I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 630 "Chen Yin" Dinner

Chapter 630 "Chen Yin" Dinner

Zhou Yun stayed at the shooting scene basically every day.

In fact, she doesn't have to shoot every scene, but she is used to staying on the set and maintaining her character feeling.

The other actors of this show have joined the group one after another and started to read the script.

It is the performance director who organizes the reading of the script. Jiang Xin occasionally goes to see it, and most of the time he still directs the play on the spot.

For the first ten days or so, the filming revolved around Jiang Yuzhen's character.

She has a play waiting for her to join the filming team, and the time is very tight.

As an old actor, Jiang Yuzhen originally thought that acting in this play didn't need to be so strenuous. With her acting skills, as long as she is serious, she can produce high-quality performances.

However, Jiang Xin's requirements were extremely high, and he did not relax his requirements for Jiang Yuzhen, and even raised higher requirements.

The most common thing Jiang Yuzhen said to Zhou Yun was that she never thought that filming would be so stressful at this age.

The pressure she said meant that she didn't know whether the appearance she performed was what the director wanted.

Generally speaking, a mature actor already has his own methodology and aesthetics on how to create characters, and Jiang Yuzhen also has it, but it is obviously still not up to Jiang Xin's requirements.

Jiang Xin has higher requirements.

It can be seen that he is a dissatisfied person from the fact that he still has to try "Chen Yin", a subject that has never been filmed before, even with this qualification.

He always wants better.

Although Jiang Yuzhen has been complaining to Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun can also see that Jiang Yuzhen actually enjoys the current state of filming.

Any actor does not want his performance to enter a flat, unchanging state.

But for many mature actors, they may be limited by the roles they can accept, or some of their own limitations. They realize that they have not made breakthroughs for a long time and their acting skills have become inertial, but they suffer from no way to change this.

So, why actors are eager to cooperate with powerful directors.

Different directors can inspire different sides of actors.

Some actors are simply rotten in other baptisms, but when they are shot by a certain director, they suddenly become rotten and magical.

Zhou Yun didn't go to the script reading, she stayed on the set all the time.

Jiang Xin felt strange and asked her why.

Zhou Yun said: "I can learn a lot from watching you direct the play. I have always looked at how I want to act from the perspective of an actor. Now after I watch Yuzhen's performance, I will listen to your opinion and your guidance. Until the scene of Sister Yuzhen was over, I found the changes in performance several times before and after this very interesting."

Jiang Xin laughed when he heard Zhou Yun say that, and asked, "Have you thought about becoming a director in the future?"

Zhou Yun immediately shook his head and said, "I don't have such a plan, at least not in recent years. I enjoy the sense of acting and devotion of playing another character, but as a director... Well, to be honest, I think I Not that material."

"I think if you have the right opportunity, you can give it a try."

"Give it a try?" Zhou Yun shook his head, "If I was just afraid of not being able to do well, but I was very interested in being a director, I would give it a try, but I have no idea at all, so I don't think I should try."

Jiang Xin was a little surprised when he heard Zhou Yun say that.

"I didn't think you really didn't want to do it. In fact, many actors have been actors for a long time, and they will have something they want to express. You also know that many times, when there is a conflict between the actor and the director, the actor still wants to express it. Listen to the director, and the style of many directors is not so easy for people to accept."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "But I'm lucky. The directors I met all respected my ideas, and I'm not the kind of character who insists on following my ideas. I think it's better to act according to A. Well, at this time you told me to act in accordance with B, I would be confused why you should act in accordance with B, just tell me what you think, I can understand, of course there are times when I can’t understand, even sometimes, sometimes The director can't tell what kind of feeling he wants, he just has an intuition, or he thinks that my acting doesn't have the taste he wants, and I don't care, I'm happy to explore this kind of theory with the director Unclear state until we find the look he wants most together."

Jiang Xin was quite emotional and said: "No wonder you have improved your acting skills so fast in just a few years. I am amazed by your savvy and rationality."

"Thank you, director." Zhou Yun laughed, "I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but I don't have that high demand on myself. I often tell myself, let nature take its course. It doesn’t matter if the performance of the show is ruined, or the effect of this play is not as expected, that’s okay. I often tell myself that, as long as I have done my best and produced the best things I can produce at that stage, I will not No more regrets."

