Chapter 652 Activities
Shi Luoqi has been very busy recently, almost the busiest time since he started working.

The PR of "Behind the Scenes" has entered the most intense stage.

"Words of Fallen Leaves" has a good reputation at the Independent Film Festival, and it is currently negotiating with various companies to determine the next distributor.

There is a new film that is about to start, and she has to communicate with various people such as the production company, director, actors, and Fu Huadao photography.

Even so, Shi Luoqi still took time out that night to come to the hotel to meet Zhou Yun.

As soon as they met, Shi Luoqi gave her a gift, which was a pair of earrings.

She said: "I saw this at a market in Greece a month ago. I thought it would suit you very well, so I bought it. I just have the opportunity to give it to you today."

Zhou Yun accepted the gift and said, "Thank you sister Luo Qi, I didn't even prepare a gift for you."

"It's okay, why don't I give you a gift and you want to return one immediately." Shi Luoqi said, "I also bought it because I thought you looked good in it. You shot an advertisement for a day today?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "Sister Lan helped me accept a new endorsement."

Shirou Qi said: "It's good, it's Roger, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

Shi Luoqi: "If I remember correctly, this is the second time Rogge has used us Asians as global spokespersons. Their previous spokespersons were basically European and American stars, and the last one was the Cannes actress from South Korea."

"The main reason is that the Asian market is huge now, and they will definitely use more and more Asian stars in the future."

In fact, no matter whether it is the film and television industry or luxury brands, they are now paying more and more attention to the Asian market.

Zhou Yun understands why he is valued by these brands.

Unless her influence really spreads all over the world and has international influence, otherwise, at her current stage, all the brands that give her the title of global spokesperson are aimed at the Asian market instead of global spokespersons. Zhou Yun's identity is uncertain.

Zhou Lan is now sure that among the younger generation, no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhou Yun, so that there is no competing product for the spokesperson, and the brand can't lower the price, so the brand came to knock on Zhou Yun as the spokesperson, OK, ordinary Title It is not acceptable, and the endorsement fee is low.Now Zhou Lan basically does not accept Zhou Yun's fast-selling endorsement. It is not worthy of Zhou Yun's worth. Only those who have been cooperating with him before. If the brand's audience evaluates well, Zhou Lan will renew the contract after discussing with Zhou Yun.

Now the number of endorsements on Zhou Yun is basically maintained at around twenty.

This is the number that Zhou Lan suppressed when he intentionally controlled the number.

The main reason is that Zhou Yun has almost no rivals who can compete with her in the Chinese market, and the markets of South Korea and Japan are far less than China's market potential.

Therefore, when many big European and American brands want to explore the Asian market, when they think of hiring an Asian star as their spokesperson, the first thing that comes to mind is Zhou Yun.

After Zhou Yun was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, this trend became even stronger.

Many brands are now optimistic about Zhou Yun's future development, especially the upcoming big production "Killing Song". Once this movie achieves a high box office around the world, Zhou Yun's popularity and influence will grow explosively.

All in all, due to various special reasons, Zhou Yun has not yet achieved real international popularity and influence, but in terms of many remunerations, in order to win Zhou Yun, other brands have to give more than Zhou Yun can get in this position. conditions of.

Zhou Yun invited Shi Luoqi to his room.

There was also wine in her room that the hotel gave her.

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Luo Qi, do you want to have a drink together?"

Shi Luoqi nodded, smiled and said yes.

Zhou Yun opened the wine bottle, took out two glasses, and poured them into the glasses.

Shi Luoqi asked: "Did "Chen Yin" finish successfully?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "It was completed smoothly, and there were some twists and turns in the middle, but it was finally completed."

"It's good if it can be completed, twists and turns are inevitable." Shi Luoqi joked, "I'm making a movie now, if something doesn't happen in the process, I don't feel at ease, I always feel that there are bigger pits waiting behind I."

"Then when we were filming "Words of Fallen Leaves", Luo Zhiheng was injured suddenly, which caused our filming to stop. Sister Luo Qi, were you anxious at that time?"

