I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 625 The person who knows you best

Chapter 625 The person who knows you best

Because Zhou Yun was the finale, the departure time was later and the preparation time was more leisurely.

She had a premonition that there would definitely be some troubles tonight.

There are so many people in the publicity period, everyone wants to grab the headlines, and if there is competition, there will be conflicts. In addition, among the people who appeared today, many people have new and old grudges.

I just hope that no one is procrastinating on the red carpet today.

If someone did this, it was their time that was wasted. After all, Zhou Yun and the others were going to be the finale tonight, and they couldn't leave until the others finished.

After Zhou Yun finished her makeup and hair, she met Song Chi and Zhang Hongyu at the hotel.

Zhang Hongyu is wearing a wine red wrap dress today, highlighting her graceful figure, generous and elegant.

Zhou Yun hugged someone affectionately, and said: "Sister Hongyu, I have been chasing "Being a Mother" every day recently, it is so good! Zhang Zeshan's son is also too muddy, sometimes I see you get mad at him It's so bad that I can't wait to slap him twice."

Zhang Hongyu said with a smile: "Who says no, I want to slap him twice when I perform live."

"Mother" has been broadcast today, and the ratings have risen from 0.7 in the first broadcast to 0.9, which is not a small increase, but compared with the upcoming "Longteng" and the gradually improving "Linjiang Fairy", it is still not small gap.

Especially in terms of topicality, "Mother" has very low popularity on the Internet, unlike "Linjiang Fairy", which has at least three hot searches on the Internet every day.

The main reason is that there are too few stars in "Being a Mother", and Zhang Hongyu is the only one who is famous.

Both Song Chi's company and Lizi Video bought Zhang Hongyu a hot search, but the conversion rate was not high due to the fact that the content of the plot was not easy to make a topic.

But the results of this broadcast have been much better than expected in the industry. After all, in the industry, it is said that "Mother" will have no splash at all.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun have recently invited one or two friends to promote "Mother" on their social media every day, creating an atmosphere that they are also chasing "Mother".

The reason why Song Chi didn't want everyone to promote at the same time at one time was because he felt that such a way of publicity was not suitable for "Being a Mother".

If more than a dozen celebrities promote "Mother" at the same time, it can indeed create a lot of topics, but the topic does not apply to "Mother", it is not a drama that can attract people to watch based on topicality.

It is still necessary to boil the frogs in warm water and rely on word of mouth to ferment them.

As expected, the evaluation of "Being a Mother" is very high.

Humanistic feelings, mother-child relationship, trivial life and life perception.

"Mother" has done a solid job in this regard, and Zhang Hongyu also contributed superb acting skills in it.

But the word "good acting" is associated with Zhang Hongyu, which cannot arouse anyone's interest, because it is a consensus.

On the contrary, Liu Qingqing's performance in "Panic" was praised by many film and television bloggers and attracted many people to watch this drama.

The reason for this is that Liu Qingqing hadn't hooked up with the word "good acting" before. When someone praised her for her good acting in a certain drama, some people would watch this drama out of curiosity about how good it was.

Contrast brings curiosity.

This is also very helpless.

Before leaving for the red carpet of the "Victor" annual ceremony, Song Chi also arranged for a fashion blogger with tens of millions of followers to interview him and Zhang Hongyu about their work at the hotel.

Take what you need on both sides.

This fashion blogger can get an exclusive interview with Song Chi and Zhang Hongyu. Song Chi and Zhang Hongyu use this blogger's exclusive interview to promote "Being a Mother".

Zhou Yun sat outside the painting and watched the whole process.

In the end, the blogger really didn't want to miss Zhou Yun's big Buddha, so he pulled the camera to Zhou Yun and said, "Baby, take a look at who this is, just now when we interviewed Song Chi and Zhang Hongyu." At that time, our little Yun has been sitting by the side to oversee the work."

Zhou Yun smiled and slapped the camera.

"Everyone remember to watch "Being a Mother." She gestured a heart to the camera.

After finishing the interview, the three of them were ready to leave the hotel.

The red carpet at the scene has already begun, and they are now passing, almost exactly.

Zheng Xiaoju sat with Song Chi's assistant Zhang Cong.

The two were chattering.

