I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 650 Arrive in America

Chapter 650 Arrive in America
Zhou Lan negotiated with Xu Jinbo that in the following promotional content, Xin Zhike and Zhou Yun should not be bundled together, which would create some ambiguous impressions on the public.

Not to mention that Zhou Yun is not single now, it would be misleading to tie Zhou Yun and Xin Zhike together. Even if Zhou Yun is single, Zhou Lan is not willing to let Xin Zhike take advantage of Zhou Yun's popularity.

At this moment, Zhou Lan suddenly understood the management team of those popular stars. Every one of them looked at other artists as if they were enemies. They guarded against death, lest their own artists be taken advantage of.

The people at Yue Hai also tried to communicate and negotiate with Zhou Lan, promising not to spread rumors about Xin Zhike and Zhou Yun, but simply using the relationship between the male and female protagonists in the play to promote it, which will also help the show to further increase its attention.

Zhou Lan sternly refused.

The number of views of "Deep Sea" exceeded [-] million on the first day. You know, "Deep Sea" only released one episode on the first day.

In the end, there were only [-] episodes of this show. According to the arrangement of Yuehai.com, one episode will be updated every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, for a total of five weeks.

These [-] million views are equal to the one-day views of the first episode, and the effective views are terrifying.

The most important thing is that the first episode of "Deep Sea" has not yet entered the VIP update, but it has already attracted [-] new registered members in a single day, which is a very good start for Yuehai.com.

With the large number of viewers, the reputation of this show is also very good. According to Yuehai.com's own background data, the number of effective viewers who have watched the first episode has exceeded 2000 million. best grades.

Judging from the data of the first day, with the broadcast of the subsequent episodes of "Deep Sea", it will have higher results.

There is no doubt that as long as the plot behind "Deep Sea" itself does not collapse, even if Wei Ruxue's "Walk with the Phoenix" and "Father of the Feather" are also popular, it will not affect the performance of "Deep Sea".

On the first day of the premiere, the official Weibo of "Deep Sea" released a promotional poster for the first day of the broadcast.

This is not only a kind of publicity, so that this drama can be publicized in the eyes of more potential audiences, but also a kind of momentum, so that the whole network will form the impression that "Deep Sea" will become the first blockbuster of this year.

The performances of Zhou Yun and Yu Chu in the play received unanimous praise.

With the release of the second episode on Saturday, He Wenyun appeared on the stage, and she instantly attracted the attention of all audiences.

Not long after the second episode aired, He Wenyun's popularity skyrocketed to the top of the trending searches, overwhelming Yu Chu.

This is just relying on He Wenyun's shot.

She looked back from the crowd brightly and charmingly, and looked at Zhou Yun with a slightly sarcastic smile.

This shot was cut into a moving picture and posted on many platforms, whether it was Weibo or Douyin, it amazed everyone.

This is the first time that He Wenyun has truly appeared in front of domestic audiences with her works.

As she became known to everyone, many people knew that she was the actress who was going to star in "Chinese Warrior". Moreover, the film directed by Spielberg she participated in has been released in the United States and is now hitting the Oscars. Also participated in the promotion of many websites, contributed a wave of beautiful red carpet photos, and has long been famous in the fashion circle.

He Wenyun's domestic brokerage contract was signed with Yue Hai, and now that he has become popular, Yue Hai will certainly not miss this opportunity, investing a lot of publicity resources on He Wenyun.

Zhou Lan saw that Yue Hai's publicity resources were basically put on Xin Zhike and He Wenyun, and there was a tendency to let these two people step on Zhou Yun and Yu Chu's position.

Although Zhou Lan also knew that this was not realistic at all, she was no longer conservative, and combined the promotional resources of Qianqian Entertainment to start promoting Zhou Yun and Yu Chu.

"Deep Sea" is on the air, and the popularity of the four actors remains high. With the popularity of the plot, they have also attracted a wave of fans for their roles.

Zhou Yun is naturally the first among them, and the champion, but the remaining three seem to be evenly matched.

Zhou Lan saw this opportunity.

Why do some artists create conflicts and hype up topics when they don't have conflicts, because only when there are conflicts can there be topics, and only when there are topics can people pay attention.

Zhou Lan believes that if this situation is used well, Yu Chu's popularity will increase rapidly in this battle.

The competition itself is also the perfect time for fans to increase their loyalty.

