Chapter 621 Three Plays

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief as he settled the script of "The Female Assassin".

"Sister Xiaoyun, it's snowing." Zheng Xiaoju said suddenly

"Really?" Zhou Yun turned his head and looked out the window, where snowflakes were falling rustlingly.

It was a gloomy day, a haze of mountains and mountains.

Every corner of this old city is coated with a layer of dark light by such a haze.

People walking in this city seem to have lost a bit of the brilliance of looking forward to flying.

Almost everyone walked forward with their bodies hunched over the wind.

Zhou Yun knew that it was cold enough outside.

If she was allowed to go out, she would definitely not want to go out.

Windsor and Wen Bing broke up, Wei Heyun found his true destiny again, Yin Zhou and Yu Chu were going to be parents soon, married with a son, and everyone around them was changing.

Life is definitely changing, but knowing this truth will not make her less emotional when faced with changes.

Jiang Xin returned to the crew, and the crew resumed orderly filming.

The confrontation between Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen is already famously "smooth" in the crew, basically there is no NG due to performance problems.

Sometimes Zhou Yun wanted to do another one, and sometimes Jiang Yuzhen wanted to do another one, and Jiang Xin also agreed, although in Jiang Xin's own opinion, this was not necessary, the one just shot was already very good.

But Jiang Xin, as a senior director, knows how to protect the creative passion and state of the actors.

By keeping Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen in this state, the time saved in filming is much more than the time spent filming one or two more films.

Yu Sitian joined the group for several days, but it was never her turn to shoot her own scenes.

She was not idle either. She ran to the set every day and did nothing else. She just stayed next to director Jiang Xin, watched Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen's performances, and asked Jiang Xin for advice from time to time.

Seeing Yu Sitian's gesture, Zhou Yun felt a little admiration in his heart.Think about it, Yu Sitian was able to gain a firm reputation as a "movie flower" before, and she had the ability to cooperate with various famous directors and make movies.Among other things, this studious attitude is second to none.

If Su Yan had a Yu Sitian-like attitude when filming "Ask the Heart", director Jiang Xin probably wouldn't be willing to cooperate with her again.

"By the way, Miss Xiaoyun, the TV series starring Su Yan and Xu Siyao will be aired tonight." Zheng Xiaoju said between filming.

"The drama that the two of them starred in? Oh, I remembered." Zhou Yun asked, "Where is it broadcast?"

"Haijiang Satellite TV and Yuehai Network are connected to the Internet." Zheng Xiaoju said, "There was no news about the airborne one yesterday, and today it was suddenly broadcast on the official announcement website."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun knew as soon as he heard it, then their drama must have grabbed other people's schedule, otherwise they wouldn't have made such a hasty official announcement.

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "Yesterday, Haijiang Satellite TV's official Weibo also announced that "Yijiangchun" starring Gu Huaichun will take over today, but today it suddenly changed and changed to the drama by Su Yan and Xu Siyao. Fans of Huaichun are all making trouble under the official Weibo account of Haijiang Satellite TV."

Zhou Yun laughed when he heard it, and said, "I said, why are you so well informed? So it has something to do with your little brother Gu."

"Yeah." Zheng Xiaoju chuckled, "I'm so angry, I'm really looking forward to the success of Brother Gu's drama? I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Gu Huaichun's "Yijiangchun" was snatched. Speaking of it, it should have nothing to do with them. The schedule of the TV series is all behind the negotiation between the production company and the TV station. We actors can't affect anything. Of course, Su Yan has been filming for so many years, and her relationship with Gu Huaichun is deeper than that of Gu Huaichun. She may have said something behind her back, but it’s okay. If she is robbed, she will be robbed. "Mother" will be broadcast soon , if "One River Spring" is broadcast at this time, I am still worried that they will fight."

Zheng Xiaoju's eyes lit up and said, "Yes!"

Zhou Yun: ""Being a Mother" will be broadcast on Hongcheng Satellite TV. At that time, these two dramas will definitely be in the ring. This is the first TV drama broadcast by Song Chi's company. It is very important. Su Yan and Xu Siyao will play it. What's the name of the show?"

"It's called Linjiang Fairy." Zheng Xiaoju said.

"Just wait, these two people are not good at each other, and I don't believe that the two of them will live in peace when they are on the stage." Zhou Yun said, "Xu Siyao was so motivated to step on me to take over the position before, is it so? A good step is here, and she will miss it?"

