I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 651 and Information in the United States

Chapter 651 and Information in the United States
Wen Xi is the top supermodel in the world's supermodel circle.

Her work is inherently more international than that of actors and singers. In a year, it is estimated that she will fly to no less than ten countries and have no less than [-] overseas activities.

Zhou Yun and Wen Xi became friends at the beginning because of the bond formed by VX.

Later, due to various accidents, the two met in continuous activities, and they became more and more hits off.

The relationship between the two people is so stable, in fact, it is also related to the different professional attributes of the two people, basically there is no competition.

When I was young, I often felt that love is stronger than gold. As long as the relationship is really good, no matter what it is, it will not affect the relationship. When I really step into the society and start to face all kinds of real problems, people can understand that the soil and space for their own existence may not necessarily be Can allow emotion.

Whether it is Zhou Yun or Wen Xi, they have achieved their current status through their own hard work.

If there is a real conflict of interest between two people, no one may take the initiative to take a step back.

Both of them understood this truth, but before this conflict of interests appeared, they still cherished this friendship by coincidence.

At the same time, they are also very seriously hoping that such conflicts will not arise.

Zhou Yun also once thought, is there anything that can be said to never change in a person's life?
Think about it, even you can't guarantee that you will never change, let alone others and other things, it's good to be pessimistic, don't hold unrealistic hopes, so that you can not be disappointed and have a normal mind.

Because of this, Zhou Yun and Wen Xi can truly enjoy the warmth and happiness brought to her by this friendship every time they meet.

Because there is no possessiveness, there is unexpected warmth and surprise.

"I met He Wenyun not long ago." Wen Xi said suddenly, "She really came out of nowhere. She debuted in a movie directed by Spielberg, and she will star in the blockbuster "Chinese Warrior". In Europe and the United States, she has attracted much attention, and I just took a magazine cover with her in France last month."

Wen Xi's eyes fell on Zhou Yun. These words were obviously a test of Zhou Yun's attitude.

What is Zhou Yun's attitude towards He Wenyun?

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I have worked with her before, and she is a very straightforward person."

Regarding He Wenyun, Zhou Yun couldn't say it was good or bad. He had a certain sense of crisis, but he didn't go to the point of going online.

Hearing what Zhou Yun said, Wen Xi understood Zhou Yun's attitude.

"How is your relationship with Xue Qin?" Wen Xi asked suddenly.

This question sounds a bit strange.

Zhou Yun has already collaborated with Xue Qin on two films, especially when "Words of Fallen Leaves" stopped filming in the middle, Zhou Yun supported Xue Qin's filming of "Behind the Scenes", and this story was also brought up during the promotion period I don't know how many times, Wen Xi should know.Now that you know, why would you ask such a question?
Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, I admire her a lot, I think she should have the same attitude towards me."

Wen Xi asked: "Then do you know that Xue Qin is preparing for her third movie?"

Zhou Yun shook his head.

She has not heard the news.

Wen Xi: "I also heard about it by chance when I was attending a reception. I heard that Pai Mengqi had taken a fancy to a script and bought it for himself. He wanted Xue Qin to direct it and He Wenyun to star in it."

"Really?" Zhou Yun said after deliberation, "It's the first time I've heard this news."

"Actually, a hot director like Xue Qin must have many projects staring at her, and the news I heard may not have entered the stage of actual development." Wen Xi spread his hands and smiled, "Your film and television The news in circles is false and true, so I just listen to it."

"It's news, it's always good to know more." Zhou Yun smiled, "But I heard that Xue Qin is going to direct a foreign language film, why did he find He Wenyun to act? Is it still a Chinese film?"

"It's probably an English film, but it probably tells a story about an Asian person." Wen Xi said, "As you know, there have been several movies and dramas with Asian protagonists that have become very popular in recent years, and now many companies are We have started to create film and television dramas with Asians as the main characters, especially many streaming media companies, and they cooperate frequently with South Korea."

