I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 649 "Deep Sea" broadcast

Chapter 649 "Deep Sea" broadcast

Liu Ziyan, Yue Hai's vice president in charge of content production for film and television dramas, came here today with another task.

The success of "Deep Sea" at the current stage made them more deeply aware of the importance of maintaining long-term cooperation with Zhou Yun, so Yue Hai wanted to quickly confirm the cooperation with Zhou Yun in the next film.

At present, the film and television companies that Zhou Yun has in-depth cooperation in the industry are Xindun and Chengqian Film and Television. The former is mainly engaged in the film field, and the latter is mainly because Zhou Yun himself is an actor of Chengqian, who has already filmed "The Storm" and "Under Dress".

But these two film and television companies are all about content, not platforms.

The biggest difference between Yue Hai and them is that Yue Hai started out as a video platform, and now Yue Hai Video is also one of the top video networks in the industry.

In any case, no matter how popular Zhou Yun is, her plays will also be broadcast on the video network.

Yuehai.com has learned the previous lessons and no longer puts on a high profile.

Liu Ziyan showed his sincerity and wanted to cooperate with Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun, we bought the right to adapt the work that won the Jincheng Literature Award last year. We want to adapt it into a TV series. It is a story about a heroine." Liu Ziyan said to Zhou Yun, "Would you like to watch it first?"

Zhou Yun asked, "Which work?"

Liu Ziyan said, "Flower City."

Zhou Yun had never heard of it.

But she knew about the Jincheng Literature Award.

The biggest difference between it and other literary awards is that it often pays more attention to the combination of literature and storytelling, and both are indispensable.

Since this "Flower City" can win the Jincheng Literature Award, the original story should be very good, both in terms of storytelling and literary value, it should be a story worthy of being filmed into a TV series.

When Zhou Yun heard this, his heart was indeed moved.

But when she thought about her future arrangements, she retreated a little.

"Mr. Liu, I've got all the dramas for next year." Zhou Yun said.

Liu Ziyan said: "It's okay, this project is already in the development stage, as long as you are willing to act, we will wait for your schedule."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised. She had dealt with Yue Hai before, but Yue Hai had never been so easy to talk to.

Among the video platforms she has come into contact with, Yue Hai is the one with the highest self-esteem. Of course, it is also qualified to have a high self-esteem. After all, now that traditional TV stations are declining, online video platforms have gradually become an important part of the film and television industry. The largest viewing platform.Those celebrity artists who want to show off have a hard time negotiating with the leader of the video site, who holds the most powerful voice.

Zhou Yun said, "Then let me read the original book first."

"Of course, no problem." Liu Ziyan's task tonight is just to get Zhou Yun to let go of his mouth and get interested in this project. Naturally, the rest of the matter cannot be done in one night.

Zhou Yun originally thought that this kind of cooperation invitation would be stopped when Liu Ziyan came here. What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that the senior executives who sent Meng Qilai also told Zhou Yun that they had two projects that were in preparation and wanted to invite them. Zhou Yun came to act and asked Zhou Yun if he had time.Zhou Yun thought to himself, if Pai Mengqi had been interested in her earlier, many projects would not have been looking for He Wenyun instead of her. Why did he suddenly come to her at this time?
Zhou Yun bluntly said that he still needs to read the script first.

Especially for Hollywood projects, Zhou Yun dared not agree to act easily without seeing the script and production team.

Who knows what kind of project.

There are as many bad movies in Hollywood, and those that can be seen in China have generally been screened.

"Deep Sea" has achieved excellent results in various statistics. The only thing that is uncertain is whether it will be liked by foreign audiences when it is launched on Pimchi's streaming media.

Now "Deep Sea" no matter how well-known it is, at least in terms of the number of viewers, it will definitely not be bad.

No matter how bad its reputation is, with the current popularity, it can still succeed in business and make money.

However, it is different in Paimengchi streaming media. After all, it is a Chinese-language drama with an all-foreigner lineup and Asian faces. For the mainstream viewers of Paimangchi streaming media, this is not a drama that they are familiar with. .

