Chapter 645

These words Jiang Xin said have been lingering in Zhou Yun's heart.

Zhou Yun did not expect that he would have such a great influence in Jiang Xin's eyes.

Jiang Xin saw the self-doubt in Zhou Yun's eyes.

"Why, didn't you think you have such a big influence?" Jiang Xin asked with a smile.

It's not that Zhou Yun didn't think that he would have such a big influence, but he seldom thinks in this direction.

Her own personality is not the kind of personality that likes to lead a certain fashion or trend, otherwise, she would not dislike bubbling on the Internet platform.

Zhou Yun said, "I heard you say that, and I feel a little panicked."

"Get used to it slowly." Jiang Xin said with a smile, "You are not the same now as you were when you were filming "Ask Your Heart". At that time, you were a very popular female star. Now you are a representative and benchmark of our industry. gone."

Zhou Yun: "It sounds like a lot of pressure."

Jiang Xin said: "Don't feel pressured, just do your own thing well."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun smiled.

Zhou Yun is actually quite afraid of being the so-called representative and benchmark. He has a feeling of being stared at by everyone, and if he makes a careless move, he will be caught as a pigtail.

Jiang Xin is actually reminding her that every choice she makes now is actually watched by many people.

Originally, everyone thought that "Chen Yin" would end the filming smoothly like this.

No one expected that another incident would happen near the end of filming.

That morning, Zhou Yun sat on the set wrapped in a thick down jacket, waiting to change seats.

The next scene to be filmed is a tit-for-tat scene, and the atmosphere in the scene is very tense and tense.

Zhou Yun was brewing his emotions.

Jin Lin suddenly ran out and slapped Huang Zicheng angrily.

Everyone was stunned, shocked by this sudden scene.

Jin Lin's eyes were red and swollen, she stared at Huang Zicheng, tears streaming down her face.

"I didn't expect you to be such a shameless person! I hate you!" Jin Lin yelled at Huang Zicheng, then turned and ran away.

For a moment, everyone froze in place.

Looking at Huang Zicheng's eyes, he naturally had a lot of speculation.

Although the scene that happened just now was sudden, it was not unusual.

Jin Lin scolded Huang Zicheng for being shameless in public. Huang Zicheng must have done something to Jin Lin to make this little girl angry.

Most of these gazes revealed the question of "what have you done?"

Huang Zicheng was dumbfounded.

He didn't know what happened just now, and he didn't know why Jin Lin suddenly ran out and slapped him, and called him shameless.

What the hell is going on?
Huang Zicheng didn't even come back to his senses, he felt like a thorn in his back.

People around looked at him with suspicion and speculation, as if he was a bad person.

Huang Zicheng opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

The snow fell very heavily today, and the sky was always cloudy.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, got up and walked over.

She showed Huang Zicheng a soothing smile, and said, "What's the matter between you and Jin Lin?"

She deliberately didn't lower her voice, but let everyone around her hear her words.

Seeing Zhou Yun coming to ask him questions, Huang Zicheng heaved a sigh of relief.

He shook his head and said, "No, I have always been in harmony with her. When I had breakfast this morning, she sat at the same table with me and ate. There was no conflict. I, I don't know what she said just now. I was stimulated by something, and suddenly..."

Zhou Yun frowned slightly.

"Is there no conflict between the two of you?"

"No." Huang Zicheng looked into Zhou Yun's eyes very seriously, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I assure you that there really was no conflict between me and her."

Zhou Yun actually believed in Huang Zicheng in his heart.

Between Huang Zicheng and Jin Lin, she is more familiar with Huang Zicheng. She has known him for so long, and Zhou Yun often sees him, plus she often hears about Huang Zicheng from Zhou Lan. believable.

It's just that she can't trust Huang Zicheng just because Huang Zicheng said that there is no conflict between him and Jin Lin.

"Then do you have any guesses? Why is Jin Lin so excited all of a sudden?" Zhou Yun asked Huang Zicheng.

Huang Zicheng shook his head.

At this moment, Yu Sitian next to her suddenly let out an exclamation.

Everyone's eyes turned to her immediately.

Yu Sitian held the phone, as if she had seen a particularly explosive news, her face was full of shock and disbelief.

