I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 642 Official Statement

Chapter 642 Official Statement
What kind of person is Zhou Yun?

Among the many stories, one person posted a text.

At the beginning, no one noticed this text, and it was not seen by everyone until the program group of "Flowers and Myriad Things" and the host of this program, Liu Yuan forwarded this text.

"My name is Zhong Zhihui. I once recorded a program called "Flowers and Everything" with Ms. Zhou Yun. It was the first episode of the program. Due to personal reasons, I needed to move with my daughter and go back to my hometown, so I needed to sell some things. Well, the program team found me and wanted to shoot a program with my daughter and me as the characters in the story, and told me that my guest in this episode is Ms. Zhou Yun."

"During that time, because of some heavy things in my life, I was in a low period. Viewers who watched the program should still remember that I am a disabled person, but I still have to raise a daughter. Therefore, the program After the team told me that if I participated in the recording, I could get a recording fee, and I agreed."

"During the recording of the program, Ms. Zhou Yun has been doing her best to help us sell things. It is very hard, but what I want to say is not this. Because of the recording of the program, Ms. Zhou Yun and my daughter got to know each other. My daughter likes her very much, so after the recording of the show, my daughter asked her if she could leave a contact information so that she can be contacted when she wants to contact her in the future. Ms. Yun actually agreed, she said, you can contact her at any time if you have any questions."

"Of course, I haven't contacted her. It's just a one-time relationship. In addition, there is a world of difference between us. I am too embarrassed to disturb her work and life, but sometimes I look at my mobile phone and find that many times Before I knew it, my daughter used my mobile phone to chat with Ms. Zhou Yun many times, and each time, Ms. Zhou Yun patiently chatted with my daughter, never ignoring or ignoring her."

"When my daughter celebrated her birthday, Ms. Zhou Yun sent gifts. I never said these things, and she never publicized them. What kind of person is she? I actually only met her once. I don’t know either, but in the past two years, she is willing to keep in touch with a little girl whom she only met once, and remembers to give her a birthday gift on her birthday. I don’t believe that such a person is as thoughtful as the Internet says Unbearable, she is a good person."


Zhou Yun was stunned when he saw this text sent by Zhong Zhihui.

She didn't expect that even Zhong Zhihui would come out to help her say these things.

This incident has already become the number one hot search. It was not bought by the company, but was reported by all major official media.

The official media has always been keen to report all kinds of positive things, and this incident happens to be what they tend to report. In addition, the protagonist in it is Zhou Yun, a big star, who naturally attracts people's attention.

Zhong Zhihui's story didn't come out of nowhere. When the first episode of "Flowers and Everything" was broadcast, it was very popular. Many people paid attention to it and many viewers watched it.

Audiences who knew the previous situation were even more emotional after reading the text posted by Zhong Zhihui.

Watching the show at the time, I felt that the life of the father and daughter was not easy. I didn't expect to see them after so long, and Zhou Yun hadn't broken contact with them in the past two years.

How many people will stay in touch for so long for someone they meet by chance?

It would be fine if they kept in touch as a show, but in the past two years, there has never been any news that Zhou Yun sent a gift to the little girl.

If Zhong Zhihui didn't take the initiative to say it, no one would know about it.

Whether it is charity or donation, Zhou Yun usually never publicizes much, let alone such things.

Zhou Yun found Zhong Zhihui's WeChat account and thanked him.

Zhong Zhihui replied: You are welcome, I just told everyone the facts.

Zhou Yun: Next time this kind of thing happens again, don't speak up for me, I'm afraid it will affect your normal life.

Zhong Zhihui: It’s okay, I just saw that there has been a lot of quarrels on the Internet today, and Xiaobei also said that we should be able to help you within the scope of our capabilities.

Zhou Yun smiled: Thank Xiaobei for me.

Zhong Zhihui: Good.

After the chat with Zhong Zhihui ended, Zhou Yun felt a little warm in his heart.

This feeling is very special.

