I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 641 Black on Black

Chapter 641 Black on Black

"Don't worry, Sister Lan has already communicated with the organizer and director team of the evening party. They will issue a statement to help me clarify what happened that night."

Zhou Yun told Song Chi.

"Don't pay attention to those voices on the Internet. In the future, you don't have to speak up for me on the Internet. I have a lot of gossip. Someone will always throw dirty water on me. Just explain it to me once or twice. If you help me every time It’s too troublesome to explain. I told my friends the same way, I walk upright and sit upright, and I’m not afraid of others splashing dirty water. It’s not a fact, and it will never knock me down.”

Song Chi smiled, "I haven't said anything yet, why did you tell me to leave your business alone in such a hurry? How could I not care about your business?"

Zhou Yun: "So let me tell you, you have to stay rational and don't be instigated by those voices on the Internet."

"I was not incited by those voices on the Internet."


"Seeing someone slandering you and scolding you, I can't rationally stay out of it."

Zhou Yun was slightly taken aback.

Song Chi said: "Okay, let's not talk about it for now. I will call the people in the event organization department that day and ask them how they plan to issue this statement. I will talk about it later."


Song Chi hung up the phone.

Zhou Yun hung up the phone and couldn't help laughing, which was a bit sweet that couldn't be concealed.

In the evening, she goes for a run in the hotel gym.

When this happens, she doesn't want to leave herself alone in the hotel, prone to cranky thoughts, and would rather go to the gym to burn some calories.

She didn't expect to meet Yu Sitian in the gym.

Yu Sitian was running on the treadmill, wearing earphones, without squinting.

Seeing that she didn't see him, Zhou Yun didn't go to say hello.

It can only be said that a temporary reconciliation has been reached between the two people, and they live in peace, but they are not very close.

Two female celebrities suddenly came to the gym, and everyone else was curious to take pictures, but no one came forward to strike up a conversation, so they probably didn't dare.

If it wasn't driven by fans' worship of idols, in fact, when most people see celebrities, they just look at them out of curiosity.

Zhou Yun went to lift the iron.

There was a young man who came over and asked if he needed help.

Zhou Yun shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm fine."

The young man just left.

Zhou Yun didn't dislike this kind of strike-up, if you like it, I'd like it, and after you clearly reject it, you won't bother me any more.

After a while, when Zhou Yun was lying on the yoga mat doing hip bridge, Yu Sitian came over.

She lay down beside her and asked, "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to sleep at night when you come to the gym so late?"

"Fortunately, it's not too late." Zhou Yun replied.

"Your mentality is better than I imagined. There are so many people talking about you outside, but you can still work out in the gym so calmly." Yu Sitian changed her posture, knelt on the yoga mat, and let herself rest for a while, " I heard that Yao Xing said some bad things about you to many people in the circle in private, do you know that?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter." Zhou Yun glanced at Yu Sitian indifferently, "Why are you telling me these things?"

Yu Sitian: "In normal times, I would be happy to see you unlucky, but now that you and I are filming the same movie, I don't want to affect the movie "Chen Yin" because of you."

"Don't worry, it won't affect you, and it won't let you shoot in vain." Zhou Yun said, "This matter was originally created out of nothing."

"I know, I was there that day, everyone knows what's going on, but don't forget, it was indeed the director's team who gave you an extra sentence at the beginning, although many of us know that this is the behavior of the director's team , but I can't help someone thinking too much behind my back." Yu Sitian said, "You don't think that all the seniors are the kind who are willing to give way to young people and give young people opportunities?"

Zhou Yun: "What do you want to say?"

"I just want to say that your luck is not very good." Yu Sitian said, "Don't be taken as a target, Yao Xing, everyone's evaluation has not been very good, but she also has a group of like-minded people around her, At that time, they will gather together to bombard you and give you some hats. You will not feel so good. No matter how many actresses you win, in our country, disrespecting your predecessors is still a very heavy hat. On the head, that's a big problem, too."

Zhou Yun: "Then what do you suggest me do?"

Yu Sitian hesitated for a moment.

