Chapter 632
"I was really dumbfounded."

Back on the trailer, Zhou Yun called Song Chi.

"I, I really haven't met such an actor who can't act for a long time, I'm completely dumbfounded."

Song Chi said, "Didn't he play the leading role before? Isn't that enough?"

"Who knows." Zhou Yun sighed, "If I hadn't played against him on the spot, I would never have thought that I would meet such a person who can't act."

"What's his attitude?" Song Chi asked.

"Attitude? The attitude is quite good. Anyway, NG kept apologizing since then, but it's useless to just apologize." Zhou Yun was very helpless, "It took eight shots in the end to pass."

"He is a newcomer, please be more considerate." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Maybe I'm being mean, but I have a feeling that I can't understand him. He just doesn't know how to act and doesn't understand."

Zhou Yun's words became a prophecy.

No matter who Xie Pinyuan was playing with, this problem always appeared.

He is not playing with Zhou Yun, because he is nervous, so he can't act. He stands in front of the camera, like a wooden man, sometimes he doesn't know what he is doing, and sometimes he suddenly bursts with passion, scaring everyone.

Jiang Xin lost his temper.

Such a good-tempered director like him finally reprimanded Xie Pinyuan in public: "Are you really good at acting?!"

Xie Pinyuan blushed so much that he was about to bleed.

The face is gone.

"I'm sorry, director." Xie Pinyuan bowed to Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin sighed and said: "Come here, there is no need for you to always apologize, you have to pay more attention to yourself, when you are filming a scene, you have to know what you are doing, what are the motives of your characters, what are your thoughts?" What is it, what is the purpose, why did he do this, and if he wants to say that, you have to figure it out yourself, instead of reading lines, this is called water words, you know?"

Xie Pinyuan pursed his lips and nodded.


When Jiang Xin taught Xie Pinyuan a lesson, many people on the set saw it.

This feeling is like the head teacher calling you up in front of the whole class and criticizing and educating you in public.

Even if the head teacher has good intentions, your self-esteem will make you feel very embarrassed.

Originally, when everyone first joined the group, Xie Pinyuan was still the leader among the young actors, and he organized several activities for everyone, including eating, singing, and playing games.

As a result, after several scenes were filmed, Xie Pinyuan never mentioned these things again.

He felt that he had lost all his face, how could he have the nerve to meet other people.

The others didn't know what to say to him, it was because Xie Pinyuan's acting was really bad, it exceeded their expectations, they were too embarrassed to say anything, for fear that they didn't say a word well, which would stimulate Xie Pinyuan .

Zhou Yun originally wanted to hold on for a few days to see if the situation could improve.But before the situation improved, Xie Pinyuan suddenly asked for leave and left the group.

"What did he do?" Seeing that Xie Pinyuan disappeared from the original notice, she asked suspiciously.

Zheng Xiaoju played his role as a "know-it-all" and said, "He's gone to shoot commercials."

"Oh." Zhou Yun thought to himself, then he will probably be back soon.

However, Zhou Yun did not expect that Xie Pinyuan would not come back.

When she got the news, five days had passed.

The producer was in a hurry and urged Xie Pinyuan's team many times, asking when he would be back.

This was originally a short play, and the filming time was not long. Xie Pinyuan took leave for such a long time, and there was a backlog of many scenes that could not be filmed, which had a great impact on the subsequent arrangements.

As a result, Xie Pinyuan's team hesitated for a long time, and finally asked: "Pinyuan has been hit hard, why is he unwilling to return to the crew to film, Brother Qin, we may have to resign."

When the producer Qin Zhaolan heard this, he was so angry that he scolded his mother.

This kind of news can't be kept secret, and it quickly spread up and down the crew.

Jin Lin said privately to Cheng Shenlu: "I had such a premonition before."

Cheng Shenlu said: "He used to play the leading role, but now he is suddenly assigned to play a supporting role, and he was criticized so harshly by the director. I guess his self-esteem can't stand it. I felt that a few days before he left. He's about to break down."

"Oh, I didn't expect that he could act so badly." Jin Lin said.

Cheng Shenlu: "Yeah, I've seen the play he acted in before, and I didn't think his acting skills were that bad."

"Maybe he acted in his true colors in the previous drama, so he doesn't need to act." Jin Lin said, "He is still very handsome."

