Chapter 639
Jin Lin was a little hesitant, whether she should confess her love to Huang Zicheng.

If you like someone, express your love openly.This is what people often say on the Internet.

But in reality, it's not that simple.

Not everyone has the courage to face dashed hopes.

"What if Huang Zicheng has a girlfriend?" Jin Lin chatted with her best friend, often talking about her worries, "What if he doesn't like me? Oh, I don't even know what to do."

The best friend said: "Don't confess your love for now, first take the initiative to get in touch with him, get to know him better, let him go out to have a meal, or go out to play. What are you bothered about?"

Jin Lin said: "But I'm worried that he will reject me. You don't know, he doesn't participate in the activities we all organize."

"Then it won't work."


"It's always the same, Linlin, either he has that kind of interest in you, or he doesn't. You just want him to be interested in you now, but you can't do everything, or the confession will fail. The two of you It’s very embarrassing to still look up and down in the crew, so I can only test it out and see his attitude, if his attitude is okay, there’s drama, go further, if he makes it clear that he’s not interested in you, then forget it.”

"It's very difficult."

"It's so difficult, it's even difficult for a female star like you, what about ordinary girls like us?"

Jin Lin hung up the phone, struggled for a long time, and finally decided to accept the advice of her best friend.

No matter what, let's ask Huang Zicheng out first.

She scoured the internet for a suitable restaurant in the city, preferably something swanky but tucked away.

She quickly found a restaurant of her own choosing.

Jin Lin suppressed her excitement, edited for a long time, and sent a message to Huang Zicheng: Do you have time tonight?I have something I want to ask you in person, can I?
Then send him the address link.

After sending out, Jin Lin threw the phone on the bed, very nervous.

She didn't know if Huang Zicheng would agree.

About five minutes later, Huang Zicheng replied with a message: OK.

Jin Lin let out a scream of excitement.

It worked!
Jin Lin immediately began to worry about what clothes she was going to wear to go out at night.

Alas, the weather is too cold to wear nice, figure-flattering clothes.


Zhou Yun took a sip of hot water and yawned.

"Sister Xiaoyun, are you sleepy?" Zheng Xiaoju asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "A little sleepy."

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Is it because we have been staying in the room and the air has not circulated all the time, and it is a bit suffocating?"

"Maybe." Zhou Yun nodded, "I feel bored."

"Why don't you go out to catch your breath?" Zheng Xiaoju said, "Anyway, it will take a while before the next scene starts shooting."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

They came out of the set and out into the hallway.

The corridors are a bit shabby and dusty, with genuine traces of time.

Zhou Yun put his hands in his pockets and looked at the gray sky outside the corridor. The sky seemed to be frozen like cotton wool scattered with coal ash, stagnating above the city, with an inexplicable sense of eternity. .

"At a time like this, it would be nice to have some wine." Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Drink some wine to warm up your body."

Zheng Xiaoju asked, "How about I get it? There's a bottle of whiskey in the car."

"Forget it, I'm working, it's not good for people to see." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to see the trending entries about my alcoholism tomorrow."

Zheng Xiaoju laughed and rolled his eyes.

"That's not good."

Although it was cold outside, Zhou Yun felt comfortable.

In winter, as long as you dress warmly and don't stand in the wind, you will feel refreshed when you go out of the house to breathe fresh air.

Two people stood here talking, and there were crew members coming and going behind them.

Suddenly heard an "ouch".

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju looked back, only to see Wen Yuling lying on the ground for some reason, with a look of distress and pain.

"Sister Yuling!"

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju hurried to help Wen Yuling.

"Sister Yuling, are you alright?" Zhou Yun carefully helped her up, "Slow down, I'll help you in and sit down, I'll find someone to take a look."

Wen Yuling made a particularly loud cry when she moved a little.


Zhou Yun's eyes turned red when he saw Wen Yuling.

Probably twisted his ankle.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, hurry up and call some people to help."

Zheng Xiaoju responded and went.

Zhou Yun supported Wen Yuling, thanks to her usual fitness, her upper body strength is not bad.

Wen Yuling didn't have much strength in her whole body, and she completely relied on Zhou Yun's body.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to support her as much as possible.