Of course, Pimchi Streaming Media doesn't pay much attention to this drama. What they value is Zhou Yun's rising reputation in North America during this period. After attending several important award ceremonies, Zhou Yun has entered the field of vision of European and American audiences. It is enough that Yun can attract some audiences to this show during this trendy period, especially audiences in Asia.

After all, the purchase fee they paid for the show is nothing compared to the cost of producing a show themselves.

Chinese dramas cannot be sold at a high price in the international market, this is the status quo.

Originally, there was another important matter tonight. According to Zhou Lan's plan at the beginning, Yu Chu was going to announce the news of his pregnancy tonight, which could also help create a lot of heat for the drama "Deep Sea".

The fact that a female celebrity is pregnant has always attracted attention, let alone a well-known actress like Yu Chu.

But in the end Zhou Lan gave up on this plan.

Zhou Lan felt that it would benefit Yu Chu the most if the news broke after "Deep Sea" was broadcast.

Although Yu Chu and Zhou Yun are well-known good friends, there is a big gap between the two in terms of popularity and status in the circle. It will definitely rise a lot. This is the blessing that a hit drama brings to an actor.

But Yu Chu was going to stop work soon.

She will not lack publicity and exposure during the broadcast of "Deep Sea", but not necessarily after "Deep Sea" is finished. Lan wanted to keep this matter under wraps until Yu Chu's popularity began to drop, and when he needed to maintain his popularity, he would release the news.

Zhou Lan had no other request except that Yu Chu should not be forgotten by everyone because her pregnancy was not exposed.

In this era of information explosion, the competition for female stars is so fierce that if there is no news for a few months, they will be forgotten, let alone an actress like Yu Chu whose status is not yet solid and who is only famous.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu stood side by side on the stage, chatted and laughed with the host, answered some questions, and cooperated with the media reporters at the scene to take many photos.

When all the actors took a group photo, probably because there were so many people on stage, Yu Chu was squeezed and almost fell down.

Zhou Yun quickly supported her.

Yu Chu turned pale with shock.

Zhou Yun asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Yu Chu shook his head.

Zhou Yun held Yu Chu's hand tightly and did not let go, fearing that Yu Chu would be squeezed and fall down again.

Yu Chu is in a special period now, so he can't fall down.

The next day, "Deep Sea" was launched.

It was not broadcast on TV stations, and "Deep Sea" only watched the results of the broadcast on the Internet.

Zheng Xiaoju has been watching your real-time comments and collecting your feedback.

Now that a drama is airing, there are sunspots, sailors, and marketing forces.

In many cases, in order to satisfy the funders who paid the bill, the producer or the platform spends money on marketing and makes the data of a drama look particularly good, but in fact, not many people watch it, or not many people I like it, all zombie fans.

"Deep Sea" may not be full of zombie fans, but how do you rate Zhou Yun's performance in this drama? This needs to really collect real comments. Don't comment on fans who praise directly. No, the screening and selection are skills.

Zhou Yun made an appointment to meet Director Cong Lan today, and brought Cheng Shenlu along.This is what she promised Cheng Shenlu before.

At the dinner table, Zhou Yun could tell that director Cong Lan was quite satisfied with Cheng Shenlu.

In fact, Zhou Yun herself admires Cheng Shenlu very much. If not, she would not have introduced Cheng Shenlu to director Cong Lan.

There are opportunities that you must have the ability to be eligible for.

Cheng Shenlu can act, and she has a good personality.

Of course, in the end, it is not up to her to decide whether Director Cong Lan will use Cheng Shenlu.

The only thing Zhou Yun can do is to push Cheng Shenlu to Director Cong Lan, and let Director Cong Lan seriously consider Cheng Shenlu.

Director Cong Lan finally asked Cheng Shenlu to audition in two days, which was the most ideal result tonight.

When Zhou Yun bid farewell to director Cong Lan, Cong Lan said: "Xiao Yun, don't bother to recommend someone to me. If there is a suitable opportunity, we will work together again."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "That one time is not enough, we need to cooperate many times."

Cong Lan smiled.

"There are so many good books."

"Director, why don't you look for more. If there is any suitable script for me to act, I will also look for it. If there is one that is suitable, I will recommend it to you." Zhou Yun said, "The last time I filmed "The Storm", I didn't Fun."

