I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 635 Supporting roles and grand ceremony

Chapter 635 Supporting roles and grand ceremony

"No, why do I still have to play a supporting role? Even if it's a drama starring Zhou Yun, I won't be able to play a supporting role anymore, right?"

When Feng Chaotian heard that his agent asked him to save the scene for "Chen Yin", he was still a small supporting role, so he immediately refused.

The agent said: "This is directed by Jiang Xin, starring Zhou Yun."

"So what? I'm not asked to play the leading role." Feng Chaotian said, "If it's a leading actor, it's not bad. Why do you still let me play a supporting role now? Why can Zuo Bin play the leading role as soon as he debuts? What about me? He Now he is so much more popular than me, just because his starting point is higher than mine, do you see if he has ever played a supporting role?"

"This is "Chen Yin", in which Yu Sitian, Chen Jing, and Cheng Shenlu are all happy to play supporting roles!" The manager said angrily, "Which one of them played the leading role outside? You Why do you think they want to play supporting roles? Is Zuo Bin more popular than them?"

When Feng Chaotian heard these names from his agent, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "They are them, I am me, and I am no worse than them. It is their business if they are willing to play supporting roles. It’s not that there’s no filming.”

"You have films, but you have filmed so many films, is there one role that is remembered by people?" The agent said, ""Chen Yin" is a big drama that is sure, how many people watch it, you played a supporting role in it, That is also a supporting role seen by tens of millions of viewers, as long as you play well and perform well, you can still become popular."

"That's just a supporting role." Feng Chaotian said, "I said, I don't want to play a supporting role. I've played a supporting role for several years. It's finally time for me to play the leading role. You let me go back to acting supporting role."

Feng Chaotian's tone was full of complaints.


The manager was a little annoyed by Feng Chaotian's reticent attitude, and wanted to scold others, but when he thought of Feng Chaotian's glassy heart and temper, he resisted his urge to scold others.

"You don't think it's necessary to repair the relationship with Zhou Yun, do you?" the agent asked.

"There is nothing to fix. She will be her actress, and I won't have any interaction with her in the future." Feng Chaotian said.

Before "Words of Fallen Leaves", Feng Chaotian was originally going to act in this movie, but because there was an opportunity to play the leading role, Feng Chaotian resigned before the start of the film, and the film crew had to temporarily find someone to replace him. Finally, Yin Zhou was found.

The agent has always remembered this matter, and she still thought about finding an opportunity to sew up the relationship with Zhou Yun.

After all, everyone is in the show business circle, and they can't see each other when they look up.

Although Feng Chaotian's current film and television drama has nothing to do with Zhou Yun, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future. If Zhou Yun is dissatisfied with Feng Chaotian's previous experience and affects the chance of cooperation, that would be bad up.

But seeing Feng Chaotian's indifferent face, the manager suddenly became a little angry, and didn't want to say what he wanted to say.

The phone rang.

The manager glanced at the caller's name, his expression changed, and he immediately went out to answer the call.

Seeing her go out, Feng Chaotian curled his lips.

"It's just that you all regard Zhou Yun as a god, so her drama will definitely be a hit? If it doesn't, am I wasting my time?" Feng Chaotian sneered.

After a while, the agent came back.

"Okay, you don't need to think too much, the drama "Chen Yin" has nothing to do with you, they have already found an actor." The manager said.

Feng Chaotian looked at her in surprise, and asked, "I found it so quickly? Which little-known actor agreed?"

"Hehe, Zuo Bin, who is slightly more popular than you." The agent said, "Zuo Bin, who has never played a supporting role, has agreed to play a supporting role this time."

After making fun of Feng Chaotian, the manager turned around and left.


Feng Chaotian's eyes widened suddenly.

He never thought that Zuo Bin would agree to save this field, which is too incredible!
What did Zuo Bin think?

Feng Chaotian couldn't figure it out.



Jin Lin opened her eyes wide in surprise, "He is willing to come to the rescue?"

"Well, I heard that Sanfan paid enough for the film, and he also agreed that he would give him another drama with a leading role in the future, so Zuo Bin agreed." Cheng Shenlu was very well informed, "The former Xie Pinyuan was replaced. The person who came to save the scene must not have a problem, Zuo Bin's acting skills have always been rated well, and I asked him to come to the rescue three times, so that "Chen Yin" can be filmed smoothly."

