I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 622 What did you say

Chapter 622 What did you say

After Zhou Yun heard about this from Wen Bing, his first reaction was: "You must not take this line to build this bridge. I have never liked her. You already knew that she asked me to film? What are you filming? ? Chen Wenjun asked me to cooperate and I refused, what kind of monster is she doing?"

Wen Bing was delighted to hear Zhou Yun's words.

"Who knows? Maybe she got a project, so she came to you with great interest and wanted you to play the leading role." Wen Bing said, "If you play the leading role, it will naturally benefit her a lot. Even Chen Wenjun can't handle it." She has taken care of the matter, and when I say this, she is very capable."

Zhou Yun heard a bit of ridicule from Wen Bing's words.

But Zhou Yun has seen his attitude towards another ex-girlfriend, and knows that Wen Bing is not the kind of person who will ridicule his ex-girlfriend once they break up. It seems that Windsor has really made Wen Bing unhappy in the past year or so.

I also want to know that last time at the banquet, Windsor also lost her temper when she said she lost her temper, without talking about the occasion and location at all.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, if she were Windsor's boyfriend, they would have broken up long ago.

Wen Bing has a mild temper. He was dissatisfied early on, but he never broke up. If Windsor hadn't thought about it this time, he wanted to break up with Wen Bing so that he could go to Chen Wenjun's future. When will it be delayed between individuals.

Zhou Yun thought about this, smiled and said: "But you just broke up with her, so don't speak too harshly, lest she go around outside and say that you are cruel, and tarnish your reputation for no reason. "

Wen Bing said: "It's up to her what she says outside, she has such a character, it can't be stopped."

"Well, I told you at the beginning that there is something wrong with this person, and I told you not to be with her."

"She didn't show up like this at the beginning." Wen Bing sighed, "I won't talk about it, but I heard someone talking about something related to you this morning."

"What is it?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Did you and Xue Qin's "Words of Fallen Leaves" be rejected by the Berlin International Film Festival?" Wen Bing asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun didn't deny Wen Bing, but directly admitted, "I've always said that there is great hope of entering the main competition unit, but in the end I still didn't make it. They wanted it to be screened in a special way, and Sister Luo Qi and Director Xue were not happy. .”

"Such a thing, I also heard other people talking about it, saying that "Words of Fallen Leaves" was rejected by the Berlin International Film Festival, saying that the quality of the film was average, so it was returned. You may want to pay attention to these rumors For a moment, don’t let others take advantage of it.”

"No." Zhou Yun said, "I'm just an actor, and they can only use the excuse to say that my acting is bad, but the movie hasn't been released yet, how can they spread rumors?"

"This kind of thing can be said for any reason."

Wen Bing's words really came true.

It didn't take long for rumors that Zhou Yun's acting skills were so poor that "Words of Fallen Leaves" was rejected by the Berlin International Film Festival.

At first, when Zhou Yun heard this rumor, he was overjoyed, thinking it was too unbelievable. Who would believe such an illogical rumor?

But what she didn't expect was that such news would intensify, and many people really believed it.

What's more, many people went to her Weibo to comment, saying that she ruined Director Xue Qin's debut film.

Zhou Yun was speechless.

The rumors intensified, and of course Zhou Lan would not let it continue to develop.

After checking, sure enough, someone behind this is fueling the flames.

Zhou Yun, who was extremely aggressive, was finally caught by someone who could say something, and even several companies ended up fanning the flames behind his back.

The ones Zhou Lan found were Su Yan, Xu Siyao and Yu Yan.

The first two people were expected, but the one Zhou Lan didn't expect was Yu Yan.

Yu Yan is also an actor who has collaborated with Zhou Yun in "The Eighth Heartbeat". Since that drama, the two have never had a public intersection.

What's more, there is no conflict between Yu Yan and Zhou Yun at all, why would Yu Yan do such a thing?
Zhou Lan was suspicious and went to investigate. After the investigation, Zhou Lan was speechless.

Yu Yan didn't like Zhou Yun, so even speaking of it, he even blamed it on Wei Heyun.

Yu Yan had a boyfriend before, named Zhong Zitong, who was a little Kai, and usually hung out with Wei Heyun.Zhou Yun had dinner with Wei Heyun once, and met the two of them.

