I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 637 Find a time to get the certificate

Chapter 637 Find a time to get the certificate
The event has been trending on social media.

For official events, if there is no heat, you must create heat, and if there is no traffic, you must create traffic. What's more, so many celebrities have been invited to create momentum for the event.

In the live broadcast that night, the number of viewers directly exceeded [-] million. This is only the number of viewers of the webcast, excluding the movie channel.

Such a star-studded party has received such a lot of attention, and hot search terms are constantly popping up on it.

Come out a star, take a risk.

When the poetry recitation session came out, someone noticed, hey, didn't it say that Yao Xing also participated in this session?

What about people?

#少星去哪里了#'s entry is on the hot search, and at the same time it is #周云风美#.

Zhou Yun wore a pure white long dress tonight, combed a bright top hairstyle, had a full forehead, generous makeup, and a bright smile.

This entry was not swiped by fans, it was sent by the platform for this event.

Zhou Yun was originally a top streamer, making an entry for her can also attract traffic to the platform.

After the poetry recitation, Zhou Yun and the actors who recited the poem were interviewed by the host.

Zhou Yun is the junior, the last one to accept.

The host asked: "Xiao Yun, this year is your breakthrough year. You won two Best Actress and one Best Supporting Actress in one go. How do you feel?"

The barrage room was full of 66666666666.

Zhou Yun showed a shy smile and said: "I feel very flattered, because in fact I am not an actor with a major in education. I am very satisfied with the work. In fact, I really want to thank this industry for the honor it brings me. I used to say that it doesn’t matter whether I win an award or not, because winning an award is not our original intention for making a film. But as I get more and more in this industry The longer I work, the more and more friends I know. I suddenly realized that these awards are very precious, because they represent the recognition and encouragement of my colleagues in this industry. It is an honor, and I will take it seriously in my heart. Continue to make every movie in the future."

Zhou Yun's speech made the old seniors in the audience show a gratified expression.

The host smiled and said, "Xiaoyun is really humble. Let me ask you another question. Can you share with us any other movies that will be released or filmed?"

The host is specifically giving Zhou Yun a chance to promote her movie.

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, thanked the host, and said: "I have a movie to meet with you soon. It is the second work "One Mountain Two Tigers" directed by Wen Bing, starring Mr. Liang Yuanpu, I I played the role of a female killer in the movie, and it is also my first time to shoot an action movie, I hope everyone will go to the cinema to support it."

After the interview, Zhou Yun went backstage with others.

There is also an interview with a movie channel.

The reporter from the movie channel handed the microphone in front of her and said, "Xiaoyun, long time no see."

This reporter had interviewed Zhou Yun before.

"Long time no see." Zhou Yun's eyes lit up, showing surprise, "Why have you lost so much weight? Do you always go out to work?"

"Yes." The reporter nodded, "I have a few questions and would like to interview you on the spot, is it convenient?"

"It's convenient." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

The reporter said: "Just now we heard you say on stage that there is a movie about to be released soon, and it is "One Mountain Two Tigers". Could you please introduce us more about this character?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, any more introductions will spoil the story. All in all, it's a wonderful character that I think is worth watching. The point is, I'm curious that Director Wen Bing will make this movie into a movie." What kind of style, you know, the first movie director Wen Bing made with me was a romantic literary film, and he must have a good feeling when he made a suspenseful action movie like "One Mountain Two Tigers."

"Yes." The reporter nodded, "Apart from "One Mountain and Two Tigers", are there any other film plans?"

"Well, there are also "Four Killers" and "Words of Fallen Leaves" that have already been filmed." Zhou Yun said, "These two films were filmed before, and I am also waiting for their release. The script, but some plans are still being kept secret, some of which you already know, I have a foreign action movie to make, "Killing Song"."

"I'm relieved to know that you still have so many movies to shoot."


"Because we are worried that you have won so many awards and think you can retire."

"Haha, no." Zhou Yun said, "I still have great curiosity and enthusiasm for acting."