The main reason is that when she was filming "Staying the Storm", she and Xu Siyao had always been a little tit for tat on the set, and her performance was full of gunpowder.

Of course, this smell of gunpowder is also in line with the character settings in the play.

It's just that in the later stage, the two people's conflicts were resolved and they became friends, and those scenes were performed against their will.

Cong Lan is a director who shoots mostly modern dramas, and his shooting style is often more realistic, which is a bit different from Jiang Xin.

Using four words to describe the styles of the two, Cong Lan tends to be plain and simple, while Jiang Xin tends to be fresh and natural.

Of course, Zhou Yun likes Jiang Xin more in his heart, and also trusts Jiang Xin more. This is based on the cooperation between the two dramas "Ask the Heart" and "Chen Yin". Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin have formed a mutual trust relationship .

On the other hand, in terms of the aesthetics of film and television dramas, Zhou Yun is also more consistent with Jiang Xin's aesthetics.

But this doesn't mean that Zhou Yun doesn't appreciate Cong Lan's aesthetics—it's just that the two of them don't look alike.

When Zhou Yun was filming "Fixing the Storm", on the one hand, it was because the drama was thousands of self-produced, and it was tailor-made for his own actors; on the other hand, Zhou Yun was already popular at that time, Both the platform and the investors recognize Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun's performance in this drama has nothing to do with Cong Lan. Both of them are working for the production side.

Cheng Shenlu is different.

The company and employer behind her are not the same as Cong Lan, otherwise Cheng Shenlu would not have to find Zhou Yun to help with this and make a bridge.

As for which actor Cong Lan chooses for a big drama, he often needs to consider the interests of many aspects, especially in this era, not only good acting skills can be determined.

Cong Lan sells Zhou Yun's face and gives Cheng Shenlu a chance, mainly because this drama does not only have one heroine, it is a group drama, it tells the stories of several girls, Cheng Shenlu has a good image, and He is well-known and not a pure newcomer. He has collaborated with Zhou Yun in "Under Dress" and "Chen Yin". Such qualifications can also be accounted for by the employer and the platform.

As for whether Cheng Shenlu can successfully win one of the roles in the end, it depends on the right time, place and people later on.

Zhou Yun finished his task and went back to the hotel to rest.

Soon, she is leaving for America.

There's still a lot of work to be done there.

On the first day that "Deep Sea" was broadcast online, there were several hot search lists on all major platforms, but these were all purchased by the platforms, and Zhou Yun's own team hadn't made any moves yet, because Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan felt that there was no Necessary - to be able to take advantage of the popularity of the platform, and what to waste this money for.

In the past few years as Zhou Yun's manager, Zhou Lan has learned a very clear truth, that is, publicity and marketing must be targeted, otherwise it will be easy to waste effort.

Promoting a certain face, or a talent for funny, is not as good as making a fuss about a performance on a variety show or a piece of content in a film and television drama, which will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Especially for actors, if they really want to be remembered by the audience and gain a firm foothold, they must rely on their works and characters. In terms of nationality and audience recognition, awards must be relied on. It mainly depends on how popular their works and characters are. Welcome, and more to be remembered by everyone.

Zhou Lan has seen the finished film of "Deep Sea", and Yu Chu's performance in it is very good. Of course, his acting skills are not that superb, but there are still many things worth mentioning. Zhou Lan has already made a publicity plan. With this When this drama is broadcast, there will be a lot of corresponding publicity to expand Yu Chu's exposure.

Of course, there is a problem with Yue Hai's hot search, that is, their philosophy is very "fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields".

Even if it was a trending search for Zhou Yun, the entry also brought the name of the actor Xin Zhike they highly praised.

Zhou Yun himself didn't mind this matter.

Anyway, as long as you don't associate with people you hate.

Zhou Lan was not happy. Yue Hai let Xin Zhike play the male lead. She already felt that Zhou Yun was at a disadvantage. If it wasn't for the fact that the two heroines were played by her own actors, she would definitely not let Yue Hai take the lead. This one is cheap.

What does it mean to be the leading actor in Zhou Yun's new play?It means that even if he was a newcomer before this, Xiaobai, he can rely on this qualification to directly enter the leading actor candidate camp of other dramas in the future, without having to start from a supporting role.

(End of this chapter)

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