Zhou Yun has always been calm and independent. When encountering any problem, his first reaction is to solve it by himself or force it, instead of asking others for help.

Even if it was Song Chi, her first reaction was to hope that Song Chi would stay out of the matter and not get involved.

She was afraid that her affairs would implicate every innocent person and have a bad influence on them.

But often the more such a person, the more moved when they get unexpected warmth.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the event organizer's official blog finally issued a statement.

The content of the statement was somewhat different from what Zhou Lan said.

The content... is Yao Xing a bit tough? !

The content of the statement is as follows:

First, a certain performer was originally scheduled to participate in the poetry recitation session, but because the director team and the performers disagreed during the rehearsal, in order to ensure the live broadcast of the evening program, the director team had to choose to invite the performer who disagreed at the first time For not participating in this performance, the director team expresses sincere apologies for delaying the rehearsal time of this guest performer.

Second, Zhou Yun cooperated throughout the rehearsal process of the program. There was no disrespect for seniors or failure to cooperate with the arrangement of the program group. In fact, Ms. Zhou Yun herself was filming on the crew. The lady declined, but because of the great significance of this event, after the program team communicated with Ms. Zhou Yun's team about the significance, Ms. Zhou Yun overcame all difficulties and asked the crew to take time off to participate in the event. The director team also expressed sincere apology for the pressure of public opinion that was not good for her.

Third, a live broadcast event requires the cooperation of hundreds of people in front of and behind the stage. For a major event, it is even more important not to make mistakes and to accurately show the best side of the current film industry. Therefore, the director team does everything All decisions must be based on ensuring the effect of the live broadcast of the event at night. Please forgive me.


In this statement, apart from not mentioning Yao Xing's name and referring to a certain performer, everything else that needs to be said has been said.

Zhou Yun was very surprised.

Zhou Lan was equally astonished.

How could the organizer directly point out that Yao Xing did not cooperate with the director team?

Why is that?
Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were confused on the phone, and neither of them knew what was going on.

But this statement slapped the whistleblower very forcefully.

The direction of public opinion also changed instantly.

The sunspots who couldn't be suppressed before, suddenly disappeared, as if they never existed at all.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan felt unbelievable at the speed of the disappearance.

"It seems that some people are afraid of being caught with braids, and immediately ran away after the official came out." Zhou Lan said sarcastically, "Xiao Yun, do you think Su Yan has fished in troubled waters this time and asked the navy to discredit us? "

"Does this still need to be asked?" Zhou Yun curled his lips, "Which time did she not end?"

"Wouldn't it be good for her to use the money she bought for the sailors to do charity? Every time she is in vain, there is no real return at all. It's just an addiction." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun: "I really don't understand her behavior. It is said that she is also very popular in "Linjiang Fairy" now. She is now at the peak of popularity. It would be better if she didn't take advantage of this time to get in touch with some Why are you still doing variety shows everywhere? I saw it when I was watching Weibo today, she is going to record a variety show soon, and she is also a resident guest."

"Do you think everyone is like you, and you are all focused on filming in the crew?" Zhou Lan said, "They record a variety show, twelve episodes, each episode is recorded for one to three days, and the total is only one or two. In the end, tens of millions of dollars will be paid directly, which is much faster and easier than making money from filming.”

Zhou Yun: "Doesn't she want to go further?"

"It depends on how you choose. Now that "Linjiang Fairy" is on the air, her popularity and popularity are at their peak. Her salary for recording variety shows may double. Going to take on the show and join the group, this sudden popularity It's all in vain and the popularity is in vain, so it's better to take advantage of this time to make more money, which is what many people think." Zhou Lan said, "You know where the biggest gap is between her and you. The salary is not fixed, she can get [-] to [-] million for filming "Linjiang Fairy", but if she shoots a less commercial theme, OK, the platform will not buy it, and the film will only give one-third of the salary, and the movie will be Not to mention, what is the one thing about you that attracts everyone's attention now? No matter what themes you act in, whether it's a TV series or a movie, you will be popular, and you can make a lot of money for the producers. Even "Days" and " Literary and artistic films like "Behind the Scenes" can be sold by you for hundreds of millions at the box office and make a lot of money. Whether you are acting in a suspenseful crime film like "Chen Yin" or a fashionable movie like "Under the Dress", Industry and workplace themes, or life suspense films such as "Deep Sea", both the platform and the advertisers will buy it, your salary remains high, there is no discount, and even the films of the following TV series, you can continue in the future Dividends."

