Chapter 633
Zhou Yun's evaluation of the brand has always been very high.

Every brand is willing to cooperate with her because her fan base is too large. From personal image to public image to fashion image, Zhou Yun's commercial value seems to have no shortcomings.

Every now and then some news comes out, but everyone likes her.

Of course, the executives of Sanfan Video couldn't easily quarrel with Zhou Yun.

Even had to try its best to repair the relationship with Zhou Yun due to the tendency of advertisers, let alone the third video which was slightly weaker than

However, Xie Pinyuan is an actor who is guaranteed by a certain high-level executive of Sanfan Video, and has also acted in several plays of Sanfan Video.

If he is punished according to the contract, this matter will definitely not be good, and this will definitely affect Xie Pinyuan's image.

The key to Sanfan Video is that he does not want the reputation of Xie Pinyuan to affect the reputation of other film and television dramas developed by Sanfan Video starring him.

To put it simply, Xie Pinyuan's personal affairs are small, but the more interests involved behind him are of great importance.

The key to this matter is that the three videos did not expect that their handling of this matter would make Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun have such strong opinions.

The senior management immediately organized a meeting to discuss how to solve this matter in the future.

Xie Pinyuan can't continue filming this drama, if he changes people and reshoots, then the filming period must be extended.

This is not something that can be rushed out in a few days.

In fact, if the crew members cooperate, it is normal to extend the shooting period.

But Zhou Yun has already said that she will definitely shoot according to the time given in the contract, and will not shoot for one more day, which also means that if she does this, the script will either be deleted, or the film will not be able to continue.

Because Zhou Yun's scenes can't be finished.

"Is it possible to talk to Zhou Yun's company again? She has such a big opinion, let's see if her company can do her work."

"You don't know, do you? Zhou Yun has already changed the contract with Chengqian Entertainment. She and Chengqian Entertainment are now in a cooperation mode where the studio is affiliated. Chengqian Entertainment basically has no restrictions on her."

"Oh, a big star is a big star, he has such a big temper."

"I can't blame her for this matter. When you agreed to Xie Pinyuan's resignation, I said it was wrong. She has been filming for so many days. If you say resignation, you can resign. Which crew can agree?"

"This drama is our own investment, we made the decision, what qualifications do they have to make irresponsible remarks?"

"Just because they are Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun." Another person said angrily to the arrogant person just now, "Can you find a more top-level combination than them in China?"

No one spoke.

Platform companies have a big business, and of course they can ignore ordinary celebrities, but no boss dares to underestimate or be arrogant to top stars who can handle dramas.

The family business is as big as Marvel, when dealing with the top star actors, don't they also have to lower their arrogant capitalist heads?

It is the uncle who can make money.

"Let's not forget how much money we have invested in this drama. "Chen Yin" is our top drama next year. Now the investment promotion has not yet started. Just by releasing the newsletter, there are already seven or eight A brand has come to negotiate with us about advertising cooperation, who do you think they are targeting?"

The place became even quieter.

"If you want me to say, either, change the script, simply delete the character of Xie Pinyuan, and do a little processing, so that there are not many parts that need reshoots and reshoots, and the filming can be completed within the specified time, or we will take it. Show enough sincerity, apologize to Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun, ask them to forgive, or send Xie Pinyuan back, even if it turns out that he is a wooden man, he will honestly be put on the crew to finish filming the movie!"


The filming atmosphere of "Chen Yin" in the past two days was not very good.

Because of Xie Pinyuan's matter, Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun didn't laugh much at the scene.

This is especially true when Liu Jun is also present.

The attitude of Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin last time obviously shocked Liu Jun. Although he stayed on the set for the past two days, he didn't say much, just being a quiet and transparent person.

In the past, when Liu Jun was on the scene, he would explain to everyone what was there and what was not there from time to time.

It wasn't until this moment that these actors who also came to filming suddenly realized that this actress who had reached a high status in their eyes actually had a higher status than they imagined.

In the past two days, Liu Jun has called Zhou Yunna "Hush and ask for warmth".

