I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 624 Eating melons and watching dramas is a lot of fun

Chapter 624 Eating melons and watching dramas is a lot of fun

It is often said that in such an era, traffic is king, and the good atmosphere of respecting teachers and morals in the past is gone.

But Zhang Hongyu never believed in this evil.

People often say that she is domineering, even a bit domineering.

She never cared about it either.

It doesn't matter how the environment changes or what others say.

What matters is what she thinks and what she plans to do.

Zhang Hongyu also thought about accepting the reality of the market. From now on, she will no longer be approached by various roles as before, and she will no longer be the most eye-catching character in a play.

People will grow old, and they have to face from the center of the stage to the side of the stage.

She just couldn't accept it right away. In the past few years, she really seldom came out to act.

Until Song Chi found her.

Song Chi went to her with several scripts.

These scripts are all scripts with fifty-year-old women as the protagonists. The occupations of the characters range from policemen to doctors, from ordinary shopkeepers to rich wives, and the themes of the stories range from family ethics to suspenseful crimes, from workplace life to biographies.

Zhang Hongyu hadn't been approached with so many scripts for several years.

Song Chi said: "Sister Hongyu, you can choose these scripts. Which one do you choose? I will find a way to find investment and make the show."

Zhang Hongyu chose "Being a Mother", so Song Chi really found investment, settled the platform, set up a team, and filmed this movie.

Now that "Being a Mother" is finally going to be broadcast, Zhang Hongyu is lying when she says that she is not nervous.

But with her current status, she can't tell others that she is very nervous and uneasy.

She couldn't bear that face.

Zhang Hongyu has also heard those unfavorable voices in the circle. "Being a Mother" is indeed not a popular subject nowadays. The story of a policewoman and her children doesn't sound interesting, does it?But why did you choose this script at the time?

Because I saw the happiness of this family getting along in this script, because I saw the richness and multifacetedness of a mature woman in this mother, because the lines of this script are well written and conform to her artistic aesthetics.

But all these reasons are worthless in front of the market and ratings.

Why traffic can dominate in this era?

Because traffic can be realized, but art and so-called acting skills cannot.

Zhang Hongyu cooperated with a lot of publicity, including several important interviews and interviews. They all paid attention to her golden age and talked about things of that era.

This made Zhang Hongyu a little dazed. Could it be that she only had things in the past to talk about now?

She answered the questioners' questions sincerely and generously, but she was thinking about a question in her mind, as if not many people really cared about her story of filming the film "Being a Mother".

Everyone pays more attention to her most glorious time, and wants to know more gossip and details at that time.

Zhang Hongyu is extremely confident, but she also cares about self-esteem.

If she has to rely on her past achievements to stay at the center of this stage, she would rather step down early.

She didn't want to stay on a stage that was destined not to belong to her.

Almost no one likes this show.

But Song Chi has been doing a good job in the promotion of this show from the beginning to the end. He said to her: "Sister Hongyu, we don't care what is said outside, we are responsible for giving this show a good job." After the filming is finished, send it to the audience, let the audience see this drama, and the rest can only depend on God's will."

Song Chi didn't seem to be affected by the outside voice at all, and he was not moved at all, and continued to open another play for Zhang Hongyu.

Zhang Hongyu wanted to act, and with her qualifications and seniority, she was not bad at acting, but it was difficult for her to act as the leading actress in a major mainstream production, and the investors didn't recognize her anymore.

Most of the directors who worked with her before also have other co-actors.

In this film and television market, the scripts of young and middle-aged people are mainly used.

But Song Chi asked Zhang Hongyu to make a "Mother" was not enough, and created another TV series for her non-stop, this one was chosen by Song Chi for her.

"Sister Hongyu, when I first saw this script, I thought it was suitable for you. You promise me to read the script carefully before making a decision." Song Chi said solemnly, "Don't reject it just because of the subject matter. .”

This is a TV series with a comedy theme, a costume comedy.

As soon as Zhang Hongyu saw this subject, she immediately understood why Song Chi had to explain this to her.

Actors like Zhang Hongyu cherish their feathers and would rather not make a movie than make a movie that will ruin their reputation.

