I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 655 The One-Man Show

Chapter 655 The One-Man Show

Everyone has everyone's choice.

Zhou Yun didn't want to influence other people's choices.

Moreover, I am not in the position of others, and no one knows what the person who has to make the choice needs to bear and pay.

However, Zhou Yun knew what choice he would make.

She wouldn't work with someone like Gertia.

Absolutely not.

Zhou Yun also didn't want to see Gertia appear in the movie "Chinese Warrior", even though this movie has nothing to do with her.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, did he manage a little too much?

It's just that she doesn't seem to have the qualifications to manage it.

"Hey, Miss Zhou." Mr. Smith from Vicente Media came over and greeted Zhou Yun.

The last time Zhou Yun met this guy, the CEO of a top media group, he also helped a lot in the promotion of "Behind the Scenes".

Zhou Yun quickly adjusted his mood and smiled, "Mr. Smith, hello."

"You are still so beautiful." Mr. Smith looked at Zhou Yun with a smile on his face and said, "Every time I see you, I feel that you fulfill my imagination of a fairy in Chinese legends."

Smith's "fairy" sound is still Chinese.

Zhou Yun just felt flattered.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith, I am very embarrassed that you praise me like this every time." Zhou Yun smiled.

"You fully deserve such a compliment. The editor-in-chief of Vicente TV Report told me yesterday that your performance of "Deep Sea" is very good-looking and of high quality, and you are planning to do a special report." Smith said, "He said you In this play, I gave a completely different performance from the past, with a very special mysterious temperament."

"Vicent TV Report" is a newspaper under the Vicente Media Group that focuses on film and television dramas. It has a large circulation and influence in the United States.

Zhou Yun was very surprised and said: "Thank you, when I acted in "Deep Sea" myself, I also thought that this drama has a very different temperament from the dramas I have acted in before. Encountered something unanswerable and began to pursue the story of the truth."

Smith said: "Accidents of life?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "When I was reading this script, one of the things that attracted me was that the life that was originally calm was suddenly disrupted, and the train that was originally running on the track suddenly deviated from the track. I am very attracted by the impact of such sudden accidents on life and the impact on our hearts."

Smith nodded and said: "In the past two years, several dramas with the theme of life suspense have come out, which have formed a theme and are quite popular. If the drama "Deep Sea" is broadcast well, it will also help Your popularity around the world becomes bigger."

Zhou Yun said: "But non-English dramas like "Deep Sea" are generally difficult to get a lot of people's likes, right? It was launched on Pimchi Streaming Media, and currently it has only 200 million viewers, but it is already The best ratings for Chinese dramas in the past few years."

Smith said: "But this drama is different from other Chinese dramas. You and He Wenyun are both active actresses in the front line. Even in the United States, many people pay attention to you. This time happens to be yours again. During the promotion period, I think the results of this drama will get better and better, as long as the reputation of the show is still as good as it is now."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised by Smith's words.

As the boss of Vicente Media Group, Smith must have a high vision.

Since he said so, maybe "Deep Sea" can really do well in the United States?

It's just that a drama can be broadcast more lively, not just "the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys", this is no longer that era.

This show has potential, but how much is Pimchi Streaming willing to invest in publicity?
This is the unknown.

Investment is to be rewarded.

And the thing of return, before it actually comes into the pocket, is all a prediction.

Even Zhou Yun, the leading actor, thinks that it is difficult for a Chinese-language drama to become popular in the English-speaking world, let alone a local American company like Paimonchi.

But, as Smith said, The Deep did get some attention over the next few days.

The most important reason is that several celebrities recommended this show on their Twitter.

Among them was Elizabeth.

She said: This is played by my good friend Zhou Yun. I watched the first three episodes in one go. I really want to know the story behind it!

Zhou Yun was surprised.

This time she came to the United States, she has not met Elizabeth, nor has she emailed Elizabeth, but Elizabeth took the initiative to recommend her drama on her Twitter.

Zhou Yun sent an email to Elizabeth: Honey, are you watching "Deep Sea"?

