I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 653 Behind the Scenes

Chapter 653 Behind the Scenes
Zhou Yun participated in the audience meeting of "Deep Sea" in the United States, and Yue Hai also sent news information about this event.

Now "Deep Sea" is broadcasting very well, not to mention that the broadcast volume of the first three episodes has exceeded [-] million. According to the background data, the number of effective viewers of the three episodes has exceeded [-] million.

If this momentum continues, this drama will definitely be a proper hit.

In China, Zhou Yun's fans are very proud of seeing Zhou Yun's popularity abroad, with a career fan mentality.

There is really such a phenomenon in the domestic entertainment industry.For any artist with good business ability, there are relatively more career fans or people with a "career fan" mentality in the fan group.

Everyone is happy to see Zhou Yun popular all over the world.

This gave many of them a sense of pride.

The entry of #周云在美国多红# is also on the hot search.

After Zhou Lan noticed it, he was so frightened that he quickly contacted various platforms to lower the popularity of this hot search.

Compared with other artists in China, Zhou Yun is indeed a bit more popular in the United States, at least not in the state of finding out about this person.

But if you want to talk about how red you are, you don't have the big face to put gold on your face like this.

Now that Zhou Yun can steadily open up the international market, Zhou Lan doesn't want Zhou Yun to be killed suddenly.

Ask again, come on, it turns out that Yue Hai bought this trending topic for Zhou Yun.

Zhou Lan hurriedly contacted Yue Hai's senior management to reach an agreement on Zhou Yun's future promotional content - all publicity and marketing related to Zhou Yun had to be passed by Zhou Yun's team first.

Yue Hai's people certainly have resentment in their hearts.

Speaking of it, it's really a joke.They made a drama announcement and bought a hot search for Zhou Yun. They spent real money. Before it stayed on the hot search list for a long time, Zhou Lan hurriedly withdrew the hot search. Being roasted on the fire, such propaganda is unnecessary.In addition, Zhou Lan also strongly demanded that Yue Hai should not make his own claim to promote Zhou Yun in the future, as if he didn't believe Yue Hai at all.

If there was a way, Yue Hai would have banned Zhou Yun long ago.

This kind of actor who has many things and doesn't cooperate, Yue Hai's family has a big career, why bother?

Yue Hai had no choice.

Not to mention that the performance of "Deep Sea" is so good that it has already broken Yue Hai's several records. It is also impossible for Yue Hai to "not communicate" with Zhou Yun like before.

Those advertisers are now buying Zhou Yun's account.

If you, Yue Hai, don't have Zhou Yun's drama, advertisers will be less interested in it.

If it wasn't like this, Liu Ziyan would not have brought "Flower City" to Zhou Yun to talk about future cooperation.

Therefore, Yue Hai could only agree to Zhou Lan's request in the end.

But "The Deep" faces a tough fight next week.

Wei Ruxue's "Walking with the Phoenix" will be broadcast, and it will be broadcast simultaneously on Taiwan and the Internet, with updates every day. On the other hand, "Xian Yu Jue" will also premiere next Friday.

Everyone is guessing that these three major dramas are squeezed into the same schedule, and it is not known which one will win the top spot.

In the field of TV dramas, Wei Ruxue is still more famous than Zhou Yun.

Wei Ruxue's ratings of several TV series have broken 1 in succession, and the results are particularly good. No matter what themes are, they are very popular. There are often platforms that give her the title of "Queen of TV Series" when promoting her new TV series.

Zhou Yun has not met Wei Ruxue for a long time, and has not dealt with Wei Ruxue for a long time.

But this time the two suddenly collided in their new dramas, and they were destined to have a battle.

Wei Ruxue was asked when she attended an event: "Ru Xue, your new drama "Walking with the Phoenix" will be broadcast soon, and now "Deep Sea" has such a good score, you are confident to surpass " "Deep Sea"?"

People made it clear that they wanted to make trouble with this question, but Wei Ruxue didn't change the subject.

She has always been proud in her own field and has never been afraid of opponents.

She said directly: "Walking with the Phoenix is ​​not comparable to "Deep Sea". One is a TV network broadcast, and the other is a pure online drama. They are not in the same dimension. How to compare? Compared with the ratings or what?"

Wei Ruxue's remarks were ridiculed by many people as arrogance of looking down on online dramas.