After the interview, Zhou Yun returned to the scene, and an hour later, she needed to participate in another performance.

At this kind of event, no one looks at their mobile phones, fearing that the picture of themselves deserting will be photographed, leaked in the live broadcast, and be condemned and criticized.

Zhou Yun was arranged to sit next to Song Chi.

Song Chi whispered, "I'm going to be on stage later."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded and smiled at him, "How was my poem recitation just now?"

"pretty good."

"Well, I thought it was pretty good at first, but when I heard about Teacher Chen Qiran and the others, I felt ashamed of myself."

"We can't compare his lines skills with decades of experience." Song Chi said, "You are already very good."

Zhou Yun smiled.

When the scene performance in which the two of them participated was about to start, the two of them went backstage to prepare together.

There are sixteen actors involved in this scene performance, which is a lot.

Zhou Yun changed into a costume and met Song Chi.

After putting on the military uniform, Song Chi became more upright and energetic.

Zhou Yun's lines are very simple, she wants to play a wife who bids farewell to her husband.

She began to simmer.

When the light hit her, her eyes were already filled with hot tears.

She looked at Song Chi with tears in her eyes, and said, "Be careful and come back safely."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her right hand, touched Song Chi's cheek, pursed her lips with a smile, and a string of tears fell down instantly.

Song Chi hugged her tightly into his arms.


The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

The string of tears that Zhou Yun shed made people feel distressed.

And Song Chi's hug was touching.

A blogger sighed: This is the strength of the top representatives of our young Chinese actors and actresses.

His sentiment was echoed by many people.

The main reason is that the two of them didn't have any previous summary, and they didn't explain the background and ins and outs of the two of them's stories.

It all depends on the rendering power of the performance.

The fans of Zhou Yun and Song Chi intercepted the ten-second performance and made it into a moving picture so that it can be spread on the Internet.

The two fans are already familiar with making these materials.


"Zhou Yun and Song Chi's acting skills are really good."

In the director's command room, the assistant director sighed.

The chief director hummed, stared at the split screen in front of him, and said, "If they don't have this bit of acting skills, they won't have such a big reputation for nothing."

"These two people are really amazing, they even became a couple."

"What's this?"

"Don't you say that it's hard for two strong people to be together? The two of them, each with their own business, won't be able to become a husband-and-wife store in the future. Isn't it easy to fight? Especially these two people, each signed a group of newcomers, and they will definitely fight. Grabbing resources."

"That's their business, how they will coordinate is their business." The chief director said, "In my opinion, as long as they don't mess around, they can open two stores if they want to. If they are together, they can break up. , You can get a divorce if you get married."

"Director, do you dislike them so much?"

"I don't dislike them, I just don't care if they will be together forever." The chief director said, "It has nothing to do with us. Whether they are together or not, it doesn't affect them to continue filming and work in this line of work."

"Well, it's still the director who can take it easy."



Yao Xing heard someone beside him whispering to his companions that Zhou Yun and Song Chi had performed well, and immediately turned cold.

She thought to herself, it's just a bunch of tears, which is called acting well?
Yao Xing has actually been a bit unwilling in recent years.

She is an upright and serious actress who has been added to the TV show, but in the past few years, she has basically not been asked to act in leading roles.

How unwilling is she?
The dramas that came to her were either to play the role of a mother, or a villain, or some labeled supporting roles. How could Yao Xing be willing to play these roles that she had never looked down upon before?
In the past few years, she has actually been very popular.She has appeared on several variety shows as a mentor and as a guest, and the topics are very high.

However, despite this, there is still no producer who is willing to find her as the heroine.

In the film and television market, there is no book about heroines of her age.

Except for family life dramas.

Yao Xing was not feeling well.

Seeing that she will no longer be the protagonist in this film and television market, and can only retreat to the second line, relying on her former reputation for retirement, she feels unwilling.

Therefore, when she saw Zhou Yun, who is now in a prosperous star fortune, she was conflicted and disgusted.

In her eyes, apart from being younger than her, Zhou Yun is inferior to her in everything, but now she is the center of everyone's eyes.

