I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 644 Jiang Xin's Lifting

Chapter 644 Jiang Xin's Lifting

"The one who sent Monchi?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan: "Bingo! Bruce from Paimonchi sent me an email, asking when we're going to America, and wanted to communicate about our itinerary."

Zhou Yun: "Then you communicate with him, I'll hang up first."


These are all matters related to work, and Zhou Yun never cares about them.

According to Zhou Lan's usual style, Zhou Yun will definitely not suffer.

On the set, Jiang Xin also mentioned the broadcast of "Deep Sea".

He asked: "This drama was filmed in October last year, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I didn't expect them to do it so quickly in the later stage."

Jiang Xin said: "It's very good. The environment is not very stable now. Don't delay if it can be broadcast as soon as possible. Do you cooperate with Pai Mengqi? I heard that Pai Mengqi took the initiative to find Yue Hai to buy this drama." ?”

"No cooperation." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Actually, they were responsible for the release of the movie "Behind the Scenes" in the United States, so we met. In fact, there was no cooperation with them in the follow-up. Do you know He Wenyun? Only cooperation, a movie, a drama, are all big productions."

"I've heard of this little girl." Jiang Xin nodded, "It seems that she also acted in "Deep Sea" with you, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "The acting was very good."

"Really? She doesn't seem to have filmed in China before?"

"No." Zhou Yun shook his head, "She came back to shoot "Deep Sea" after filming two films in the United States. The film directed by Berg is about to be released. I heard that it is also aimed at this year's awards season. In addition to this, I also made a commercial film and played a relatively important role in it. It has much more actor resources than many of us who went to Hollywood to develop. Yes, the resources she has access to in Hollywood are pretty good."

"Over there, she is still just an outsider after all." Jiang Xin said, "She will never be able to play the leading role there. Hollywood scripts are always dominated by Europeans and Americans, and their main market is still local."

"That's what she told me, but I think she's pretty good now. The two films produced by Paimonchi are set in mainly Asian backgrounds, so she can play the heroine." Zhou Yun Said, "She received much better plays in Hollywood than I could."

Jiang Xin said: "It may not be like this in the future. You can get nominated for the Golden Globe Award, which can help you gain a lot of popularity, especially for you to enter the eyes of the top executives of Hollywood film and television companies. The public relations activities for the Olympic Games are very important. Part of that is getting to know you in their circle."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I know, I will work hard."

"Come on, I haven't sold the broadcast rights of "Chen Yin" in the United States until now, and I'm counting on you to help me raise their quotation a little more." Jiang Xin made a joke, of course, in fact It's not entirely a joke, "Companies in Japan and South Korea have already offered top prices to buy broadcasting rights, but I still keep them in Europe and the United States. I believe that the quality of our drama can be further improved."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Director, if you need me to do anything, just tell me."

"Yeah." Jiang Xin nodded, "Oh, by the way, Xiaoyun, after you finish filming "Chen Yin", are you going to America?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "It should be after the filming is over, I'm going to participate in the broadcast promotion of "Deep Sea", and I'm going to fly to the United States. There are several important award ceremonies and events I want to attend, um, Let them know me."

"That's good, we can still meet in the United States." Jiang Xin said, "I will go to the United States after filming this drama, and HM invited me to come and communicate."

"That's great!" Zhou Yun was more sensitive, and immediately asked, "Director, is there a project I want to ask you to do?"

"I don't know yet." Jiang Xin shook his head, "There is no sign."

That's right, a director of Jiang Xin's level must have already entered the field of vision of the film and television company in the United States, and the invitation for cooperation must have been given many times.

But Jiang Xin has never been to the United States to shoot a film so far, so it is estimated that there is still no suitable one.

This is the case with cooperation projects. It is difficult to find a suitable one among hundreds of projects. The film committee, maybe the pilot episode will be cut directly.

too difficult.

The production process of film and television dramas in Europe and America is very different from that in China.

Jiang Xin may not be able to adapt.