This actually made many netizens feel uncomfortable.

Nowadays, there are a lot of people who like to watch online dramas. Moreover, due to the increasing difficulty of being broadcast on stars, many dramas end up going directly to the route of online exclusive broadcasting to stars.

Not to mention, the quality of many online dramas is now even higher than that of TV dramas. Some viewers have long said that the quality of these TV dramas broadcast on TV dramas now seems to have not improved at all compared with ten years ago.

But no matter how many people ridiculed Wei Ruxue, Wei Ruxue did not stand up and deny that she had such intentions.

Zhou Yun was also surprised when he saw such a big movement on the Internet in the United States.

It's been a long time since she met Wei Ruxue. She never thought that she would have something to do with Wei Ruxue when she was abroad.

Fans of Wei Ruxue have emphasized in many places that "Walking with the Phoenix" is broadcast simultaneously on Taiwan and the Internet, and its positioning is not the same as "Deep Sea". more noble.

Zhou Yun's fans were so angry that they choked on Wei Ruxue's fans.

Zhou Lan asked people to communicate with the fans in the fan support club, so that everyone would not fall into such meaningless quarrels, and at the same time complained angrily: "What age is it, and you still treat Shangxing as a treasure."

The person sitting with her is He Yong.

He Yong, who now firmly sits at the top of Chengqian Entertainment, smiled and said: "She made her fortune from TV dramas, and later she continued to film TV dramas with outstanding achievements. It is normal to emphasize that she is filming TV dramas instead of online dramas."

Zhou Lan sighed, a little helpless, and said: "You were the one who dug her out and put her on the throne of the TV show. If it wasn't for you, she would have been able to act in "Cold Cold". If she didn't play "Cold Cold", she would have won it." After seeing? Did you see that she thanked you after she won the award? She was small-minded and arrogant when she was in Chengqian Entertainment, and she is no less than she was then."

Zhou Lan said so, but He Yong was not angry.

He smiled lightly and said, "It's normal for some people to leave the company when they come in. Wei Ruxue has this personality. As an actress, it's hard work for the audience to recognize her face."

"That's what I said, but she can clearly speak with her own strength, but she insists on trolling online dramas. This kind of behavior makes me look down on her."

He Yong said: "What are you so angry about? Anyway, Zhou Yun and Wang Jing have already stepped into the film circle. Wei Ruxue has always wanted to enter this circle, but she has never been able to get good resources. On the chain of contempt, in this industry, movies are more advanced than TV dramas."

"We won't make such contemptuous comparisons." Zhou Lan chuckled, "If an actor needs to prove that he is more capable than an actor in a TV series by acting in a movie, then he has done his best as an actor."

He Yong smiled lightly.

"You have the confidence to say this now."

"Mr. He, don't you think so?" Zhou Lan asked.

He Yong: "I'm just a businessman. I'll see which one can make more money for the company."

When Zhou Lan heard what He Yong said, he was speechless for a while.

He Yong has always been like this, the world is big, it is better to make the most money.

Li Ci, who was at the top at the beginning, has already passed away irresistibly.

Despite this, He Yong did not try to help him transform, or in other words, He Yong tried and found no hope, so he gave up this plan.

But he is still trying his best to let Li Ci help the company make money.

In the past, He Yong did not endorse the fast-moving brands that Li Ci accepted, but now all arrangements are made. Not only that, but Li Ci has also begun to arrange for Li Ci to open a live broadcast room to bring goods.

Li Ci quarreled with He Yong many times. He Yong changed his previous attitude of coaxing the young master, and took the contract to do business, half threatening and half forcing Li Ci to take over these tasks.

These things are spread all over the company.

Today, Li Ci's revenue is only below Zhou Yun's, and his earning power seems to have returned to the level of two years ago, but everyone knows that this is the last ray of light in the dying days.

Zhou Lan watched from the sidelines, feeling that He Yong was cruel.

Li Ci was excavated by He Yong himself, and it was also He Yong who personally promoted him to the top position.

However, when He Yong gave up on him, he also gave up when he said he gave up, without showing any affection.

Zhou Lan couldn't help thinking, if Zhou Yun inevitably passed away one day, what would He Yong's attitude be?
However, that day is gone.

The trophies Zhou Yun won for the actresses are enough for her to retire.

