I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 626 Refined and Refined on the Red Carpet

Chapter 626 Refined and Refined on the Red Carpet
He Ting asked: "Then what are you going to do?"

Su Yan shrugged her shoulders and said, "Do I need to do anything? "Linjiang Fairy" is so popular now, I don't need to do anything."

He Ting laughed and said: "You are right to think so. In fact, there is no need to compete with them for this point in many cases. You have two big dramas in a row within a year. It is a good line. You just need to hold on to this." Position, no one can shake you, look at Zhou Yun, does she need to be these monsters? Relying on these things can only fight for a moment, this moment, that moment, Liu Qingqing is too angry and needs to fight for heat, you are different from her gone."

Su Yan nodded and said, "I won't be filming the second season of "Linjiang Fairy". One prize, have you found the notebook?"

He Ting said: "Didn't you want to act in a movie before? I'm in touch with Hong Kong. There are two gangster movies that are being discussed. As for TV dramas, "Question" and "Linjiang Fairy" are both costume dramas. I also hope that you will To be able to act in a modern drama, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a realistic theme, for such a theme, it must be filmed by a great director, otherwise the filming will not have the depth and strength.”

"Police and gangster movies?" Su Yan frowned immediately upon hearing this, "Will that win an award?"

He Ting was speechless for a moment.

"These two films are aimed at the box office. It's more difficult to win awards, but you also know that if you act in a literary film rashly, it doesn't matter whether we can find a suitable film. The prize itself is hanging, and the box office has a high probability of not being good. At this time, it is easy to affect the industry's evaluation of you. People say that you can't afford the box office and can only carry the ratings. Once you let others form this impression, you will be rejected. The movie industry has closed its doors."

Hearing what He Ting said, Su Yan felt that what she said made sense.

"What kind of gangster movie is that?" Zhou Yun asked.

He Ting said: "Don't worry, they are all movies starring the actor, not some bad movies."


Xu Siyao got out of the car and stepped onto the red carpet, surrounded by shouts like a tsunami.

She happily enjoyed the sound of cheers, walked forward gracefully, and waved to everyone.

"Linjiang Fairy" hit the air, and she also benefited a lot, sweeping away the haze of "Promise You Half City Misty Rain".

Although Su Yan has always emphasized that she is the heroine, in terms of roles, Xu Siyao's roles are not much less than Su Yan's, otherwise she would not have accepted the show.

Xu Siyao and Su Yan fought fiercely both in and out of the play. Of course, it was Xu Siyao who took the initiative to tease Su Yan most of the time outside of the play.

Xu Siyao herself is a female star who has become popular through constant hype and hype. She is familiar with this set and plays it very handy.

He sent out a draft, saying that his acting skills crushed Su Yan, bought marketing, and praised his prosperous beauty.

Where there are so many absolutes on the Internet, the voices are formed, and the public impression is also formed.

Xu Siyao aimed at Su Yan. The purpose was not to cause trouble for Su Yan and attack her, but to use this momentum to form an impression on the public that Xu Siyao and Su Yan were already stars of the same level. up.

The reason here is like the relationship between opponents.

No one would say that Yu Sitian is Zhou Yun's opponent, because the two are not competing on the same level at all.

But with the broadcast of "Linjiang Fairy", everyone will feel that in the field of TV dramas, Su Yan and Zhou Yun are still at the same level.

Both of them can handle drama very well.

Strictly speaking, Xu Siyao does not belong to this level.

Although she has been popular in several dramas, she is the second female number one, not the first female lead, which makes her ability to carry dramas not so strong.

Xu Siyao is also aware of her own weakness, so her strategy is to create the momentum of her rivalry with Su Yan, giving people the illusion that she and Su Yan are competitors.

Only those who are at the same level can be competitors.

This is raising her status in a disguised form.

Didn't Xu Siyao rely on competing with Zhou Yun to overtake Yu Sitian and other florets?

She is dressed very sexy today, enchanting and colorful, wearing a transparent gauze dress embroidered with star-like rhinestones. .

The eyes of the photographers were all red.

She seemed to have lost her body temperature in the howling wind, and she was not swept away by the cold wind at all.

"Siyao, you are dressed so beautifully today." The host's eyes lit up and he went up to meet her.

