Chapter 634
Chen Minghe's speech made Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun somewhat unexpected.

Even though Zhou Yunming knew that Chen Minghe was here to wipe his ass, what Chen Minghe said still made her feel very sincere, without any hypocrisy. Zhou Yun could clearly feel the sincerity in Chen Minghe's words.

He seemed to really think so, and to do so.

Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin have both seen Xie Pinyuan's acting skills so much.

Both of them could not accept Xie Pinyuan's unprofessional behavior of resigning midway, and his cover-up behavior before Sanfan.

But Chen Minghe said that he wanted to replace Xie Pinyuan because of his poor acting skills, so as not to affect the quality of "Chen Yin". Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun also thought it was very reasonable.

Of course, the key is because Xie Pinyuan's acting is really bad.

Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin looked at each other, and neither of them spoke for a while.

Chen Minghe said: "Of course, such a thing happened, in the final analysis, it was because we chose Xie Pinyuan to act in this movie at the beginning. I also know that if we want to change actors to play the role, some of the previous scenes will have to be reshot. It must be exhausting for both of you, and I am sorry for that, but, in order to make the drama "Chen Yin" better, I hope that the director and Xiaoyun can forgive us once and replace us this time. For the actor who played the role, I guarantee that there will never be any problems like Xie Pinyuan again. I will waste the time of the two of you. We will double the remuneration we signed before, and convert it according to the number of days to compensate you for the time wasted. You see this Is it possible?"

Chen Minghe's move is already full of sincerity.

Double the pay, converted according to the number of days.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, then looked at the director.

She thought to herself, at this point, she has nothing to say, it depends on what the director says.


"Director Jiang Xin, have they finished talking with Mr. Chen?"

After dinner, Wen Yuling was about to leave. Seeing Jin Lin and Cheng Shenlu who came in together, Wen Yuling asked casually.

Jin Lin said: "I don't know, someone saw them going out together, but I don't know if the talk is over."

"Mr. Chen will definitely invite Director Jiang and Sister Xiaoyun to have dinner when he comes here at this time." Cheng Shenlu said, "If there is any latest news, I guess they will not know until they have dinner."

When Wen Yuling heard this, she was a little unhappy immediately, and said, "Hey, why are you inviting them to dinner alone?"

Jin Lin looked at Wen Yuling with some doubts, she didn't understand, there was nothing to be confused about.

Chen Minghe came here in person. The crew could afford him to invite him to dinner. Who else could it be besides Director Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun?At most, Chen Jing and Cheng Shenlu, two popular young actors, would be added. No matter how the arrangements were made, Wen Yuling would not be able to get it.

Wen Yuling left.

Jin Lin and Cheng Shenlu looked at each other, and they both smiled at the same time, feeling a little helpless.

After these few days of contact, they almost knew Wen Yuling's character.

To put it simply, Wen Yuling is a person with a little high spirits and a bit of princess disease. She may not have a bad heart, but she often doesn't know it in her heart.

In the entire production crew, among so many actors, she was the only one who always felt that Zhou Yun was just an actor with a higher status than them, but he was still just a small actor in terms of production.

Cheng Shenlu didn't know what caused Wen Yuling's perception.

"Why is Huang Zicheng sitting there eating alone?" Jin Lin was a little puzzled when she saw the figure sitting in front, "Obviously Chen Jing is also there, but there are several seats between the two of them."

The dining table is a large rectangle, which can accommodate about [-] people sitting and eating together at the same time.

But Huang Zicheng and Chen Jing almost occupied one end alone, eating their own food in silence, and did not sit and communicate with each other.

Cheng Shenlu said: "You don't care about them, let's go get vegetables and eat by ourselves."

Jin Lin snorted.

She couldn't help but look at Huang Zicheng one more time.

Huang Zicheng's appearance has really grown to her aesthetic point. Jin Lin likes boys with Huang Zicheng's style very much.In fact, she wanted to get to know Huang Zicheng better the first time she saw him, but Huang Zicheng is usually too boring, and he is alone. She went to talk to him, and she also supported Huang Zicheng. In less than five minutes, the sky will die.

Jin Lin was very discouraged and gave up several times, but every time she saw Huang Zicheng, her thoughts revived again—or she never really died completely.

