I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 629 The long telegram

Chapter 629 The Long Phone Call

"Su Yan had an abortion?"

Zhou Yun let out an exclamation in surprise.

"real or fake?"

"I also heard it from others, so I don't know if it's true or not." On the phone, Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun what he had heard, "I heard that Su Yan found out about Yang Xi because he said this behind his back. Holding a grudge, I was pushed by Su Yan on the night of "Victor."

Zhou Yun: "I've never heard of this news, no matter it's true or not, if Yang Xi is really spreading this behind his back, I can understand why Su Yan wants to push Yang Xi."

"Who said it wasn't? After the news spread, all the voices that were on Yang Xi's side have turned against each other." Zhou Lan said, "Everyone agrees to one thing, everyone has their own secrets, paparazzi It’s fine if it’s exposed, but at least celebrities and artists should reach a consensus on this aspect, and they can’t do this kind of stabbing behind their backs. Everyone is an ordinary person, with seven emotions and six desires, and they have done things that they regret However, this industry requires the artist to be a saint with perfect morals. Most of the time, the artist can only create a public image through disguise. The fact that everyone tacitly accepts is that we can accuse Su Yan of hypocrisy, saying that she and Liu Qingqing are the same The enemy even exposes her friendly relationship with Xu Siyao, but we should not reveal her private affairs, especially abortion, and protecting her private affairs is protecting our own private affairs."

Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun: "Right now, at least in our agent circle, everyone's direction has turned to Su Yan, and Yang Xi's actions have violated the principles of most people."

"She..." Zhou Yun said, "But did Yang Xi disclose it to the media?"

"She didn't disclose it to the media, but she told no less than five people who attended the event that night." Zhou Lan said, "Someone has come forward to testify. Su Yan's accusation is not groundless."

Zhou Yun understood.

It turned out that there was such a reason behind this incident.

"Then how do we deal with this matter now?" Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Anyway, Su Yan also caused Yang Xi to fall off the stage. Fortunately, he was not injured. Anyway, Su Yan also Maliciously hurting someone?"

"Maliciously hurting people is of course, and I don't know what they will do in the future, but it has nothing to do with us." Zhou Lan said, "Recently, Su Yan has become popular because of the broadcast of "Linjiang Fairy". , there are quite a few people who are as jealous as Yang Xi. If this hadn't happened, they would have been jealous. With Su Yan's status, not many people would dare to challenge her directly, but the situation is different now, maybe they will There is a situation where there is a mass attack."

"Didn't you say that everyone is on Su Yan's side?"

"In the case of Su Yan and Yang Xi, everyone will stand on Su Yan's side, and everyone will condemn Yang Xi. This does not mean that everyone will not attack Su Yan in other matters." Zhou Lan said .

"Ah?" Zhou Yun looked confused, "Why is it so complicated?"

Zhou Lan: "Because people's hearts are inherently complicated."

"Sister Lan, do you think I will face such a situation one day?" Zhou Yun said with a smile, "When it comes to being big and attracting the wind, there may be no one who is more big and attracting the wind than me, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "But, Xiao Yun, you don't have to worry about these things. You have to believe that you have a very strong team, and we will kill all crises in the bud. Moreover, You are not someone with extreme personality like Su Yan or Yang Xi. You are the calmest and most self-contained person I have ever seen among celebrities. I have told you this many times. I am not because you are I’m an artist, I just said that, I really think so, there is an old saying you have to believe, if you act upright and sit upright, you won’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night.”

Zhou Yun hummed.

"I'm worrying too much, right?"

"It can't be said that, it is better to have a sense of urgency than a complete optimist, at least we have worries, fears, and a bottom line." Zhou Lan said, "You know that Liu Qingqing and the director of "Panic" are together, right? The two of them are fake, not really together, just to stir up topics for this show and attract some attention."

"What?" Zhou Yun was astonished.

She really thought that Liu Qingqing and Yu Wenzhou were together.

This is not surprising.

Actress and director together.

