Chapter 643 New Progress
Zhou Yun had breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

She was eating a boiled egg when Yu Sitian and Wen Yuling came over together.

The three of them looked at each other, and Yu Sitian and Wen Yuling sat down opposite her.

"Xiaoyun, you woke up so early." Wen Yuling said with a smile.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "It's okay."

Yu Sitian looked at Zhou Yun with a hesitant expression, as if she was worried about Wen Yuling's presence.

Wen Yuling smiled and said: "Yesterday was really lively, but fortunately the official came out and issued a statement at night, otherwise, Xiaoyun, you will really suffer this injustice."

Zhou Yun: "The truth is what it is. Sister Yuling sees me every day. You know what kind of person I am."

"Yeah, of course I know Xiaoyun, you are not what you say on the Internet, but I have seen too many people being demonized by the Internet." Wen Yuling sighed, "I was still worried yesterday, if the public opinion this time It’s too powerful, and you have no good way to prove your innocence, so what should you do? Now because of the Internet, it’s hard to tell the truth, anyway, no matter what the truth is, there are always people who only believe what they think is the truth.”

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Sister Yuling sees things thoroughly."

"However, Xiaoyun, you have completely offended Yao Xing by the official announcement last night." Wen Yuling said with concern, "Yao Xing, do you know her? I heard that this person is very rich." It must be compared."

Zhou Yun: "I don't understand, but she can do whatever she wants. I have never said or done anything about this matter from the beginning to the end. She has always been dissatisfied, unhappy, and uncooperative. The director team had a conflict, if she insists on blaming me, what can I do."

Wen Yuling didn't seem to expect Zhou Yun's attitude to be so dismissive.

"Xiaoyun, you can't say that. There is an old saying that it is better to resolve an enemy than to end it. There is no real conflict between you and Yao Xing. Why don't you think of a way to resolve it?" Wen Yuling said, "Anyway, she She is also a senior, if you are willing to give her a step to go down, I think she will definitely come down."

Zhou Yun glanced at Wen Yuling thoughtfully.

Wen Yuling smiled and asked, "Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Zhou Yun did not speak.

She was silent for two seconds before showing a smile on her face.

"Sister Yuling, did someone ask you to tell me this?"

Wen Yuling was taken aback.

"Xiao Yun, don't get me wrong, but no one else asked me to tell you these things. I just said it to you when I suddenly thought of it just now. If there is something that makes you unhappy to listen to it, then forget it. You pretend I didn't say it."

"I'm not unhappy, I just find it strange." Zhou Yun looked at Wen Yuling, "You said yesterday that you were worried that I would be smeared and attacked by public opinion on the Internet, but before today, I didn't get anything from you. To get any care and relief, on the contrary, the official issued a statement last night, all proving that this matter has nothing to do with me, but you suddenly came today and asked me to give Yao Xing a step, what step did you ask me to give? What? The step to hit my own face, or the step to hit the organizer’s face?"

Wen Yuling's face turned pale for a moment.

Yu Sitian suddenly smiled.

"Let me explain. I'm Sister Yuling who I met at the entrance of the restaurant just now. She dragged me in to eat together." Yu Sitian shrugged, "I'm not with her."

The implication is that what she said to Wen Yuling has nothing to do with it.

Wen Yuling was a little anxious.

"No, Sitian, why did you say this all of a sudden? Do you also think that I came to tell Xiaoyun these words on purpose? Don't you understand what kind of person I am?"

Wen Yuling looked at Zhou Yun angrily, "Don't get me wrong, why don't I care about you? It's just that everyone is embarrassed to look for you, for fear of causing you more trouble."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "I accept this explanation, Sister Yuling, it's okay, I'm not blaming you, I just worry that you are being used by others."

The corners of Wen Yuling's mouth raised reluctantly, and said: "Why, how come, I really just told you those words just now when I thought of them, alas, I really did something bad with good intentions."

"Let's eat." Zhou Yun said, "If we don't eat any more, the food will be cold."