Zheng Xiaoju came to his senses and nodded, "Yes, the two of them will definitely fight at that time."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "Just wait and see."

Just as Zhou Yun expected, "Linjiang Fairy" started broadcasting that night.

Su Yan and Xu Siyao, as the two leading actors, cooperated with the drama crew to organize a co-host event.

Now is the Internet age, Lianmai has gradually become a very common form of publicity.

It turned out to be a good thing, the other two male protagonists were dressed in ordinary clothes, but the two women were dressed in luxurious clothes, with exquisite makeup and hair, as if they were about to go out to walk some red carpet.

The host didn't know whether he really didn't understand or deliberately picked things up, and said: "The two actresses are dressed so grandly today, they are so beautiful."

Xu Siyao chuckled twice, and said, "Where is Sister Su Yan dressed so grandly!"

Su Yan chuckled twice, and said, "Where is it, I just finished a magazine shoot and didn't have time to remove my makeup, but Siyao, aren't you at home? Why are you still dressed so gorgeously?"

Xu Siyao blinked her eyes and said, "Sister Su Yan, I am just like you. I just came back from work and I didn't even have time to take off my makeup. Fortunately, I have you with me today, otherwise it would be too strange for me to be alone. "

"I'm going to take off my makeup here, so don't worry about me. I'll talk to you while I'm taking off my makeup. When Lianmai is over, I can just go home."

When Xu Siyao heard this, of course he refused to lag behind.

"Then I'll remove the makeup with you. I have to get up early tomorrow morning to go to work. This will save me a lot of time." Xu Siyao said.


Therefore, that night, the scene of Su Yan and Xu Siyao competing to remove their makeup during the live broadcast of the Lianmai event was widely circulated and became a famous scene that was reposted.

After Zhou Yun finished filming the last scene of the day, he saw this video on the car back to the hotel, and he couldn't help laughing.But after laughing, Zhou Yun was a little depressed.Although these two people can't wait to start pecking at each other, they seem to have created a lot of topics and heat for "Linjiang Fairy", which is a good thing for "Linjiang Fairy".

It's a good thing for "Linjiang Fairy", but it's not a good thing for Zhou Yun.

To others, Zhou Yun may have to take his own image into consideration, and some things are hard to say.But when she was alone, she naturally faced her heart.

Su Yan and Xu Siyao are the two people she hates and wants to see the most in this circle. These two people acted together in a play, and she only hoped that the play would be as miserable as possible.

It's best to rush to the evaluation that affects these two people, so that the producers are afraid to use them again.

But Zhou Yun also knew that it was unrealistic for him to think so.

Not to mention that this show is very difficult to play with the support of the two of them, even if it is really done, one or two plays will not affect famous actresses like them, especially Su Yan.

In fact, the popularity of "Linjiang Fairy" is not only not bad, but also quite high. Its premiere performance is only slightly worse than that of "Longteng", which has been on the air for several days, and its ratings directly broke 1.

Zhou Yun couldn't help worrying about "Being a Mother".

"Dragon Teng" is a family drama, with the continuous broadcast, the ratings and discussion heat continue to rise, and it has a good reputation. Yu Sitian has also benefited and won two endorsements.

"Linjiang Fairy" is here again, with Su Yan and Xu Siyao's hard work, as long as the show is not too bad, these two people will pay their own money to take advantage of the momentum to market themselves. In other words, The degree of discussion of this drama is obviously going to remain high.

Under the attack of these two dramas, the living space of "Mother" is getting smaller and smaller.

Only Zhang Hongyu is a big star, and he is not the kind sought after by young people nowadays. Zhou Yun is worried about the performance of "Being a Mother".

Zhou Yun was worried about this matter, but it was not easy to discuss it in front of Song Chi.

Song Chi is the producer, so he must be more anxious.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to tell Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan laughed, and said, "What are you thinking? You have been a fool in Song Chi's showbiz for so many years? Not to mention Zhang Hongyu, among other things, the drama starring Zhang Hongyu, at least the mainstream media will definitely publish it." As a commenter, you took it for nothing when you were a movie queen? "Being a Mother" is not the kind of subject that young people are passionate about. Excessive publicity is counterproductive, so it is better to proceed step by step."

"But these three dramas are all aired on the stars, and they will definitely compare with the ratings at that time." Zhou Yun is worried about this, "The ratings of "Mother"..."

