Chapter 640 Black

The news came from Yao Yuanfeng.

——Xiaoyun, our "One Mountain, Two Tigers" is on pre-sale, help us post a Weibo to promote it.

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was some news.

She replied with a good word.

I logged on to Weibo and searched the official blog of "One Mountain Two Tigers". After following it, I reposted the pre-sale news posted on the official blog [-] minutes ago.

Immediately, many fans left messages.

Zhou Yun is not diligent in posting on Weibo, most of the time he posts some promotional information, and this time is the same.

She rarely posts content related to herself.

It may be a knee-jerk resistance not wanting to share myself on social media.

But every time she posts information, the fans are also very happy, and feel that they finally saw a little movement of Zhou Yun.

Although Zhou Yun has a lot of hot searches, it is mostly because of activities or being involved in certain things by others, which actually makes her fans dissatisfied.

Fans are more eager to see some real news about Zhou Yun, rather than those hotly searched events.

Many people asked: Why doesn't Xiaoyun post selfies?Seems like it was never posted.

A fan explained that it was still posted, but less.

Zhou Yun also felt a little embarrassed when he saw these messages.

Her fans are the best fans, they never go to other star sites to swipe their screens, and they basically never make trouble for her on the Internet. The communication between the fan support club and the team is very smooth. At that time, Zhou Yun I asked the team to express her opinion. She doesn't need and doesn't like any support behavior, whether it's clocking in for data or fighting with fans from other fans, she doesn't like it, so the support team has always been very low-key.

It is also because Zhou Yun has made it very clear that he will not accept any support items, and he does not agree that the support club will collect money in any name. The support club has not held any activities, basically doing some online team building activities.

Despite being low-key, Zhou Yun's fans have left a name on the official side.

Because whenever there are some important times, Zhou Yun's fan support club will spare no effort to dedicate their strength.

To a certain extent, Zhou Yun has also benefited a lot from this - on the official level, whether it is a star or an idol, they should all play a positive leading role, and the official attaches great importance to this aspect.

The performance of Zhou Yun's fans will be positively fed back to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun has always been cautious about the relationship between herself and her fans, because water can carry a boat and overturn it, but at this moment she suddenly felt indebted, because the fans did so many things for her that they didn't need them to do. It wasn't what she asked for, but when it was done it was done, and she benefited from it, and she never refused.

Maybe, at some point, she shouldn't maintain such a cold attitude.

She rarely replies to fans in the comment area, and rarely shares her status on social platforms.The reason for this is that I uphold the mentality of saying too much and making mistakes, and I would rather not do it than say it.

But the result of this is to disappoint some people who expected more from her.

Of course, Zhou Yun is not obliged to satisfy those who have more expectations of her—to put it bluntly, this is a choice, should she do it?
Zhou Yun sat up from the bed, took out his mobile phone, and posted a Weibo: Three things I want to share today: 1. I ate hot pot tonight. 2. The drama that is being filmed is also progressing smoothly. 3. The snow is getting bigger and bigger.

Sent successfully.

Zhou Yun lay down on the bed again.

She told herself silently in her heart that if possible, it doesn’t matter to share some daily life, instead of expressing opinions, she only records the daily life.

But having said that--

Zhou Yun knew that at the moment when she really got emotional, laughing and cursing could not be avoided, so he could only say that he tried his best not to get involved in the vortex on the Internet.

It's not a normal environment right now.

Not five minutes after Zhou Yun posted this Weibo, Zhou Lan sent her a message: Why do you have the time to share your status with everyone today?

Zhou Yun felt even more sorry when he saw the message from Zhou Lan.

Even Sister Lan was surprised by her sudden weibo post.

Zhou Yun said: I haven't posted on Weibo for a long time, so I posted one.

Zhou Lan: It seems that you are in a good mood today. Did something good happen?

Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry, and said: No, it has nothing to do with this, but I am really in a good mood now, and I ate hot pot at night.

Zhou Lan: That's the only thing you can do. A hot pot can make you so happy. When it got out, I thought I was abusing you.

Zhou Yun sent a smiling face.

No one expected that the next day, reports about Zhou Yun disrespecting his seniors would spread all over the Internet.

The matter was also related to the movie festival that Zhou Yun attended before.