After separating from Zhou Yun, Wen Yuling said angrily: "Zhou Yun's attitude just now was too much, she used that kind of thinking to speculate on me! She is really confident, just now she was said to disrespect her seniors, and today she treats me again My attitude, if you ask me, it is normal for Yao Xing to be so angry with her, anyone would find it offensive."

Yu Sitian glanced at Wen Yuling, smiled lightly, and said, "Sister Yuling, why are you so indignant? Is it true that no one asked you to say what you just said?"

Wen Yuling's angry expression froze again, looked at Yu Sitian, frowned, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Yu Sitian: "I don't mean anything, I'm just curious, so I want to ask sister Yuling, but, sister Yuling, don't be so fierce to me, I'm not Zhou Yun, I need to worry about so many public images, anyway Everyone knows that I am a female star with princess disease. My fans still like me because I have princess disease. Even if you tell others that I am arrogant, they will not be surprised. That's how people are."

Yu Sitian shrugged her shoulders recklessly.

Her attitude made Wen Yuling very angry, but Wen Yuling couldn't say anything.

"It turns out that you and Zhou Yun are the same raccoon after a long time." Wen Yuling could only speak back verbally not to be outdone.

"Don't insult me, I'm not as stupid as she is, and I won't take revenge if I get ridden on top." Yu Sitian looked at Wen Yuling coldly, "Today you called me up at the entrance of the restaurant, causing me to get involved In this matter, if there is no trouble, let it be, but if it causes me trouble, Sister Yuling, I am not as kind as Zhou Yun."

She coldly gave Wen Yuling a gouging look, and left without saying anything else.

Wen Yuling stood there in disbelief, and didn't recover for a long time.


"If we are not mistaken, it should be that Yao Xing asked someone to let Wen Yuling say these things." Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun on the phone, "Yao Xing has been talking to the people in the circle before you. Respect her, but I didn't expect the organizer to issue a statement and slapped her in the face. Now she can only find a way to save her respect. It is probably for this purpose that she was looking for someone. I hope you will speak up and give her a step .”

"She thinks beautifully."

"Let's just ignore it." Zhou Lan said, "Now the heat of this matter is gradually going down, and Yao Xing's image has also been greatly damaged because of this matter. Now everyone is responding to her agent's sentence I blame her for speaking speciously and deliberately leading everyone to think of you in a bad way. Of course, after the matter is over, she can say that she didn't mean that, but the public's favor for her has been reduced. It's a lot, and the aura of the actress and actress has also been reduced a lot, and it can only be said that she has brought it all on her own."

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, let's not make any response to this matter. You are right, and you are wrong as much as you say."

"Well." Zhou Lan said, "I still have a few things to communicate with you, one is in January, we are going to the United States, one is the Sundance Film Festival, and the other is the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, The Golden Globe Awards Ceremony will be held at the end of January, so we will not be able to come back until the end of January. I have already communicated with Xindun for the action training of "Female Assassin". We have to pay him an extra allowance of [-] yuan, and at the same time, his food, clothing, housing and transportation are also paid by us."

"No problem, let's pay the fee from my account, and don't need to pay the public account." Zhou Yun said, "This is an expense that only matches my itinerary."

Zhou Lan was also polite and said yes.

"By the way, has Xiao Jing been in the United States recently?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Yes, she and Mr. You Jiang are running the promotional activities of "Behind the Scenes" in the United States. At the same time, I am also helping her communicate with some Hollywood scripts. Now Hollywood is politically correct, and there are many more Asian characters in the script. , if there is a suitable small mirror, I think her going to the international route as soon as possible will help her development in the future. I now have a hunch that our domestic market has developed to a very saturated level. When our market is close to saturation , the next step will definitely be the same as those Hollywood companies. Our country’s own film and television production companies will also want to expand their box office warehouses. Other domestic actors seize the advantage."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

Zhou Lan is judging that Chinese-language films will follow the path of Hollywood films in the future.In fact, this is not surprising. At present, the domestic box office market has entered the global TOP level. However, Chinese-language movies can basically only earn box office in China, and they will fail when they go abroad.But this does not mean that they will give up foreign markets. Anyone who does business will not give up a vast market, but will only continue to study that market, and then adjust and optimize their products.