Xu Siyao smiled like a flower, and said, "Thank you, it's worthwhile for me to carefully choose the dress for so long."

The host said: "Siyao is an old friend of our "Victor", and now there is a hit drama that is liked by the audience friends. I would like to take this opportunity to ask Siyao a question, why did she accept it in the first place? What about the drama "Linjiang Fairy"?"

Xu Siyao took the microphone and said with a smile: "That's right, it was Sister Su Yan who came to me and told me that she had a script in her hand. It was a script with two heroines. It was very interesting. She asked me if I was interested. , I really wanted to work with Sister Su Yan. I just had this opportunity, so I immediately agreed. When filming this movie, Sister Su Yan took good care of me. She is actually a senior, but on the set I have never put on the airs of my predecessors, and I have discussed every scene with me, so we were able to shoot such a wonderful rivalry scene.”

The host said: "No wonder when we watched the drama, we all felt that the struggle between the two of you seemed real."

"Haha, it seems that Sister Su Yan and I acted well, and it can make you feel this way."

The host said: "Many of your fans also came to the scene, do you have anything to say to your fans?"

Xu Siyao said: "Thank you everyone for coming to see me in such a cold weather. You have worked hard. Remember to drink some hot water when you go back, so you don't catch a cold."

Host: "Siyao is so caring, she cares so much about her fans."

"Because they have always cared about me." Xu Siyao gestured towards the direction of the audience area.

"Xu Siyao, I love you—" Suddenly, a particularly loud voice came from the audience area, which was abnormally loud and completely suppressed the voices of other people.

Both Xu Siyao and the host froze for a moment.

The host turned his head to look, laughed, and said, "Siyao, it seems that you have a fan who likes you very much, and they all came to cheer you on with a loudspeaker."

Xu Siyao said: "Thank you, thank you, everyone has worked hard."

She compared her heart to that fan and said, "I love you too."

There was a scream from the audience area.


Su Yan appeared just behind Xu Siyao.

Witnessing this scene at the scene, she thought, this child needs a chicken leg.

She walked forward slowly, keeping He Ting's words in her heart, there is no need to be as knowledgeable as Xu Siyao, these unscrupulous methods are no longer necessary for her today.

But at this moment, there was a commotion in the audience area.

The host's voice also rang out from the venue: "Siyao, where are you going?"

Su Yan was waving and posing towards the shooting area. Hearing these chaotic sounds, she subconsciously turned her head to look in Xu Siyao's direction.

I saw Xu Siyao running towards her with her skirt up.

Xu Siyao took her arm intimately, with stars shining in his eyes, and shouted, "Sister Su Yan, let's take a picture together."

She warmly embraced Su Yan's waist, facing the photographers with a generous gesture.

On the contrary, it was Su Yan who couldn't react in time due to Xu Siyao's sudden move, his facial expression didn't adjust, and he was a little distorted in surprise.

He Ting sighed inwardly when she saw this scene.

After Su Yan debuted for so many years, she was led away by the nose by Xu Siyao, a little girl.

Xu Siyao and Su Yan took a lot of "sisterly love" group photos in front of the media, then let go of Su Yan and said, "Then I'll go in first, Sister Su Yan, I'll wait for you inside."

Su Yan didn't react until this time, and kissed Xu Siyao gracefully.

I hope a photographer can capture it.

She prayed in her heart.


"Xu Siyao is awesome, he even arranged for a nurse to shout 'Xu Siyao I love you', why didn't I think of this trick?"

Yu Yan muttered softly.

"Why do you learn this from others?" Beside her, a man in his thirties asked.

Yu Yan squinted at him, a little bit coquettishly, and said: "Then it's because I don't have any popularity. I've debuted for so long, yet no one has a kid who debuted for two years."

"Is there anything like it?" The man seemed to be very Buddhist, and said indifferently.

Yu Yan sighed and said: "You are not our woman, how can you understand how fierce the competition between us is, forget it, I can't explain it to you, you have to support me tonight."

"Don't worry." The man patted the back of Yu Yan's hand.

The car stopped.

He was the first to come down.

The media reporters and photographers at the scene looked at this man with a little face.

Who is he?
Generally, the people who appear at this time should not be unknown people.

The man did not walk directly onto the red carpet, but stood by the car door, looking inside the car in a waiting attitude.