Zhou Yun said: "I'm looking forward to the results of "Chen Yin" after it is broadcast."

"Chen Yin" is a suspenseful crime film. This type of theme is popular all over the world.

Without the restrictions on the subject matter, can it break through the cultural barriers encountered by Chinese dramas going abroad before, and be liked by people from other countries?

After filming, Zhou Yun went to the gym to exercise and listened to the news with headphones on.

Zhang Hongyu's "Being a Mother" has entered the top three in ratings, meeting the expectations of the show. At the same time, the webcast data is not bad, and has been well received by many professional media. Moreover, Japanese TV stations bought the broadcast of "Being a Mother" Quan, ready to broadcast in the first quarter of next year.

The plot of "Linjiang Fairy" starring Su Yan and Xu Siyao has been controversial in the later stage, and the audience's reputation has dropped sharply. Disgusting, but these negative voices did not affect the broadcast performance of this drama. The ratings continued to rise, breaking through 1.6, and the number of online broadcasts has exceeded [-] million for more than ten consecutive days.

It is rumored on the Internet that Xu Siyao will star in a new drama of Chestnut Video.

Thanks to the popularity of "Panic", Liu Qingqing returned to the front line, and appeared on the cover of Bazaar, one of the top five fashion magazines, after two years, but was resisted by many users.

A streaming media company in South Korea has bought the right to broadcast "Dragon Teng", which will be broadcast in the first quarter of next year.


Zhou Yun slowed down the treadmill and took off the earphones.

Sweat had soaked through her quick-drying clothes.

Her face was a little flushed, and sweat was rolling down her face.

"Hi, Miss Xiaoyun." Cheng Shenlu suddenly came to the empty treadmill next to her, and turned his head to show her a sunny smile.

"Hi." Zhou Yun nodded to Cheng Shenlu, "Are you still running so late?"

She's all over and ready to leave.

Cheng Shenlu said: "I just came back with Jin Lin. I ate a lot at night. I have to digest it, otherwise I will grow fat on my body."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Do you have anything to ask me? If not, I'm going to go back." Zhou Yun walked slowly on the treadmill with his hands on his hips, and said, "I've finished running."

Cheng Shenlu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Say it."

Cheng Shenlu then said: "I heard that Director Cong Lan is preparing a TV series. I don't know the director, because you know the director and have worked with him before. I would like you to introduce me to him."

Zhou Yun did not hesitate to hear Shenlv's request. He nodded and said, "That's no problem. Are you going to recommend yourself to Director Cong?"

Cheng Shenlu nodded and said, "I heard that Director Cong's new drama is about a few young people. I want him to know me."

Zhou Yun said: "Director Cong is a very strict director."

"I know, I've heard of it." Cheng Shenlu said, "But I'm not afraid of being strict with the director."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'll call Director Cong and see when it's more convenient."

"Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun." Cheng Shenlu said gratefully to Zhou Yun.

"You're welcome." Zhou Yun stopped the treadmill and walked slowly until it stopped completely. She said, "I'm going back to my room first."

After taking a shower, Zhou Yun glanced at the time, it was nine o'clock in the evening.

At this time, I don't know if director Cong Lan is asleep.

She sent a message to Director Cong Lan: Director, are you asleep?
Director Cong Lan replied: The film is being edited.

Zhou Yun: Then you are busy first, and I will find you tomorrow.

Director Cong Lan directly returned a call.

"It just so happens that my eyes are blurred." Cong Lan sighed, "Did you look for me?"

Zhou Yun: "Yes, there is an actor who is filming with me, named Cheng Shenlu, director, do you know her?"

"I seem to have a memory, but I can't remember it, what's wrong?"

"She told me that she heard that you are preparing a new drama about several young people, so she asked me to help her get acquainted with you." Zhou Yun said, "She and I I have already cooperated in two plays, and I am really good at acting, so I promised her to help with this, director, are you interested in knowing her situation?"