Zhou Yun: "Can't Su Yan do it?"

"How is it possible for her." Zhou Lan said, "She hasn't reached that share yet, she won't get any dividends."

"I thought "Linjiang Fairy" was so popular, she would definitely get a dividend."

"Xiaoyun, as I said, she is not so popular in every drama." Zhou Lan said, "Xu Siyao is better than her in this regard, and Xu Siyao has never been in a drama before."

"Then according to what you said, Su Yan will act in other themes, and everyone will not buy it?"

"Yes, I don't buy it." Zhou Lan said, "Do you know what the industry is talking about now? Su Yan can only be liked by the audience if she acts in ancient costumes. Nowadays, she is not sought out in modern dramas produced by older ones, because the platform does not recognize her."

Zhou Yun really didn't expect that Su Yan, who was already so popular, would encounter such a situation.

"If Su Yan doesn't have to act in a big production, of course she can pick whatever she wants. Ninety percent of the dramas on the market can be chosen at will, because she is popular now, but it really suits her and is worthy of her acting. , basically in the remaining ten percent.”

Zhou Yun understood.

Zhou Lan: "So you know? In fact, sometimes I hope you don't take so many scenes. If you miss one, your undefeated myth will be broken."

"Then don't you just chase after the end?"

"Yeah." Zhou Lan said, "So I'm just thinking about it."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Too far away, the official issued this statement, we will see how Yao Xing responds, but no matter what, now the wind of public opinion has completely turned, take a good rest tonight, you have to film tomorrow morning Bar?"


"Then I hang up."

"Goodbye, good night."

Zhou Yun put down his phone.

The content of today's official statement still surprised her a little.

How could the organizer favor her so much?
Zhou Yun turned off the light, lay down on the bed, covered the quilt, and suddenly remembered the last words Song Chi said to her on the phone.

He said that he would go to the organizer to communicate and negotiate this matter.

Could it be that Song Chi told them something?

Zhou Yun stared in surprise.


"Damn it, how can they just say that I didn't cooperate with the director team? Is this saying that I'm having a temper?" While Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were relieved, the other protagonist Yao Xing in this incident Furious and distraught because of the official statement, she got angry with her agent on the phone, "How can you let them make such a statement?"

The agent said helplessly: "If I hadn't thought of it, the director team and I have been communicating and negotiating today, and they kept saying that they would not mention us, who knew that they would put it together in the end."

"Then they don't have anything to say?" Yao Xing said, "I've gotten to this point now, they sold me, don't they need to give me an explanation?"

The manager hesitated for a moment, and said, "Xing'er, calm down first, the director team did give me a letter, and the reason why they made the final statement was because they received instructions from above."

"Instructions from above?" Yao Xing frowned suddenly, "What instructions from above?"

"It's about...seeking truth from facts, talented and virtuous young people should be well protected," said the manager.

Yao Xing: "What?"

"All in all, this matter is beyond what we can say anymore, Xing'er, it is indeed our fault to say this matter, of course, I understand why you said those things, and you didn't go for Zhou Yun. You are going for the current trend, but now the upper level is to protect Zhou Yun. You also know that she is the most prominent among the younger generation. She has also won a lot of honors for Chinese-language films in the international arena. The Film Bureau is talking about the highlights of her training as a young actor in their own materials, it's not a matter of principle, and nothing will happen to her."

Yao Xing was so angry that her jaw trembled, but she had been in this circle for so long, so she naturally understood. If the above meant that, she would have to weigh the consequences first if she wanted to do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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