I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 648 End and Begin

Chapter 648 End and Begin

Now things are basically clear.

Jin Lin was cheated.

Tan Yuanyang didn't know what to say. Although he hated the photographer named Liu Xi, he was also a little annoyed at Jin Lin's innocence and recklessness.

What made him speechless was that Jin Lin herself was a female star, even if the other party was Huang Zicheng, she sent her private photos so easily?Not to mention, she has not yet confirmed that the other party is Huang Zicheng, who was deceived by an impostor.

He really wanted to scold Jin Lin.

But the current situation does not allow him to do so.

Now that Jin Lin found out that she had been cheated, she was in a state of autism, and it was not the time to review the whole matter with her.

Moreover, at this moment, Tan Yuanyang doesn't have time to talk to Jin Lin about these things, he has a lot of affairs to deal with.

On the one hand, hundreds of media have to respond, on the other hand, he has to deal with the impact of this incident on Jinlin's various partners.

What Tan Yuanyang is most afraid of now is that the truth of this incident will be exposed on the Internet. Once this happens, there will definitely be a large number of people mocking Jin Lin for being cheated because she is stupid.

In this era, it seems that it is becoming more and more modern and open, but in fact, there are still many people who care about and demand the so-called chastity.

Tan Yuanyang can make a statement, from women's freedom to the real relationship between the sexes, from personal privacy to what is the real original sin, but no matter how rigorous and self-consistent a statement he makes from the level of reason, he cannot Change the eternal voice in this social concept, which is called decadent by many people.

For a female star, as long as there is such a voice, her image will always be under constant attack, which means trouble, trouble for her, and trouble for the brands that cooperate with her.

Therefore, the final result is that even if Tan Yuanyang can pick Jin Lin clean in principle-and this incident can’t be blamed on Jin Lin’s head, at most she is naive, and I believe that the Internet is covered with a Huang Zicheng is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but under the attack of various stigmatizations, no partner is willing to bear these troubles and risks.

They can choose a female star who is less risky.

Jin Lin is not a big name, she has an irreplaceable position, and there is no huge benefit for the partners to make them willing to bear these risks.


But when Tan Yuanyang was overwhelmed, Jiang Xin suddenly came to Jin Lin and had a serious chat with her for half an hour.

As for what Jiang Xin and Jin Lin talked about, and what the two talked about, no one else knew, not even Tan Yuanyang.

Only after Jiang Xin talked with Jin Lin, Jin Lin returned to the set soon after.

Coincidentally, after Jin Lin finished filming the last scene, the police suddenly issued an official report on the results of the investigation.

The whole thing was just as they said before, Liu Xi knew that Jin Lin liked Huang Zicheng, and also learned that Huang Zicheng didn't like Jin Lin, so he rejected Jin Lin, so he registered a small account and pretended to be Huang Zicheng to join Jin Lin's WeChat friend told Jin Lin that because he was in the rising stage of his career, he could not fall in love, nor could there be any scandals, so he could only talk to her in this way.Especially since Zhou Yun was also on the set, Zhou Yun couldn't let Zhou Yun know about their affairs, otherwise it would affect his career development, because Zhou Yun didn't want to see them fall in love and affect his work.Jin Lin was skeptical at first, but then Liu Xi pretended to be Huang Zicheng and sent Jin Lin a lot of photos of his work in the crew (all of which were taken by Liu Xi of Huang Zicheng), and also took some photos of Jin Lin on the set from Huang Zicheng's perspective. Send it to Jin Lin.Jin Lin really believed him later on.Liu Xi has been chatting with Jin Lin on the Internet as Huang Zicheng, so Jin Lin sent photos to "Huang Zicheng".

The reason why Liu Xi sent these photos to that online forum was because Liu Xi had a dispute with someone on that forum.Some people called Liu Xi a dead fat house, and it is impossible to be liked by women in this life.Liu Xi was very angry and felt that he had been insulted, so in a fit of rage, he posted the private photos Jin Lin sent him to the forum to prove that he had a very beautiful girlfriend—Liu Xi originally thought that , it is very difficult for an unknown female star like Jin Lin to be recognized. In the end, this incident turned into this way, and he himself did not expect it.