"Worry, how can I not be in a hurry." Shi Luoqi smiled, "It's just that my thinking mode has already become that if there is a problem, I will try my best to solve the problem. , I can't stop."

Zhou Yun said: "Thinking back on that time now, I feel very dreamy. I can't figure out why I was so crazy at that time, and I was bewitched by Xue Qin, and promised to shoot "Behind the Scenes."

"The final result is good." Shi Luoqi said.

"Yes, the final result was good, but I didn't know it at the time." Zhou Yun said, "Who dared to think that a movie that was written and shot would win a big prize in the end."

Shi Luoqi said with emotion: "In this industry, my biggest feeling is that I must find truly talented people to cooperate with. People with this creative ability, no matter how badly they shoot, the things they shoot are better than that. People who have worked hard and pondered for a long time will take good-looking photos."

Zhou Yun nodded in agreement.

This is indeed a very cruel industry. Whether you can afford this bowl of rice depends on whether God will give you this bowl of rice.

Shi Luoqi said: "Are you already full this year?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Almost."

Shi Luoqi said: "After "Killing Song" is released, your career will go further."

Zhou Yun: "It will be at least two or three years later."

"Don't worry, you are still so young." Shi Luoqi said, "When many people like you have the ability to go to the international stage, they have already missed the period when they can get the most opportunities."

This industry will always give young people the most opportunities.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm already content."

"Pai Mengqi came to Xue Qin and me. They have a project in their hands and they want to ask us to do it." Shi Luoqi said.

Zhou Yun heard about this from Wen Xi, so she is no longer surprised to hear it from Shi Luoqi.

Shi Luoqi paid attention to Zhou Yun's expression, seeing that Zhou Yun didn't show too much surprise, he asked, "Have you heard the news before?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I've heard others mention it."

Shi Luoqi smiled, "That's right, this kind of news can't always be kept secret, but there is one thing, instead of waiting for you to see it from other places, I want to tell you first, so as to avoid misunderstanding."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun had already guessed what Shi Luoqi wanted to say.

Shi Luoqi said: "Paimonchi has already decided on the heroine, and they want He Wenyun to play it."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Very good. He Wenyun has been cooperating with Pai Mengqi a lot. It's normal for them to choose He Wenyun."

Shi Luoqi: "Actually, I still want to cooperate with you selfishly. I filmed two movies with you. I really appreciate you."

"Thank you, Sister Luo Qi." Zhou Yun understood why Shi Luoqi said these things to her, the main reason was that Zhou Yun was not feeling well.

In fact, Shi Luoqi's willingness to make such an attitude has already satisfied Zhou Yun.

There is no reason in this world to say that after Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin have collaborated with Zhou Yun in two successful films, they must continue to cooperate in the third one.

Shi Luoqi was concerned about her mood, and explained to her specifically that he already took Zhou Yun to heart.

Thinking of Shi Luoqi's love, Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Actually, this is pretty good. Different collaborators will create different sparks. Sister Luo Qi, I understand."

Shi Luoqi smiled in relief.

"I know you have always been a very open-minded person, but I think I should tell you this in person. I don't want to be fueled by the media and other people and say some sowing words." Shi Luoqi said, "We will definitely There are other opportunities for cooperation.”

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

After sending Shi Luoqi away, Zhou Yun closed the door and went to remove his makeup.

I suddenly felt a little lost when I was alone.

After removing her makeup and washing, she lay down on the bed, not allowing herself to be immersed in the sudden sense of loss.

Zhou Yun knew what she was losing, but she rationally believed that she shouldn't be lost, so she didn't want to be immersed in this emotion for a long time.

She decided to read the script for a while.

Zhou Lan recently selected two movie scripts for her, both of which were sent by other film production companies, and were selected by the team who reviewed the scripts.

Both scripts are independently written by well-known screenwriters.

The first script is about the life of an ancient oiran. It is a biographical film adapted from real people in history.

Zhou Yun had actually read the script on the plane before.

Her mood is actually a bit tangled. This script is a bit tasteless and a pity to discard.