Cheng Shenlu noticed Jin Lin's eyes, and immediately sensed Jin Lin's thoughts on Huang Zicheng.

They are all girls, so how could they hide their thoughts.

Cheng Shenlu asked Jin Lin in a low voice: "Do you like Huang Zicheng?"

Jin Lin was particularly surprised and asked, "Did you see it?"

Cheng Shenlu said: "Your thoughts are almost written on your face."

Jin Lin was shocked, "No way?"

"Don't be nervous, I just found out." Cheng Shenlu said, "However, when did you fall in love with it? It was so sudden."

Jin Lin said: "It's not too much about that, I just think he is very handsome, and he is completely my favorite type."

"Huh? Then why don't you like Chen Jing?"

"Chen Jing is so handsome. I still like people like Huang Zicheng. I heard that he used to be an athlete." Jin Lin shared the information she found with Cheng Shenlu, and said, "Don't you think Huang Zicheng is particularly attractive?"

"If I think he is particularly attractive, I will be your rival in love." Chen Shenlu said bluntly, "However, if you like him, just go talk to him and see if he has the same thoughts."

"Ah? Just say it?" Jin Lin shook her head like a rattle, "This won't work, it's too embarrassing, and I don't think he thinks that way about me at all."

"Who can say for sure." Cheng Shenlu said, "However, it's up to you. You can say what you want to say, and don't say it if you don't want to. The more I can't escape."

Jin Lin felt that what Cheng Shenlu said was quite reasonable.

She couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Find a chance to talk to Huang Zicheng?
At this moment, Huang Zicheng finished eating, got up and walked towards them with a plate.

Jin Lin's face turned red immediately, feeling a little guilty.

"Are you finished?" Cheng Shenlu greeted people generously.

Huang Zicheng nodded and asked, "Did you come here just now?"

"That's right." Cheng Shenlu glanced at Jin Lin and said, "Are you busy tonight?"

Huang Zicheng shook his head, "Get ready to recite the lines in the room."

"How about going to sing together." Cheng Shenlu suggested.

Jin Lin looked at Huang Zicheng expectantly.

Huang Zicheng shook his head and said, "I can't sing well, so I won't go, you guys go, have fun."

After speaking, he nodded and left.

Cheng Shenlu looked at Jin Lin's disappointed expression and said, "Don't be too ostentatious, that's it, soon everyone will know that you like him."

Jin Lin: "Oh..."


At nine o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin drove back to the hotel together.

After chatting all night, the two sides finally "resolved their suspicions".

Chen Minghe expressed his respect for them from the beginning to the end, which convinced Zhou Yun, and he had nothing to say.

Whether it was real or fake, Chen Minghe didn't show any "airliness" that made Zhou Yun uncomfortable.

He didn't look like the boss of a video platform at all. He spent the whole night chatting with them about film and television dramas, the development of the platform in recent years, and his thoughts on the industry of film and television dramas.

This made Zhou Yun feel that Chen Minghe is a person who usually thinks a lot, and he actually has an intellectual aura about him.

This distinguishes Chen Minghe from those people on

What Zhou Yun dislikes most about the group of people at is that they talk about hot money, profits, data, and so on.

The film and television industry is certainly a business, but if you really treat it as a business, it would be too expensive.It's not that Zhou Yun doesn't like listening to statistics and profits, but he doesn't like Yue Hai's style of using data to measure everything, praising the high and stepping down the low.

"Xiaoyun, I heard that you are making a big splash for the awards in the United States. Why didn't you ask for leave to participate in some public relations activities?" Jiang Xin asked suddenly.

Jiang Xin is an old director in the industry, and he knows very well that if Zhou Yun wants to win an award in the United States, he should participate in many public relations activities.

He took the initiative to mention this matter because he was afraid that Zhou Yun would be embarrassed to speak up, so he helped her open the mouth.

Zhou Yun said: "It doesn't matter, I won't win the award anyway. It doesn't make much sense whether I go to participate in public relations. If I go, I just get to know more people. I will be filming "Killing Song" at the end of next year. I will have a lot of time then. I have to stay in the United States. If I just want to meet people, I can do it when the time comes. Let’s finish filming "Chen Yin" first. I don’t like going out to do other jobs when I’m filming. big impact."