Following the results of the police investigation, the crew of "Chen Yin" immediately terminated their cooperation with Liu Xi, and at the same time issued a stern statement.

Zhou Yun didn't stand up until this time, and forwarded the crew's statement, expressing severe accusations against Liu Xi.

Many people mocked her as an afterthought in her comment section.

Zhou Yun did not give any explanation.

"Chen Yin" was finally completed amidst the hustle and bustle of public opinion on this matter.

Jin Lin left the crew almost immediately.

In many scenes, the protagonist is usually left until the end to finish, because the protagonist has the most scenes, and other people's scenes are often filmed ahead of schedule.

However, Jiang Xin generally likes to shoot scenes in sequence. The last scene of "Chen Yin" happened to be a group scene with almost all the actors, so that every actor stayed until the end.

On the day of wrapping up, Zhou Yun hugged and said goodbye to Jiang Xin with great emotion, and said, "Director, you've worked hard. I didn't expect to encounter so many troubles while filming this drama."

Jiang Xin laughed, and said: "I'm used to it, and it's actually quite normal. Basically, any drama will encounter various problems, as long as they are finally resolved. "Chen Yin" The drama was relatively smooth, and there were no broken capital chains or other fatal problems, and if such problems were to be encountered, it would be a shame."

Zhou Yun said, "You won't encounter this kind of problem now, will you?"

Jiang Xin said: "I don't know, who can say for sure, but after finishing another film, I have achieved staged success."

"Haha." Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I think so too."

"I remember you are going to join the filming team soon?" Jiang Xin asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yeah, "The Female Killer" directed by Wen Bing is an action movie."

"Really? Action movies? You're getting wider and wider?" Jiang Xin said.

Zhou Yun: "No, the main reason is that I had a cameo appearance in Wen Bing's second play "One Mountain and Two Tigers", and I played a female killer in it. When we were filming, we both felt that we still had something to say. We hit it off immediately and decided to make a special action movie like this."

Jiang Xin heard the words and said: "Then Wen Bing is really happy to meet you. If I could meet a popular actor like you as my leading role when I first became a director, I would have saved half of the trouble."

"But I was also very happy to meet you when I first became an actor." Zhou Yun said, "I have a concept of how to be an actor, and it started from the drama "Question Heart"."

She said: "Director, if you need me for any filming in the future, please call me at any time. As long as I can come over, I will definitely come to act."

This is not the first time Jiang Xin has heard Zhou Yun say this.

He said, "Okay."

"Director, I actually have another question that I'm curious about." Zhou Yun said, "What did you tell Jin Lin to make her want to return to the set?"

Jiang Xin said: "I just told her that no matter what happens to her, her work and life should not be disrupted. If she keeps asking for leave, I can't wait for her. For the sake of the integrity of the show, I can only Many of her scenes were deleted, and I asked her, are you willing to let your hard work for so many scenes be wasted because of this thing that you are not wrong? After she heard it, she came to the set. "

Zhou Yun was stunned.

"So it is."

"Chen Yin" finished, Zhou Yun packed up his things, and brought Huang Zicheng back to Shanghai, Zhou Lan was also there.

This was the first time Huang Zicheng experienced this kind of public opinion. Zhou Lan was afraid that Huang Zicheng would not be able to bear it. In the last few days, Zhou Lan stayed by Huang Zicheng's side.

In fact, Zhou Lan thought about using this incident to stir up some enthusiasm for Huang Zicheng.

Huang Zicheng is a newcomer now, what he lacks most is popularity and popularity, so if he can use the popularity of this matter to market Huang Zicheng, it can still help him increase a lot of popularity and fame.

But this idea just passed through Zhou Lan's mind briefly and then gave up.

Zhou Yun's success has given her a very deep understanding - when Huang Zicheng does not lack resources, there is no need to take this path with many disadvantages.

Relying on the popularity of marketing to gain a position, the public's impression of Huang Zicheng became one of the people involved in the scandal.

This kind of first impression is not so important if it is important, and it is more important if it is not so important.

Some newcomers make their debut from the new films of great directors, and their starting point is much higher than others. Even if they are stars who are much more famous than them, the resources they get are not as good as them. Well, so good that most people are optimistic about their future development.