Zheng Xiaoju asked Zhang Cong, "Do you think there will be someone acting as a demon on the red carpet tonight?"

Zhang Cong said: "There must be. If you say that they are not monsters in such a free place, then you look down on them too much."

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Who do you think will join the battle tonight?"

"Xu Siyao counts as one."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

"Su Yan depends on the situation. She usually maintains her own identity, but if Xu Siyao does too much and provokes her, she will definitely end up too." Zhang Cong analyzed.

Zheng Xiaoju nodded again.

"Liu Qingqing is definitely going to make something happen. Her development has not been smooth in the past few years, and she must maintain her popularity. These few times she came out to make things happen to attract attention."

Zheng Xiaoju hummed.

"In addition to the three of them, there are Yu Yan and Yu Sitian tonight. What they will do depends on how they perform tonight. It's hard to predict now." Zhang Cong said, "Compared to guessing who They will make trouble, I would rather guess how they will make trouble."

"Ah?" Zheng Xiaoju looked at Zhang Cong suspiciously.

"I guess someone will bring their undisclosed boyfriend tonight." Zhang Cong rolled his eyes and said quite confidently.

Zheng Xiaoju: "Are you going to disclose your relationship on the spot? I'll go, I'm so brave."

"Also, maybe someone fainted on the red carpet tonight, it's such a cold day."

Zheng Xiaoju laughed loudly, "It's absolutely impossible to be Xu Siyao and the others. Now that they are in this position, they won't allow themselves to make a fool of themselves on the red carpet again."

Passing out on the red carpet is only for couples anymore.

The two of them were chatting and chatting.

Suddenly, a battle report came from the front.

The battle report made several people in the car a little dumbfounded.

The person who acted as a demon for the first time was not anyone they mentioned, but an actor from the crew of "Being a Mother", Zeng Daili.

Zeng Daili played Zhang Hongyu's third daughter in "Being a Mother". She played a very arrogant role in the play.

At that time, when producers and directors were looking for actors, they looked for them based on the personalities of the characters in the play.

Zeng Daili herself is also a somewhat spoiled actress with a small temper.

Zeng Daili was also signed by Song Chi because she starred in the drama "Being a Mother". Tonight, she walked the red carpet with Wen Zhi and Zhang Zeshan.

Because they are three newcomers, the order of appearance of the three of them is arranged in the front position.

This is the first time they have participated in this kind of event. The previous three were pure newcomers, the unknown ones.

The three of them were fine when they walked the red carpet and took pictures. Although they were a little nervous and young, there was generally no problem.

Until the host was interviewing, Zeng Daili suddenly asked the host, "The three are all actors of "Mother", in your eyes, what does your boss Song Chi look like?".

Both Wen Zhi and Zhang Zeshan answered normally, Zeng Daili picked up the microphone and said, "The boss is very handsome, I would become a nympho when I see him at the scene."

The audience roared with laughter.

The host saw that the little girl was very capable, so he asked a question that he regretted later: "Then, will you look for your boyfriend just like Song Chi?"

Zeng Daili said with a smile: "It's better to find the boss to be my boyfriend than to find a boyfriend like the boss."

As soon as the words fell, both Wen Zhi and Zhang Zeshan showed shocked and unbelievable expressions. These expressions were not concealed, and they were directly exposed in the live broadcast.

The host was dumbfounded.

Zeng Daili didn't realize until this time that she said something wrong.

"Ah, no, no, I didn't mean that." Zeng Daili shook her hand quickly and explained, "I mean, although the boss is very handsome, I don't need to look for my boyfriend like the boss, don't get me wrong, the boss and The proprietress's feelings are very good, I have no intention of intervening, and I made a slip of the tongue."

She explained in a panic, which eased the awkward atmosphere just now.

The host hurried down the steps.


Song Chi returned the tablet to Zhang Cong and said, "She can't talk with her head."

Zhou Yun smiled and teased: "Is there a response to this?"

Song Chi said: "There is nothing to respond to, the more you respond, the more you will be teased."

The interview with Zeng Daili on the red carpet was immediately spread by those who watched the live broadcast because of the popularity of the event.

Someone added subtitles, made pictures, and made a rough outline.

