I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 627 The accident after the group photo

Chapter 627 The accident after the group photo
The annual grand ceremony is mainly to present some self-created awards to the guests, and also to make an annual report of "Victor".

For "Victor", as a fashion magazine, it needs to demonstrate its influence to the outside world through such an event.

The activities it organizes and the level and number of stars it can invite prove its status in the fashion industry to some extent.

Therefore, it should not only invite veteran artists like Zhang Hongyu, but also top artists like Ning Yao, Wei Ruxue, Song Chi, and Zhou Yun, as well as Gu Huaichun, Yu Sitian, and Liu Qingqing, who are here. A popular artist who has hit dramas in the past year.

The film and television industry and the fashion industry have never been separated.

The army of models led by Wen Xi participated in all of them without landing.

This year, the development of "Victor" is indeed in full swing.

At the moment when the sales of physical magazines are declining, they are still growing. At the same time, the influence of the Internet is also growing rapidly. Among them, the covers of three magazines are very influential, and they are widely circulated and praised by many fashion bloggers in Europe and the United States. Among them The first issue is Zhou Yun.

On the other hand, the advertising revenue of "Victor" has achieved a new high since its inception, and the three brands of VX, Vertical Axis Cruises, and Jinling Jewelry have put in the highest advertising efforts in history, which is why "Victor" treats Zhou Yun so courteously. reason.

The rich patron is the father, and the spokesperson for the patron's father is the royal ghost girl.

Therefore, the editor-in-chief Ren Su Min came over to greet Zhou Yun and the others in person after they entered the venue.

"Sister Hongyu, Xiaoyun, Brother Chi, I'm finally waiting for you!" Ren Sumin's smile was warm and bright, completely different from the poker faces used by other fashionable female devils.

The artists who were treated with polite and reserved smiles just now can only feel that they are not as good as others.

Several people exchanged pleasantries, and Ren Sumin personally led the three of them to the seat with the name tag, and then left with an excuse.

Courtesy plus, full of sincerity.

There are no fans in the entire venue, and there are no non-industry insiders.

Everyone is communicating with each other.

It is rare to have such an occasion to meet many acquaintances.

Yu Chu and Wang Jing sat in the back row of Zhou Yun, very close to each other. From the arrangement of the seats, it can be seen how much "Victor" attaches importance to Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun's good friends are all beside her.Wen Xi and Gu Huaichun were two positions on her right, while Su Yan and Liu Qingqing were separated by several positions, a little farther away.

Such an arrangement is very considerate.

"How do you feel now?" Zhou Yun asked Yu Chu in a low voice.

The news of Yu Chu's pregnancy has not been made public yet, and she is preparing for the wedding with Yin Zhou.

Yu Chu said: "Fortunately, I feel a little retched from time to time, and I have to go to the bathroom a little more than before, and the rest is fine."

"That's good."

Yu Chu was about to finish work, and this was one of her last important tasks.

"Where's Yin Zhou?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Chu said, "He stays with his dad at home."

"What are you and him going to do after that? After getting married, his family's affairs will become yours too." Zhou Yun said.

Yu Chu said: "I know, I have already talked with Yin Zhou about this matter, he said that his father doesn't need me to worry about it, let me continue to do my work, his father is very happy when he knows our affairs, His father originally thought that he would never see Yin Zhou get married and have children before he died, but he didn't expect to see him again, and he said he was very pleased."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"I still find it hard to believe that you're going to be a mother soon."

Yu Chu said: "Yeah, it's hard to believe, I didn't even think of it myself."

"Have you... told your parents?" Zhou Yun asked.

The smile on Yu Chu's face froze for a moment. She lowered her head and remained silent for a moment before saying, "I just told them that I'm getting married."

"Did they...didn't say anything? You got married so hastily."

"They disagree." Yu Chu raised his chin, "I said it's okay, I'm not asking for their permission."

Although Yu Chu said the words without any change in tone, Zhou Yun could almost imagine the regret and sadness in Yu Chu's heart when he said those words to her parents.

"Didn't they not ask for my permission when they owed so much gambling debt without telling me?" Yu Chu raised his jaw.

Zhou Yun hugged Yu Chu and patted her on the back lightly twice.

"I'm fine." Yu Chu smiled relievedly at Zhou Yun.

"Don't hold back." Zhou Yun said.

Seeing this scene, Gu Huaichun, who didn't know the situation, couldn't help but say, "You two won't suddenly realize that you like each other and want to abandon your man, right?"