Cong Lan: "Okay, I happen to be still looking for actors."

"Then I'll send you her information. In addition, the movie I'm filming will be finished in two weeks. I'll go to BJ then. Are you there?" Zhou Yun said, "If you are BJ, I'm going to visit you, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Cong Lan: "Okay, I have to stay in BJ to edit the film for these two months."

"Then it's settled." Zhou Yun hung up the phone with a smile.

She asked Cheng Shenlu for her personal information and sent it to Cong Lan.

The next day, Cong Lan sent her a message that she could take Cheng Shenlu to see him in two weeks, if Cheng Shenlu had time.

Cheng Shenlu immediately nodded in surprise and said, "I have time, I have no problem with time at all."

Zhou Yun said: "Then we will visit him together."

Cheng Shenlu was a little excited, "Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun."

She didn't expect Zhou Yun's speed to be so fast. She only asked Zhou Yun for help last night, and Zhou Yun replied to her letter today.

Cheng Shenlu has also met many producers and directors in the past year, tried many scenes, and knows how difficult it is for these people to reply.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "You're welcome."


If it is not mentioned that Jiang Xin and Wen Yuzhen fell into the hospital one after another, the whole filming process of "Chen Yin" was relatively smooth.

Whether it is the shooting funds or the shooting process, there is no particularly big problem encountered.

Jiang Xin once said with emotion to Zhou Yun, "Why do so many directors like to cooperate with big stars like you or Song Chi in filming? It is because they come to you to film, and they will never have to worry about funding. You know that I used to film before. A group of actors who are very good at acting but may not be well-known in the market. As a result, they experienced three withdrawals in the whole process. I will never insist on not using big-name actors.”

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard what Jiang Xin said.

"Song Chi told me that he never thought that many TV stations and streaming media were unwilling to buy Sister Hongyu to make "Mother". As a result, some investors and negotiated sponsors withdrew their funds. As the filming continues, Song Chi paid for this drama himself." Zhou Yun said, "Fortunately, this drama is still airing, and it has already paid back."

Jiang Xin smiled and said, "Actually, if those big stars can act like you and Song Chi, and have a good personality, that would be great."

Zhou Yun thought of Su Yan, Wei Ruxue and the others, and she smiled understandingly.

"But now that you're filming as a director, even if there are no big stars, there are still many platforms rushing to buy your films, right?"

Jiang Xin waved his hand and said: "To be honest, as long as it is not an actor I particularly dislike, I will consider who the platform wants to be the protagonist. I don’t like it. Now my concept has changed a lot. With a leading actor whose commercial value is recognized by all parties, I can be more free in other aspects, whether it’s the script or the funding. It was about eight or nine years ago. , I had a movie that I insisted on refusing to use an actor recommended by the investor. Although the investor did not withdraw the investment in the end, he continued to invest, but he kept interfering with us throughout the filming process. We will add an ambiguous scene later. After a while, they said that there was no need to shoot a certain scene, so they just deleted it. If I didn’t listen, they threatened to withdraw the funding. Beneath."

Zhou Yun was also quite emotional when he heard Jiang Xin talk about these past events.

Jiang Xin said: "You must especially cherish your present time. Now is the time when you have the most choice and right to speak. Everyone will respect your opinions. Therefore, you must be very cautious in making every choice and decision. Judging, it is not easy for an actress to get to your level, and many of your practices can raise the standards of this industry."

Zhou Yun didn't expect Jiang Xin to be so overwhelmed by her.

Zhou Yun was overwhelmed with surprise.

"Director, you flattered me."

"I'm not flattering you, I'm telling the truth." Jiang Xin smiled, "I've heard that for every drama you star in, you have to let the actors join the group to do script readings before the filming starts. That’s right? Because of your persistence, many dramas in the industry now pick up the script reading session before the start of the production. Because your dramas are explosive and popular with the audience, the industry will follow you. Everything you do, everyone will think it makes sense and follow suit.”

(End of this chapter)

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