I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 638 The Meaning of Idols

Chapter 638 The Meaning of Idols

Chen Jing widened her eyes.

He suddenly felt a little restless, like sitting on pins and needles.

Is this something he can listen to?
Getting married?

So fast? !

Isn't the progress too fast!

Regardless of whether the progress is too fast or not, the key point is, why did Song Chi and Zhou Yun not shy away from him when they talked about this matter?
Is he so trustworthy?
Chen Jing felt a warm feeling of being believed in her heart.

If this news leaks out, it is estimated that the entertainment circle will explode.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun's fans had to blow up Weibo's server.


When the three of them returned to the set, it was already late at night.

They went back to rest separately, and the next morning, they didn't arrange their play, so that they could sleep for a while.

But Zhou Yun still woke up at eight o'clock the next day.

She went to the gym to work out for an hour, went back to her room to take a shower, and went to the set feeling refreshed.

Zhou Lan sent her a message, saying that a movie magazine in the United States wanted to interview her, and there was an event where she wanted to chat with her on site.

As Zhou Yun was nominated for the Golden Globe Award, the mainstream media in the United States finally began to pay attention to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun cooperated naturally.

In fact, many American magazines have sent invitations to Zhou Yun for cover shoots, but Zhou Yun is in China and not in the United States, so many cooperations cannot be accepted.

Zhou Lan has always suggested to them that they can come to China to shoot.

But the magazines seem to have some doubts about coming to China to shoot, and none of them agreed.

Zhou Lan didn't force it, but just put forward a constructive suggestion.

She's on set.

Jiang Xin was adjusting the set of the set. He was dissatisfied with what the set-setting team had created. When he looked up and saw Zhou Yun, he was a little surprised: "Why are you here now? Didn't you arrange your scene in the morning?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'll come here in advance to make preparations and find out the status."

Jiang Xin shook his head and said with emotion: "You are really, I don't know what to say, I specially arranged for you to sleep a little longer in the morning."

"Slept, slept well, and I went to the gym." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, I have nothing to do in the hotel."

Jiang Xin said: "Then you are here, help me see the scene."

Zhou Yun checked with Jiang Xin.

This is a new scene.

a cafe.

This is the scene set up by the crew in the shed, because it needs to be used frequently. If you borrow a real cafe, it is expensive, and it is easy to be influenced by the crowd, so it is better to set up the scene yourself.

The next scene is played by Huang Zicheng and two other actors.

Jiang Xin has a habit. If the actor is on the scene, he will take the actor to watch the scene together. While watching, he will talk about his conception of the scene.

The scene is three-dimensional, but it is also immobile.

What makes this scene come alive is people.

Jiang Xin often expresses a point of view that actors need to establish a connection with the environment they are in. For example, when a hostess is in her own home and in someone else's home, her body movements are different, and her aura is also different.

"When shooting every scene, you have to think clearly about your relationship with the environment you are in, what are you doing here? Why are you here?" Jiang Xin said "For example, a coffee shop, this coffee shop, Zicheng, did you open the door and walk in by accident, or is this a shop you often come to? Are you here today to meet people, or just want to be alone Drink a cup of coffee, this must be in your heart. Only in this way, you will not be dazed in front of the camera, or just a machine that reads lines. Everyone has a different understanding of performance, but no matter what kind of understanding, You have to make us, the audience, believe in your existence and believe that you are that person."

This is what director Jiang Xin fascinates the actors, and it is also the reason why Cheng Shenlu, Chen Jing, and Yu Sitian are willing to play supporting roles.

It's not shameful to be a supporting role in a big director's play, it's justified, and besides, they can get a lot of growth.

More utilitarianly speaking, it is easier to get nominated for awards when acting in a big director's play.

No matter which point it is, for the actors, this opportunity to star is full of security and hope.

This state is very helpful to actors.


At noon, everyone had lunch together, just boxed lunches, and sat around a table.

Someone was curious about last night's activities and asked Zhou Yun for some information. Zhou Yun answered them one by one based on what he knew.

She suddenly noticed the way Jin Lin looked at Huang Zicheng.

She is a woman, so she naturally understands the eyes of other women better.

