Chapter 636

"It's true that the same person has different fate. We are all waiting in line here. Zhou Yun can already take the first batch of filming with those seniors."

Next door, Yang Xi, who had caused a disturbance in the industry not long ago, sat on a chair and said with some dissatisfaction.

She glanced at Wang Jing who was sitting not far away, smiled, and said, "Isn't this person still in the United States before? Why did he come back so fast?"

Liu Qingqing and Yang Xi sat together.

She said: "For this kind of activity, you are in the United States, you can't overcome all difficulties and come back?"

Yang Xi: "Yes."

"What's the matter? I think you're not feeling well today. Who made you unhappy again?"

"Where someone makes me unhappy, I just..." Yang Xi paused for a moment before continuing, "I'm just a little depressed. You said that we have debuted for so long and filmed so many scenes, but now we are still with Wang Jing Young girls like them who have just debuted stay in the same room, and Zhou Yun and the others can be next door."

Liu Qingqing smiled lightly.

"She is the queen of the movie, but we are not." Liu Qingqing said, "This kind of event is arranged in this way, can we still ask them to adjust?"

"Then you can't ignore the qualifications at all?" Yang Xi pouted.

"Just say a few words less, look, aren't Yu Yan and the others just sitting in their seats and waiting?"

"Can she compete with us? If it wasn't for Qin Fu, she wouldn't be in this kind of activity." Yang Xi said.

Liu Qingqing didn't answer her any more.

In fact, on their side, except for Yang Xi who complained, everyone else behaved very well, waiting here for the next arrangement, without any complaints.

Chatting, taking photos, joking and having fun.

"Sister Qingqing, can I take a photo with you?" Yin Linglin came over suddenly and said to Liu Qingqing, "I've been chasing your "Panic" recently, and you acted so well in it."

Liu Qingqing smiled at the little girl and said, "Yes."

Yin Linglin took a photo with Liu Qingqing with his mobile phone.

"Thank you, Miss Qingqing."

"Why are you being polite to my sister, you're welcome."


When it was time to officially shoot the samples, two groups of people took place one after another.

The official shooting is in a theater.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi participated in the first batch of filming, while Liu Qingqing and the others were in the second batch.

During the first batch of shooting, Liu Qingqing and the others were waiting outside.

"Because the time is short and the task is tight, please cooperate more." When the on-site director directed, he didn't mean to treat these people as stars at all, and directed without discrimination.

Zhou Yun has a line, and Song Chi has a line.

Because the two of them are the youngest, they were assigned the first two sentences.

According to the shooting plan, this is a one-shot shooting.

There are a total of eight actors standing on the stage.

The director arranged the positions for everyone, and after designing a good luck mirror, he said: "Everyone, show your status. The words of the seniors are only behind you. If there are too many NGs in front of you, the seniors will be afraid Have to wait for you."

Zhou Yun muttered inwardly, who is this person?I don't know how to speak euphemistically at all.

The director called out to start.

The camera came to Zhou Yun.


The shooting was quite smooth. Everyone is an expert in acting, and it is not a matter of minutes to shoot this kind of sample.

After the filming, Zhou Yun asked Song Chi: "Who was the on-set director just now? Do you know him? Why do I feel that he speaks strangely?"

Song Chi said: "He has that style, he comes from an acting family, and he has a circle of his own. People who are not in his circle have never liked him."

"Oh, I got it."

The royal family within the system.

Zhou Yun understood why he had that attitude in seconds.

Song Chi said: "After filming the pilot film, there will be rehearsals in the afternoon, you too? I heard you have two shows."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "A poem recitation and a scene performance, fortunately, there are only a few lines, very simple, no need to memorize."

Song Chi: "It's a live broadcast tonight."

Zhou Yun: "Really? But, why do you want to hold such an event all of a sudden? Have you held it in previous years?"

Song Chi shook his head, and said, "I heard that the new boss wanted to do it, and said he wanted to use this event to set the tone for the movie."


Song Chi: "You can understand that the new official's appointment is three fires, but anyway, there will be some official activities like this every year, either this grand ceremony or that event, there will always be, we just try our best to cooperate."