Fortunately, Zheng Xiaoju quickly called someone to help, and helped Wen Yuling to sit down inside.

Afterwards, the crew arranged for someone to take Wen Yuling to the hospital for an examination. Fortunately, she only sprained her ankle, and she will be fine after a few days of recuperation.

But in this way, Wen Yuling's scenes were affected, she couldn't stand, she could only shoot the scenes sitting.

But some scenes can only be filmed standing up, so we can only move these scenes to the back.

"It's so wicked. Director Jiang just fell once, and Wen Yuling fell again today. Why is it so easy to hurt people in this place?" Some staff members whispered.

In fact, Zhou Yun also felt strange.

It would be fine if the ground was icy, but there was no icy on the corridor, but Wen Yuling suddenly fell, and it is not so easy for a normal person to twist her ankle when she falls, but she twisted it as soon as she fell, which is bad luck .

It's winter, Zhou Yun wants to eat hot pot.

But hot pot is boring to eat alone, so she invited Zheng Xiaoju, Liu Yun and Cao Jun to eat together, and it was very refreshing.

Zhou Yun was very satisfied, put down his chopsticks, and said, "Hot pot should be eaten in winter."

Zheng Xiaoju's mouth was red, and he said: "I also like to eat hot pot, it's so refreshing."

"You can't eat too much, it's easy to get angry." Liu Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju: "It's okay, it's okay, we only eat mandarin duck pot, it's not too spicy."

Zhou Yun said: "Thank you for staying here with me, it's such a cold weather."

"It's not hard, it's not hard." Zheng Xiaoju shook his head and hands, "I can't find a better job than this."

"Yes." Liu Yun nodded in agreement.

Zhou Yun asked: "Xiaoju, how is your English learning?"

"I've been studying very hard, but... well, the communication is still a little slow." Zheng Xiaoju was a little dejected, and said, "I actually signed up for a spoken English class and followed others online to practice speaking, but even though I practiced a lot, Still can’t communicate normally in English with those foreigners.”

Zhou Yun said: "Xiaoju, don't be discouraged. You have such a problem because you don't have a context where you often speak English. Do you not understand or can't speak it now?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It's just that the reaction is relatively slow. After someone says a sentence, I have to translate it into Chinese in my head. When I answer, I have to think about how to answer in Chinese first, and then translate it into English. "

"That's because you are not familiar with it, so the translation process is still very long." Zhou Yun said, "I suggest you watch some American dramas, don't read the subtitles, listen to the original version, and listen to the parts you don't understand. In this way, your familiarity with English will be greatly improved, and the translation process in your head will be much faster."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded immediately and said, "Okay, I'll try this method later."

The four of them finished the hot pot and were ready to go back to the hotel.

It is snowing outside.

Before going out, the owner of the hot pot restaurant suddenly came over and asked if he could take a photo together.

Zhou Yun nodded happily and said, "Let's go together."

Now, Zhou Yun generally avoids taking photos with people alone.

After taking a group photo, Cao Jun also drove over.

"Let's go, go back and rest." Zhou Yun said.

When several people went out, they were immediately blocked by a gust of cold wind.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju screamed at the same time because of the biting cold.

Liu Yun looked at the two people expressionlessly. Although her face was expressionless, Zhou Yun could see a sense of disdain about "what are these two rookies doing" from her face.


Zhou Yun couldn't hold back and let out a laugh.

Zheng Xiaoju also laughed.

"Why is it so cold?! What an evil wind!" Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It is indeed a demonic wind."

"Hey——" Zheng Xiaoju suddenly let out a surprised and suspicious voice, "Isn't that Huang Zicheng and Jin Lin?"

Zheng Xiaoju's voice attracted others.

Zhou Yun saw that there were actually Huang Zicheng and Jin Lin on the opposite side of the road.

The street lights are dim and the light is not bright.

Huang Zicheng and Jin Lin also showed surprised expressions, looking at them across the road in a little bewilderment.

The two sides looked at each other for a long time, but Zhou Yun was the first to break the embarrassment.

She waved to the two people across the road as a compliment, and then led them into the car.