Zhong Zitong's relationship with Yu Yan was sweet at first, but then he got tired of it, and felt that Yu Yan was too small-minded, petty, and always ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth, wanting to reach the sky in one step.She pestered Zhong Zitong to help her get a few plays, and all of them won the leading actress, and even publicized the best actress nomination.But Yu Yan is not a contented person, she wants better.Zhong Zitong was annoyed by her, and finally got into trouble to the point of breaking up.

When they broke up, the two had a big quarrel with the family, and Zhong Zitong scolded her for being incompetent and her heart was higher than the sky.Later, Zhong Zitong also talked about Yu Yan at a dinner party, saying that if she had half of Zhou Yun's acting skills, he would have regarded her as an inferior.When this word came out, everyone in the circle was watching Yu Yan's joke.Yu Yan couldn't hold back her face, and even Zhou Yun held grudges together.

It was only at this point that Zhou Lan understood why Yu Yan was still close to Xu Siyao for a while later, maybe it wasn't during that time that Yu Yan had the idea of ​​revenge on Zhou Yun.

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun the whole story.

Zhou Yun suddenly realized that this is how Yu Yan's nomination for Best Actress came about.

"What should we do?" Zhou Lan asked, "Aren't we going to call back?"

Zhou Yun said: "Su Yan and Xu Siyao, Sister Lan, you can do whatever you want. As for Yu Yan, doesn't she hold grudges against me? Anyway, she signed up with Chengqian Entertainment, so you tell He Yong about it. Xu Siyao is reluctant to be punished, so Yu Yan is also reluctant, right? Just tell him what I said."

Zhou Lan agreed.

Zhou Yun was widely criticized on the Internet, but in the crew of "Chen Yin", no one neglected her because of this.

In the final analysis, actors rely on acting skills to win the respect of their peers.

As far as Zhou Yun's performance in every scene, no one in the "Chen Yin" crew thinks that Zhou Yun's plays will be bad.

After Director Jiang Xin learned that someone on the Internet was spreading the word that "Words of Fallen Leaves" was returned by the Berlin International Film Festival because of Zhou Yun's poor performance in it, he arranged to produce a special feature of Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen's acting skills. There was a rival scene that had been decided to be discarded, but within a minute, it was posted on the official Weibo of "Chen Yin", copywriting: I heard that some people said that our heroine's acting skills are poor?

Zhou Yun's fans have long been annoyed by the turmoil on the Internet.

Zhou Yun's fans have a very distinctive feature, that is, they absolutely cannot tolerate others saying that Zhou Yun's acting skills are poor.

Seeing that "Chen Yin" posted such a special feature on the official Weibo, the fan group immediately organized and decided to use this official Weibo to fight a wave of counterattacks against these rumor-mongering trolls.

They drew up several entries, took turns, made pictures, emoticons, and animations, reposted this Weibo on the official website of "Chen Yin", and sparred with the navy.

The entries are as follows:

1. I heard that the Best Actress winner in the Horizon section of the Venice International Film Festival is poor in acting?

2. I heard that the winner of the Aoki Award for Best Actress is poor in acting?

3. I heard that the winner of the Lingjun Award for Best Actress is poor in acting?

4. I heard that the winner of the Tencel Award for Best Supporting Actress was poor in acting?

5. I heard that the box office queen's acting skills are poor?


Zhou Yun's fans played memes, forming a big wave of voices.

And Yuehai.com saw that "Chen Yin" had over [-] retweets on Weibo, and the warm-up effect of "Chen Yin" was beyond the charts. "Deep Sea" did a wave of preheating, and picked out a scene in "Deep Sea" in which Zhou Yun looked back in horror and was praised as "magic acting", and directly copied the copywriting of "Chen Yin": I heard that someone said that our The heroine's acting skills are poor?

So, the fans who just used the official Weibo of "Chen Yin" to fight a wave of counterattacks, went to battle again, the same routine, the same entries, nothing else, just a few entries, used over and over again, the purpose It's very simple, it is to use these real awards and honors to kill those who spread rumors.

With such popularity, "Chen Yin" and "Deep Sea" are both on the hot search list.

As a result, "One Mountain, Two Tigers", "Under Dress", and "Four Killers" couldn't bear it anymore, worked overtime collectively, and participated in this public opinion counterattack of "I heard that some people said that our heroine's acting skills are poor" middle.

Finally, "Words of Fallen Leaves" was long overdue, and it made an official announcement: "Words of Fallen Leaves" was shortlisted for the Sundance Film Festival in the United States!
This official announcement is a final word.

The Sundance Film Festival is the world's leading independent film festival for low-budget, independently produced films.