"..." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at Gu Huaichun, "Shut your mouth."

Gu Huaichun laughed.

Zhou Yun said: "I heard that your scene was cut off, why are you still smiling so happily?"

Gu Huaichun shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Compared to this kind of chaos between the four armies, I'd rather postpone the broadcast, besides, I don't want to fight Sister Hongyu."

Zhang Hongyu said: "Does Xiao Gu look down on fighting old people like us?"

Gu Huaichun quickly shook his hand and said: "Don't say that, I don't know how to be so ignorant, I dare not fight with you, who won you."

Zhang Hongyu said: "Your mouth is still so sharp."

"That's right." Gu Huaichun was quite proud, "But, sister Hongyu, you agreed to take me to act together? Why haven't you come to me yet?"

Zhang Hongyu said, "I didn't find a suitable one."

Gu Huaichun clicked his tongue.

He shrugged his shoulders.

Song Chi asked: "The script I showed you last time, how do you like it? Are you interested?"

Gu Huaichun said: "I am interested, but the agent is not happy, he insists on persuading me to accept another film, I am negotiating with him."

"Which other drama is looking for you?"

""When Love" was produced by Haichi Film and Television." Gu Huaichun said, "If they give a higher salary, he doesn't care if the script is good or bad, he will let me take the one with the higher salary."

Song Chi said, "Haichi Film and Television? They are keen on making modern idol dramas, one after another."

Gu Huaichun shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's also because this drama will be broadcast in Yuehai, so they want me to act."

"If it's really not working, forget it." Song Chi said, "Don't make things difficult for you."

"Oh, I don't feel embarrassed, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight at that time." Gu Huaichun said, "Brother Chi, you miss me, I am very touched, but sometimes you can't help yourself."

"Understood." Song Chi nodded.

He himself came out of Zuo Jing, and he understands the embarrassment and pain that actors can't help themselves when they take on a role.

Sometimes, one script is clearly better than the other, but the company just wants you to act in the bad script, for no other reason than because the bad script pays more, or the production company has other conflicts with the company. cooperation framework.

Zhou Yun heard what the two said, and asked curiously: "What play?"

Song Chi said: "It's a romantic drama that tells the love story of a man and a woman in a straight-forward manner."

"Gu Huaichun's face is quite suitable."

The main audience of romantic dramas is women, and female audiences watch romantic dramas first and foremost to look at their faces.

Gu Huaichun's face is suitable.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to say that if Gu Huaichun couldn't act, he could ask Zhou Jianfeng to act.

Zhou Jianfeng's face is also very suitable for dating, but she guessed that Song Chi had a lot of considerations of her own, so she didn't make any rash comments.

Several people chatted for a long time, and the grand ceremony was finally about to officially begin, and the host began to guide everyone back to their seats.

Zhou Yun sat down again.

Ren Sumin took the stage to speak.

Zhou Yun originally thought that she wouldn't talk for a long time, but who knew, she didn't finish speaking for five minutes at a stretch. She was talking about the struggle of the entire magazine team this year and every breakthrough they made.

Zhou Yun was a little bored when he heard it, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Wen Xi's dull eyes, his mind was wandering, and he also showed a little lonely look of fading interest.

What happened to Wenxi?
She nudged Wen Xi lightly with her elbow.

Wen Xi came back to his senses, and looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

Zhou Yun asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Wen Xi shook his head and said, "Nothing."

"It's nothing. Last time you answered the phone in the middle of your meal and left in a hurry. I don't think you're in the right shape today. Did something happen?" Zhou Yun asked, "Tell me, what's the matter? Don't be alone in your heart, it's very uncomfortable."

Wen Xi sighed.

"It's not convenient here, so I'll tell you later." Wen Xi said.

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard the words, "You can look for me anytime, I'm always here."

Wen Xi raised the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, and nodded.

At the tenth minute, Ren Sumin finally finished speaking.

She greeted everyone to take a group photo on stage.

This kind of group photo session has always been the most concerned about this kind of fashion festival.

Especially who is in the middle and who is on the side, the ranking of the power list in the entertainment circle is clear at a glance.

Everyone came to the stage one by one.

Zhou Yun accompanied Zhang Hongyu to the stage.

Zhang Hongyu is a well-deserved C position, and no one dares to have the cheek to compete with her for the C position.

Zhou Yun was standing next to Zhang Hongyu.