Huang Zicheng and Jin Lin both heaved a sigh of relief.

This scene is really embarrassing.

If Zhou Yun came to greet them at this time, they really didn't know how to explain why they were together at this time.

Especially Jin Lin, she asked Huang Zicheng out for dinner tonight, and after the meal, she chatted with Huang Zicheng to find out if he had a girlfriend.

Huang Zicheng said that he is single, but he does not intend to fall in love now.

This answer made Jin Lin very happy.

It's ok.

I don't want to fall in love now, but there will always be a time when I want to fall in love in the future.

As long as there is hope.

After dinner, Jin Lin said she wanted to take a walk to digest food, but she met Zhou Yun during her walk.

Jin Lin panicked immediately, and said, "Oh no, what should we do? Miss Xiaoyun must have thought about it when she saw the two of us walking together so late. She won't misunderstand, right?"

Huang Zicheng was still in a daze and asked, "What's the misunderstanding?"

Jin Lin faltered, and didn't say anything for a long time.

Huang Zicheng reacted belatedly, ahed, and said, "I'll explain it to Sister Xiaoyun when I get back."

He also didn't want Miss Xiaoyun to misunderstand, he was in love now.

Now his career has just started and has not yet formally developed. Huang Zicheng is not the kind of young man who is greedy for enjoyment and fun.


Many brokerage companies do not allow their artists to fall in love, especially those who tend to be idols. The stricter ones, such as Yue Hai's contracted actors, even if they are actors, as long as they are young, they are not allowed to fall in love.

Chengqian Entertainment is better in this respect. It is okay to fall in love, but you have to report it to the company and don't hide it from the company.

In this era, unless Yue Hai possesses a very rich and full chain of resources, it is difficult for a brokerage company to be in the position of being in control of the relationship with actors for a long time.

It’s okay if the artist is not popular, but if the artist is popular, you still have to worry about whether he will be poached by other companies, and you must always take care of his temper, so that he does not collapse, do not play big names, and damage his reputation.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan didn't care much about whether everyone was in love or not.

It may be because Zhou Yun is particularly worry-free in dating, Zhou Lan has always given priority to positive support for everyone's dating matters.

But apart from Zhou Yun and Yu Chu who was pregnant, the other artists under Zhou Lan wanted to work on their careers first, and had no plans to fall in love in the near future.

Seeing Huang Zicheng and Jin Lin together today, Zhou Yun didn't think too much about it, either they were dating together, or they got together because of other things, it didn't matter.

But Zhou Yun did not expect that Huang Zicheng would make a special trip to explain to her.

"Okay, I get it." Zhou Yun listened patiently to Huang Zicheng's explanation, then smiled and said, "This is actually your private matter, you don't need to explain so much to me."

Of course, Zhou Yun could also understand Huang Zicheng's thoughts.

Maybe in the eyes of Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, her attitude towards them will determine many things, Huang Zicheng doesn't want her to misunderstand him.

Therefore, Zhou Yun specifically said this in the hope that Huang Zicheng would feel relieved.

Huang Zicheng scratched his head and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, then I'm leaving."

"En." Zhou Yun nodded, and watched Huang Zicheng leave with a smile.

It took several steps for Huang Zicheng to walk before Zhou Yun closed the door again.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, picked up the phone, and told Zheng Xiaoju: Don't tell others what happened tonight, you should also tell Xiao Yun and Brother Jun.

Zheng Xiaoju replied: Where is Sister Lan?
Zhou Yun said: Sister Lan, let's talk about it after asking. Just now Huang Zicheng came to me to explain. The two of them just had dinner together at night, nothing else.

Zheng Xiaoju said: Oh, but, Sister Xiaoyun, let me make a digression, a lonely man and a widow have dinner together at night, which is "different".

Zhou Yun recalled the scene he had noticed before.

Judging from the way Jin Lin looked at Huang Zicheng, Jin Lin did have a liking for Huang Zicheng.

So, Jin Lin only likes Huang Zicheng unilaterally?
With this doubt in mind, Zhou Yun washed up, lay down on the bed, and prepared to sleep.


The phone rang suddenly, and someone sent a message.

(End of this chapter)

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