"Korean dramas are greatly influenced by American dramas, and the themes and rhythm of the stories are closer to American dramas. Of course, the Korean film and television industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and many themes can be filmed." Zhou Yun sighed, " But you know, we don't have that much freedom."

Wen Xi: "That's right, the cooperation model between American streaming media and the Korean film and television industry has achieved a lot of success. I guess there should be a lot of people who are eyeing our domestic people, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

In the past year, there has been a lot of movement in the production companies in the United States, looking for cooperation with directors, actors, and screenwriters.

Zhou Yun himself has received quite a few invitations.

"Now any streaming media hopes to be able to take over our big domestic market, but it is very difficult. We can only seek cooperation with domestic platforms." Zhou Yun said, "Like this time "Deep Sea" is Yue Hai and Pai Mengqi. In fact, our domestic dramas can be launched simultaneously with foreign dramas, but it is difficult for foreign dramas to be simultaneously launched in China. Once the timing of simultaneous broadcast is missed, the current environment where piracy is everywhere , and later on, the benefits will be greatly reduced."

"Yes." Wen Xi nodded and smiled, "However, Xiaoyun, no matter what, you are now one of the most successful actresses in our country and internationally. When I was working abroad, I often heard They talk about their favorite stars and film and television dramas. It is difficult to hear the film and television dramas and actors in our own country, but great changes have taken place in the past year. More and more people know you and know you. You may not be able to I felt so proud at that moment.”

"Sister Wenxi, many girls in our country are also proud to see you, including me." Zhou Yun said, "You are a national model representing our country. In the world's top fashion events, there is one who represents our country A model with a girl's face, it's amazing, when I was studying, many girls around me regarded you as their idol."

"Really? Your college classmates are all concerned about the fashion circle?" Wen Xi was a little surprised.

Zhou Yun: "Believe me, they pay more attention to the fashion circle than to the film and television circle."

Wen Xi laughed, "Don't be so serious, I'm just a little surprised. To be honest, our model industry looks glamorous, but usually fans, star chasers, etc. basically don't happen to us. "

"Sister Wenxi, that's because people who like you are relatively rational. I still remember that everyone paid attention to you at that time, and they all felt that your fashion attitude, style of dressing and some things you expressed made us feel very happy. Cool, you are the kind of person we want to be.” Zhou Yun said, “Actually, you are right, I think my classmates treat you less like a fan facing an idol, and more like a kind of appreciation. They are all very proud, it is difficult to truly appreciate someone, at least those celebrities in the entertainment industry who are crazily chased after stars, basically cannot impress them."

Wen Xi said, "I actually went to University A once."

"I know." Zhou Yun nodded, "I was there when you went to University A."

Wen Xi's eyes widened in surprise, unbelievable, and asked, "Are you there?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun smiled, "You also gave a speech about your experience of interviewing abroad. You said that during the interview, an uncertain result is the most disturbing thing for you. Eight out of ten out of ten times you will eventually face failure. You recognize one truth in this failure after failure. Even if you have been hit so many times, you still have not lost the idea that you are a good model, so you No matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, you will remember your self-confidence and unwillingness to admit defeat at this time. You encourage us to find areas that will not be hit and given up by others in our future life choices, even if others deny you [-] times, but as long as you are always full of confidence, do not hesitate, do not question yourself, you will be able to find an opportunity for success."

Wen Xi showed a startled expression.

"Xiao Yun, you remember it so clearly?" Wen Xi covered his mouth with both hands, as if he was really shocked.

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Your speech at that time left a deep impression on me." Zhou Yun said, "I feel very embarrassed when I say it. In fact, before that day, I always felt that models generally don't have much depth of thinking. I At that time, there was some prejudice against the industry.”

Wen Xi smiled.

"I'm used to it." She said, "Actually, being a model doesn't require you to have such profound thoughts. I have to admit this. When entering this industry, people will only look at your appearance and physical condition."

"Yes, but all the top models have charisma that cannot be replaced by others." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't realize the difference until later."