Knowing that Zhou Yun likes to drink coffee, the crew specially arranged for someone to buy coffee for her before. In the past two days, Liu Jun did not know where to get a coffee machine. on the hands of the cloud.

Wen Yuling only worked with Zhou Yun in the last film. In that film, Zhou Yun had never been such a "big name" on the set of the crew, so Wen Yuling always felt that Zhou Yun was a good-tempered person who didn't put on airs. people.

It was only these two days that Wen Yuling realized that when Zhou Yun was about to lose his temper, no one could take it seriously.

Even if this person is a representative of the platform.

This afternoon, the snow was falling, and the scene was very cold.

Zhou Yun was wrapped in a down jacket and sat in front of Little Sun, reviewing the script with Huang Zicheng and Chen Jing.

Huang Zicheng and Chen Jing competed quietly against each other. They are usually relatively honest and shy people on the set.

Zhou Yun spoke to the two of them, stopping from time to time to communicate his thoughts with them.

Compared with Huang Zicheng, Chen Jing is still more assertive.He will communicate his ideas with Zhou Yun and have discussions.

Huang Zicheng basically listened to what Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun was also aware of Huang Zicheng's problem, and she inspired Huang Zicheng to ponder and study a character by himself.

"Before I have the ability to fully construct a character, I will find some characteristics for my character, which can help me perform more accurately, instead of being in a state in the front and changing a state in the back. "Zhou Yun said, "Zi Cheng, you just smile when you are happy, and slump when you are unhappy. This is just a state performance. You can actually think about it. The appearance of being happy is also different, look at Chen Jing, when Chen Jing is happy, does he laugh like me?"

Huang Zicheng shook his head, glanced at Chen Jing, and said, "He usually just grinned, but he didn't haha."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Look at Cheng Shenlu again, what does she look like when she is happy?"

Huang Zicheng hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

Huang Zicheng glanced at Cheng Shenlu who was not far away. The latter was talking to Jin Lin for some reason.

"A little crazy."

Zhou Yun couldn't hold back his smile, pulled the corner of his mouth, nodded, and said, "That's right, that's what I mean, do you understand what I mean? You have to set some characteristics for your character yourself. For example, he Is it a little quieter like Chen Jing, or a little more outgoing like Cheng Shenlu."

Huang Zicheng suddenly realized, nodded: "I understand."

"Well, think about it." Zhou Yun said, "Of course, this process of pondering is a long way to go, and it can't be mastered in a day or two. You mainly have to combine your own experience and state. Everyone's feeling It’s different, and in the end it’s up to you how you feel comfortable acting.”

Huang Zicheng hummed.

Chen Jing was amazed by Zhou Yun's on-site teaching.

Chen Jing is actually a young man with great acting talent, so he was able to play the leading role at a young age.

He is not a traffic star, he is not well-known, and he can play the leading role. On the one hand, Ning Yao is behind him to help him match up, and on the other hand, his acting skills are good.

What surprised Chen Jing was that Zhou Yun's care for Huang Zicheng turned out to be teaching every word and deed on the spot.

After filming for so long, Huang Zicheng still has no assistant, no driver, and no car to pick him up.

He basically takes care of himself.

Chen Jing thought of herself. He had just signed the contract, and before he accepted the role, the company arranged an assistant for him to take care of his basic necessities.

Could it be that Zhou Yun didn't pay attention to or take care of Huang Zicheng?

Obviously not.

Others might comment like this, but Chen Jing saw Zhou Yun's care and patience with Huang Zicheng.

But Zhou Yun didn't give Huang Zicheng a good treatment in other respects.

Of course, Huang Zicheng never complained.

In private, Chen Jing asked Huang Zicheng: "Zicheng, why doesn't your company arrange assistants and drivers for you? You have to do these things by yourself every day, isn't it troublesome?"

Huang Zicheng smiled and said: "My agent said that before we make our name, we have to rely on ourselves for these small things, and we can't get princely disease."

Chen Jing: "..."

He felt himself being internalized.

Fortunately, he is not the kind of glass heart, just smile and pass.

"Now, as long as it's a debut artist, doesn't the company provide assistants?"

