Chapter 647
But what is the truth?
Zhou Lan's mood was very tangled.

She was also asking herself a question, if Huang Zicheng really did this, would she block Huang Zicheng?
No more jobs for him in the next few years?

Intellectually, she wants to do this. An artist with poor character is not worth cultivating.Emotionally, she didn't want to do this. Artists who have been together for so long, how could they just break up?

She began to pray in her heart, hoping that her vision was accurate, and that Huang Zicheng would be worthy of her trust.

In any case, she will not give up on Huang Zicheng until the final truth comes out.

Tan Yuanyang's statement helped Jin Lin win the sympathy of many people.

It turned out that these photos were sent privately by Jin Lin and her boyfriend, which made it easy for everyone to accept.

The controversy that arose on Jin Lin at the beginning, on the one hand, some "feudal remnants" accused Jin Lin of taking such explicit photos, thinking that Jin Lin was not "feminine", and on the other hand, Jin Lin's former fans believed that she was I was deceived, because Jin Lin's previous image was sunny, youthful, and beautiful.

All kinds of unbearable voices were mixed together, making Jin Lin an image of a "desire woman", and using various words to attack this image negatively.

The content of Tan Yuanyang's statement is mainly to do public relations this time from two aspects.

First, these photos belong to the privacy of lovers and should not be made public. It is normal for anyone to be different in private or in a relationship between the sexes than in public.

Second, everyone should blame the person who posted these photos on the Internet without Jin Lin's consent, and the police are still investigating who this person is. Quasi Jinlin.

Judging from the effect after the announcement of the statement, it has successfully turned the direction of public opinion in the direction they want.

Zhou Yun sighed while having dinner with Zhou Lan: "I didn't expect that such a thing would require a statement to make everyone focus on investigating the person who uploaded the photo privately."

Zhou Lan said: "There is always a group of people who are pursuing the issue of personal morality."

"Have the police's results come out?" Zhou Yun asked, "It shouldn't be difficult to investigate the IP address behind the network ID, right?"

"The ID who posted the photo on the forum is overseas." Zhou Lan said, "I can't find out who it is, and I'm currently investigating the WeChat account that chatted with Jin Lin."

"Huang is he these two days?" Zhou Yun asked.

"What else can I do, except that when filming, I just lock myself in the room and never come out. If this kind of thing happens, he still has to bear the condemnation of many people."

"Sister Lan, do you trust Huang Zicheng?" Zhou Yun suddenly asked a sensitive question.

Zhou Lan gave Zhou Yun a complicated look, but did not answer directly.

Zhou Yun said: "It seems that sister Lan, like me, you are not sure."

"How dare you be sure about this kind of thing." Zhou Lan smiled self-deprecatingly, "I thought I would fully trust my artist."

"But no matter what, Huang Zicheng is very dependent on you. He is now suspected by many people, and there are only a few of us around him. We must accompany him until conclusive evidence comes out." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan nodded.

Four days after the incident, Jin Lin finally came to the set to shoot.

Tan Yuanyang personally sent Jin Lin over, and apologized to Jiang Xin face to face, saying: "Director, I'm sorry, the filming progress of the crew has been delayed these two days, thank you for your understanding."

Jiang Xin shook his head and said nothing, and asked: "How is Jin Lin recovering now? Actually, this matter is nothing to talk about, but she is too young now, and her ability to bear it is still a little weak. You should talk to her more. "

"Yes." Tan Yuanyang nodded, "She is quite strong. I wanted her to rest for a few more days, but she couldn't sleep because of the cyberbullying these two days. Heartbreaking, alas, but she herself said that she didn't want to delay the crew's filming progress any longer, and insisted on coming to film, and also said that filming on the set can help her divert her attention."

"Yeah." Jiang Xin nodded, "That's true. It's not a problem for her to stay in the hotel all the time. It's easy for a person to think a lot. On the set, there are so many people, chatting with her can change the mood a lot. "

Zhou Yun was startled when he saw Jin Lin.

I haven't seen her for a few days, but Jin Lin's face seems to have lost a lot of weight. In fact, she is not really thin. It is probably because she hasn't eaten well or rested well in the past few days. She is a little haggard and looks thin.

