I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 654 News of "Chinese Warriors"

Chapter 654 News of "Chinese Warriors"
The number of viewers of "Deep Sea" on the Pimchi streaming media platform is not bad, and the average number of viewers per episode has exceeded 150 million.

This number of viewers is a very beautiful number for a non-English drama.

Of course, compared with the most popular drama series on this platform, this number is still too pitiful, but Zhou Yun himself is very satisfied.

Even Paimochi's streaming media platform posted a congratulatory poster.

Almost all media related to film, television and entertainment in the United States wanted to contact Zhou Yun, interview her, or invite her to appear on the show.

At this time, a very embarrassing situation actually occurred.

If everyone wants to find Zhou Yun, they can only relay it through acquaintances. Apart from this, there is no public-to-public channel.Especially for some important events such as award ceremonies, the organizers contacted Zhou Yun through Pai Mengqi or Shi Luoqi.

Zhou Yun did not sign an overseas brokerage contract, so many people in the American media did not know how to find Zhou Yun.

Zheng Xiaoju was the first to realize this situation.

In fact, Zhou Lan said before that since Zhou Yun will definitely take the international route in the future, he must arrange a lot of supporting facilities.

But because Zhou Lan was too busy with work, he couldn't arrange it.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, given your current situation, I think it would be more convenient for you to sign some of the brokerage contracts overseas."

At least, let everyone find Zhou Yun's channel to unblock it.

Unless Zhou Yun doesn't intend to open up the European and American markets in the future, then it's inconvenient, anyway, it's only temporary.

Zheng Xiaoju gave Zhou Yun a reminder.

This is indeed the case, especially since she will come to the United States to film at the end of the year. After the English film "Killing Song" is released, there will be more international activities.

Chengqian Entertainment is no longer able to provide corresponding brokerage services.

Zhou Lan is also powerless, she has too many things to take care of, and he can't even worry about detailed and specific things like job connection.

Need to find an overseas brokerage agency.

Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan and told her about it.

Zhou Lan also had the same intention and said, "I just wanted to discuss with you. Now that there are more and more overseas businesses, you need a professional manager to help you take care of your overseas work. This person must be familiar with the American film and television industry. , more familiar with the entertainment industry, do you have a favorite company?"

Zhou Yun said, "I don't know any company here."

Zhou Lan said: "Actually, after you were nominated for the Golden Globe Awards, several established brokerage companies approached me, wanting to represent you in Europe and America."

"is it?"

"Because I'm still chatting with them and I haven't come up with a particularly satisfactory result, so I haven't told you yet." Zhou Lan said, "I'll come over the day after tomorrow and make an appointment with three of them. I'll talk to them first. Let's meet and negotiate some key terms, and I'll talk to you again."

"it is good."

There is no rush for this kind of thing. I would rather take less work now than find an unreliable company. This is very unreliable.

So at present, all the new work docking here is handed over to Zheng Xiaoju.

The English that Zheng Xiaoju learned before also came in handy.

Zhou Yun's schedule in the United States is quite full, and he has to accept interviews every day and also has filming tasks.

No matter how good Zhou Yun's English is, there is only so much he can say, and he is tired of talking over and over again every day.

It's not good to be an actor in an interview, you always have to say a lot of repetitive things.

Zhou Yun thought about it again, and felt that his life was really lackluster, and there was nothing to tell.

This evening, Zhou Yun was going to attend a business dinner.

Another celebrity-gathering event.

Generally, to participate in this kind of event, there must always be a set of suitable appearance.

Fortunately, Zhou Yun has no shortage of brands willing to lend money.

Even in the US, these brands are generous.

Of course, Zhou Yun mainly used the outfits of the brands he endorsed.

There are a lot of media exposure tonight. If Zhou Yun doesn't perform his duties as a spokesperson properly at this time, when will he perform it?

It's just that after Jin Ling Jewelry borrowed a set of jewelry worth tens of millions from Zhou Yun, because the jewelry was too expensive, Jin Ling Jewelry specially arranged four bodyguards to guard Zhou Yun's side to prevent the jewelry from being lost.