Zhou Lan: "In my opinion, this kind of hype has no bottom line. Sometimes it's just hype between the male and female protagonists to stir up CP and gossip, but Liu Qingqing and Yu Wenzhou are both serious. You're lying, and you're even holding hands openly."

"Liu Qingqing... why did she do this? The data of "Panic" is very popular, and she has returned to everyone's vision. The previous status was not difficult, why did you have to make such a big sacrifice?"

"It was made public at this time, probably to give another boost to "Panic". There are too many topics in the two dramas "Dragon Teng" and "Linjiang Fairy". No matter how hot it is, the scope of the fire is not as big as the previous two dramas. Liu Qingqing's hype can make more people pay attention to the drama "Panic" on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can also make her own topic The speed has been greatly improved." Zhou Lan said, "Her acting skills in "Panic" are very good, but it is a pity that it is an online drama and cannot compete for TV drama awards. Word-of-mouth will start a little more.”

"But it's a pity that because of the theme of this drama, Liu Qingqing herself didn't get much bonus." Zhou Lan finally said, "The heroine she played is not very popular."

"Well, why?" Zhou Yun was curious.

"Because the character design is not very good, I read the comments on the Internet, several times the Virgin Mary attack, which disgusted the audience." Zhou Lan said, "You also know that actors and characters are always inseparable, how much the audience likes it A character, often this liking will be projected onto the actor who plays her, and the same is true for the dislike."


"Actually, in the current film and television environment, even if it's a real bad guy, it's better to play a good guy with flawed morals in the past. Because she's a villain, the audience doesn't have expectations of her from the beginning, but if it's a positive role, If she has some moral flaws, people will be disappointed, and they will attack her in groups. She has a little temper, or is inconsistent, double-standard, etc. The character must be perfect, witty, and in a difficult environment. You can turn the tide even if you have a slightly lower IQ."

"Hahaha." Zhou Yun laughed.

"You know, one day I saw a joke on the Internet, it wasn't actually a joke, it was true. On Douban, someone asked why people still sympathized with Anna Karelina, a woman who cheated in marriage and abandoned her husband and son. .” Zhou Lan sighed.

"Anyone who asks this question means that she lives a happy life, which is pretty good." Zhou Yun smiled, "At least she hasn't experienced Anna's misfortune. Don't they all say that happy families are all alike, but unhappy families have their own differences? Unfortunately, many people cannot understand the misfortune of others.”

"I was thinking today how many people would understand Chen Yin's misfortune."

"Chen Yin's misfortune is easier to understand than Anna's, right?" Zhou Yun said with a smile, "But you are right, at least Chen Yin is a person with no flaws in morality, and she is a relatively perfect person." The victim is expected to get sympathy from many viewers."

"These words mean that when I choose a script for you, I still can't choose a character with a fatal problem." Zhou Lan shrugged, "There is no way, this is the current situation, and we have no ability to change it. , you can only protect yourself first.”

"Sister Lan, I understand what you mean, but let's not be a person who completely follows the trend, shall we?" Zhou Yun said, "I'm not saying that I have to go against this environment, but—"

"Xiaoyun, I understand, I understand, that's enough." Zhou Lan said.

The two had argued many times about what kind of movie they were filming and what kind of actor they were. Finally, after arguing over and over again, both of them had fully understood each other's meaning.

Zhou Yun often lamented that he was lucky to have met such a manager as Zhou Lan.

Maybe some people don't understand why she is so emotional.

In the eyes of many people, especially in the eyes of Zhou Yun's fans, her manager doesn't seem to have that much effect on her.

For example, resources, whether it is film and television dramas or commercial endorsements, these resources that find Zhou Yunlai seem to have nothing to do with Zhou Lan.

But for Zhou Yun, no one is more suitable than Zhou Lan to really be involved in the matter.

Zhou Lan didn't treat Zhou Yun as a cash cow and constantly squeeze her value, nor did he treat Zhou Yun as just a business partner, complimenting and echoing her all the way.

It is extremely rare that Zhou Lan is someone Zhou Yun can trust.

