I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 646 The fog is heavy

Chapter 646 The fog is heavy
Zhou Yun was temporarily relieved by Cheng Shenlu's answer.

At least what Cheng Shenlu has said proves that Huang Zicheng is not lying.

The matter is still a mystery.

"Shen Lu, do you know why Jin Lin went to the set this morning and got so angry with Huang Zicheng?" Zhou Yun asked.

Cheng Shenlu shook his head hesitantly.

"I do not know."

Zhou Yun: "Shen Lu, I don't want to cover up Huang Zicheng, I am a woman just like you, if Huang Zicheng exposed these private photos of Jin Lin, you believe me, I will definitely not cover up, but the problem now is Huang Zicheng said that he didn't understand these photos at all. Before today, he had never seen these photos, but Jin Lin's words and deeds this morning gave people the impression that Huang Zicheng did it. Maybe Huang Zicheng was lying, but also There may be some misunderstanding, before there is any evidence, as Huang Zicheng's senior sister, I want to clarify this matter."

Cheng Shenlu fell silent.

She seemed to be struggling.

Zhou Yun knew that Cheng Shenlu must know something, and now it was up to Cheng Shenlv whether he wanted to say it or not.

Instead of urging Cheng Shenlu, she watched Cheng Shenlu patiently.

Cheng Shenlu took a deep breath and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I don't want to say much else, but these photos of Jin Lin were specially taken when she was chatting with Huang Zicheng. It was sent to the second person, if it wasn’t Huang Zicheng, then it’s only possible that Jin Lin posted it on the Internet, but I don’t think you would think it was Jin Lin who did it, right? She didn’t need to do this.”

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

Cheng Shenlu said: "Sister Xiaoyun, I believe Jin Lin will not lie about this matter. She really likes Huang Zicheng, and she will not wrong him in this matter."

Now Zhou Yun felt as if a stormy sea was stirring in his heart.

After having dinner with Cheng Shenlu, Zhou Yun drove Cheng Shenlu back to the hotel.

She didn't go back to the room, but walked out of the hotel by herself.

The night has fallen, and there is no trace of starlight.

The snow has stopped, but the wind is still biting.

Zhou Yun needed such an environment to allow himself to think clearly for a while.

What Cheng Shenlu said was beyond her expectation—since Jin Lin dared to say such things to Cheng Shenlu, Cheng Shenlu's attitude seemed to trust Jin Lin very much, Zhou Yun didn't think it was Jin Lin's fabrication matter.

If this fact is true, it means that Huang Zicheng lied to her.

Is Huang Zicheng's acting skills that good?
The image of Huang Zicheng swearing to her during the day appeared in Zhou Yun's mind.

Not only in this matter, but also in ordinary times.

Zhou Yun always felt that compared with Lu Zhongting, Huang Zicheng was relatively more silent and firm.

Probably because of retiring due to injury, Huang Zicheng cherishes the present opportunity very much. Zhou Lan said that it is difficult for anyone to work harder than Huang Zicheng.

Zhou Lan said that Huang Zicheng is very self-disciplined. In his rare leisure time, he either travels with his parents, or stays in the dormitory by himself, and occasionally gathers with former friends. He has no bad habits.

Zhou Yun believes that time can tell people's hearts.

She still couldn't accept that Huang Zicheng would be the one who posted private photos of other girls on online forums.

She stopped.

Anyway, to get things straight.

Since Huang Zicheng said that he had never seen these photos, but Jin Lin said that she only sent them to Huang Zicheng, there must be something wrong.

This question can be clarified!

Zhou Yun turned around and walked towards the hotel.

Her footsteps were getting faster and faster, as if she had to walk faster to dispel the cold.

But she didn't expect that when she came to the entrance of the hotel, she saw a group of media reporters who were blocked at the entrance of the hotel.

They tried to get in but were stopped by hotel security.

These are the reporters who came here after hearing the news, wanting to take pictures of Jin Lin.

Zhou Yun's footsteps stopped.

If she rushes over now, she will definitely be surrounded by them.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Yun decided to call Zhou Lan first and tell her the news.

Zhou Lan hummed on the phone, as if he knew it a long time ago, without any surprise, and said: "The situation is not good for us now. Half an hour ago, an anonymous staff member revealed the relationship between Jin Lin and Huang Zicheng to the media. I told the media that the two of them had always been ambiguous in the crew, but everyone in the crew knew that Jin Lin liked Huang Zicheng. Although this person did not directly say that Huang Zicheng was the one who exposed Jin Lin’s photos, there are a few things related Together, I estimate that such a trend of public opinion will come out soon.”

Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing, the last thing she wanted to see happened.

Ever since Jin Lin was pushed to the Internet and criticized by everyone, Zhou Yun has been worried that if this matter cannot be dealt with as soon as possible, Huang Zicheng might also be pushed into the public opinion turmoil.

"Have you talked to Zicheng?"

"We've talked." Zhou Lan said, "He showed me the chat records and call records between him and Jin Lin. There is really no problem. Zi Cheng has no ambiguous relationship with Jin Lin."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.


"What's wrong?" Zhou Lan didn't understand why Zhou Yun was so surprised.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and told Zhou Lan what he heard from Cheng Shenlu.

"Jin Lin said she only sent it to Huang Zicheng?" Zhou Lan frowned. "Impossible, absolutely impossible. If she had sent it, the chat history would definitely show it, but I read all the chats between Huang Zicheng and Jin Lin." I checked again and there are no photos."

Both Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were silent.

"Go and communicate with Jin Lin." Zhou Lan said, "Now it's the only way to see who is lying. Fortunately, it is an information society now, and everything will be recorded."

Zhou Yun hummed.

A question hovered in her mind like a shadow.

Could it be that Huang Zicheng lied?
Standing in the cold wind, Zhou Yun felt that his feet were numb from the cold.

After a while, Zheng Xiaoju, Liu Yun, and Cao Jun all came out, gave her sunglasses and a mask, and then protected her from the siege of the reporters and entered the hotel without saying a word.

Reporters scrambled to hold the microphone up to her, asking her to say a few words.

For the first time, Zhou Yun didn't say a word, and didn't give a single reaction.

This made the media reporters a little bit astonished.

In their industry, they have their own evaluations of stars from all walks of life.

Zhou Yun's reputation with them is very good.Because no matter what kind of news or scandal it is, Zhou Yun will never let them leave empty-handed without saying a word. If it is inconvenient to answer, he will say some witty words to avoid the topic, and if it is difficult to say, he will chat with the reporters, saying Something else to give journalists something to report on.Because of this relationship, when Zhou Yun went to visit Director Jiang Xin, he asked them not to disturb Jiang Xin’s rest, and they really left—because Zhou Yun gave them other things to publish.

Zhou Yun is an entertainer who is very considerate of journalists and paparazzi. Because of his understanding, he never has a cold face.

This is the first time.

Everyone was stunned and didn't understand.

However, in this Internet age, no response is also a response.

Although the reporters were stunned, they still posted the video of Zhou Yun's appearance and entering the hotel on various platforms.

The title is also very angled: Zhou Yun coldly refused to comment on Jin Lin's affair.

It also attracted a lot of people to click in and watch it. After reading it, they naturally scolded these media platforms for their title party.

The reporters originally thought that even if Zhou Yun didn't comment, with so many actors in the crew, there would always be someone who would be willing to speak, but who knew that the other actors would be the same as Zhou Yun and didn't say a word.

Although it has received so much attention from the media, the production of "Chen Yin" cannot stop working.

In order to protect the set from being infiltrated by the paparazzi, the crew had to urgently hire two groups of bodyguards to be responsible for the security of the set.

Jin Lin's condition is very bad.

Her agent asked for leave for her crew.

The crew can also understand that any girl who encounters this kind of thing must be psychologically shocked, and it takes time to ease the severe damage.

Especially since Jin Lin is still so young and hasn't experienced much.

Huang Zicheng's condition is also very bad.

The dark circles under his eyes are serious, and it's obvious that he didn't get a good rest last night.

Seeing his dark circles, Zhou Yun could only sigh helplessly.

Affected by this incident, the status of many people has been affected, their performance is not good, and the progress is a bit slowed down.

Jiang Xin also understood everyone's state and didn't get angry because of it.

It's just that such an incident happened suddenly, and the finalization seems to be postponed.

Jiang Xin tried to adjust Zhou Yun's scenes to the front as much as possible, and finished filming Zhou Yun's scenes first.

Because Zhou Yun still has a lot of work behind her, if she delays for too long, it will affect her future work.

That night, Zhou Lan made an appointment with Jin Lin's agent.