"Words of Fallen Leaves" is just such a film.

Zhou Yun's fans went into the carnival of celebration after experiencing the early counterattack.

The only regret for the fans is that the Sundance Film Festival does not award actor awards, which means that Zhou Yun has no chance of becoming a queen at this film festival.

However, the shortlist this time proves the quality of the film "Words of Fallen Leaves", not the fact that the film was rejected by the Berlin International Film Festival because of Zhou Yun's poor acting skills as said by the rumormongers.

At the same time, as if making an appointment, the next day, the American Golden Globe Awards announced the nomination list for this session.

Zhou Yun was nominated for Best Actress in a Musical Comedy category thanks to "Behind the Scenes".

As soon as this nomination came out, the entire entertainment industry exploded.


Su Yan and Xu Siyao were standing in the background waiting for the stage. They were participating in a promotional event for "The Immortal of Linjiang" and were going to be on stage soon.

The two of them stepped on each other a lot recently, and they were both in the publicity period, and neither of them accepted the other. To be precise, it was Xu Siyao who refused to accept Su Yan, and the drafts praising Xu Siyao's better acting skills were all over the place, making Su Yan choked with anger.

In the past two days, Su Yan has seen Xu Siyao's methods.

Before, she had sworn to her manager that no matter how thoughtful Xu Siyao was, she was not at the same level in terms of status, so she didn't take Xu Siyao seriously.

As everyone knows, Xu Siyao is a person that even Zhou Yun thinks is more difficult to deal with than a dog's skin plaster.

"It's been a waste of time." Su Yan taunted, "It took so long to work on Zhou Yun, a black man, but in the end it was all in vain."

Xu Siyao looked at Su Yan coldly, and said, "Why are you pretending to be a white lotus here? You didn't make a move? I don't have the ability to create such a big disturbance by myself."

Su Yan smiled, "I'm different from you. I have nothing to argue with Zhou Yun. On the contrary, it's you who have been trying to step on her, but she is getting better and better. What about you?"

"Me?" Xu Siyao blinked, smiled shyly, and said, "Am I not good? I'm already acting as a double heroine with Sister Su Yan."

The implication of Xu Siyao's words is that whether she is good or not, she can be compared with Su Yan anyway.

Su Yan was speechless for a moment.

She intended to ridicule Xu Siyao, but in the end she was ridiculed.

"Double heroines? How dare you say that, who told you that this is a drama with two heroines?" Su Yan stepped forward to Xu Siyao, "I am the heroine, and you are the supporting actress. My name is written in the actor list." Don’t get me wrong, you really think you can stand shoulder to shoulder with me, heh, have you ever had a leading role in a popular drama? Speaking of which, from "The Eighth Heartbeat" to "The Storm", tsk tsk , the only two dramas whose names are remembered are Zhou Yun as the number one female lead, and you are only the second female lead. Of course, you are lucky, you are born with a female supporting role, this time you will play "Linjiang Fairy" Female No. [-], this drama is popular again, if you want me to say, you should stop playing the heroine all the time, and stick to the previous sentence, you are born to be a female lead."

Xu Siyao was so outraged by Su Yan's ridicule that his face turned ugly.

But she immediately put away her ugly face.

"You don't have to mock me here, I've only debuted for two years, what's wrong with acting as a supporting actress?" Xu Siyao said, "How many more years will you be popular?"

Su Yan: "It's always been more popular than you."

"That's not good." Xu Siyao sneered, "Besides, what's wrong with the supporting actress, even though you are the heroine of "Questioning the Heart", who would say that the supporting actress played by Zhou Yun is weaker than you? In "Questioning the Heart", your acting skills were crushed by Zhou Yun, and in "Linjiang Fairy", your acting skills were crushed by me. Why are you so easily crushed? Is it because being the number one female makes you feel that it doesn't matter if your acting skills are bad? ?”

Su Yan glared: "You!"

At this moment, a staff member nearby suddenly exclaimed: "I'm going, Zhou Yun has nominated the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress!"

Her voice was loud with surprise, and everyone around could hear it.

Su Yan and Xu Siyao both turned their heads to look at the staff member at the same time, staring intently, as if sparks sputtered from their eyes.

"What did you say?!" The two said in unison.

When the staff member looked up and saw the eyes of Su Yan and Xu Siyao, he felt inexplicably nervous.

I don't know what happened, but the eyes of these two women inexplicably reminded her of two tigers with their mouths wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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