm really not fooling you, hundreds of millions The investment is really risky, you have to give me an explanation before I can deal with those shareholders, don’t you think so?”

"What else can I say? Not only did I agree to star in "You in the Moonlight", but I also recruited Song Chi." Zhou Yun said, "Song Chi and I collaborated for the first time in a movie, and we were acting as a couple. This has given you Xindun, please don't tell me that you don't like the box office of this movie, if that's the case, Song Chi and I should hurry up and move out the schedule."

Yao Yuanfeng: "Stop, stop, stop! It's just you and Song Chi, not to mention anything else, the script of "Female Killer" will be done according to what you and Wen Bing said. I fully trust you two most talented young people This combination will definitely surprise me!"

Zhou Yun: "Look, I said that the friendship between me and Xindun is for a long time. With you here, the cooperation between me and Xindun will last forever."

(End of this chapter)

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