Zhou Lan still hopes that Huang Zicheng will become popular through his own works.

This can make Huang Zicheng's first impression in the industry different.

Just like Wang Jing, she was recognized by the industry on a large scale for the first time, because she won a very important best newcomer award for "Behind the Scenes".

Thus, her career ushered in a leap forward.


On the return journey, the destination is Shanghai.

Zhou Yun chatted with Huang Zicheng for half an hour on the high-speed rail, and they were all talking about filming.

Huang Zicheng is not a professional actor and has no filming experience. He has many doubts and wants to ask Zhou Yun for advice.

Zhou Yun is also willing to exchange acting matters with Huang Zicheng.

In this kind of professional communication, she has always felt that everyone has their own unique perspective, and she likes to know what other people's perspectives look like.

When they returned to Shanghai, Zheng Xiaoju and the others sent Zhou Yun back first, and Zhou Lan went to send Huang Zicheng.

When Zhou Yun returned home, he breathed a sigh of relief, opened his hands, and loosened his muscles and bones.

She didn't bother to pack her luggage, so she went to take a shower, put on a mask for herself, fell on the sofa, and didn't turn on the TV, just lay quietly in a daze, reviewing every scene of her performance of "Chen Yin" in her mind.

In fact, I was not very tired when the crew was filming, but it was only when I got home that I felt really relaxed.

After Zhou Yun applied the mask, he went to wash up, and sent a message to Song Chi, telling him that he had arrived home.

Song Chi said that he was still waiting for the scene.

Zhou Yun looked at the time, it was still five o'clock in the afternoon.

She took the script of "Chen Yin" out of the suitcase and put it in her special cabinet for scripts.

In this cabinet are the scripts of every play she has filmed, arranged in order of shooting time.

It took about half an hour to pack things up.

For dinner, she simply made a face of herself, coped with it, took a bath again, went to bed early, read a book for an hour, watched another movie, and fell asleep early.

The next two days are rest time, no work is arranged.

Zhou Yun stayed at home for two days.

On Friday, "Deep Sea" held its opening ceremony in BJ.

Zhou Yun dressed up to attend.

After not showing up in front of everyone for a long time, Zhou Yun received cheers as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Photographers and fans are shouting her name.

Zhou Yun walked the red carpet with a bright smile and entered the infield.

Tonight, she was still the center of attention.

The senior officials of Yuehai.com and Paimengqi were present. When she entered the infield, everyone wanted to greet her immediately, but she was surrounded by people as soon as she entered.

Especially the high-level executives of Yuehai.com, the number of viewers of the trailer of "Deep Sea" has exceeded [-] million, becoming the drama with the fastest number of viewers in the trailer before Yuehai.com's launch.

Moreover, not only that, since Yuehai.com confirmed the broadcast time of "Deep Sea", the number of new members has also increased. The relevant data is very impressive, even stronger than the current drama.

This is also related to the inability to play the drama that Yuehai.com is currently broadcasting.

Su Yan and Xu Siyao's "Linjiang Fairy" has come to an end, and the next few dramas are silent, and Lizi Video took advantage of the popularity of "Panic" to broadcast several online dramas with horror and suspense themes , although word-of-mouth is mediocre, other platforms, including Yuehai.com, are envious of daily activities and new additions.

Next, the chestnut video will soon broadcast "Walking with the Phoenix" starring Wei Ruxue, and the third video will soon broadcast the top IP "Xian Yujue". "is the only one that can compete with them on the face of it.

Zhou Yun's undefeated myth has made the industry pay close attention to her next film, and advertisers are also optimistic about Zhou Yun.

Up to now, the advertising revenue of "Deep Sea" has reached [-] million yuan, all of which are directed at Zhou Yun by advertisers.

You must know that the number of episodes of "Deep Sea" is very small, more than [-] episodes less than Wei Ruxue's "Walking with the Phoenix", and the current advertising data and income of the two dramas are similar.

This means that in the eyes of advertisers, Zhou Yun's influence has surpassed the short-sighted revenue of the short play - they all believe that Zhou Yun can make them earn more money.
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(End of this chapter)

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