"I just don't know what to do if he doesn't return to the crew." Cheng Shenlu said, "Will the crew pursue his legal responsibility?"

"This kind of thing, the two sides will negotiate, right? Xie Pinyuan is an actor who is highly praised by Sanfan Video, and our drama is produced and invested by Sanfan Video, so it is estimated that it will not go to that point." Jin Lin said.

Cheng Shenlu: "You don't know, Miss Xiaoyun is the one who dislikes irresponsible and unprofessional behaviors of actors. It doesn't matter if the performance is even worse. As long as you are serious, she is only strict with you, and she won't say goodbye. Yes, for Xie Pinyuan's behavior, I think Miss Xiaoyun will explode."

"Ah?" Jin Lin showed surprise, "Really?"

Cheng Shenlu nodded.


Since Cheng Shenlu filmed "Under Dress" with Zhou Yun, he thinks he has a certain understanding of Zhou Yun.

Thinking of what Zhou Yun had done in the crew of "Under Dress", she was not optimistic about Xie Pinyuan's future situation.

Zhou Yun will definitely come forward to condemn this behavior.

As Cheng Shenlu said, Zhou Yun lost his temper on the set as soon as he learned about it.

"Resignation? He resigned after filming for so long?" Zhou Yun put his stainless steel water glass on the table heavily, and made a "clang" sound, "What's the matter? Points? When I took it, I thought I could do it, but halfway through the filming, I found that I couldn’t do it? Is this how he works as an actor? When all of us are playing house with him!"

Liu Jun, the producer sent by the third video, quickly appeased: "Xiao Yun, calm down, don't get angry about this, it's not worth it, but I also watched some of Xiao Xie's previous scenes, oops, I didn't expect his acting skills to be so eye-catching, and it's a good thing that he resigned, otherwise, if he appeared in our drama, wouldn't it be a mouse dropping that spoiled a pot of good soup?"

Although Jiang Xin's company is leading the production of this drama, Sanfan Video is the main investor and producer, so according to industry practice, this producer named Liu Jun represents the attitude of Sanfan Video.

Jiang Xin's company acts as a producer.

In other production groups, the producer on the platform side is often the one with the greatest voice.

But Liu Jun couldn't put on such a show in the "Chen Yin" crew.

The director is Jiang Xin, the lead actor is Zhou Yun, both sides are big bosses, Liu Jun can only comfort him with nice words.

Zhou Yun stared at Liu Jun, and said: "Liu Jun, didn't you push Xie Pinyuan to play this movie in the first place? This is your movie, and now because of the actor you pushed, the previous movie It can’t be used anymore, and I don’t know who to find to act in the future, so how to calculate the time wasted?”

Liu Jun said embarrassingly, "Xiaoyun, I assure you, we will find the best actor to replace him as quickly as possible."

"What about Xie Pinyuan?" Zhou Yun asked, "He patted his ass and left halfway through the filming in such a grandiose manner, and that's it?"

Liu Jun said: "This kid is still a rookie. He just made his debut not long ago. We are also very angry if he doesn't understand these rules. But he is a kid after all. Some things have to be taught slowly. If this matter is really going to be held accountable , make things worse, and this kid's reputation in the industry will be ruined."

"If he's afraid of ruining his reputation, why doesn't he come back to film?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

Liu Jun: "Isn't it because his ability is really incapable of acting?"

"Hehe." Zhou Yun spread his hands, "Liu Jun, since you want to protect this actor, I have nothing to say. I am so disappointed by your attitude. Let me just say, how long have I signed with you?" , I will shoot for as long as I want, I won’t shoot for one more day, you can do whatever you like!”

After she finished speaking, she stood up suddenly, picked up the water glass and left.

Zheng Xiaoju hurriedly followed.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun!" Liu Jun obviously didn't expect Zhou Yun to be so angry, and he couldn't shout at her. He turned his head and looked at Jiang Xin and Qin Zhaolan, "Director, Zhaolan, what do you say?" What is this called? We don't want such a thing to happen, why is Xiaoyun so angry? Sigh..."

Jiang Xin glanced at Liu Jun, eyes drooping, looked at the table, sighed, and said, "Do you think Xiaoyun has a temper? Hehe, you don't know, Xiaoyun is helping me lose my temper."

"Director?" Liu Jun was taken aback.