"Me? I'm not going to suggest you what to do." Yu Sitian straightened her waist, putting her hands on her waist, "I just remind you, don't stumble."

After returning to the room from the gym, Zhou Yun went into the bathroom to take a shower, thinking about what Yu Sitian said in his head.

She had a feeling that Yu Sitian seemed to be hinting something to her.

Did Yao Xing find a few people and plan to use her as a target to attack the current situation that the market doesn't pay much attention to the older generation of actors?
According to Yu Sitian, that seems to be the meaning.

But whether this is the case is not known.

Zhou Yun came out of the shower, called Zhou Lan, and told Zhou Lan what Yu Sitian had just said to her in the gym.

"What did Yu Sitian come to tell you on her own initiative?" Zhou Lan asked in surprise.


"Yao Xing is indeed looking for some people. There are acquaintances who heard the news and called me to remind me of this matter. Don't worry. After half an hour, the official blog of the last grand ceremony will post a clarification The statement, which will make it clear that the allocation of the paragraphs you are responsible for is the decision of the director team. At the same time, Yao Xing did not appear in the poetry recitation session because of the arrangement of the director team. It has nothing to do with you. After the official statement, I I think those people Yao Xing is looking for will not go into this muddy water again, everyone is in this circle, no one will be fooled by Yao Xing with just a few words."

"I guess Yu Sitian heard something. She knows more people in the film industry than us. After all, she entered the industry so many years earlier than us." Zhou Yun said, "I think I should make a statement before making a statement on the official blog. an attitude of one's own."

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to tell everyone categorically that I will never plunder other people's opportunities in order to stand out, and there is absolutely no such thing as playing big names or disrespecting seniors in the industry." Zhou Yun said, "I have been silent, and I do follow the My previous style is not in line, the official attitude is the official attitude, and my attitude is my attitude, Sister Lan, what do you think?"

"It's reasonable for you to say that. My concern is that no matter what you say, there will always be people who will find fault with your speech. For example, what you said just now, someone must find fault. Did you steal Yao Xing's words?"

"I'll just reply no."

"Okay, then the second question, is it because of you that Yao Xing didn't appear in the poetry recitation?" Zhou Lan asked again.

Zhou Yun said, "No."

Zhou Lan: "What if Yao Xing stood up and said that it was because of you that she withdrew from the poetry recitation session, what should I do? There is nothing wrong with her saying that, it is not a lie."

"With so many people present that day, who doesn't know the truth?"

"Yu Sitian also knows the truth. I'm surprised that she would remind you in private. Did you see her talking for you online?"

"Speaking for me will definitely offend Yao Xing, definitely not."

"That's the reason. Even the organizer will not openly reveal the fact that Yao Xing did not cooperate and was taken down by the director team." Zhou Lan said, "If the organizer admits this, it constitutes I don't respect the fact that the guest performers were invited by the organizer, and when they came, they took down their performances. Even if Yao Xing didn't cooperate, there are too many places to argue about this matter. It is fair to say, The mother-in-law is justified, and it is not conclusive, which is also a blow to the organizers."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

To put it bluntly, in fact, the organizers also have a lot of responsibilities, and they must act carefully to avoid getting burned.

Zhou Yun: "There are too many worries, anyway, I can't say anything, I can't do anything."

"Actually, in this matter, the best thing is for the actors you have worked with to talk to you and prove what kind of person you are usually. The more people stand up to help you say this, say what you are usually If you are such a person, the rumors that smear you will be hit harder, especially some older collaborators." Zhou Lan said, "Teacher You Jiang and Teacher Jiang Yuzhen's voice and attitude of supporting you made the circle Many people are skeptical of Yao Xing's attitude, because You Jiang and Jiang Yuzhen have met many people in the circle, and everyone knows them well, and everyone will believe what they say."

Zhou Yun said: "But in fact, I haven't worked with too many actors of the older generation."

She didn't make many plays, and she didn't have many actors of the older generation who worked with her.

Suddenly someone else's voice sounded from Zhou Lan's side, saying something to Zhou Lan. Zhou Yun didn't hear clearly, but only faintly heard the names of Weibo, Zhang Hongyu and others.