Zhou Yun only took a few glances and it became clear that Jin Lin fell in love with Huang Zicheng, and that look was different.

During the process, the eyes of Zhou Yun and Cheng Shenlu met.

With just one glance, Zhou Yun knew about it, and Cheng Shenlu also knew about it.

Cheng Shenlu smiled a little embarrassedly, obviously, she also understood Zhou Yun's eyes.

Jiang Xin said suddenly: "I have something to tell you."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun came back to his senses and looked at Director Jiang.

Jiang Xin said: "We will invite our "Chen Yin" crew to participate in the National Drama Ceremony in February next year. I hope that everyone will save time as much as possible and participate in this event as much as possible. Many leaders of radio and television will participate in this grand ceremony. Let's support it. Let’s take a look at other people’s activities, which will be helpful for our subsequent broadcasts.”

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard the words, and was the first to say, "Okay, no problem, but has the specific time been set? It would be great if I could know which day it is earlier, so I can ask my manager to set aside that day."

"I haven't set a specific date yet. It should be confirmed next week. After it is confirmed, I will let Zhaolan tell your agent as soon as possible." Jiang Xin said, "In addition, Sanfan also wants to let this This drama will be aired in the summer of next year, I think the timing is good, but the airing time is still kept secret, please don’t say it to the outside world.”

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

Chen Jing suddenly remembered, and asked: "Director, can our drama be finished next month?"

"En." Jiang Xin nodded, "Our current progress is not bad. Zuo Bin will join the group tomorrow. According to our shooting plan, this drama will be finished a week later than previously estimated."

"That's good." Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was worried that it would be bad if it was delayed for more than two weeks."

"What's the matter? Are you going to enter another group later?" Jiang Xin asked.

"No." Chen Jing shook her head, "I have arranged other work, which is very important."

For a well-known actor like Chen Jing who has already played the leading role, and Ning Yao is behind his back to attract resources for him, there will be many job opportunities for him.

Many opportunities that are rare in the eyes of other actors are common to Chen Jing, and they are easy to get.

Therefore, Chen Jing said that this job is very important, which made everyone curious about what kind of job it is.

Two days later, Chen Jing asked for leave to go out. Only then did everyone know that he was going to participate in this year's Spring Festival Gala. No, he asked for leave to attend the rehearsal.

The Spring Festival Gala has a very different meaning to Chinese stars.

Almost all of China's top stars have attended the Spring Festival Gala.

Zhou Yun has never been there so far.

Originally received the invitation this year, but Zhou Yun is too busy with work this year, unable to coordinate, so he has already declined.

In the crew of "Chen Yin", Chen Jing is the only one going to participate in the Spring Festival Gala this year.

After the news came out, many people were envious.

In fact, in any film crew, there will be a group of actors who are not so famous, or even unknown.

They put in no less effort than others, and their devotion to the role is no less than anyone else, but they just haven't been popular.

Compared with an actor like Chen Jing who went smoothly from the very beginning, their career path was not so smooth.

Because of this, they are often more envious of a "lucky guy" like Chen Jing.

Wen Yuling is actually an actor who worked hard on her own.

She can't say that she hasn't made her mark yet. After many years of acting, she has already gained popularity and established her own position in the industry.

But compared to Chen Jing, she is obviously not so "lucky".

She didn't have a big boss like Ning Yao to escort her, and she basically won every play by herself.

Even the current brokerage companies only get olive branches after they have gained a certain amount of fame.

In comparison, all these people in the crew seem to be luckier than her.

The only one worse than Wen Yuling is Jin Lin.

But Wen Yuling also looked down on that little girl Jin Lin, and felt that that little girl was completely unworthy of herself. If she hadn't been talented in acting, she wouldn't have been favored by Jiang Xin.

"Sometimes when I think about it, I really feel that my hard work is nothing." Wen Yuling chatted with an actress in her forties in the crew, and said with emotion: "You see, we have worked so hard for so long. Compared with Cheng Shenlu, Chen Jing, and Yu Sitian, the current state is like a joke. Now these young people are either backed by big companies, or they are backed by someone, and they all have backgrounds Yes, the opportunity we regard as precious is not an opportunity in their eyes, is it?"