A trumpet came out and broke the news that Yao Xing was originally scheduled to participate in the poetry recitation session. Because he pointed out that the director's composition of words was unfair, Zhou Yun was given the most part when all the seniors participated, and he withdrew from the session in anger. During the process, Zhou Yun ridiculed Yao Xing, mocked Yao Xing for being out of date and no longer popular, and then replayed Zhou Yun's previous conflict with Fan Zhu, which meant that Zhou Yun did not respect the industry. There are precedents in the predecessors. At the same time, many celebrities and entertainers revealed anonymously that Zhou Yun is a very proud person in private and has always looked down on other people.

Regarding such accusations, it was not the first time for Zhou Yun.

Some people believed it, some people didn't believe it, and there was a lot of quarrel.

This matter has room for fermentation, mainly because Yao Xing did not appear in the poetry recitation session.

However, on the program list before the live broadcast, this segment had Yao Xing's name on it.

A reporter asked about Yao Xing's manager, and the manager replied that it is inconvenient to respond to this matter.

But "it is inconvenient to respond to this matter" is a response attitude, and many people use these six words as a fuss.

One, if this trumpet broke the news out of nothing, and Yao Xing directly denied it, why did he have to be vague?

Second, what is the reason for the inconvenience of not being able to respond?Is it because Zhou Yun is the most popular movie star now, and he doesn't want to be attacked by Zhou Yun's fans, or is it because of the forces behind Zhou Yun, who are also in the movie industry, Yao Xing can't offend those movie bosses?
Three, Zhou Yun always responded quickly to news related to him, why didn't he respond all morning this time?Are you guilty?

Guilty? !
After filming for a whole morning, it was hard for him to catch his breath. When Zhou Yun learned about this from Zheng Xiaoju, he took a look at the phone and was very angry.

She worked so hard for several hours of filming in the morning, and she didn't even go to the bathroom during the whole process, so she was said to have a guilty conscience?
Fortunately, Zhou Lan has already used the studio's account to respond first: Zhou Yun is filming on the set. In order not to disturb her filming mood, we have not contacted her yet, but as her manager, I can tell you with confidence that Xiaoyun She is definitely not a person who disrespects her predecessors. She has been in the industry for several years. She is the most polite and modest actress I have ever seen. We will give you another reply after this matter is clarified.

The comment area under this Weibo was taken over by black fans.

They are all questioning their guilty conscience and dare not respond positively.

Zhou Yun was only filming on the set, and he didn't lose his signal in the deep mountains and old forests. What is his excuse for not disturbing Zhou Yun's filming mood?
and many more.

But what surprised and surprised Zhou Yun was that many familiar IDs appeared in the comment area.

Liu Yuqian left a message: I have worked with Xiaoyun in a film, she is the kind of actress I admire the most, she has strong professional skills, in the crew, whether it is an old actor or a young actor, whether it is a famous actor or an unknown actor, She has an amiable attitude, and she has absolutely no big-name airs.

Jiang Yuzhen left a message: Rumors stop at wise men [thumbs][thumbs].

Li Yu left a message: Sister Xiaoyun is not the kind of person who disrespects seniors.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that many people asked under Li Yu's comment: Who are you?
Li Yu was an actor who had filmed "The Eighth Heartbeat" with Zhou Yun before, and she was only a sophomore at that time.

There were so many public opinions attacking her on the Internet, but so many people immediately spoke up for her, she said in her heart that she was not moved, it was a lie.

Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan.

"Sister Lan, who is behind this scandal, have you found out?"

Zhou Lan said, "Apple Entertainment, I'm negotiating with them, but they won't admit it."

Zhou Yun said: "If you don't want to admit it, then pull it down and send a lawyer's letter to that trumpet, and I will post a statement on Weibo."

"Don't post it first, I don't know how to explain this incident yet." Zhou Lan said, "It is true that Yao Xing was kicked out of the poetry recitation session, but if we expose this incident, in case the director team denies this One thing, we are not human inside and out."

Zhou Yun immediately understood Zhou Lan's concerns.

"So what are you going to do?" she asked.

Zhou Lan said: "I just sent a message to the director who was in charge of communicating with us before. I think we should not explain this matter, but it would be better for the director team to clarify the facts. No matter what we say here, There will always be people who will question it, and, if we explain this kind of thing, it's a bit like a princess selling melons and boasting, don't you think?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun knew that Zhou Lan was right, "Then what do I need to do here?"