Zhou Lan's tone suddenly became agitated.

"Xiaoyun, just now Zhang Hongyu posted on Weibo, supporting you!" Zhou Lan said a little excitedly, "In addition to Zhang Hongyu, there is also director Cong Lan! They posted Weibo together!"

Zhou Yun was surprised.


"I'll hang up first, and I'll see what's going on." Zhou Lan said, "I'm busy here first."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Lan hurried to see what the two posted, so that she could quickly make the following public relations plans.

At the end of the day today, public opinion still formed a lot of attacks on Zhou Yun.

There are several calls from the brand.

Although they didn't say much, they just asked about the situation, but the implication was that Zhou Yun responded immediately when Xiao Yun encountered such a public opinion crisis before, why didn't he respond this time?Is there any special situation?
They were actually inquiring about news in advance, fearing that Zhou Yun would really have some scandal.

If there is a scandal, the brand side will have to evaluate how much impact this scandal will have, and whether the brand side should terminate the contract with Zhou Yun in advance.

Zhou Lan naturally explained it in a good voice.

But the reaction of the brand side is enough to see how much impact public opinion has had on Zhou Yun this time.

At Zhou Yun's level, basically as long as it is not a principled scandal, it will not have a fundamental impact on her.

The brand side will not start to feel uneasy because of a little scandal about Zhou Yun.

Which star has no scandals?

It's impossible to terminate the contract as soon as there is a scandal, and there is no star in the entire entertainment industry who can sign.

Zhou Lan explained to the person in charge of this public relations crisis, saying: "I must keep an eye on the trend of public opinion on various online platforms, and report to me immediately if there is anything unusual. I have told all major platforms before, and ask them to help us. The heat of negative public opinion has subsided, why are there still so many sunspots?"

"The feedback from the platform side is that there have been people who have been buying water armies to re-enter the market. The popularity of related entries has been suppressed, and they will make new entries."

"It's quite rich." Zhou Lan sneered, "This is another step on the feet of many people, right?"

"Sister Xiaoyun is too popular. Once something happens to her, everyone wants to step on her. Everyone wants to eat the cake that Sister Xiaoyun gave out."

"That depends on whether they can eat it or not."

Zhou Lan said: "Go and contact the various platforms, and push the voices of Zhang Hongyu and Director Cong Lan to the forefront."

"Push it to the front, and the asking price is not low."

"If what they want exceeds the market price, you should write it down and reduce cooperation in the future." Zhou Lan said, "Now is not the time to haggle over the price, but in the future it is time to settle accounts and settle accounts. Usually, when Zhou Yun is needed, one bite and one sister, now If you need their help, it will be worse, then don’t talk about relationships in the future.”


According to the current popularity of public opinion, a public opinion counterattack will cost at least several million.

But Zhou Lan couldn't bear to spend the money.

The most important thing now is to maintain Zhou Yun's public image, and she must not be tarnished by others.


Zhou Lan thought about the people Zhou Yun had worked with, from the producer to the director, from the cameraman to the actor. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call one by one to ask them to speak up.

Zhou Lan struggled for a long time, whether he should do this or not.

She knew that if Zhou Yun knew, he would definitely not agree to her doing so.

Zhou Yun doesn't want to bother others because of his little things, and it's not a trivial matter to bother about such a small matter.

If this matter is not handled properly, it will deal a big blow to Zhou Yun's image and reputation in the industry.

Disrespecting elders is a heavy accusation in China.

Zhou Lan knows that Zhou Yun is not such a person. Everyone can see her usual behavior, so Zhou Lan doesn't want Zhou Yun to be splashed with dirty water.

Everyone is willing to stand up and speak for Zhou Yun, so that everyone can see what kind of person Zhou Yun is in the eyes of these people who have worked with him.

But just before she was about to make this call, someone came over suddenly and said, "Sister Lan, Zhou Yun's fans started a topic, asking fans to tell what Zhou Yun they saw in private It seems that many fans have met Zhou Yun by chance, and they are collecting stories of encounters."

(End of this chapter)

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