Yao Xing was full of anger when he thought that he was taken away from the poetry recitation session by the chief director in the afternoon.

She has never been humiliated like this since she became famous!

Doesn't it mean that she is not on the front line now?
A group of people who push high and step low.


After the party, Zhou Yun had to rush back to the set overnight.

She is going to catch the latest high-speed train.

Yu Sitian and Chen Jing took a ride with her.

Song Chi drove her to the high-speed rail station.

"After "Chen Yin" is finished, are you going to America again?" Song Chi asked.

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "Before going to the United States, I will go to the opening ceremony of the Venice International Film Festival. Vertical Axis Cruises sponsored this year's film festival. I need to participate in a brand event. When the time comes, I will go directly to the United States from Venice." .”

Song Chi said, "When will you be back?"

"Come back after attending the Independent Film Festival." Zhou Yun said, "Your "Jian Yuntai" will be filmed in March?"


"At that time, I will also join the filming of "The Female Killer." Zhou Yun smiled helplessly, and said, "The two of us will never get together."

Song Chi: "It's okay, it's also good to see each other from time to time like now."

Zhou Yun watched the long night slowly outside the car window, and the street lights straightened into a streamline at the speed of the car.

"This winter seems to be extraordinarily cold."

"Yeah." Song Chi said, "The shooting conditions there are relatively poor. You should pay attention to keeping warm. Don't think it's inconvenient to wear too many clothes. It's not good to catch a cold."

"Well, I know." Zhou Yun said, "I now eat a piece of ginger every morning to keep out the cold."

Song Chi sent Zhou Yun into the station, and Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun followed behind them.

At this point, the high-speed rail station has no fans.

No one thought that Zhou Yun would rush back to the set overnight.

They also met Yu Sitian and Chen Jing.

Seeing Song Chi, Yu Sitian's expression changed, and she went straight to the other side without saying hello.

Chen Jing stepped forward and called, "Brother Chi, Sister Xiaoyun."

Song Chi smiled at Chen Jing, and asked, "Did the filming of "Chen Yin" go well?"

"It went well, and Sister Xiaoyun took good care of me." Chen Jing said, "Brother Chi, are you going with Sister Xiaoyun too?"

"I won't go, I'll send Xiaoyun here." Song Chi asked, "You can go back to the hotel together later."

"En." Chen Jing nodded.

Zhou Yun said to Song Chi: "You go back first, it will take a while to go back, you have to get up early tomorrow, don't go to bed too late."

"Go back early, I won't be able to fall asleep before that time." Song Chi pulled Zhou Yun to sit down, "I'll sit with you for a while."

Zhou Yun smiled, leaned his head on Song Chi's shoulder, and said, "Why do we two fall in love as if we live in two different places?"

"It doesn't matter, if you are busy now, you can be less busy in the future." Song Chi said, "We still have decades to spend together in the future."

Zhou Yun said, "Yes, I will have a baby in the future."


"Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"I want them all."

"Me too."

"Boys are like me, girls are like you."

"Then this family will be in trouble."

"It's okay, let them make trouble." Song Chi held Zhou Yun's hand, "Xiao Yun, I think we can actually think about getting married slowly."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise, his eyes widened, "Why did you say this suddenly? Didn't you say it before, and talk about it later?"

Song Chi said: "I suddenly thought about one thing today. In the future, the network of interests between the two of us will grow bigger and bigger. By then, getting married may be even more troublesome. So, I think, the sooner we get rid of this matter, Once things are settled, there will be less unnecessary troubles in the future."

Zhou Yun heard about a story that a big boss wanted to marry a wife, but his shareholders would not let him marry unless he had a prenuptial agreement. After marriage, those assets would have nothing to do with his wife and would not affect the distribution of benefits.

Indeed, as Song Chi said, the two of them's careers will grow bigger and bigger in the future, and more and more stakeholders will be involved. The matter of their marriage may no longer be their business.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, then let's find a time and get the certificate first?"

(End of this chapter)

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