The actress in her forties smiled and didn't answer.

Wen Yuling didn't care, and continued: "In this industry, only a very small number of people have the opportunity to rise to the top, and some people can rise from the very beginning, how about you? When did you start acting?"

"Me? I've been acting for years," said the actress in her forties.

"Then are there times when you are not reconciled?"

"No, I'm very content. After so many years of acting, I can still act in plays. I won't be unwilling."

"Really?" Wen Yuling couldn't believe that this person was not unwilling, "Didn't you think that one day you would be famous?"

"I thought about it when I was young, but now I don't think about it that way. It's meaningless to think about it." People say, "Whether you are popular or not is not something you can control."

"Then do you want to play the leading role?"

"Of course I want to act. Who doesn't want to play the leading role, but if I play the leading role, the show won't be sold." He was very open-minded, saying: "If it doesn't sell, there will be no audience to watch it. It's useless, no one will see me play the leading role."


Wen Yuling suddenly realized that what the other party said made sense, and she couldn't refute it.

Wen Yuling's dissatisfaction and complaints are actually not incomprehensible, but sometimes, one thing must be admitted, that is the cruelty of fate - some people are born with better growth, better luck, better opportunities, and better development. it is good.

If you only focus on those who are better than you, you either have the ability to catch up and surpass them, or you have to adjust your mentality honestly, otherwise you will become a nagging woman.

Zhou Yun is already lucky enough and capable enough, but in fact, think about it again, if another person follows Zhou Yun's track again, can she become another Zhou Yun?

not necessarily.

Even if this person has an affair with Song Chi and becomes popular like Zhou Yun, how long will she be popular?
At the beginning, He Yong was sure that she would not be popular for long, so he always wanted to make quick money?

When Zhou Lan recommended Wen Bing, an advertising director, would this person be willing to act in a low-cost literary film directed by a newcomer when he was popular?In other words, would this person be willing to accept Wen Bing's invitation again after being rejected by Wen Bing once?Or, since you rejected me at the beginning, why should I agree to your invitation?
If this person hadn't acted in "Days", would Shi Luoqi have chosen him as the heroine of "Words of Fallen Leaves"?

Even if she became the heroine of "Words of Fallen Leaves", would this person be willing to take the risk when Xue Qin wanted to shoot "Behind the Scenes" on a whim?

What makes a person is sometimes not how strong the person is, but every choice made by the person.

The reason why Zhou Yun is Zhou Yun is because of her, not the so-called simple luck, or talent.

Of course, some people said that if there was no scandal with Song Chi, she might not be popular for five years.

But some people dare to say that even after the scandal with Song Chi helped him become popular, he could reach Zhou Yun's position?

The reason why Zhou Yun is Zhou Yun is because she is a person who never hides how popular she is.

She dared to frankly admit that her current achievements are not completely dependent on herself, but how many people can frankly admit that in this life, she depends entirely on herself and not on others?
Cheng Shenlu admires Zhou Yun very much.

Because she is already in this position, her temper and anger have never been directed at young actors, staff members, or co-workers. When she gets angry, you know that something is really too much. When you face, you know it's not aimed at you, you just need to feel at ease.

She does not hypocritically create an image of being close to the people, and she has never distanced herself from the world.

Cheng Shenlu often regrets some of her previous actions and thoughts, because she got to know Zhou Yun, and she was surprised to find out what kind of actor she wanted to be.

Perhaps a bit idealistic, but this is probably the meaning of idols.

Therefore, Cheng Shenlu didn't have to hesitate, he could tell Jin Lin directly: "I feel that sister Xiaoyun has discovered your thoughts, and you like Huang Zicheng's thoughts."

Jin Lin turned pale with shock: "Will Sister Xiaoyun be angry?"

"Why is she angry?" Cheng Shenlu asked in surprise, "Do you think Huang Zicheng is her younger brother, does she not want Huang Zicheng to fall in love?"

"I... I don't know, I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of? She won't care about you at all." Cheng Shenlu said firmly, "She won't care whether you and Huang Zicheng are together or not."

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(End of this chapter)

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