In life, how many people can we meet that we can trust?
Zhou Yun was the one who completely handed over his backyard to Zhou Lan to manage.

She never asked about the salary, but when Zhou Lan nodded, she agreed.

Brand endorsement, luxury goods, go to Zhou Lan for a talk, and when Zhou Lan finishes the talk, she will admit it.

Cooperation, go to Zhou Lan, after communication, she listens to Zhou Lan's arrangement to do the work.

Zhou Yun is an actor and a star entertainer.

How many tangible and intangible interests contact her actively and passively.

Zhou Yun handed everything over to Zhou Lan, and Zhou Lan lived up to his trust and assembled a team to manage her script, business, itinerary, publicity, public relations and many other affairs in an orderly manner.

Since becoming popular, how many times Zhou Yun's public opinion crisis has been turned around by Zhou Lan's counterattack.

Zhou Yun has filmed so many films, and she has never been cheated by the crew or the producer. She has always joined the crew smoothly, completed the production smoothly, and broadcasted smoothly.

There is no such thing as a second female role plus a drama plus a female first role, and there is no such thing as a crew that cannot continue filming after half of the funding chain is broken.

Zhou Lan's contribution to Zhou Yun's smooth journey to today despite being stared at by so many eyes is largely due to Zhou Lan.

Sometimes Zhou Lan is also in a trance.

Whenever she felt that the revolutionary friendship between herself and Zhou Yun was very deep, she thought again, it will be almost four years since Zhou Yun debuted.

Zhou Yun's rise in recent years was so fast that she often didn't realize it.

"By the way, Xiaoyun, the people at Yuehai told me that they want to broadcast "Deep Sea" in mid-January."

"January?" Zhou Yun stared in surprise, "So fast? Didn't the movie just finish filming?"

Zhou Lan said: "The post-production has been done. The main reason is that the number of episodes of the drama is small, and it is a modern drama. The post-production pressure is not so great."

"Aren't they going to start publicity soon?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"They plan to release the trailer in two days, but the broadcast license has not yet been issued, and they are working on it." Zhou Lan said, "They probably also want to use this drama to make a good start for the first quarter of next year. , although "Linjiang Fairy" has been broadcast well during this period, other platforms also have small hits, and there is no absolute advantage. However, Chestnut Video will be on "Walk with the Phoenix" starring Wei Ruxue in January, and in February Song Chi’s "Silent Ark" is going to be a reserve for the annual blockbuster, and at the same time, there will be a super big IP "Xianyu Jue" in January and February, and Yuehai.com can't sit still."

Only then did Zhou Yun understand why Yuehai.com was so anxious to publish "Deep Sea".

She asked, "Then, can Yu Chu still participate in the promotion?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan nodded, "but it's not very beneficial for Yu Chu to broadcast at this time. She is about to have a baby. If "Deep Sea" is broadcast at this time, she will find a play later, and she can't do it. Wait. After giving birth, she can come out to film after recovering a good figure, at least in the second half of this year in September and October, and the bonus of "Deep Sea" is limited to her."

"Sigh." Zhou Yun sighed, "There is no other way."


Both Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan knew how hard Yu Chu was.

If Yu Chu can take advantage of the popularity of "Deep Sea" and get into the eyes of major producers and producers, it will be extremely beneficial for her career development to be a leading actress.

If you miss this time, no one knows when Yu Chu's next opportunity will come.

"Has the movie Yu Chu is filming finished yet?"

"Not yet." Zhou Lan said, "It will take a while. I have already explained to the crew that I will ensure her rest time every day, so that she will not work too hard."

"That's good." Zhou Yun said, "She is in a special period, so she must protect herself."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan suddenly smiled again, "However, I don't have to worry about the fact that she didn't get exposed during her pregnancy and childbirth."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "Why?"

"You don't even know how many dramas she will broadcast in the future. It is estimated that there will be six dramas in the first half of next year, four of which will be heroines."

"..." Zhou Yun remembered that Yu Chu had filmed more than a dozen dramas in order to fight for his career, so he had a lot of inventory.

(End of this chapter)

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