"The reason is also very simple. At first, I just liked someone a little bit, but now someone suddenly appeared and said that the person I like is not worthy of my liking. My rebellious heart was aroused, and I began to desperately defend the person I liked. At this time, I am actually not protecting this person, but myself." Zhou Lan said that during the team meeting, "Now Yu Chu has gained a lot of fans because of the drama "Deep Sea". She is one of the heroines of this show. Now He Wenyun has suddenly appeared. Many people say that she is the one who overwhelms Yu Chu, and that she should play the role of Yu Chu. We must protect Yu Chu, but we also need to know how to do it. Take advantage of this opportunity."

Some people wondered: "But now many drafts say that He Wenyun is only a friendly star in "Deep Sea", her celebrity is like Chu Gao, and she also accuses Yu Chu of deliberately belittling He Wenyun with her heroine status. What should I do?"

Zhou Lan said: "We need to see where Yu Chu's opportunities are in this debate. First of all, He Wenyun's celebrity status is compared to Chu Gao. This is an indisputable fact. We don't need to defend Yu Chu in this kind of place. We all I know that if "Chinese Warrior" is a big hit at the box office, He Wenyun's status will even skyrocket and approach Xiaoyun. Then, the question we have to consider is how to make good use of He Wenyun. Let me give you an example. Just two days ago, I also I'm negotiating with Yue Hai's people so that they don't have to tie Xin Zhike with us Zhou Yun, because I don't want to give everyone the impression that Xin Zhike is a leading actor who is good enough to partner with Zhou Yun, we all know , Xin Zhike is actually only the third protagonist in this drama, and the male protagonist is a supporting role in this drama, but why does Yue Hai tie Xin Zhike and Zhou Yun together for publicity? Because this is of great benefit to Xin Zhike , the most obvious benefit is being popular, and Yue Hai can rely on constantly deepening this impression to make the public think that Xin Zhike is an actor who is partnered with Zhou Yun as the hero and heroine."

"In other words, if I were Xin Zhike's manager, would I do this? I definitely would." Zhou Lan shrugged his shoulders, "I will make different choices if I stand on a different position. So, now we are Yu Chu's manager." The management team, now that Yue Hai has issued a draft saying that He Wenyun's acting skills kill Yu Chu in seconds, and that He Wenyun is more beautiful, so we will fight with them, we don't want to win or lose, the key is to play a kind of match between Yu Chu and He Wenyun Momentum, they said that He Wenyun’s acting skills are better, so we went to infer Yu Chu’s acting highlights. They said that He Wenyun’s appearance was more beautiful, so we went to find Yu Chu’s different temperament and style from He Wenyun. They said that He Wenyun will act in "" The heroine of "Chinese Warrior", we will release the news that Yu Chu is in contact with the new film of the big director. Anyway, it is a smoke bomb, do you understand what I mean? All in all, since everyone is paying attention to this matter, we must make good use of this heat First, strive to maximize Yu Chu's popularity; second, strive to strengthen Yu Chu's advantages in the hearts of the public; third, strive to create an impression in the industry that Yu Chu will not fall behind in the competition with He Wenyun. With an opponent who can fight in the ring, if we can achieve these three goals, we will get the most important thing."


Zheng Xiaoju heard Zhou Lan's words recounted by others in the team, and then recited it to Zhou Yun.

After hearing this, Zhou Yun felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

In the past few years as Zhou Lan's agent, his methods have become more and more capable.

When encountering something in the past, Zhou Lan's first reaction might be how to solve the problem, but now, at any time, Zhou Lan's first reaction is to find out if there is any opportunity to take advantage of.

The perspective and realm have changed.

Zhou Yun said: "Look at Sister Lan's perspective on these things, you can learn more phrases."

Zheng Xiaoju hummed.

The two got on the plane, and what followed was a long flight.

Originally, she was going to Berlin to attend the opening ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival, but because of the broadcast of "Deep Sea", she had to go to the United States to cooperate with Pai Mengqi to participate in an audience meeting of "Deep Sea", and to do "Deep Sea" in the United States. publicity.At that time, I will transfer from the United States to Berlin to attend the opening ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival.

Zhou Yun brought himself an e-reader, ready to read on the plane.

As a result, after the plane took off, she felt drowsy not long after, so she turned off the lights and fell asleep.

She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but when she woke up, she found that she had been covered with a blanket at some point.

Turning her head, she found that Zheng Xiaoju next door was also asleep.

She didn't call Zheng Xiaoju, and got up to go to the bathroom.

When he came out, he suddenly heard a pleasantly surprised "Xiaoyun".

Zhou Yun looked up at the person waiting at the door of the bathroom in surprise, only to realize that this person turned out to be Wen Xi.

Zhou Yun looked at Wen Xi in surprise, and said, "Isn't this a coincidence? I didn't even know you were on this flight!"