Elizabeth replied quickly: Yes, you are too beautiful in this drama, and you act really well.

Zhou Yun: Thank you. I was shocked when I saw you recommending this drama on Twitter. I didn’t expect you to follow it.

Elizabeth: I've been staying at home recently. I'm bored. I've been watching movies and TV series. I saw the news. Are you in Los Angeles now?

Zhou Yun: Yes, recently several jobs are in Los Angeles.

Elizabeth: I'm in New York, and I wanted to ask you out, but I've been in a bit of trouble recently, and I'll see you again when the storm passes.

Zhou Yun knew that what Elizabeth was talking about was that she was attacked by Gertiya's fans because she scolded her.

Zhou Yun didn't ask Elizabeth why she didn't tell the truth about the matter—obviously, Elizabeth must have her own considerations, so she chose not to tell the truth when the matter was clearly beneficial to her.

She replied: OK, I'll wait for you to ask me out.

Elizabeth: [smiling face].

Zhou Yun actually cherishes this friendship with Elizabeth very much.

Her only two celebrity friends overseas are Christina and Elizabeth.

These two people took the initiative to show their favor, and then they started their friendship.

After Zhou Lan landed in Los Angeles, the first thing he did was to meet those companies that were interested in signing Zhou Yun's overseas agency rights.

By the time she was finally able to see Zhou Yun, it was already her third day in the United States.

These days, "Deep Sea" has ushered in its second week of airing. The fourth to sixth episodes have successfully ignited topics in China, especially the sisterhood between Zhou Yun and Yu Chu in the play, which has aroused huge attention. resonance.

In this play, there is a plot where Zhou Yun’s ex-boyfriend slandered Yu Chu and slept with him before breaking up with Zhou Yun, just to create a gap between Zhou Yun and Yu Chu and destroy them. The joint investigation of the two, from the God's perspective of watching the drama, Zhou Yun believed his ex-boyfriend's words and broke up with Yu Chu. Yu Chu quarreled with Zhou Yun at a dinner party and almost lifted the table, and broke up unhappy. They all thought they had broken up, but when they finally found out that the person who spread rumors in Zhou Yun's name was Zhou Yun's ex-boyfriend, the situation turned around, and everyone knew that the breakup between Zhou Yun and Yu Chu was just for show, and the purpose was to After dispelling Zhou Yun's ex-boyfriend's vigilance, Zhou Yun and Yu Chu went their separate ways and cooperated with each other, only then did they find evidence that Zhou Yun's ex-boyfriend spread rumors in the name of Zhou Yun.

This plot is mainly in the fifth and sixth episodes.

In the words of many viewers, the content of these two episodes is particularly cool. The audience who really thought Zhou Yun was cheated at the end of the two episodes were suddenly relieved.

Especially Yu Chu.

Previously, everyone's attention was mainly focused on Zhou Yun.

But Yu Chu also fully demonstrated her acting skills in these two episodes.

The grievance and tears when being slandered by Zhou Yun's ex-boyfriend, the outburst when arguing with Zhou Yun, and the indifference after breaking up with Zhou Yun, just because of the arrangement of the plot, Yu Chu showed different aspects of her in two short episodes. The ability gave the audience a great shock.

This is the opportunity Zhou Lan was waiting for.

Only when the audience is really shocked can the promotion of Yu Chu's acting skills be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

On the American side, Zhou Yun will appear in a public event almost every now and then.

This period of time is originally the film awards season, and it is also the year-end activities of various media and platforms.

After Zhou Yun was nominated for the Golden Globe Award, her name came into the attention of many parties, and they would send invitations when they knew that she was in the United States.

In line with the idea of ​​"everyone is here", it is good to know more people, and the more exposure, the higher her popularity, which is also conducive to the broadcast of the drama "Deep Sea".

At the same time, "Behind the Scenes" was also re-released in the United States, taking advantage of the popularity of the awards season and reaping some box office.

Zhou Yun and Wang Jing met several times.

In fact, Zhou Lan really wanted to use the exposure during this period of time so that Wang Jing could also get in touch with some Hollywood movies, and he could also play a supporting actress.