Zhou Lan thought of Wang Jing and Yu Chu, Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting.

The artists she brought are all on the rise now, and she knows very well that if these next few people do not have special opportunities, they will basically not be able to reach Zhou Yun's height.

If five or ten years, they are still tepid and not popular, will she persist?
Even if she wanted to persevere, would Cheng Qian Entertainment allow her to persevere?

Now the contracts of these artists are still under Chengqian Entertainment.

Zhou Lan thought that the few of them might encounter all these things like Li Ci in the future, and she became more anxious and urgent, and she still wanted to make the studio bigger, stronger, and more independent.

She doesn't have too much ambition, she only hopes to advance to attack and retreat to defend.

Just like what she promised Huang Zicheng, even if he won't be popular in the future, she promises to have him eat.

Zhou Lan thought that when he signed Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, both of them were completely amateurs and had nothing to do with the entertainment industry.

Because they trusted her, they put their first career in her hands.

At this golden and youthful age, it is also their most likely age.

Zhou Lan didn't want them to repeat Li Ci's fate one day.

This time "Deep Sea" was broadcast, Zhou Lan arranged a very detailed publicity plan for Yu Chu, and made up his mind to increase Yu Chu's popularity by an order of magnitude during the broadcast period.

At this time, the role of channels is particularly prominent.

Almost all the big media, big magazines, self-media with more than [-] million fans, Zhou Lan took the initiative to make an interview cooperation plan to chat with each other one by one.

There was no need for any payment from the other party. The other party could take advantage of the popularity of the "Deep Sea" drama, and Yu Chu could use their communication channels to let more people know her.

It's just that Yu Chu is pregnant, so many popular variety shows that require strenuous exercise are not allowed to appear.

However, Zhou Lan didn't ask Yu Chu not to record these shows because of this.

She carefully selected several programs, and went to discuss the details of the recording with the producer, so that Yu Chu could sit or stand safely to record the program.

At this time, you need to brush your face frequently, but not so annoying.

Therefore, Zhou Lan did not assign or label Yu Chu as a designer.

She told Yu Chu: "You have a very good personality, neither squeamish nor hypocritical, and you have not offended the audience. You just need to remember one thing, don't make people feel noisy, and don't make people feel that you can't let go. It’s fine if it’s square, and it’s fine as a beautiful vase.”

Zhou Lan didn't intend to let Yu Chu add some special memory points through these variety shows, she just wanted Yu Chu to cooperate with the broadcast of the show during this period and maintain a large exposure.

Then, it's a matter of promoting the team.

To Zhou Lan's disappointment, Yu Chu's role in the play has not yet had a hot spot that particularly resonates with the audience.

Otherwise, using the character's popularity to boost Yu Chu's popularity and audience favorability would be more effective.

How should this situation be described?
For example, character A is very popular with the audience, and can be actively mentioned by the audience on social platforms, and even some of the clips hit the public's emotional points, which can be transformed into a meme that resonates with the public.Character B has a distinctive personality. Half of the audience hates this character very much. They feel that this character is crazy and has obvious personality flaws. The other half of the audience like this character very much.Character C, the overall character is very good, everyone will not feel disgusted when watching the drama, and many times they will think this character is very good, but after watching it, if they are not asked, they generally will not take the initiative to think of this character , that is to say, this feeling does not leave any particularly strong emotional points.

Yu Chu's role in "Deep Sea" is currently a bit like character C. Everyone generally commented that Yu Chu played a good role in it and was very fond of it, but it was far behind He Wenyun in terms of discussion and diehard fans. Character B, who only appeared for less than [-] minutes in the first three episodes of the drama, was scolded by some, loved by others, especially loved by those who loved it, and was fed back to He Wenyun. This role has transformed many fans for He Wenyun.

Although Zhou Lan was disappointed, there were still so many episodes to come. Yu Chu acted very well in the whole drama, and it was still unknown whether he could win the hearts of the audience in the future.

She continued to steadily implement the publicity plan she had designed for Yu Chu.

After meeting He Yong at the company, she went to the airport again.

She made an appointment with someone to talk about a movie at BJ tomorrow, and she wanted Wang Jing to act.

But there are many competitors for this movie, and Zhou Lan doesn't know what to do.


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(End of this chapter)

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