"Xiaoyun, if you really care about it, you will be in chaos. "Being a Mother" is broadcast on Hongcheng Satellite TV. Why do you think it is? The basic version of "Hongcheng Satellite TV" is a family drama. Such a theme may be less popular on the Internet, but The ratings will never be bad."

"is it?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "You think "Longteng" why the ratings can continue to rise? Look at the Internet to see if there are more voices discussing "Longteng" than "Linjiang Immortal"? But the ratings of "Linjiang Immortal" The rate is not half of that of "Longteng". The biggest competitor of "Mother" is "Longteng". Get angry, go crazy, an actor like Zhang Hongyu, who is one of the best actors in the country, will put down the remote control when he sees her face."

What Zhou Lan said makes sense.

Zhou Yun quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

When Zhou Yun was worried about "Being a Mother", Wen Bing was also experiencing an unexpected problem.

After Windsor broke up with him, she turned around to find him again, wanting to ask him to help matchmaking and introduce her to Zhou Yun.

Wen Bing thought to himself, although he didn't break up with Windsor when he broke up, it was not a peaceful breakup. How could Windsor come to him for help as if nothing happened?

Windsor also said with a smile: "Wen Bing, although we have broken up, we can still be friends, right?"

Wen Bing thought, fart.

But Wen Bing wasn't the kind of person who would turn his face when he said it. After being entangled by Windsor, he let go and said, "I'll ask Zhou Yun first to see if she wants to."

Windsor's voice rose immediately, and she asked, "Don't Zhou Yun want to know me?"

The two had added WeChat friends before, but at that time Windsor felt that Wen Bing was getting too close to Zhou Yun and was uncomfortable, so she made insinuations in front of Zhou Yun several times, which made Zhou Yun very angry. Zhou Yun didn't do anything at the moment, turned around It blocked Windsor.

"At the beginning, I had conflicts with her because she was so close to you as a woman. I was a little jealous. Now that I have broken up with you, why is she still angry?"

Windsor's words were justified, and Wen Bing thought it was a waste of time to ridicule her.

What's the matter, you are jealous of her and have conflicts with her, now that you don't have to be jealous of her, you think that people are willing to be friends with you again?
Wen Bing didn't bother to talk to her about this, and asked: "Tell me first, what do you want to do with her? I can tell her, if there is nothing serious, forget it, she is very busy every day."

Windsor was very annoyed, but she also knew that it was her own fault for the quarrel with Zhou Yun. If Wen Bing didn't want to make a bridge, it would be really difficult for her to talk to Zhou Yun again.

Chen Wenjun's relationship with Zhou Yun is very ordinary.

She thought about what she wanted to find Zhou Yun, gritted her teeth, and held back her breath, and said to Wen Bing: "I have a play here, and I want to invite her to act. The salary is not a problem, it is definitely higher than the market." price."

Wen Bing was delighted to hear Windsor's tone.

"If this is the case, I'll help her reject you directly." He said, "Zhou Yun's schedule for next year is already full, so I don't have time to accept your play."

How could Windsor believe it, and immediately said: "Are you afraid that Zhou Yun will cooperate with me, so you won't cooperate with me?"

Wen Bing was a little surprised at how Windsor could say such mindless words.

Among other things, he is a director, so what is she, Windsor?Does he need to worry about this?

"If you want to ask her to cooperate in a drama, you can directly find her manager." Wen Bing said, "Her manager will naturally see if she wants to take it or not. Believe it or not."

"If her agent is so talkative, do I still need to come to you?" Windsor said angrily, "It's because her manager is too difficult to talk, and she refuses to show the script to Zhou Yun anyway."

"Then why didn't she show Zhou Yun?" Wen Bing asked.

"Why do you care about this? Wen Bing, just say whether you will help me or not?" Windsor asked angrily.

Wen Bing probably guessed it when he heard Windsor's tone of exasperation and refusal to answer directly.

It must be that Zhou Lan felt that the script was so bad that there was no need to show it to Zhou Yun.

Wen Bing smiled.

When Chen Wenjun gave Windsor a chance to work with him, Wen Bing didn't stop her. There were better opportunities there, and she wanted to break up with him, just to break up.

But Wen Bing couldn't figure it out. As a person without any relevant experience in the industry, how could she think that she would be able to succeed smoothly after she passed?
Looking at it now, Windsor didn't even enter this school at all, and he didn't know why Chen Wenjun had his eyes on her.

(End of this chapter)

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