But after some contact, I didn't come across a relatively good film project.

Compared to Zhou Yun who already has her own name, Wang Jing still can only follow the "Behind the Scenes" crew and break away from the "Behind the Scenes" crew. No one knows her.

These film and television companies are willing to play some superficial and symbolic roles for Wang Jing.

Zhou Lan has an expectation in mind. Unless it is a big production that can make Wang Jing's face famous all over the world, or a movie with a big director, go and give her a review of her resume, otherwise she still can't take it. Destroy Wang Jing's reputation in China.

Wang Jing is already a movie star in China, but he can only play tricks abroad. This is not the era of the last century. Doing it now will only attract ridicule and irony from everyone.

But not being exposed to good film projects for a while did not dampen Zhou Lan's enthusiasm.

She knew that this kind of thing had to be patient.

Fortunately, Zhou Yun's luck is really good. So far, she has been going smoothly in the United States. From the movie "Days", she was known to a small range of literary and artistic film lovers, to the attack on the hotel Her popularity soared, and then "Behind the Scenes" won the Olympics, her word of mouth fermented, and all the way to the nomination for the Golden Globe Award, she has already walked a path that Chinese actresses have never walked.

The Golden Globe nomination is a very good start for Zhou Yun.

Without this nomination, those internationally renowned brokerage companies would not take the initiative to negotiate with Zhou Lan for overseas brokerage rights.

As for Zhou Yun's exposure during this period, compared to "Behind the Scenes", "Deep Sea" received more feedback.

The Deep Sea is getting a lot of buzz on Twitter.

Everyone shared their feelings about watching "The Deep" on Twitter.

So far, the number of viewers of "Deep Sea" is not too much, and it will exceed 300 million, which is not outstanding from the perspective of the entire streaming media platform.

However, there are many people discussing this drama, and its reputation is also very good, and it is slowly fermenting.

Several well-known film and drama critics gave favorable comments to this play, especially the performances of Zhou Yun, Yu Chu and He Wenyun.

Stuart Patrice, Paimage's executive in charge of TV production, has been keeping an eye on the show's developments.

The reason why I am paying attention is because Paimonche will cooperate with He Wenyun in a drama series next time.

Stuart Patrice is an executive who is very optimistic about He Wenyun's future stardom, so he appointed He Wenyun.

Although Zhou Yun was more famous, Stuart Patrice didn't know Zhou Yun well, he was more familiar with He Wenyun.

Seeing that He Wenyun has received good reviews from several famous film and drama critics, Stuart Patrice felt proud.

This feeling is like the pride that someone else finds the preciousness of a gem that I unearthed.

However, he was also a little surprised that these people had such a high opinion of the actress named Zhou Yun.

This made him who hadn't watched "Deep Sea" nor "Behind the Scenes" and "Days" couldn't help being curious about this actress named Zhou Yun. Are non-English film and television dramas favored by so many people?

Driven by curiosity, Stuart Patrice bought a movie ticket for "Behind the Scenes" and went to the cinema to watch the movie at night.

After watching this movie, to be honest, he really thought that Zhou Yun acted very well, but there are so many actresses who can act and perform well in Hollywood, Stuart Patrice did not see why Zhou Yun could rely on this film The film broke out and was nominated for the Golden Globe Award-this film has been very popular in the best foreign language film in the early stage, but it is the best actress... Don't be ridiculous, the heroine of an Asian film, the performance is broken God, if there is no right time, place and people, no momentum, who will nominate?
No wonder that when the nominations for the Golden Globe Awards came out, everyone said that Zhou Yun's nomination was a surprise.

Moreover, it is a nomination that has received the least attention.

All attention is on the other nominees.

But Stewart Patrice has also noticed recently that more and more people in the industry have begun to talk about the actress Zhou Yun.

Especially after she came to the United States to make an appearance, he could often see some celebrities praising Zhou Yun in some entertainment reports.

When Stuart Pallites returned home, by accident, he found the website for the movie "Days", and spent two hours watching "Days", a one-man show that belonged entirely to Zhou Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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