Even if the ratings of "Mother" is only 0.1, it will not affect her reputation, but if she plays an ancient puppet, it is no exaggeration. On the day the news comes out, the major marketing accounts will say that she has fallen from the altar.

Costume comedy is not a puppet, but in the hearts of the older generation of actors, comedy is still somewhat unrefined.

Zhang Hongyu was born in dramas and has acted in dramas all her life. At this time, she was suddenly asked to act in costume comedy...

But Song Chi specifically explained that she could only read the script patiently.

After reading the script, she understood why Song Chi gave her the script so solemnly.

This turned out to be a martial arts comedy in ancient costume, a bit like "Dragon Inn", but the style is completely different. It is about a lady proprietress who is visiting an inn in the city, and she brings a few of her buddies to accidentally get involved in disputes between the rivers and lakes and the court. Big case comedy story.

This is a character type that Zhang Hongyu has never played before.

There is even an action scene.

This proprietress has a big temper, is hot-tempered, likes to play awe-inspiring, and likes to squeeze her fellows. At first glance, she looks very annoying, but as the plot progresses, you will see her other side.

She is kind, witty, and has a sharp mouth and bean curd heart. In the face of several crises, she did not abandon any of her buddies. She used the ingenuity cultivated by her years of business in the market to mediate with people in the world and court officials.

Zhang Hongyu was moved after reading the script.

Only then did she understand what Song Chi meant by "read the script carefully before making a decision".

Song Chi knew that she would definitely not refuse after reading the script.

No, after she finished filming the movie "The Inaction" with Song Chi, she joined the group non-stop to start filming this ancient costume martial arts comedy "The Sword Lady".

Due to the subject matter of this drama, it was bought by Lizi Video at the script stage, and it is still in the filming stage, and it has already attracted several first-line satellite TVs to buy the premiere rights.

This is eating the theme bonus.

Everyone is optimistic about this script, as long as it is not bad, it will definitely be popular.

The webcasting platform Chestnut Video invested part of the capital, and even arranged the actor Xu Zhuqi, who he admired so much, in this drama, playing the male number one, one of the guys in the store.

The show has not been officially announced yet and is currently being filmed in secret.

Because of the many roles in "The Lady of Swords", Song Chi invited many friends in his circle to play guest roles. The purpose is also to create an all-star lineup, and when the official announcement is made, it will be a king bomb.

Song Chi's expectation for the drama "Mother" is not the ratings and popularity, as long as it doesn't lose money, the key is "The Sword Lady". This drama will allow the media and audience to see Zhang Hongyu's top actor demeanor again.

Song Chi wants this drama to "re-popularize" Zhang Hongyu in the true sense.

On the night of the premiere of "Being a Mother", Zhang Hongyu was still filming, so there was no way to watch the premiere.

So did Song Chi.

Instead, Zhou Yun watched the premiere at the hotel, and asked Zheng Xiaoju to take a photo, posted it on Weibo, and posted: "Mother" is on the air, watch it with me!

An hour later, Lin Xiaomiao, a well-known entertainment reporter, exposed a video of Zhou Yun being ridiculed and counterattacked at the dinner party of the "Mother" crew.

So, relying on his own strength, Zhou Yun rushed to the top of the hot searches on all major online social platforms with the keyword "being a mother".

That night, "Being a Mother" premiered with a viewership rating of 0.7, which was not bad, but the popularity of the online broadcast directly rushed to the third place, second only to "Dragon Teng" and "Linjiang Fairy", and Liu Qingqing's "Panic" ranked No. Four.

The next day, Su Yan was interviewed and asked if she was worried that "Linjiang Fairy" would be overtaken by "Mother". Su Yan replied: "We dare not compare with the dramas starring Hongyu, Hongyu is my idol, she I watch every drama, and it is normal for her new drama to be well received by everyone."

"The ratings of "Lin Jiang Xian" continue to rise, do you think it will be higher than "Question Heart" in the future?"

"I hope that each of my dramas will be better than the other, but this is just my personal wish. Don't ask such questions to hurt me. No matter what, "Questioning the Heart" is already a classic in the hearts of the audience. , Isn't it?" Su Yan smiled and blinked.