The main thing is to solve this matter.

If Huang Zicheng really did this, Zhou Lan would have to consider terminating the contract with Huang Zicheng.

So, she must figure it out.

Jin Lin's manager is Tan Yuanyang, a manager who has been in the business for more than ten years but is not well-known.

Tan Yuanyang didn't give a good face when he saw Zhou Lan, and said, "Zhou Lan, if you want to suppress this matter, don't talk about it, we will issue a statement tomorrow, and in the statement we will explain what happened. It is clear that this incident has caused a lot of harm to us Jin Lin. In fact, if it is not because she likes Huang Zicheng, if it is not because Huang Zicheng asked her for these photos, how could she, a young girl, take such photos Post it on the Internet! You Huang Zicheng are too shameless!"

Zhou Lan took a deep breath. Under the circumstances, she would be at a loss, unless she found evidence to prove Huang Zicheng's innocence.

"Yuanyang, we are also old acquaintances. Ming people don't say dark words. If Huang Zicheng really did it, I promise you that in the next few years, I will block him and stop him from going out to do activities." Zhou Lan said , "I don't want an artist under me who would do such a thing, but the key now is to find out whether the person who posted these photos on the Internet is really Huang Zicheng, don't you think so?"

Tan Yuanyang sneered and said, "Don't worry, we have called the police, but we want to see who is behind the ID who sent these photos."

"Since you have called the police, why didn't you wait for the results of the police investigation before issuing a statement?" Zhou Lan asked.

Tan Yuanyang said: "The longer this matter drags on, the more detrimental it will be to Jin Lin's reputation. You don't know? How high and strict is the current Internet environment for female artists? You don't know? There are already many People have ridiculed Jin Lin for being a coquettish woman, and if this kind of public opinion continues, what will Jin Lin do? She cried all day in the hotel room today!"

"Yuanyang, let me ask you a serious question now. Jin Lin said that she sent the photo to Huang Zicheng when she was chatting with Huang Zicheng, and only sent it to Huang Zicheng. Is it true?" Zhou Lan asked, "Is it true?" I checked Huang Zicheng's cell phone, and there is no such information or photos in his chat history with Jin Lin."

Tan Yuanyang was a little angry, with a very bad temper, and scolded: "Can it be fake? I saw it with my own eyes! Of course you can't find anything in Huang Zicheng's mobile phone. You Huang Zicheng are so fucking shameless. He said that he was in the rising stage of his career, and he couldn't let his manager and fans know that he was in a relationship, and he couldn't leave any evidence, so he even set up a trumpet to chat with Jin Lin! Don't think that his current trumpet If Jin Lin deletes the information, I can’t find the information, let me tell you, we have all submitted it to the police!”

Jin Lin frowned suddenly.

"What did you say? Trumpet?"

Tan Yuanyang saw that Zhou Lan's expression did not seem to be fake, took a deep breath, and said, "Zhou Lan, since you have the sincerity to block him, I will explain it to you more clearly. This matter was definitely done by Huang Zicheng." , there will be no second person! Don't be fooled by him!"

Zhou Lan: "This is the first time I've heard about the trumpet, and now I can't give you an answer, Yuanyang, do you think this is good? Let's have Huang Zicheng and Jin Lin meet and confront each other, okay? If I don't make this matter clear, if you tell me to just give up the artist I have brought and trusted for so long, I can't do it."

Tan Yuanyang: "Jin Lin doesn't want to see him."

"You tell Jin Lin, maybe, maybe there is a [-]% possibility that the boy she likes is innocent and misunderstood." Zhou Lan said, "Just for this [-]% possibility, can you? "

Tan Yuanyang was silent.

However, Zhou Lan's request was not granted.

The next day, Jin Lin's agent issued a statement.

The content of the statement is that these photos on the Internet are from the chats between Jin Lin and the boy she is dating. As a girl in love, it is normal for her to send such intimate photos with her lover. Please stop speculating about this with malicious intent. she.At the same time, they have also called the police to investigate who posted these photos on the Internet. When the results of the investigation come out, they must hold this person legally accountable.

After reading the content of this statement, Zhou Lan let out a long breath.

Fortunately, her communication with Tan Yuanyang yesterday was still useful. In the end, Tan Yuanyang did not directly write Huang Zicheng's name in the statement.

This somewhat leaves a bit of leeway.

(End of this chapter)

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