The script itself is well-written, and the fate of the characters is indeed tortuous and bizarre. It is a very attractive character for the performance.

But Zhou Yun felt that the story of this script was a bit too vulgar, or in other words, the screenwriter didn't write it deep enough, and didn't write any new ideas in it. It was a script between seventy and eighty.

The second script tells a modern story, a story of a poor woman who finally saves her life through her own efforts.

She had read half of the script before, but didn't finish it, mainly because she was not very attracted.

The opinion of the evaluation is that this script story is also adapted from a real character, but a lot of artistic treatment has been done. The key is that this story is very in line with the audience's preferences in the film market in recent years.

If it was given to an unknown actor to act, this story would not be enough to attract everyone into the cinema, but if Zhou Yun is willing to act, with such a story type and touching and inspirational story, the box office is estimated to be more than one billion.

Zhou Yun was not particularly satisfied with these two scripts.

Speaking of which, I'm still becoming picky now.

She even felt that these two characters were not as attractive to her as the shampoo girl in "Warm Little Pony".

But there is one thing to say, these two scripts are indeed written well, and the degree of completion is very high. If there is a reliable director to direct, and a reliable team, in fact, two pretty good movies can be produced. .

It's just that these two movies don't have much appeal to Zhou Yun.

These two films can't help Zhou Yun. On the contrary, if Zhou Yun doesn't act in these two scripts, it will be very difficult for the producers to give the green light.

Because of this kind of biographical story, if you don't find a particularly suitable actor who has box office appeal, the box office will not sell well.

Zhou Yun thought for a long time, and sent a message to Zhou Lan, saying that these two scripts should be forgotten and not accepted.

Zhou Lan replied immediately: Then what do you think of these two scripts for Xiao Jing?
Zhou Yun thought about it seriously, and said: If Xiao Jing acts, no matter what her performance is later, this acting opportunity will definitely improve her a lot.

Zhou Lan: I think so too. Xiao Jing has never acted in this kind of biographical film. I'll see if I can help her win it.

Strictly speaking, Wang Jing still can't afford this kind of heroine movie.

Zhou Yun guessed that the film company may not believe in Wang Jing's ability to carry the box office.

It's not a group portrait show. If it was a group portrait show, the pressure on the film company to use Wang Jing would be much less. Wang Jing would not be responsible for carrying the box office. Best Newcomer.

Because he slept late, Zhou Yun didn't wake up until ten o'clock the next morning.

Fortunately, there is no work in the morning.

In the afternoon, prepare to attend the audience meeting of "Deep Sea" organized by Pai Munch.

Zhou Yun has always been a little curious, how many viewers in the United States will come to the meet and greet for such a Chinese drama that is launched on streaming media.

As a result, when we arrived at the scene, there were quite a lot of people.

She met He Wenyun backstage and hugged.

"Long time no see." He Wenyun laughed and said, "I haven't congratulated you in person yet, you have been nominated for a Golden Globe Award!"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Thank you."

After the two played, they both won applause and cheers from the audience.

The audience present obviously knew both of them.

During the recent period, Zhou Yun and He Wenyun have indeed been exposed a lot in the United States.

Zhou Yun is nominated for the Golden Globe Award, plus the two films "Behind the Scene" and "Days". He Wenyun is because of the release of the film directed by Spielberg. She participated in many activities with the crew , and because several blockbuster productions of Monkey have been officially announced one after another, they have been widely exposed in the media and have attracted the attention of many people.

The activities of this audience meeting are very simple. First, a few people sit on the stage for Q&A exchanges, and the audience asks questions, and then they watch some clips and clips of "Deep Sea". Zhou Yun and He Wenyun will share with you some behind-the-scenes scenes story.

The whole event went smoothly without any embarrassing moments. After Zhou Yun and the others took a group photo with the audience, the event ended.

Zhou Yun posted the group photo on several of his social media, and also @何文云.

He Wenyun also immediately forwarded and compared several hearts.
I wrote it in a hurry, if there is a bug, please help me catch it.

(End of this chapter)

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