Jiang Xin said: "You can't think that way. Sometimes, an actor needs such a stubborn energy to have that taste. It's not good to let nature take its course."

Zhou Yun laughed twice and agreed.

On the day of Jiang Yuzhen's filming, the crew specially arranged a dinner to bid farewell to Jiang Yuzhen. At the same time, other actors who had already joined the crew were also welcome to have a dinner together.

Jiang Yuzhen's eyes were red.

"I really didn't expect to shoot the scene for [-] days, and I would feel reluctant." When Jiang Yuzhen was speaking, holding a glass of wine, she said to the actors present, "Everyone is Good actor, I want to tell everyone that you must cherish the time you spent filming with Director Jiang Xin. I am already at this age, and I often feel that I am not enough in the past [-] days, and I feel that there is still a lot to improve. You guys Act hard, learn from Director Jiang, and you will learn a lot of things that will be useful to you all your life."

Jiang Xin shook his hand embarrassingly, and said, "Yuzhen, don't say that, I don't have that much talent."

"Sister Yuzhen is right, I think so too." Zhou Yun picked up his wine glass and said with a smile, "But I am a little luckier than everyone else, because I have a lot of rivalries with Sister Yuzhen in this drama, and I have a lot of rivalry with Sister Yuzhen. Sister Yuzhen played opposite scenes, it was so enjoyable. When I was acting in "Ask the Heart", I didn't have many scenes with Sister Yuzhen. This time I finally passed the addiction. I hope I will have another chance to do it again soon. addiction."

Everyone held the venue and cheered.

Jiang Yuzhen gave Zhou Yun an angry look with a smile.

Yu Sitian's eyes sparkled, and she said: "I've been watching your acting live for the past few days, Sister Yuzhen, I really hope to have such good acting skills as you in the future, you are my idol, I respect you! "

The other actors followed suit and raised their glasses.

"Let's respect sister Yuzhen!"

Jiang Yuzhen drank the wine in the glass with a smile, and the smile leaked from her eyes.

She is really happy tonight.

In the end, everyone no longer paid attention to the table etiquette, and began to toast and chat in private.

Huang Zicheng also joined the group, and he sat at another table.

Zhou Yun saw that he was sitting in the middle of the crowd a little cautiously, and he didn't blend into the atmosphere of that table enthusiastically.

In fact, Zhou Yun liked the two young men Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting signed by Zhou Lan.I'm used to those people in the entertainment industry who try their best to get closer to you. These two young men have been signed to Zhou Lan's subordinates for so long, and they never take the initiative to mention her in front of the media. Even if they do so, they can get more With more exposure, you can also take the opportunity to be seen by more people.

Zhou Yun could even imagine that if Xu Siyao was sitting here today, she would have come over to say hello to her, and then took the opportunity to get closer to Jiang Xin and Jiang Yuzhen.

"Sister Xiaoyun, it's a great honor to be able to act with you again this time." Cheng Shenlu's voice suddenly pulled Zhou Yun back from his trance.

Zhou Yun looked at the beautiful young girl in front of him and smiled.

Cheng Shenlu only acted with her in the drama "Under Dress" half a year ago.

"Long time no see." Zhou Yun said.

Cheng Shenlu held the wine glass in both hands and said, "I respect you."

When several other young people saw Cheng Shenlu coming to toast Zhou Yun, they also came over with wine glasses.

The last one to come was Chen Jing.

It is also true that he will play "Chen Yin", which Zhou Yun did not expect.

He is not an unknown person, he has Ning Yao behind him, and he has starred in "Mother and Son Inn" and several other dramas before. When Song Chi was unable to act in "The Balcony" because of a fracture, he took over Song Chi's role in this movie, It can be said that whether it is a TV series or a movie, he is not bad to play the role of the leading man, but he actually came to play "Chen Yin" and played a supporting role.

"Sister Xiaoyun." Chen Jing also shouted after everyone.

Zhou Yun said: "When did you join the group? I didn't even know you were here."

Chen Jing smiled shyly and said, "I just came here yesterday."

"So, let me tell you, I haven't seen you all this time." Zhou Yun said, "Are you a little thinner than the last time I saw you?"