"The actor ran away, and the previous filming material wasted. Is this a trivial matter?" Jiang Xin's tone was tepid. Compared with Zhou Yun's anger just now, it didn't sound that serious, but anyone who saw Jiang Xin now I don’t even think that he is letting go of this matter lightly, “Do you think this is a reshoot with another actor? With such a large crew and so many people, how much time do I have behind me? How much time do you have? Reshoot? Hehe, who told you that if we reshoot, we will definitely have the extra time?"

Liu Jun's face turned ugly.

"Filming is supposed to respect each other and cooperate with each other. No matter how bad Xie Pinyuan's acting is, no one in the entire crew has personally attacked him, and no one has scolded him for being too nasty. Just like this, he can't stand it? Want to resign?" Jiang Xin shook his head, "Xiaoyun is right, compared to Xie Pinyuan's attitude, your attitude is more annoying. He committed such a big taboo in the industry, and you still defend him like this. What's the matter, let us compromise, why, we are here to be your babysitter for the third video?"

Liu Jun quickly shook his head: "Director, please don't say that, it really discourages us, we are too happy to have this cooperation."

Jiang Xin waved his hands and said, "You don't need to talk about it. Since you have this attitude, let's do business. I signed the contract with you when the filming will be finished, because your actors have problems. During the period of delay that leads to re-finding actors and re-shooting, you should re-sign the supplementary agreement of the agreement, increase the remuneration, and increase the remuneration because of the additional budget caused by the postponement of filming, you should study it yourself."

Before Liu Jun came, he didn't expect that Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun's reaction would be so fierce. He wanted to talk about it, but the matter was over. Who knew that these two people would be so unsympathetic.

Liu Jun's face turned dark.


The words of Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin quickly reached the ears of other actors in the crew.

When the other actors were shocked by Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun's tough attitude, only Cheng Shenlu looked like he had expected it a long time ago, and said, "I just said, sister Xiaoyun won't bear this matter." .”

"In the end, we have to endure, otherwise what can we do?" Wen Yuling said, "In this industry, actors are weak in front of the platform, even Zhou Yun has to compromise."

"This is not necessarily the case. Now the platform is begging Zhou Yun to cooperate with them."

"You guys are so naive." Wen Yuling said, "The reason why the platform begged Zhou Yun to cooperate is because the dramas starring Zhou Yun can be popular and popular, but if Zhou Yun doesn't give the platform face, do you think the platform must be Zhou Yun? Now in this market, there are only a few big platforms, which actor can bypass it? Which actor can say that he really doesn’t care?”

Cheng Shenlu said: "Even if Sister Xiaoyun doesn't act in TV dramas, she still has a lot of movies to act in. Moreover, you all don't know how much work has done to repair the relationship with her."

Wen Yuling still didn't believe it.

Jin Lin said: "Oh, it's impossible for Sister Xiaoyun and Sanfan Video to have a real quarrel. You guys are too online. This matter is Xie Pinyuan's problem. Sister Xiaoyun got angry about it. Do you want to refuse to cooperate with Sister Xiaoyun because of the anger of the third video? I heard that as long as it is a drama starring Xiaoyun, the advertisers will come to the door with money to find cooperation, which is different from other dramas. Sanfan Videos will not be difficult for advertisers, as my agent said, when major platforms are doing promotions, advertisers will ask if there is a play starring Zhou Yun."

"So exaggerated?" Wen Yuling was a little surprised.

"It's not an exaggeration. I heard people say it not long ago. You see, "Dragon Teng" and "Linjiang Fairy" are popular enough now? The combined advertising revenue of these two dramas is less than that of "" The advertising income of "Setting the Storm" is high." Jin Ling said, "Now advertisers especially recognize Zhou Yun and are willing to invest."

"Why? Are "Long Teng" and "Lin Jiang Xian" not as good as the broadcast data of "Ding Feng Bo?" Wen Yuling asked.

"No, but according to the statistics of many brands, Zhou Yun's ability to bring goods is the strongest." Jin Lin explained, "Moreover, Zhou Yun's main fan base includes college students and white-collar elites, who are the main fans of many brands. To put it simply, advertisers have their own set of calculation rules for the target consumer group, and their data shows that the works starring Zhou Yun can be converted into the largest proportion of actual purchasing power.”

"Wow." Wen Yuling said, "I've never heard of such a thing."

(End of this chapter)

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