However, Zhou Yun originally thought that the rehearsal in the afternoon would be very simple, but there were many situations.

In fact, when there are too many people, it is easy to cause disputes.

As for the poem recitation, six actors came on stage, each with four to five elements.

Zhou Yun got one more sentence, but there was a problem with this one.

"Director, why do I have less part to recite than Zhou Yun's?" Yao Xing was the first to ask, a veteran actress who has debuted for more than [-] years. There hasn't been much drama in recent years, but it was indeed a smash hit.

Although she hasn't appeared in any dramas in recent years, she has never left people's sight.She has been a lot of topics on variety shows in the past few years, and everyone appreciates her straightforward character.In addition, her classic roles are indeed deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and everyone has a deep filter for her.

The director explained it to the general idea that this is divided according to the content of the poem, and Zhou Yun's part is one more sentence based on the content.

Yao Xing didn't accept it, and was very upset: "You think that the rest of us are not popular now, but the little girl Zhou Yun is very popular, so give her a little more?"

The director didn't expect Yao Xing to ask such a question, he wiped his forehead in embarrassment, and said, "Of course not, everyone is a very good actor, and we don't invite guests based on who is popular, but this song really can't Strictly according to the number of rows to divide evenly, it is not evenly divided.”

"If the division is not even, then you should give the most part to Teacher Chen Qiran." Yao Xing said.

Chen Qiran is the eldest among the six performers in the poetry recitation performance.

Upon hearing this, Chen Qiran shook his hand and said, "No need, Yao Xing, let's follow the director's order."

Yao Xing frowned, and said: "Mr. Chen, it's not that I'm troublesome, it's that I can't do this, and I'm not targeting Zhou Yun, but Zhou Yun is a young actor, she is the youngest among the six of us, but she put The most important part is given to her, isn't this putting the cart before the horse? Zhou Yun is very popular now, but can she represent the highest level of us actors?"

The others fell silent.

Zhou Yun felt a little embarrassed.

She stood aside, silent.

The director looked at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun received the director's gaze and said, "Director, if you need to make adjustments, I will fully cooperate."

The director breathed a sigh of relief and was about to speak when Yao Xing suddenly gave Zhou Yun a look and said, "What do you mean by that? Do you think I'm not cooperating?"

Zhou Yun said calmly, "I didn't mean that."

"Then what did you say to fully cooperate?"

"Then what should I say? I don't cooperate?" Zhou Yun asked back, "I didn't divide the words. I got the task assigned to me by the director. I either cooperate or I don't cooperate. What do you want me to do?"

Yao Xing was a little annoyed: "What's your attitude?"

Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

Chen Qiran stood up to smooth things over: "You two stop arguing, it's just a trivial matter, is it so important to have one sentence more or one sentence less?"

Yao Xing: "I just can't understand the current trend of who is popular and who is popular. In the past, our industry was all based on seniority."

Zhou Yun's face turned cold, and he asked the director: "Director, I'm sorry, originally this matter had nothing to do with me, but now it has something to do with it, please take advantage of everyone's presence and tell everyone how the content of this poem recitation is allocated? Did I ask you to allocate more to me?"

The director shook his head again and again: "Of course not, it's not..."

"It's fine if I don't have one." Zhou Yun said, "I'm really afraid of being misunderstood. When things get out, it will become me disrespecting my seniors and stealing words."

Several others remained silent and refrained from commenting.

They are all old fritters, and no one wants to take this muddy water.

The director has no choice but to sit on both sides of the peacemaker.

Zhou Yun was actually not too angry, she just used this attitude to avoid unnecessary rumors in advance.

It was Yao Xing who was really angry.

She said to the director: "If you don't respect us old actors so much, you might as well turn this poem recitation into a one-person recitation, why do you ask us to come here?"

Zhou Yun was speechless after hearing this.

This man's ability to reverse black and white is really strong enough.

Zhou Yun thought for a long time, and felt that what he said just now could not find any thorns, and if he didn't fight back so much, it would seem that she was easy to bully.

It's okay to be yourself.

The other thing is the conflict between her and the director team.

The director seemed to be confused about Yao Xing.