Wen Xi was originally going to stand behind. She is a model and tall. She doesn't like this kind of C position. Anyway, today's group photo is mainly for actors and singers. She didn't have the idea of ​​standing in the middle.

But Ren Sumin saw her go to the back, took the microphone and said, "Wen Xi, Wen Xi, come down, why are you standing behind? You go to Xiao Yun's side."

Liu Qingqing, who had already stood beside Zhou Yun, ignored it and pretended not to hear it. Instead, she talked to Zhou Yun and said with a smile, "Long time no see, Xiao Yun."

Zhou Yun smiled at her and said, "Wen Xi is here."

Wen Xi walked over here with her skirt in her hand.

Zhou Yunchong waved to Liu Qingqing, and moved back.

Since Liu Qingqing refused to give in, she should give Wen Xi some space.

Liu Qingqing's face suddenly became a little ugly.

In front of them, Xu Siyao and Su Yan stood firmly on the center line, one left and one right, neither giving half an inch to the other.

Yu Yan moved to the side after being pushed aside by the crowd.

Her face was a little ugly.

At this time, Qin Fu suddenly shouted loudly: "Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan, come here!"

Yu Yan was called to her side by Qin Fu, so Yu Yan stood in the middle of a group of men, with Qin Fu holding her shoulders, her posture was like a bird, but her smile was shy and gentle.

Yu Sitian watched the few of them pushing back and forth between talking and laughing, and smiled with some disdain, not bothering to argue, and went directly to the far side.

Anyway, where she stands doesn't affect her popularity in the film industry.

After about five minutes of confusion, the location for the group photo was finally arranged.

The photographer starts taking pictures.

The flash lights flickered intensively.

Everyone is maintaining a smile on their face and doing a good job of expression management.

After the photographer finished shooting, everyone put away the expression management and prepared to step down.

Just as everyone was preparing to step down, Zhou Yun suddenly heard a scream coming from the front.

The whole audience was stunned.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Hongyu asked subconsciously.

Zhou Yun lowered his head and looked forward, and saw that someone fell down, but she was sitting on the ground with her back to her, and she didn't know who it was.

"Who fell?" Wen Xi asked aloud.

Someone has already stepped forward to help the fallen female star.

When someone helped her up, everyone saw her face.

It was Yang Xi, a signed actor of Xindun, who debuted around the same time as Wei Ruxue.

"Sister Xi, are you alright?" the person who helped her up asked.

Yang Xi's face was very ugly.

It's understandable when you think about it. It's too embarrassing to fall and fall at a time like this.

Several people said a few words of comfort.

Yang Xi suddenly glared at Su Yan.

"Su Yan, did you push me just now?"

Su Yan turned pale with shock.

"Yang Xi, what are you talking about?"

Yang Xi glared angrily, and said, "Someone pushed me from behind just now, and I fell down!"

Yang Xi's words shocked the audience.

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Did someone push Yang Xi to make Yang Xi fall?
All eyes were on Su Yan.

Su Yan immediately retorted: "It's not me, don't talk nonsense! There was a video of the whole process just now, and you will know who pushed you down after watching the video!"

Yang Xi scolded angrily: "Look at it!"

The two of them looked like they were about to fight.

Ren Sumin hurried over to smooth things over.

"Yang Xi, Su Yan, stop arguing, we'll see what's going on after we watch the video, let's step down first, so that our ceremony can continue normally, okay?" Ren Sumin comforted the two, "Finally able to invite everyone here and gather together."

Yang Xi gave Ren Sumin an annoyed look, after all, he gave the protagonist face and did not continue to pester him on stage.

Fortunately, she was not sprained, nor did she suffer any skin trauma.

Ren Sumin stepped forward to hold Yang Xi's arm, and personally sent her off the stage.

"When I finish tonight's activities, I will help you find out the truth as soon as possible, okay?"

Yang Xi nodded with a straight face.

"Su Min, I'm saving face for you, otherwise I must find out who the black hand is on the spot."

Ren Sumin nodded.

This little episode made everyone a little unexpected, and everyone couldn't help discussing in a low voice, who would be the one who pushed Yang Xi just now.

The people behind Yang Xi just now were Su Yan and Xu Siyao.

But because the incident happened when everyone started walking down the stage, there was chaos, and no one knew who walked behind Yang Xi when she was pushed.

Or, in fact, no one pushed Yang Xi, but Yang Xi thought he was pushed.

(End of this chapter)

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