Jin Lin whispered: "But I heard before that Zuo Bin's private life is very chaotic."

"You don't care if someone's private life is chaotic or not. How many of them are not chaotic these days?"

"Huang Zicheng is definitely not confused." Jin Lin said immediately.

Cheng Shenlu: "...I'm a little speechless to you."

Jin Lin laughed and said, "Then Huang Zicheng is either filming on the set, reciting lines at the hotel, or going to the gym. He doesn't play with us very much."

"Isn't this confusing? You know people, you know their faces, but you don't know their hearts. How do you know what people are doing behind our backs?" Cheng Shenlu said.

Jin Lin frowned and smiled, and said, "Huang Zicheng seems to be a clean-spirited person."

"Say it again, I'm going to vomit." Cheng Shenlu complained, "Why are you so tired? Why didn't I find you so tired before?"

Jin Lin pouted and said, "That's because I haven't met Huang Zicheng yet, ah, why does my heart jump again when I think of him?! He's so handsome!"

Cheng Shenlu covered his face with one hand, making an expression that he couldn't bear to look directly at.

The two of them are about the same age, and during the filming of "Chen Yin", the two of them were inseparable.

With such a good relationship, it is easy to make people jealous.

For example Wen Yuling.

Wen Yuling is a few years older than them, and usually walks alone, occasionally talking and laughing on the set, but when there is no intersection, she will not deliberately create intersection.

Therefore, seeing the two of them staying together all day, Wen Yuling complained that they didn't take the initiative to find her to play with.

Cheng Shenlu pretended not to notice.

"Why doesn't she go play with Yu Sitian?" Cheng Shenlu pouted.

Wen Yuling has princess disease, and Yu Sitian has it more.

Of course two people with princess disease can't play together.

But Yu Sitian never showed that she cared about others.

On the set, she basically only talked to the director and revolved around the director. When she was not on the set, she was either in the hotel or asked for leave to go out.

"Dragon Teng" ended smoothly, with a wave of word-of-mouth and ratings. She has benefited a lot. She has accepted several endorsement commercials. It is the end of the year, and various evening parties are commercially performed. She catches up with the good times and invites one or two from time to time. day off.

This is a routine operation, and the crew can generally coordinate and coordinate.

Not only Yu Sitian, but Chen Jing and Cheng Shenlu also asked for leave several times.

They are all popular little flowers and grasses. How can they be missing when such grand ceremonies are held frequently at the end of the year.

Zhou Yun has pushed a lot of activities, but there are some activities that cannot be helped, because there are human relations and interests.

Like the official organization of a grand ceremony for filmmakers, she was invited to attend, and she really couldn't push it.

Zhou Lan said: "You are now the number one young actor. If you don't participate, the gold content of this event will be compromised. In addition, you are also very popular in the United States during this period. The leaders of the broadcasting and television industry called for you. Participate, Xiaoyun, we really must participate in this, this is also for the official platform, they need such an event to promote the influence and positive energy of the film, and you are indispensable."

For this event, the officials basically invited all influential filmmakers.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun are the leaders of the younger generation and cannot be missing.

When Zhou Lan talked about this, Zhou Yun also understood that he had to attend this event.

Zhou Yun, Chen Jing, and Yu Sitian all participated in this event, leaving only Cheng Shenlu, Jin Lin, and Huang Zicheng in the filming crew.

Jin Lin said with some envy: "This event has a very high standard, and the actors who can receive the invitation letter all have masterpieces. Many actors in my company can't participate if they want to."

"Do you want to participate too?" Cheng Shenlu asked.

Jin Lin nodded: "Of course I want to participate. Being able to participate in this kind of activity means that the official recognizes you."

Cheng Shenlu said, "That's the truth."

"Shen Lu, why didn't you participate?"

"I haven't acted in a movie, I've been acting in a TV series since my debut." Cheng Shenlu blinked and smiled, "But it doesn't matter, I can definitely participate in the future, I am compared with them, just lack Time, my debut time is too short, and I have acted in very few plays."

With all her efforts and calculations, this "Chen Yin" is her fourth play.

Speaking of which, she is already a very lucky person, her first play made her attract the attention of the industry.