"Wait for the statement from the director's team to come out, and you can forward it again." Zhou Lan said, "Don't do anything now, there are too many mistakes to say, but Liu Yuqian and the others have played a big role in helping you speak online. It’s very rare for them to help you speak up without hesitation at this time, and it’s very rare to go through this muddy water, so don’t forget to thank them.”

"it is good."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone, refreshed Weibo, and found that Mr. You Jiang had posted a Weibo just two minutes ago, saying: Xiaoyun has always respected old actors like Lily and me in the film crew, and promoted it in the United States. He also took good care of me when I was young, there is no such thing as disrespecting seniors!

Zhou Yun looked at You Jiang's Weibo post in surprise, and was moved and apologetic for a moment.

When this kind of thing happened, these friends took the risk of being smeared by the sunspots to speak up for her, and they still took the initiative to speak up for her. She didn't even know how to express her gratitude.

But she's also inspired by the voices that have come forward to speak for her.

So many people believed in her and supported her.

This made her feel that everything she had done in the past was not in vain.

You Jiang, Liu Yuqian, and Jiang Yuzhen appeared on the trending searches in turn.

All for getting a lot of attention for speaking up for her.

One of Zhou Yun’s big fans said: Ever since the sunspots began to spread rumors that Xiaoyun disrespected his seniors and played big names, Teacher You Jiang, Teacher Jiang Yuzhen, Liu Yuqian, Li Yu and other actors who have worked with Xiaoyun have all stood up to clarify Xiaoyun’s truth As a person, it can be seen what kind of person Xiaoyun is in the crew, and please stop spreading rumors and troubles. What kind of person is Xiaoyun, and the co-actors who have been with her have the most say. I know exactly what happened between Xiao Yun and Senior Yao Xing, but since neither side has spoken out, please don't use the material leaked by an unknown so-called trumpet to plant shit on someone's head.

Zhou Yun's fans liked and reposted this Weibo, so that it can be seen by more people.

The sunspots are reluctant to give up, and ask questions below:
1. Has Zhou Yun only worked with these actors?What about the other actors?Why don't they talk?

2. So many actors have spoken out, where is her boyfriend Song Chi?Why didn't Song Chi show up for so long? Could it be that Song Chi knew Zhou Yun's state best in private and didn't dare to speak for him.

3. Zhou Yun didn't come forward to clarify this matter. Where did you have the face to say that Zhou Yun is innocent?

A few questions were asked that made people's hearts bleed.

But anyone with a bit of sense can see that these sunspots are deliberately picking faults.

Only Song Chi's fans saw their boss being Cue, and they went off the stage to complain:
1. I didn't want to get involved at first, but our brother Chi is currently filming on the set. Like you, we have nothing to do every day. We only know how to look for presence with our mobile phones?

2. The relationship between Brother Chi and Zhou Yun is something you monsters can provoke?
3. If you want to black Zhou Yun, you will be black. What does it mean to take our Brother Chi to the end?Brother Chi is playing your big name?You started making rumors about Brother Chi before Zhou Yun made it clear?Our Brother Chi can respond if he wants to, and he can not respond if he doesn’t want to. Why are you kidnapping morality here?

4. That's it.


All in all, because of the sudden revelation in the morning, the Internet has been full of gunpowder throughout the day.

Of course, for Weibo, this is a good thing.

The popularity is off the charts, with such a high flow rate, the profit has doubled.

Therefore, whenever there is any new news related to this matter, Weibo will spread it to everyone as soon as possible to increase the exposure.

One after another, Gu Huaichun, Cheng Shenlu, Wang Jing, Yu Chu, Yin Zhou, Zhou Jianfeng and others all expressed their support for Zhou Yun under the clarification Weibo on Zhou Yun Studio's official Weibo.

It wasn't until the evening that Song Chi, who was returning to the hotel after filming in the deep mountains and old forests, saw the news and learned about what happened today.

Song Chi didn't even call Zhou Yun, so he posted on Weibo first: "What happened that night, there were many people present, who knew what was going on, what kind of person Xiaoyun is, I don't need to say, I already have many good friends Having said that, she is a trustworthy person.

After posting Weibo, Song Chi hurriedly called Zhou Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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