If Wang Jing and Yu Chu can gain a certain reputation in the European and American markets, when domestic film companies really start to strategically go overseas, the actors used in their films will definitely give priority to Wang Jing and Yu Chu.

Star effect is common in any market.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, Zhou Lan's vision is more forward-looking, what about the others?

What do other actors and agents think about it?
After Zhou Yun finished talking with Zhou Lan, he suddenly felt a storm was coming.

It seems that next, a great era will slowly begin.


That night, several film and television bloggers released a news from the American "Hollywood Reporter" that a powerful Chinese actress will participate in the fantasy drama "Black Forest" directed by H&M and directed by Swank Brussels, playing a witch.

As soon as the news was released, many people began to speculate who this powerful Chinese actress was.

Zhou Yun, Wei Ruxue, Ning Yao, Yin Lin, Wang Jing and others are all guessing.

Yu Sitian asked her on WeChat: Are you going to play "Black Forest"?

Zhou Yun said: It's not me.

Yu Sitian: Then do you know who it is?

Zhou Yun said: I know, but I can't say, she hasn't made it public yet.

Yu Sitian: All right, if it’s not you.

Zhou Yun asked: Why?
Yu Sitian: This drama also came to me before, asking me to play one of the witch roles, but I refused. If you accept it, I will regret rejecting this drama.

Zhou Yun asked: You refused?Why?
Yu Sitian: The shooting cycle is too long, and I have to sign several film contracts at one go. I don't want to be tied to this drama.

Many American dramas are like this. Generally, if the project is not planned to be a limited series at the beginning of the project, many dramas will shoot for four, five, six or seven seasons.

As long as it is popular, as long as it continues to make money, it will keep shooting.

But "Black Forest" is also too sweet?

Is it the role Jiang Yuzhen wants to play?

But the age gap between the two is a bit big, doesn't it matter?Or is there no age requirement for that role?

The discussion about "Black Forest" has been heated for a while. Before the identity of the actress is revealed, Pai Mengqi announced that he will co-produce a web drama "Flowering Period" with China The heroine He Wenyun and the actor Liang Yuanpu , the cast also includes Chinese actresses Yin Lin and Fan Zhu, Japanese actress Nakajima Ho, and Korean actor Kim Bum-sung. It is a big production with a gorgeous cast.

Zhou Yun was surprised.

He Wenyun and Pai Mengqi really enjoyed working together, one play after another.

Immediately afterwards, Paimengqi announced that he had purchased the rights to broadcast the Chinese drama "Deep Sea" in Europe and the United States, and it will be broadcast simultaneously with on its own streaming media platform in two weeks.

No one in Yue Hai told Zhou Yun the news.

Following the news, the official trailer of "Deep Sea" was released that afternoon.

Xu Jinbo contacted Zhou Lan, and Yue Hai and Pai Mengqi were going to hold a press conference the day before the premiere, and wanted to invite Zhou Yun to participate, and asked Zhou Yun for a schedule.

In fact, two weeks later, the drama "Chen Yin" will be finished, and Zhou Yun's schedule is OK.

Zhou Lan didn't respond straight away, but said, "Producer Xu, why is this show suddenly going to be aired with Pai Mengqi?"

"We were also surprised. It was Pai Mengqi who came here on his own initiative and said he wanted to buy broadcasting rights." Xu Jinbo said, "They were very generous with the money, and we didn't expect it."

Zhou Lan learned the information from Xu Jinbo and went to communicate with Zhou Yun.

When Zhou Yun heard this, he suddenly thought of something.

"Paimunch probably took a fancy to the popularity of "Behind the Scenes" and my rising reputation in the United States, so I bought the right to broadcast "Deep Sea". After all, "Deep Sea" happened to be broadcast in January." Zhou Yun said, "Don't I also go to the United States in January?"

Zhou Yun suddenly heard a cry from Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan: "Yo, Xiaoyun, guess whose email I just received?"

(End of this chapter)

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