She raised her head, with a look of astonishment on her face as if she had been struck by lightning.

"You... look at your phone."

On Jiang Xin's set, people generally don't look at their phones very much, unless they are waiting for a movie or taking a break.

Zhou Yun hadn't taken his mobile phone before, and when he heard Yu Sitian say that, he had to turn to Zheng Xiaoju and get his mobile phone from her.

Others have already got their mobile phones.

Huang Zicheng also hurriedly took out his mobile phone.

He turned on the screen of his phone, and the latest news feed was displayed on it: "Chen Yin" crew actress's sexy private photos were exposed on the Internet, causing controversy?
Huang Zicheng frowned immediately.

Zhou Yun leaned over and looked at Huang Zicheng's phone screen together.

"Are you talking about Jin Lin?" Zhou Yun asked.

Huang Zicheng shook his head, "I don't know."

He clicked on the news link and jumped to a news report page.

The first thing displayed on the screen was a photo of Jin Lin.

It's a photo of her smiling brightly in the sun.

However, the text that followed described an event that shocked everyone.

This morning, someone posted privately sexy photos of the actress on an online forum, including photos showing some parts exposed.

Soon someone recognized that this woman was the actress Jin Lin.

In the photo, Jin Lin's expression is full of charm and sexiness, completely different from her usual refreshing and sunny image.

It is conceivable that these photos caused a great sensation in this forum, and then because of Jin Lin's star status, they began to spread and explode all over the Internet.

Now, the incident of Jin Lin's photo has been on the hot search, and major news platforms have also reported on it.

Only then did the news reports that Zhou Yun and Huang Zicheng saw now.

No, it should be said that there are news reports that everyone sees now.

Zhou Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at Huang Zicheng.

However, the latter's face was also full of shock and doubt.

Suspicions gathered in Zhou Yun's mind. After hesitating for a while, she patted Huang Zicheng on the shoulder and said, "Zicheng, come with me."

Huang Zicheng didn't know why, but obediently followed Zhou Yun to her car.

The car door cuts off the outside discussion.

Huang Zicheng seemed a little nervous, he turned his head to look at Zhou Yun uneasily, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, what's wrong?"

Zhou Yun looked at Huang Zicheng seriously, and asked, "Zicheng, I'm asking you very seriously now, are you and Jin Lin... together?"

Huang Zicheng was stunned for a while, then shook his head, and said, "No, Miss Xiaoyun, I haven't gone out with her since that night."

Zhou Yun said, "Didn't she look for you again in private?"

"She asked me out a few times and said to hang out together, but I refused." Huang Zicheng said, "I know her...she is interested in me, but I don't want to fall in love at this time."

"Zicheng, I'll call Sister Lan right away. Before she rushes over, I'm going to tell you something I'm thinking about right now." Zhou Yun said, "First, Jin Lin likes you, the crew Many people here know about it, so now that something happened to Jin Lin, everyone’s first reaction is to think of you. Why did I ask about your relationship with Jin Lin just now? It’s also related to this. Second , Jin Lin's reaction just now was very unfriendly to you, do you understand what I mean? Although there may be some misunderstanding or other reasons, for most people who don't know, this falls on the In their eyes, it is easy to create an impression that this incident was caused by you."

Huang Zicheng became anxious immediately.

"This matter has nothing to do with me." Huang Zicheng defended himself, "Sister Xiaoyun, you believe me, I swear, these photos have nothing to do with me!"

Zhou Yun saw that Huang Zicheng's attitude did not seem to be fake.

She sighed softly and looked at Huang Zicheng.

"I believe in you, but now we need to figure out why Jin Lin treated you that way just now, otherwise, no one can explain it clearly." Zhou Yun said.

Huang Zicheng was a little excited, to be precise, he was a little impatient.

He didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, and he was involved for no reason because Jin Lin liked him.

This is simply a disaster.

Why is this happening?

In his heart, he even had a lot of resentment towards Jin Lin, the biggest victim of this incident. Although it was unfortunate that these photos of her were exposed on the Internet, it was sympathetic, but why did she rush to the set to slap him?Also say he is shameless?
Didn't her actions and words push him into the fire pit?
Huang Zicheng felt a sense of grievance in his heart.