Zhou Yun attended this business dinner alone.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to eat anything after spending the whole afternoon tossing about her styling and clothes, so that after she entered, she smelled the milky aroma of the snacks, and her appetite was immediately aroused.

so hungry.

Zheng Xiaoju followed Zhou Yun's side, seeing Zhou Yun's eyes looking towards the dessert table as soon as he entered the door, he whispered, "Sister Xiaoyun, why don't we go get you something to eat?"

Before coming out, Zheng Xiaoju advised Zhou Yun to eat something to fill his stomach.

It's just that the skirt that Zhou Yun wore today showed off her figure. For the sake of beauty, she resolutely didn't eat a single bite.

Now being tempted by Zheng Xiaoju, Zhou Yun took a deep breath and resolutely defended his determination, "No, I can't eat it, I definitely can't eat it."

"What are you determined not to eat?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind them.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment when he heard this voice, then turned around and saw Wen Xi and her man.

"Wen Xi!" Zhou Yun shouted in surprise, "You are here today too!"

Wen Xi was also dressed brilliantly today. She was a model, and she stood out from the crowd.

She didn't even know that Wen Xi would come tonight.

Wen Xi said: "The brand that organized this dinner today, I am its spokesperson in the Asia-Pacific region, so I also received the invitation."

Zhou Yun nodded.

She glanced at Jiang Yicheng, who was standing beside Wen Xi, who was silent and smiling, and said, "Mr. Jiang, good evening."

Jiang Yicheng called Miss Zhou politely.

sense of proportion.

Zhou Yun took Wen Xi's hand and asked in a low voice: "Wen Xi, you brought your husband to this event today, will it be photographed by many media? If these photos are seen by domestic media and forwarded, everyone can I know about you and him."

Wen Xi said generously: "It's okay, it's okay, we'll just admit it, we've discussed this matter, and we don't think it's necessary to hide it."

Once the model has achieved this level of interest, the love news will not affect her at all.

Originally, she didn't rely on fans for food.

Of course, fans of Wenxi are another matter.

She has a large number of loyal fans in China. When the number of fans reaches a certain level, no brand can ignore this power.

The so-called - the power of money.

Zhou Yun was moved by Wen Xi's open-mindedness, but also appreciated her generous attitude even more.

Anyway, it's always heartwarming to see friends from the same country as me in a mostly blond-haired, blue-eyed setting.

Many people took the initiative to say hello to Zhou Yun and Wen Xi.

The two of them may be the most famous entertainers in the United States in recent years.

Especially Wenxi.

She has worked in the United States for about seven or eight years, and her focus is entirely here.

This is related to the nature of the industry. If you want to reach the top position in the world in the modeling industry, you can only come to Europe and the United States.

To be honest, the development time of China's fashion industry is too short, and it doesn't have influence itself. It doesn't have the ability to promote models. If local models are not gold-plated internationally, they will basically not be recognized by the fashion industry.

Wen Xi knew a lot of people.

Although Zhou Yun wanted to stay with Wen Xi all the time, it was obviously not realistic.Many people came to talk to her, and even more people went to Wen Xi to take a photo.There was no other way, Zhou Yun could only separate from Wen Xi in the end.

This business dinner event is itself a vanity fair.

Not only practitioners in the film and television industry, here, you will meet elites from all walks of life.

Zhou Yun did not expect that he would meet Christina again.

Christina embraced Zhou Yun enthusiastically, which frightened Zhou Yun greatly.

"Hi, Yun!" Christina greeted Zhou Yun in surprise, "We finally met again! You watched your play yesterday, it was great! It was so beautiful!"

Zhou Yun looked at Christina in surprise and said, "Wow, you..."

She looked Christina up and down and said, "How did you lose so much weight?"

Now Christina is not only thin, but even makes Zhou Yun feel a little sick.

If it weren't for the fact that Christina's state was really good, Zhou Yun would have thought that she was doing something illegal.

Christina shook her head and said, "I'm preparing for the role in the next play. I want to play a female prisoner. She must be very thin, unhealthy."

Zhou Yun reacted.

"Is that the "Atonement" you mentioned last time?"