When she saw Jin Lin, she felt a little guilty.

When Jin Lin needed support and help the most, she focused all her attention on Huang Zicheng.

There is no way, the closeness between people is always different.

Compared with Jin Lin, Zhou Yun cared more about Huang Zicheng.

"Jin Lin." Zhou Yun took the initiative to give her a hug, and said, "I'm so glad to see you back on set."

Jin Lin said, "Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun."

"Thank...for what, I'm sorry."

"No, Miss Xiaoyun, I really thank you." Jin Lin said, "Thank you for not commenting on this matter to the media reporters. Brother Yuanyang told me."

Zhou Yun: "I just feel that we are not qualified to make any comments on what happened to you, but I hope you know that all of us support you, and you are the victim in this matter."

Jin Lin's eyes were slightly red, and she smiled.

Seeing Jin Lin like this, Zhou Yun couldn't bear it.

She said, "Jin Lin, if you need my help, you can come to me at any time."

"Sister Xiaoyun, can you promise me not to shield Huang Zicheng?" Jin Lin looked at Zhou Yun seriously and asked.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Jin Lin stared straight at Zhou Yun.

"I know, Miss Xiaoyun, if you want to protect Huang Zicheng, even if he did such a shameless thing, I can't do anything to him, but I want him to pay the price he deserves, and wait for the police When the investigation results come out, I want to expose it on the Internet, so that everyone can know what kind of person he is, and see his true face clearly, Sister Xiaoyun, can you help me?"

Zhou Yun didn't know how to describe his psychological feelings at this moment.

Mixed feelings.

"Jin Lin, I never intended to cover him up." Zhou Yun said, "I don't know if you believe it or not, but we are just waiting for the results of the police investigation. Before that, I couldn't believe that Huang Zicheng was such a person. Hope you understand."

"I understand." Jin Lin said, "As long as Miss Xiaoyun doesn't cover him up after the police investigation results come out, I'll be very grateful."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Why couldn't she understand the meaning in Jin Lin's words of retreating and holding a stick.

But since this happened to Jin Lin, it is understandable that she would do this.

It's just that Zhou Yun laughed at himself, so she was so untrustworthy in Jin Lin's eyes?
Also, she didn't do anything to make people want to believe her.

Jin Lin met Huang Zicheng again on the set, and Huang Zicheng wanted to say something, but Jin Lin ignored him as if he didn't exist.

Huang Zicheng withdrew his greeting hand in embarrassment.

How warm Jin Lin was to him before, now how indifferent Jin Lin is to him.

Huang Zicheng actually wanted to communicate with Jin Lin to see what was going on.

But after the incident happened, Jin Lin kept avoiding him and never communicated with him again.

Huang Zicheng suffers from the other party's attitude and has no power to bear it. He is embarrassed in this sudden and innocent disaster.

In fact, he could feel that there were very few people in the entire crew who believed in him.

Especially after Jin Lin's manager released the statement, everyone looked at him more directly, as if they were looking at a criminal.

Huang Zicheng was helpless.At this time, what Zhou Yun had said to him before kept popping up in his mind, and he used it over and over again to comfort and encourage himself.

No matter when, as long as he knows what kind of person he is.

It was difficult, but he had to comfort and encourage himself so much.

Fortunately, no matter what, Sister Lan and Sister Xiaoyun always believed in him and supported him. Friends from Lu Zhongting and his circle also sent him messages to cheer him up.

Huang Zicheng is now forcing himself to film normally every day, follow through with his work every day, often suffer from insomnia at night, and when he can't fall asleep normally, he comforts himself, and when the police find out the person who pretended to be him, everything will be revealed.

When Zhou Yun had only [-] scenes left to be filmed, a police car suddenly came to the crew.

When everyone saw the police car, their first reaction was to go to Huang Zicheng.

Did the police come to look for Huang Zicheng?

Zhou Yun was on the set, turning his head to look.

Two policemen in police uniforms got out of the car.

Producer Qin Zhaolan immediately went forward to negotiate and communicate with the police.

After a while, Qin Zhaolan seemed to have heard something unbelievable, and turned to look at a person.