Jiang Xin said: "Xiaoyun, I'm the director, I shouldn't say this, but I've known you for so long, you have a lot of energy, I don't know where you will go in the future, but You have now reached a position that almost no one has reached, I want to say, don't learn from Song Chi."

"He is a very proud person. Because of his pride, he has given up many opportunities. For a while, Hollywood kept giving him scripts and asking him to act, but he refused because he didn't want to go to Hollywood. Playing a supporting role, I understand his thoughts and feelings, but his giving up has caused a consequence. Now Hollywood thinks that he is unwilling to go abroad for filming, and he will never consider him if he has a suitable role. I chatted with the producers and publishers in the United States, and they are actually very proud, since you have never been interested in us, then we will no longer consider you, and their eyes have turned to others."

"You are very lucky that your film has a great influence in the world. Whether it is "Days" or "Behind the Scenes", it has been recognized and known by filmmakers from all over the world through film festivals. This is something that many people will never meet in their lifetime. Arrived. Let’s talk privately, so I won’t say those good words. You are really lucky. Of course, your acting skills are really good, but you also know that many have good acting skills and good works. For various reasons, there are actually no such good opportunities, I am not saying that you must participate in these public relations activities, I just feel that you seem to be a bit repulsive?"

Jiang Xin's words were like a knock in Zhou Yun's mind.

Before that, no one had said such words to her so bluntly.

Does she refuse to participate in the public relations activities in the United States?
If you say yes, you don't, and if you say no, there is.

Zhou Yun knew it best in his heart, but he didn't expect Jiang Xin's eyes to be so vicious, and he could see it at a glance.

Even Zhou Lan didn't see it.

In fact, she knew that she was influenced by Song Chi.

As the most representative actress in China, why should she play a supporting role in Hollywood?

The heart is here.

If "Killing Song" didn't have a female character as the first protagonist, would she take it?
not necessarily.

Zhou Yun knew what choice he would make.

No need to think about it.

"Director, I'm actually not very resistant, I just..." Zhou Yun hesitated to speak.

"Do you just don't want people to think that you are too utilitarian and constantly participate in public relations in order to win awards? Or is it because the more others regard those awards as important, the more subconsciously you want to prove that you don't care about these awards?"

Director Jiang Xin's words hit the nail on the head, sealing his throat with a sword.

Zhou Yun's psychology was precisely pinched by Jiang Xin.

Zhou Yun subconsciously wanted to deny it, but then came to his senses, it was pointless to deny it in front of Jiang Xin.

"Okay, director, you are right."

Jiang Xin smiled, "I just want to tell you, don't refuse to go to the world."

Zhou Yun: "Is it okay to be looked down upon by others?"

"On the way to a higher place, what does it matter if you are looked down upon by others? Anyway, one day they will look up at you again."

Jiang Xin's voice had a strange soothing power.

He is an elder and a wise man, and his earnest tone is completely considering these issues for the sake of the younger generation.

Probably because of this, Zhou Yun didn't feel impatient at being taught, because the other party was sincerely looking out for you.

"I often tell young people that it is a good thing to have a heart. If you have a heart, you will not be unprincipled. Don't delay things because of your heart." Jiang Xin said, "I don't talk about the choices Song Chi made before. It is wrong, he may have better opportunities in the future, but, if there are opportunities, if you miss it, you will really miss it."

Zhou Yun said: "Director, I understand what you said, don't worry, I will seize the opportunity that should be seized, but you said that I am a little bit against participating in those public relations activities, it is true, our domestic and foreign The environment is different. People put public relations on the table, and everyone has already defaulted to this set of rules. They want to let more people see themselves. However, in our country, we still pay more attention to winning awards based on strength, and we are afraid of being said to go through the back door. I do have a lot of concerns about shady scenes and uncoordinated morality. Of course, I am not very active this time. The most important reason is that we did not expect to be nominated for heavyweight awards. The nominations for the Golden Globes completely exceeded It exceeded my expectations, and it also exceeded the expectations of the producers. We don’t know how we got it. Judging from the various conditions in the early stage, I actually didn’t have any scenes, so I got lucky.”

Jiang Xin smiled: "Haven't you noticed yet? You are really lucky in winning the prize."

(End of this chapter)

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