"I saw a lot of viewers say that after watching "Lin Jiang Xian", they are looking forward to seeing you and Liu Qingqing play double heroines one day. Is there such an opportunity?"

Su Yan laughed, and said: "It depends on the opportunity in the future, and whether there is a suitable script to find the two of us. I haven't acted in a drama with two heroines yet. It's a pleasure to work with Siyao." , I also told her that she acted so well in this drama, she can win the Best Supporting Actress award, of course, if there is a suitable drama to come to me and Qingqing, I will definitely take it, Qingqing The past two years have not been easy, and I am very willing to support her."

In the afternoon, Xu Siyao was interviewed at a commercial event and said: "Huh? Sister Su Yan said she praised me for my good performance in this drama, can I go for an award? Did she remember wrongly? She didn't praise me like that pass me."

When Liu Qingqing accepted an interview on Weibo to watch dramas, she answered with a smile: "I have never acted in suspense and horror dramas, so when I was found, I was very interested. Whether the investment is large or not is never what I consider when I accept a drama. I only read the script to see if the role is what I want to play. I also feel very honored that "Panic" was liked by so many people on the day it premiered. It has been a long time since I have seen you in a drama. Fans remember to follow my drama, and please help to promote it.”

"Have you followed the drama "Linjiang Immortal"? Many people have said that they want to see you and Su Yan play two heroines." The media with good news asked.

Liu Qingqing said with a smile: "Su Yan and Siyao act very well, don't the two of them play the dual heroines very well, I have to do other scenes later."

"Many netizens praised that your acting skills in the drama "Panic" have improved a lot compared to before. Can you share your experience with everyone?"

"How can I have any experience? I just think about how to act every time I take on a play. I can't perform in a stylized manner."


At the end of the day, the interviews and interviews of several people were spread everywhere on the Internet media, and a group of melon-eaters applauded: It's wonderful.

Especially the insinuations between Su Yan, Xu Siyao and Liu Qingqing were analyzed by a group of "scholars" and found out that there were many schemes in the palace.

Zhou Yun saw these messages on his mobile phone and said, "This is really a coincidence."

It would be fine if it was just Su Yan and Xu Siyao singing, but now Liu Qingqing is also involved.

Will Liu Qingqing let go of the opportunity to step on Su Yan?
This is a pair of old enemies.

At this time, "Victor" held its annual grand ceremony and invited many stars to attend.

Zhou Yun also received the invitation, not only her, but also Yu Sitian.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to decline, but Zhou Lan said that he had to go because the sponsor of this annual ceremony was VX.

Zhou Yun is the spokesperson.

So, Zhou Yun had no choice but to ask the crew for a day off.

The same is true for Yu Sitian.

For this grand ceremony, Song Chi and Zhang Hongyu also asked for leave.

The two of them mainly wanted to promote "Being a Mother", after all, tonight was a very exposed event.

"Victor" arranged for Zhou Yun, Song Chi and Zhang Hongyu to make their grand finale appearance, and the three of them walked together.

This also makes sense, Song Chi is the producer of "Being a Mother", Zhang Hongyu is the heroine of "Being a Mother", and Zhou Yun is Song Chi's girlfriend. The three of them walked together to avoid the order of appearance. The problem also put an end to other people's thoughts of wanting to grab the finale.

Who dares to compete with the combination of these three people?

No face to grab.

Yu Chu, Wang Jing, Wen Xi and Gu Huaichun were also invited to attend.

Now Yu Chu's belly was a little protruding, but it was not obvious. Wearing a looser dress could cover it up.

Zhou Yun was also very happy to think that he could meet so many friends at this event.

When the list of participating stars was announced online, the comment with the highest praise was: What I saw was not the star-studded stars, but the bloody and fighting in the Shura field.

"Victor" put a lot of effort into inviting all the hottest stars of the year, especially those who are currently in the promotional period.

Among them, Su Yan, Xu Siyao and Liu Qingqing received the most attention.

The insinuating interviews of the three of them have been widely circulated these days, making everyone have a great time eating melons after dinner.

The gossip patients even vaguely expected that they would have the best fight on the red carpet.

It's a joy to eat melons and watch operas.

(End of this chapter)

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