Chen Jing nodded and said, "In the last play, I played a prisoner on death row, so I lost a lot of weight, and I only started to resume a normal diet a few days ago."

"You're too skinny now, so you need to grow some meat." Zhou Yun said, "I'm still curious. Didn't you act in movies in the previous two plays? Why are you acting in TV dramas again?"

Chen Jing said: "Sister Ning Yao asked me to learn from you and Director Jiang."

Zhou Yun quickly waved his hands and said, "Learning from me is the second priority. You should learn more from Director Jiang."

"Well, learn everything." Chen Jing said.

He really lives up to his name, he looks young and restrained.

Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "Have you met Director Jiang?"

Chen Jing nodded and said, "When I joined the group yesterday, my manager had already taken me to see him."

"Then hurry up and toast Director Jiang." Zhou Yun patted Chen Jing on the shoulder, "Let's have a good chat later."

"En." Chen Jing nodded seriously.

Zhou Yun watched Chen Jing go to Jiang Xin's side, and took the wine glass to Huang Zicheng's place.

When Huang Zicheng saw Zhou Yun approaching, he quickly got up and called, "Sister Xiaoyun."

"Why are you blushing?" Zhou Yun looked at Huang Zicheng's face curiously and asked.

"I had some wine just now." Huang Zicheng said, "I don't drink very well."

"How much did you drink for such a face?" Zhou Yun asked, "Can you hold on?"

"Fortunately, just a little dizzy." Huang Zicheng said.

Zhou Yun: "Then drink some soup later and stop drinking."

Huang Zicheng blinked and said, "But I have to respect the director later."

"Ah, I have to pay respects to the director." Zhou Yun nodded, "Then don't drink any more than to respect the director."

Huang Zicheng said, "I haven't respected you yet."

"Oh, what do you want between us?" Zhou Yun patted Huang Zicheng on the back, "Don't be respectful here, it's a rare chance tonight, you know everyone, don't be too reserved."

"En." Huang Zicheng nodded.

Zhou Yun smiled, "Before filming "Deep Sea", we didn't have many rivalry scenes, maybe only two or three scenes? This time, let's do more, let's work hard together."

"En." Huang Zicheng nodded again.

Seeing that there was no one else on Jiang Yuzhen's side, Zhou Yun said, "Then go and respect the director yourself later, I have something to do with someone else."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun came to Jiang Yuzhen's side, pulled her aside, and said in a low voice, "Sister Yuzhen, I have already inquired about the things you asked me to help you with."

Earlier, Jiang Yuzhen asked Zhou Yun for help to inquire about an American drama that asked her to star in.

Jiang Yuzhen asked, "How is it?"

"The producer of that American TV series is called Swank Brussels. The title of the play has not yet been finalized. The character who asked you is indeed a bit negative. It is a somewhat crazy witch, very crazy, but there is no malicious uglification involved in it. "Zhou Yun told Jiang Yuzhen the information he had inquired about, "This role was originally set to be European and American. It seems that because Hollywood now pays special attention to diversity and especially encourages the use of multi-racial actors, this role was changed to Asian, the producer is most interested in you, and wants to invite you to play, but like you said, they are also contacting a Korean actress named Han Suli, I don’t know if you know her.”

"Ah, I know her, she is a great actress." Jiang Yuzhen said, "She won the Best Actress Award in Asia Pacific."

"I heard that an executive from the producer of this drama recommended you very much." Zhou Yun said, "I went to inquire about this person, who do you think he is?"

Jiang Yuzhen was taken aback.

"How do I guess... Ah!" Jiang Yuzhen suddenly remembered, "It was the foreigner who came to the set when we were filming the first scene?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "He came here specially to watch your acting."

"But isn't he interested in "Chen Yin" and wants to buy the overseas broadcast rights of this drama?"

"The production company that sent you the invitation and the company that wants to buy "Chen Yin" belong to the same parent company." Zhou Yun said, "I suggest you continue to chat with them, and it is best to sign some concerns into the contract Constraints inside, especially in matters of ideology."

Jiang Yuzhen nodded, "I see, Xiaoyun, thank you for helping me inquire about this matter."

"Sister Yuzhen, don't be polite to me." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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