Wen Xi nodded with a smile and said, "I didn't expect that either, what a coincidence."

The two of them were talking, when suddenly, a tall man came over, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with good facial features, he looked very business-like, he belonged to the kind of people who would immediately think of the words "successful man" in his mind Impressive man.

"Xixi, have you met someone you know?"

Zhou Yun turned to look at this man, but saw an unfamiliar face, which she did not recognize.

Zhou Yun looked at the man curiously, and asked Wen Xi with his eyes.

Wen Xi took the man's arm, smiled at Zhou Yun, and said, "Xiaoyun, let me introduce you, this is my husband, Jiang Yicheng."

Zhou Yun suddenly showed surprise.

"Hi brother-in-law." Zhou Yun shouted.

Jiang Yicheng smiled politely at Zhou Yun, and said, "Hi, let me call you Xiaoyun together with Xixi, I haven't thanked you yet, Xixi said, if it weren't for you, the two of us would not be together again."

Zhou Yun showed a surprised expression.

She looked at Wen Xi.

Wen Xi showed a slightly shy expression, nodded, and said, "Yes, it's the one from before."

Zhou Yun was even more surprised.

Wen Xi was married before and divorced again.Many people don't know about this, but Zhou Yun knows.Later, Wen Xi talked to Zhou Yun about her. During that time, Wen Xi was a little irritable because Jiang Yicheng told her that he was getting married.It was Zhou Yun who told Wen Xi that Jiang Yicheng's behavior was a bit abnormal. His ex-husband was about to get married again, so he told his ex-wife that it was fine, but it was abnormal to go to someone's house at night to talk about it.Zhou Yun felt that Jiang Yicheng's move made it clear that he deliberately wanted to stimulate Wenxi.

Zhou Yun also saw that Wen Xi had no love for Jiang Yi Chengyu, so he told Wen Xi that at that time.

The seats of the three are actually very close to each other.

When they landed, Zhou Yun and Wen Xi communicated and found that they both booked the same hotel, so they immediately made an appointment for lunch.

Had lunch at a restaurant near the hotel.

Jiang Yicheng had a job, so he went to the hotel to pack his luggage and went out. They were the only women who had lunch this time.

Zhou Yun happened to ask Wen Xi about Jiang Yicheng's gossip.

"When did the two of you get back together? I haven't heard any news."

"Not long ago." Wen Xi said, "We two agreed to try to get together again first. If we can persist for a year, we will get married again, so I plan not to tell everyone before then."

"That's it." Zhou Yunchong smiled narrowly and said, "Wen Xi, are you here to work with him this time?"

"No, I have a job myself." Wen Xi said, "It happens that both of us are going to come here, so we came here together."

Zhou Yun: "This is really a coincidence."

"Don't make fun of me, are you here for the Golden Globes?" Wen Xi asked.

"Mainly because of the awards ceremony, but other than that, there are other things."

"Deep Sea" was launched on Pai Mengqi's streaming media, and Pai Mengqi planned to organize an audience meeting event the day after tomorrow, which could be regarded as a promotional event for "Deep Sea". Zhou Yun and He Wenyun would both participate.

This is one of the more important tasks.

Wen Xi said: "Come on, I may also attend the Golden Globe Awards, but everything has not been confirmed yet. If I also participate at that time, I will cheer for you on the spot!"

Zhou Yun showed a slightly disturbed expression and said, "I actually don't have much hope of winning the award. To be honest, I'm already very surprised to be nominated."

Wen Xi shook his head and said, "Xiaoyun, don't think so. As long as you are nominated, you will have a chance. Before the results of the awards are announced, everything is possible. Moreover, the movie "Behind the Scenes" is very popular. In one line, several friends came to ask me if I knew you, they watched the movie "Behind the Scenes" and thought you were very cool, so they all wanted to know you."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Really?"

"Really." Wen Xi nodded, ""Behind the Scene" has a strong public relations effort. Didn't you see several street signs with the promotional altitude of "Behind the Scene" on the way from the airport just now?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

"That should just be a routine publicity?"

"Regular publicity will not do such a big publicity offensive for a foreign language film." Wen Xi said, "Also, I heard that your producer Shi Luoqi has been active here for a while. If there is no hope, she Why are you wasting time here?"

Zhou Yun said: "That's because "Behind the Scenes" still hopes to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. This hope is quite high."
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Recommend me another novel that is being updated, "I Became a Superstar in the Entertainment Industry After Breaking Up", which has been written very well recently, everyone, take a look!

(End of this chapter)

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