There is one thing to say, the competition and discord in the modeling industry is not uncommon in the actor industry.

Most of them are secretly attacking and stabbing in the back.

Wen Xi wanted to single-handedly go abroad from this circle, and make her own reputation in the world by herself. I also wanted to know how many injuries and losses she had suffered in the back.

No one can go all the way to the top.

But Wen Xi has almost no scandals - along the way, she is very low-key in front of the media, unlike some models, there are many dramas and cliques, and the news is hyped every day, which makes people feel bored after watching for a long time.

Wen Xi really doesn't gossip about him, and his personal life is well protected, and he is hardly prying.

For so many years, she was either on the runway, or in the shooting material, and occasionally appeared on a show with very little exposure.

Zhou Yun felt that it was because of her attitude that she was liked and appreciated by many people subtly.

It's not that I appreciate her aloofness from the world, but that she focuses on her own job and never engages in some fancy tricks.

Zhou Yun has seen Wen Xi's catwalk show. She is ever-changing on the runway. She can be expressionless and dignified like an ancient Greek sculpture, or she can be swaying and swaying in various styles to make people's eyes flutter.

Every time Zhou Yun watches Wen Xi's catwalk show, he feels deeply that Wen Xi is so beautiful on the runway, so beautiful that he has a kind of dominance.

After the two of them had dinner, Wen Xi took the lead to pay the bill, and said, "I finally got the chance to treat you to dinner, and I'll just pretend that I thank you for talking to me so much before, and let me get back together with him."

Wen Xi smiled brightly.

Zhou Yun put his hands in his trouser pockets and said, "Wen Xi, you look so beautiful when you smile, I'm so jealous."

Wen Xi smiled even brighter.

The two did not make any other appointments.

Both have jobs tomorrow.

It's just that the two of them didn't expect that both of them work on filming, and they bumped into each other in the afternoon.

Zhou Yun wanted to shoot an advertisement for a watch. This watch brand is an Italian brand with hundreds of years of history and is very famous.

Wen Xi is going to shoot a set of magazine blockbusters.

The shooting locations of the two people were less than ten meters apart.

The person in charge of this Italian brand who came to the scene was the grandson of the owner of the brand. He was handsome and had a sunny and warm smile, talking and laughing with everyone.

During the shooting interval, Zhou Yun and Wen Xi sat together in a street coffee shop drinking coffee and resting.

The handsome heir took a photo of the two of them and said: "Two beautiful Chinese goddesses."

Zhou Yun and Wen Xi looked at this photo together, and they were a little surprised.

really beautiful.

In his camera, the two of them hold their cups at the same time, and while drinking coffee, they look at each other, and their eyes melt in the sunlight, showing the comfort of real friends.

"Send it to me, I want to post on Weibo." Zhou Yun said, "This photo is amazing!"

He nodded very readily and sent the photo to Zhou Yun's mailbox.

At this moment, Wen Xi was about to leave.

"Goodbye, Xiao Yun, see you later." Wen Xi rushed to the next shooting location, so he gave Zhou Yunfei a kiss and left.

Zhou Yun blew her a kiss back.

Turning his head, the handsome heir blinked his eyes curiously, looked at her, and asked, "Are you two... a couple?"

Zhou Yun explained dumbfoundingly: "No, we are just good friends."

He breathed a sigh of relief, blinked again, and asked, "Then can you give me a chance to pursue you?"

Zhou Yun opened his eyes wide in surprise, and quickly said, "No, I already have a boyfriend."

Looking at his unwilling expression, she added: "And, we're getting married soon!"

Even though she felt that he just asked casually and didn't pay attention, she was still a little inexplicably embarrassed to shoot an advertisement and even meet someone else confessing his love.

But fortunately, the person behind didn't say anything personal to her, which made Zhou Yun heave a sigh of relief.

After filming this commercial, when Zhou Yun was about to go back to the hotel, night had already fallen.

Zheng Xiaoju said to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, Shi Luoqi is waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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