Jin Lin looked at Cheng Shenlu with some admiration, and said, "Shenlu, you are really amazing."

"Don't talk about me, don't you do the same yourself?"

"Me? I can't." Jin Lin shook her head immediately.

Compared with Cheng Shenlu, Jin Lin is actually a bit introverted, or has low self-esteem.

She feels that she is not particularly beautiful, and her acting skills are not particularly good. She has been filming for several years and has never seen any hope of becoming popular.

Cheng Shenlu said: "There is nothing wrong with it, it depends on whether you want to fight or not."


This official ceremony is actually a commendation and commemorative event.

Zhou Yun attended and had two tasks, one task was to go on stage to participate in a recitation program, and the other task was to participate in a sitcom performance, playing the wife of a young soldier.

When Zhou Yun arrived at the studio where he was recording, he instantly felt what Starlight Glimmer is.

She debuted for several years and participated in hundreds of events, large and small.

But she has never seen such a strong lineup, it's really... the kind whose names are recognizable.

When Zhou Yun looked up, he could see more than a dozen movie kings and queens.

When she arrived, Song Chi was still on the way.

With so many seniors, including directors, producers, and famous actors, Zhou Yun felt that he was new here and should go up to say hello, but he was also worried that his rash greeting would disturb them.

Just when she was hesitating, she saw Shen Yao, if she saw a life-saving straw, she hurried up, "Brother Yao, brother Yao."

When Shen Yao heard that she wanted to ask him to take her to say hello, he was overjoyed.

"You want me to take them to know them?" Shen Yao showed an unbelievable expression, "Who doesn't know you!"

Zhou Yun was embarrassed and said, "I haven't met them before, so I can't rush up and introduce who I am, it's so strange, oops, do me a favor."

Shen Yao had no choice but to take Zhou Yun to get acquainted with the old seniors.

The attitudes of the seniors are very kind, and as Shen Yao said, they all know her, and each of them told her to film well, keep her original intention, and encouraged her.

Zhou Yun was actually very shy in front of these old seniors, always felt that he was young and embarrassed, and it was hard to say much.

After getting acquainted for a while, Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, so she didn't have to worry about appearing too cold without saying hello.

But she suddenly realized a question, why are all these bigwigs in this shed?

Haven't Yu Sitian and Chen Jing not been invited yet?
They set off together, why haven't they arrived yet?

It's fine if she's not there, since everyone's not there, it's impossible for her to be the first young man to arrive, right?
At this time, Ning Yao and Yin Lin appeared together.

Zhou Yun knew them, so he hurried up to say hello.

Ning Yao and Yin Lin hugged her back and forth.

"Congratulations!" Ning Yao touched Zhou Yun's cheek and said, "It's amazing. When you win the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, we will have a celebration party!"

Zhou Yun quickly shook his head and said, "I can't get it, sister Ning Yao."

Yin Lin said: "The result hasn't come out yet, why do you say you can't get it? Ning Yao is right, you must hold a celebration party later and send us an invitation letter."

Yin Lin smiled and said, "It's too upbeat."

Zhou Yun's cheeks were slightly red.

Ning Yao said, "Let's cheer for you together."

Zhou Yun said: "I don't even know what to say, thank you thank you."

Ning Yao smiled happily, "I just heard from Chen Jing that you took good care of him on set, and I haven't thanked you yet."

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Is Chen Jing here? Why didn't I see him? I also said, obviously I came from the airport with them, why I have been here for so long, and he hasn't come yet."

Ning Yao said: "They're next door. Don't they want to shoot a film later? The plan is to shoot in two batches."

Only then did Zhou Yun realize that they had been divided into two groups.

Zhou Yun figured it out after thinking about it again. It is estimated that the seniors with both virtue and skill and those who have won heavyweight awards are on this side, and the others are on the other side.

The people on this side are all movie kings and queens.

Yin Lin asked, "Where is Song Chi? Has he not come yet?"

"He's still on his way here, and his plane is delayed." Zhou Yun explained for him.

At this time, a staff member ran over and asked all of them to go to the dressing room to put on makeup first.

Zhou Yun went with Ning Yao and Yin Lin.

Twenty minutes later, Song Chi arrived late.

It is not easy to order 450, please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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