He sighed and said, "Then I'll ask the chief director to come over."

The chief director is the one who made the pilot film just now.

Yao Xing put his hands on his chest and sneered.

Ten minutes later, the chief director came over. He walked up to Yao Xing and said, "Mr. Yao, I heard that you are not satisfied with the tasks assigned by our director team?"

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied—"

"Since you're not satisfied, let's forget it. You've worked hard, you're not needed for this session." The chief director said blankly, "You can leave now."

Yao Xing was taken aback.

She didn't respond.


"You, what did you say?"

The general director said: "Twisted melons are not sweet, you can go."

Yao Xing's face turned green with anger.

The expressions of Zhou Yun and the rest of the people changed.

None of them thought that the chief director's attitude would be so tough, and this would drive them away?

Isn't Yao Xing a newcomer?
She is an actress who has worked in this industry for many years!

Zhou Yun noticed that the expressions of the other people were a little ugly.

"Director, there's no need to make this matter so serious, right?" Chen Qiran smoothed things over.

The chief director said: "It's not me who made things serious, but Teacher Yao. Everyone knows how important this grand ceremony is, and we rarely invite so many teachers to the platform together. It will be broadcast live at night. Now the distance between The live broadcast time is less than five hours, but Teacher Yao is still dissatisfied with the fact that one sentence is added and one sentence is missing. This poem is divided into six people, but there is no way to divide it equally. So, how to divide it, which teacher? Which section is in charge is a collective decision of our director team. If Teacher Yao is not satisfied, in my opinion, the fastest way to deal with it is to remove the dissatisfied person from the performance, because I don’t have extra time to coordinate You are not satisfied."

Several people have nothing to say.

Yao Xing was so angry that his lips trembled, "Okay, okay!"

She turned and left angrily.

The chief director didn't even look at it, and said to Chen Qiran: "Mr. Chen, please take care of Yao Xing's part. Thank you for your hard work."

Chen Qiran smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, I see."

The chief director nodded, "Please be considerate, teachers. We have received such a big and urgent job temporarily. It is not easy to organize it. Thank you for your hard work."

Everyone immediately said yes.

Zhou Yun was amazed and applauded the quick solution to the mess.

Bullish, this man.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, after such an incident, Yao Xing would definitely not let it go.

But the chief director didn't seem to care at all, well, he has a background and a backstage, so he doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

After this incident, no other moths appeared in the follow-up rehearsals, and the positioning and rehearsal were done in [-] minutes.

Zhou Yun is going to participate in the rehearsal of the sitcom soon, and everyone is waiting for her.

Fortunately, the schedule and everything have been determined, just wait for her to come and walk.

Song Chi plays her soldier husband.

Zhou Yun walked with everyone, because there were only two sentences and it was easy, so she passed it in one breath.

Song Chi asked in a low voice, "Did something go wrong on your side just now?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun briefly told Song Chi about Yao Xing.

Song Chi smiled, "It's self-inflicted."

"Why is that chief director so good? Even Yao Xing will be offended if he says he offends him."

"What is he afraid of? Two-thirds of the seniors who came tonight watched him grow up and supported him. What do you think?" Song Chi said, "Although Yao Xing is older than us, , but in front of those old seniors, it's not enough to look at."

Zhou Yun: "...well, this is the son of the aristocratic family."

"It has nothing to do with us, and we don't mix in that circle." Song Chi said, "Yao Xing just has no self-knowledge. Her identity can be used in other places, and others will buy her account, but here, outsiders Someone."

Zhou Yun: "After the evening event, when will you return to the crew?"

"I'll be back tomorrow." Song Chi said, "I took two days off, how about you?"

"I'm leaving at night." Zhou Yun said, "Hurry up and go back to bed, sleep in tomorrow morning, and go to filming in the afternoon."

"It's good too. It's painful to wake up early. I have to get up early tomorrow."

"Wouldn't it be painful to go to bed early?"

"It's hard, I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning." Song Chi smiled, "I don't know what's going on."

"We need to adjust our biological clock," Zhou Yun said.

On the first day of August, ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets
(End of this chapter)

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