"Yes." Christina seemed to be very happy, she said: "I really love this character, the more I read this script, the more I fell into it, I have never played such an optimistic character who is clearly in a bad situation woman."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I can see from your current appearance that you really love this character."

Christina nodded and said, "For this movie, it's worth offending Gertia."

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "By the way, since Gertia and Elizabeth had a quarrel last time, have the two of them reconciled?"

"How could it be possible to reconcile?" Christina immediately shook her head and said, "These two people probably will never reconcile."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, what Ge Diya did was really serious.Unless one day Elizabeth broke up with Daniel.

fair enough.

Zhou Yun disliked Ge Diya very much, and she was worried that if Elizabeth reconciled with Ge Di Ya, she would have to deal with Ge Di Ya.

"However, Elizabeth has not been very good recently, because she didn't pay attention to what she said before, saying that Gertia was too scheming, and she was scolded by Gertia's fans for a long time." Christina sighed helplessly, and said: "Elizabeth probably It was because she was so angry that she said such things when she was questioned by reporters. Elizabeth had never said anything bad about others directly in front of the media. Anyway, this incident has been going on for a long time, and this kind of thing happened In the future, I guess the two of them will not be able to reconcile even if they want to reconcile."

Zhou Yun didn't even know that this happened.

When she was filming in China, she rarely paid attention to the dynamics of foreign entertainment circles.

Presumably, this incident should have caused quite a stir in the United States, but she hadn't even heard of it.

Zhou Yun said: "Fortunately, you told me about this, I didn't even know about it."

Christina winked at her and said, "I guess you don't know."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, I'm afraid I forgot to tell you." Christina said, "I heard that Gertia seems to be starring in "Chinese Warrior."

"What?" Zhou Yun was taken aback, "Really?"

"I don't know if it's true or not, I've heard it too."

"But, isn't "Chinese Warrior" an all-Chinese cast?" Zhou Yun wondered.

"It seems to be playing a big villain." Christina said, "Although this movie has nothing to do with you, I think I should tell you."

This news cast a dark cloud over Zhou Yun's mood.

Maybe it's because I can't see Gertia.

This is how Zhou Yun analyzed his state of mind.

She knew that no matter what the word-of-mouth of "Chinese Warrior" was, as long as this blockbuster wasn't messed around with, relying on Pimchi's global distribution capabilities, especially China's status as a big box office, the box office results would definitely not be bad.

Although Zhou Yun did not act in "Chinese Warrior", he is still very concerned about such a blockbuster with Chinese themes, and even hopes that it will do well.

However, Zhou Yun couldn't accept that an actor like Ge Diya, who discriminates against Chinese people, should be included in a film with a Chinese cultural background.

Zhou Yun soon saw He Wenyun.

Speaking of which, He Wenyun is present in various events, large and small.

It seems like you run into her wherever you go.

However, He Wenyun is already in the promotion period.

In the Spielberg-directed movie, she played a role that caught a lot of people's eyes.

Not the protagonist, but left a deep impression on everyone.

When Zhou Yun saw He Wenyun, the first thing he did was to ask her about Ge Diya's participation in "Chinese Warrior".

He Wenyun was a little surprised that Zhou Yun would take the initiative to ask about "Chinese Warrior". This movie was between the two of them, and no one seemed to have taken the initiative to mention it.

She said: "I heard that it seems to be the case, but there is no official announcement yet, and I don't know if it will be performed in the end, maybe it's just a discussion between the two parties."

Zhou Yun did not take it lightly.

Since He Wenyun has heard the news, it means that there must be signs of this matter before someone said so.

She said: "But Gertia doesn't like Asians and is racist, do you know that?"

He Wenyun bit her lips lightly, with a hesitant look on her face, she hesitated before saying, "I've heard of it."

Seeing He Wenyun's appearance, Zhou Yun guessed her embarrassment.

If Pai Mengqi wanted Gertia to act in the movie "Chinese Warrior", He Wenyun, as Pai Mengqi's chosen heroine, really couldn't say much.

He Wenyun's ability to star in "Chinese Warrior" is entirely due to Paimonchi's favor for her.

If Pamonchi hadn't been handpicked, who would have thought that such a newcomer would be able to directly act in such a big production?
So Zhou Yun stopped talking and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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