A clean and slender leg protruded from the car.

The man held out his hand so that the woman who got out of the car could hold her.

Yu Yan stood beside this man, smiled sweetly, took the initiative to hold the man's hand, and walked on the red carpet.

At this moment, someone finally recognized who the man beside Yu Yan was.

"Qin Fu?"

"Qin Fu?"

After the name was uttered, it immediately caused a commotion in the media area.

People in the entertainment industry have basically heard of this name.

He doesn't show up very often, but when he does, he's arousing heated discussions.

His family is very famous, a wealthy family, Qin Fu is the most famous in this family, because he once had a relationship with Ning Yao, and he was generous. At an auction, he spent [-] million in one go for Ning Yao A famous painting was downloaded, and this famous painting is still hanging in Ning Yao's home.

When the two broke up, Ning Yao wanted to return the painting to Qin Fu. Qin Fu said: "I have never taken back the gift I gave to women, so don't bully me."

This incident is particularly famous, because of this incident, although many Ning Yao fans hated him when Ning Yao broke up with him, the public still has a good impression of him.

At least this man is not stingy.

After Qin Fu broke up with Ning Yao, he hasn't appeared in front of the media for a long time.

Now he actually appeared on the red carpet tonight holding Ning Yao's hand? !
The shutter of the camera frantically pressed.

A thought popped up in everyone's mind at the same time: There is really a lot of material tonight.

If the material from this night is disassembled and exploded, it can explode for a month.

It's a pity that today's red carpet doesn't have a media interview session, otherwise, these people will probably compete for the interview opportunity.

Su Yan had already reached the end of the red carpet, and was about to enter the infield, when she heard a burst of shouting, she couldn't help but look back.

Qin Fu?

Su Yan was taken aback.

Of course she knew Qin Fu.

When he and Ning Yao fell in love, the whole circle paid attention to their relationship.

I haven't seen you again for so long, why did you appear by Yu Yan's side again today?

Su Yan was very surprised.

When Yu Yan fell in love with Zhong Zitong before, many people in the circle looked sideways.

She broke up with Zhong Zitong not very well, and many people have seen Yu Yan's jokes.

Who knew that Yu Yan had climbed another high branch so quickly?
Su Yan's heart was not sour, but she was indeed a little uncomfortable.

If Qin Fu helps Yu Yan win resources, then Yu Yan will usher in a period of rapid ascent.There is no doubt about it.The children of Qin Fu's wealthy family have far more connections and resources than ordinary brokerage companies.It's only natural for him to help his girlfriend.

Su Yan was just a little upset.

She worked hard in filming, entered and exited the film crew many times a year, suffered through summer and winter, and achieved her current status by relying on one film after another, but Yu Yan may be able to rely on the big tree of Qin Fu. Soaring, how to make her happy.


The viewers who were watching the live broadcast had a great time eating melons, and at the same time, they were discussing with their friends in real time on their social platforms.

The main reason is that there are too many melons on the red carpet tonight, one by one, making everyone feel as if they are celebrating a festival.

So much so that when Zhou Yun, Song Chi, and Zhang Hongyu made their final appearances, everyone felt that it was too bland and had nothing to eat.

The three of them walked lightly, unrestrained and natural, just like walking around, chatting and laughing, took a photo, took a photo together, briefly answered some questions from the host, and ended the red carpet session.

A group of people swiped the screen between the bullet screens: This is the domineering king.

Someone said: The front is fighting for beauty, these three people are Lafayette taking the emperor and empress to the back garden.

The topic level is a bit weaker, but it doesn't matter, the topic level is weak, and the number of fans comes together. A group of fans praised Zhou Yun's appearance today, and they just praised it like nothing in the sky.

Zhou Yun is in a very conventional look today, indeed beautiful, but there is not much change from usual.

But the enthusiasm of the fans couldn't be held back. In the eyes of those who liked Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun was a face, a night pearl that couldn't hide its brilliance.

Among the popular search terms such as "Yu Yan and Qin Fu appeared on the red carpet hand in hand" and "Liu Qingqing Yu Wen Zhou's official announcement of love affair", Zhou Yun appeared as #周云清丽集飞美美#, which seemed out of place.

(End of this chapter)

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