That person was neither Jin Lin nor Huang Zicheng, but a photographer named Liu Xi in the crew.

Qin Zhaolan's glance immediately aroused everyone's suspicion of Liu Xi.

Liu Xi's face turned pale instantly.

He is just a middle-aged man in his forties, and he is well-known as a photographer.

In the field of film and television drama production, the director of photography is generally the director of photography, and Liu Xi is just an ordinary photographer, assisting in shooting according to the ideas of the director and director of photography.

Of course, technical jobs such as photographers still have a higher status than field managers, and they are generally more respected in the crew. As the old saying goes, they rely on craftsmanship for a living.

Qin Zhaolan walked up to Liu Xi and whispered a few words to Liu Xi.

Everyone saw Liu Xi bowed his head with a pale face, and followed Qin Zhaolan and the police.

As soon as they left, it was like a pot exploded on the set, and the discussion suddenly boiled like boiling water.

"Why was Teacher Liu taken away?"

"Return Teacher Liu? You still can't see it. It's clear that Liu Xi is the culprit who posted Jin Lin's photo on the Internet!"

"What? When did Liu Xi become Jin Lin's boyfriend?"


Hearing the comments from the people around her, Jin Lin also had an expression of astonishment and disbelief.

No, no, how could this be?

Jin Lin thought to herself, what does this matter have to do with Liu Xi?

A thought suddenly popped up in her mind.

The thought made her pale instantly.


An hour after Liu Xi was taken away by the police, the incident was exposed on the Internet.

Naturally, because of the attention that the Jin Lin photo incident received before, this incident was quickly spread to various platforms and became hotly discussed.

Liu Xi?

This is an unfamiliar name.

But his embellishment is followed by the words "Chen Yin" photographer, and everyone will be familiar with it immediately.

Liu Xi was taken away by the police at the shooting scene. The meaning of this incident itself seems to be clearly revealed after combining with the content of Jin Lin's manager's statement.

Netizens began to condemn Liu Xi one after another.

At the same time, everyone began to shift the target of the crusade to the crew of "Chen Yin".

Because Liu Xi is the photographer of the crew of "Chen Yin".

There is smoke on the Internet.

This matter is too sensitive, and it involves various sensitive topics such as women's safety and gender privacy. Many big V bloggers have come forward to express their opinions on this matter.

The popularity is soaring, and it has become the most concerned topic on the Internet in the past two days.

With such attention, the filming of "Chen Yin" also encountered unprecedented difficulties.

Almost all the media have sent reporters and photographers here to follow up and report.

Such a hot bonus, no one wants to eat it.

Official interviews were not available to the members of the crew, and various contacts were made in private.

Zhou Yun has received many contacts from acquainted reporters, wanting to ask her to express her views on this matter.

It's just that the police's official investigation results have not yet come out, and Zhou Yun doesn't want to express any opinions before that. In this kind of situation where the fire is cooking oil, expressing any opinions will add fuel to the fire.

Today, Jin Lin and Liu Xi are both on the cusp of the storm, attracting countless people's attention.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, if possible, let this period of time pass as soon as possible so that Jin Lin's life can return to normal.

Jin Lin asked for leave again.

Tan Yuanyang told Jiang Xin that Jin Lin had a big emotional problem and could no longer keep calm.

This is of course very helpless.

Jin Lin has only five scenes left, and she can wrap up after filming. Asking for leave at this time will inevitably cause a great burden on the crew, but Jiang Xin can't say anything.

No matter who encounters such a thing, it is unlucky.

In particular, Jin Lin didn't even know that it was Liu Xi who uploaded those photos of her on the Internet.

Tan Yuanyang also has a headache now.

It is really unexpected that this matter has developed into what it is now.

Although the official results of the police investigation have not yet come out, things are almost clear.

Liu Xi pretended to be Huang Zicheng and chatted with Jin Lin, but Jin Lin didn't realize it, and took the other party as Huang Zicheng, and sent those photos to Liu Xi, Liu Xi didn't know why, and sent these photos of Jin Lin to an online forum.

Tan Yuanyang couldn't even imagine how much heated discussion this matter would cause if it was exposed on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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