"Well, our company is the same, but our company implements an agent-centered system. The artists brought by Sister Lan are like this. We newcomers have no assistants or drivers." Huang Zicheng said, "There is a team to help us connect with the crew. , to deal with work matters, but let us do all the food, clothing, housing and transportation by ourselves. Sister Lan also said that we are so young, if we rely on others to do everything, we will easily lose common sense in life.”

Chen Jing thought, isn't your company trying to save money?

If it is to learn common sense in life, why doesn't Zhou Yun need to learn it?

Huang Zicheng smiled and said: "The most important thing is that we don't want us to develop bad habits. Sister Lan often says that she never plays big names when she is as big as Sister Xiaoyun. We newcomers who have just debuted can't do much. If you don’t get it, you will get the prince’s disease and the princess’s disease.”

Chen Jing: "Well, your manager is quite strict."

Huang Zicheng didn't feel bad.

Because Sister Lan didn't let them do it all by themselves. In fact, although he was filming alone on the set, there was a whole team behind him to take care of his work.

In the evening, everyone was about to call it a day, when suddenly several cars drove over.


These cars look relatively unfamiliar, and they have never been to the set, and many people looked at them for no reason.

The car stops.

Several people got out of the car.

When everyone recognized who these people were, they were all shocked.


"Chen Minghe from the third video is here." Jin Lin ran to Cheng Shenlu's side in surprise, and shared with her the news she had just heard, "He brought several people to find Director Jiang Xin and Sister Xiaoyun, probably Come to discuss the matter of Xie Pinyuan."

Cheng Shenlu nodded unsurprisingly, and said, "I guessed it, Director Jiang Xin and Sister Xiaoyun lost their temper so much, if the boss of the third video doesn't come to visit in person, this matter can't be resolved." .”

Jin Lin said: "But this is too unbelievable. Mr. Chen came to personally apologize to the director and Sister Xiaoyun?"

"It's not enough to apologize, but you must say something to comfort you." Cheng Shenlu patted Jin Lin's shoulder indifferently, "Don't make a fuss, when you reach the level of Miss Xiaoyun, you will also find that all the bosses will follow you. Talk intimately and hold yours."

When Jin Lin heard this, she couldn't help frowning.

"Huh? When will such a day come?" She shook her head, "I don't hold on to that hope."

Cheng Shenlu smiled.

How is it possible not to hold on to this hope?
It's just that anyone with a little bit of sense knows that the possibility of this hope being realized is so small that it is almost negligible.

If you don't have so-called hope, you won't be disappointed.

Cheng Shenlu was even more curious about how this matter would be resolved.

Did Xie Pinyuan come back and continue filming, or did the two sides negotiate to replace it with another actor?


Chen Minghe came out of the system. He founded Sanfan Video by himself, just in time for the development of video websites, and became one of the largest video websites in just a few years.

He is a very low-key person and rarely appears in front of the public and the media.

His development strategy is also low-key. Unlike the rich and powerful, Sanfan Video is taking a more low-key and more secure route.

Sanfan Video’s investment in content production is not like’s regardless of cost. Therefore, Sanfan Video’s financial reports have been profitable in recent years, unlike, which has a large market share but has been losing money year after year.

Chen Minghe said: "Director Jiang, Xiaoyun, first of all, on behalf of the third video, I would like to apologize to the two of you for what happened before. I came here today, and I also want to express my opinion to you. I am the same as you. I have high hopes for the drama "Chen Yin", so I don't want any bad factors to affect the quality of this drama. Here, I also want to explain to you two that some of my subordinates I misunderstood what I meant, we didn't agree with Xie Pinyuan's resignation, but I want to replace him."

Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin were taken aback at the same time.

"I watched the samples I shot before, and Xie Pinyuan's acting skills are too poor. Compared with other actors, he seems out of place, as if he went to the wrong set." Chen Minghe said, "So, even if Xie Pinyuan has the cheek to continue filming, I will I want to replace him, I asked him to act in this play before, originally I wanted him to learn from the two, and to be gilded, but now it seems that gilding is not enough, but it’s to hinder the legs."

(End of this chapter)

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