The marketing account has been concentrating on waiting for the big job tonight, but now that the big job is coming, in order to attract traffic, they have published articles one after another, and the entries are more exaggerated.

#For Mother and Actress Live Confession Song Chi#
#曾代丽说Song Chi is the ideal type#

Zhou Yun smiled: "Forget about the previous ones, this one who talks nonsense must be your fan."

The marketing account is also based on your own preferences and tendencies.

Some marketing accounts are Song Chi's fans, and they are full of personal tendencies when doing things.

Song Chi said: "I'd better explain it quickly, let them control the public opinion, don't give the little girl a cyberbullying for the first time participating in an event."

He is still a little familiar with the fighting power of his fans.

It's annoying, but it can't be stopped.

"My God!" Zheng Xiaoju exclaimed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun looked back at Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Liu Qingqing brought her trusted boyfriend on the red carpet! It turned out to be Yu Wenzhou, the director of "Panic"! The two of them are together! They admitted it on the spot!"

On the red carpet scene, Liu Qingqing and Yu Wenzhou clasped their fingers together, and the former smiled very sweetly.

"I had a good relationship with him when we were filming, and we had a lot of fun filming this drama, and we will cooperate in another drama later." Liu Qingqing said.

The host asked: "Is it the second season of "Panic"? Many people on the Internet are calling for the second season."

Liu Qingqing shook her head with a smile, and said, "It's another drama. The platform also contacted us about the second season of "Panic". We are discussing the feasibility of the second season. Thank you very much for liking our drama. But if you want to shoot the second season, you still have to find a credible angle to write the follow-up story, otherwise you can't shoot."

The host said: "Qingqing, you brought the director to our event today, where's the baby?"

Liu Qingqing said: "The baby asked my mother to take care of him, and I have to come out to earn money for his milk powder."

There was applause at the scene.

Liu Qingqing and Yu Wenzhou walked down the interview area holding hands and entered the infield.

The hands of the two quickly loosened.

The intimacy just now disappeared in an instant.

Yu Wenzhou complained in a low voice: "Is it necessary to do this step in order to increase the popularity of "Huang Huan"?"

Liu Qingqing said: "Don't you know that the most effective way to increase the popularity of a drama is either the male and female protagonists do a fake drama for real, or the female protagonist and the director are together? Gossip is the quickest way, just wait and see Well, after today, the popularity of "Panic" will increase on the Internet."

When Yu Wenzhou heard Liu Qingqing say this, he didn't say anything more.

"Panic" is his first drama, the better the performance of this drama, the greater the promotion effect on his career.If hype and gossip can make "Panic" go further on the current basis, and he has a blockbuster drama in hand, then he won't have to worry about investment and platforms for future projects.

It's just that Liu Qingqing's actions also made Yu Wenzhou feel a little bit emotional.

She just found him this morning and asked him to "open up his relationship" with her when they walked the red carpet together at night.

He was startled when he heard it at first, but later he knew Liu Qingqing's intentions.

Yu Wenzhou couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

But he also thought of it. The reason why Liu Qingqing wanted to do this was to increase the popularity of "Panic and Panic", but on the other hand, it was probably also to create topics for herself.

The good reputation and popularity of "Panic" were unexpected by each of them. It can only be said that the suspense and horror theme market has been short of good dramas for a long time, so after the release of "Panic", people like this theme The audience drove up the current achievements and reputation.

Yu Wenzhou himself knows that this drama has many shortcomings.

But a hit is a hit, so don't worry about it.

Now the show is making money, a lot of money, and advertisers are constantly looking for it.

The platform is very enthusiastic to find him and Liu Qingqing to shoot the second season.

It's just that Liu Qingqing wasn't very interested in it herself, she wanted to shoot the story she liked more.


He Ting put down her phone and said to Su Yan: "You guessed it right, Liu Qingqing really announced her new boyfriend."

Su Yan sneered and said, "I knew how this woman would give up such an opportunity today."

"Guess who her boyfriend is."

"Who else could it be? It's not the actor of "Panic", or the staff like the director and the photographer." Su Yan said with confidence, "In this way, you can increase the topicality of yourself." And heat, and can raise the heat of "Panic"."

He Ting smiled and said, "You are really getting better and better now."

What is there to say?

The people who know you best are often your enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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