So now everyone thinks he's the one who caused these photos of Jin Lin to be exposed online?
Speaking with conscience, he had never seen these photos before today!

Looking at Huang Zicheng's expression, Zhou Yun could see that he was angry and aggrieved.

"Zi Cheng."

Zhou Yun felt that he had an obligation to untie Huang Zicheng.

"This matter, as long as you haven't done it, it has nothing to do with you. It doesn't matter how many misunderstandings there are now." Zhou Yun looked into Huang Zicheng's eyes soothingly, and said seriously, "This may be the first time, and I will continue to do so in the future." There will be many times, and we may continue to be involved in misunderstandings again and again in our future lives. I know that you must feel angry, aggrieved, and uncomfortable now, especially those who have cooperated and got along with you before. For such a period of time, you have been with them for so long, but after this incident, everyone seems to have chosen to trust Jin Lin instead of believing in you for the first time."

Zhou Yun's words were like uncovering Huang Zicheng's scars.

Huang Zicheng felt a tearing pain.

Because her words were like a scalpel, cutting precisely where he really cared.

"However, Zicheng, whether others believe or not believe us does not affect us, and as a person who has experienced similar things, I would like to give you a piece of advice. When this kind of thing happens, instead of wasting time Instead of explaining to others and making others believe in themselves, it is better to find a way to find out the truth and let things come to light."

Zhou Yun patted Huang Zicheng on the shoulder.

"Also, I believe in you."

In this crew, Zhou Yun is the one who should choose to trust Huang Zicheng the most.

Huang Zicheng looked at Zhou Yun with some surprise, and there was a little sensitivity and bewilderment in his surprised eyes.


When Zhou Lan received the news, he directly put aside all the things at hand, bought the latest flight, flew here, and then rushed to the small town, the crew.

It was just after six o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Lan rushed to the hotel where Huang Zicheng was, and saw Cao Jun in the lobby.

"Sister Lan, this way!"

Cao Jun took Zhou Lan upstairs.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju stayed with Huang Zicheng in the room.

When Zhou Lan came over, Zhou Yun stood up, patted Zhou Lan on the shoulder, and said, "This is for you."

Before Zhou Lan came over, Zhou Yun kept Zheng Xiaoju by Huang Zicheng's side. After his filming, he rushed over as soon as possible, because he was afraid that Huang Zicheng's mentality would collapse when he encountered such a thing for the first time. Someone must be by his side. .

Zhou Lan nodded solemnly.

"Go back and rest first." Zhou Lan said, "Let me understand the situation first."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, Zicheng hasn't had dinner yet, so you probably haven't eaten either, right? If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after dinner."

Zhou Lan nodded.

Zhou Yun took the people away and asked Cao Jun to stay.

If Zhou Lan needed to do something, it would be inconvenient for no one to stay here.

Zheng Xiaoju asked Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, shall we go have dinner now?"

Zhou Yun shook his head: "I asked Cheng Shenlu to have dinner together, you can eat by yourself."

Zheng Xiaoju snorted, nodded, and dragged Liu Yun away.

Zhou Yun sent a message to Cheng Shenlu, and five minutes later, the two met in the hotel lobby and went to the parking lot together.

Zhou Yun drove Cheng Shenlu to a restaurant.

"Shen Lv, what happened today surprised me." Zhou Yun said to Cheng Shen Lv, "So, I have to ask you to come out and ask you something."

Cheng Shenlu nodded and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, what do you want to know?"

"Is Jin Lin dating Huang Zicheng?" Zhou Yun asked.

Cheng Shenlu was taken aback.

"In the crew, you and Jin Lin have the best relationship, and you have been walking together all the time, so if anyone in the crew knows about this, only you know." Zhou Yun said, "Now everyone suspects These photos were posted by Huang Zicheng on the online forum, the reason is that everyone knows that Jin Lin likes Huang Zicheng, but everyone doesn't know whether the two of them are together, I can only ask you."

"As far as I know, no." Cheng Shenlu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Jin Lin really likes Huang Zicheng and has told me several times, but she has never done anything except ask Huang Zicheng out for a meal." What's the matter, Jin Lin also told me that at that dinner, Huang Zicheng told her that he didn't want to fall in love for the time being, so he declined her."

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(End of this chapter)

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