I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 656 International Awards

Chapter 656 International Awards
Stuart Patrice doesn't usually like to watch romantic literary films, and this "Day" is not his dish.

However, as the executive in charge of the production of Pai Munch, he still knows what can attract the audience and what can't.

Because of his usual work, he also needs to watch a lot of film and television dramas, both domestic and foreign.

Especially after watching "Behind the Scenes" just now, Stuart Patrice suddenly realized that this actress named Zhou Yun had a particularly terrifying power.

These two films turned out to be made by her within a year or two.

Stuart Patrice was surprised that after Zhou Yun showed the hysterical, restless and controlling state in "Behind the Scenes", he showed the sadness and fragility of a young and beautiful woman in "Days". Confusion and elegance.

There are actually two completely different qualities in this woman, which are completely grown in her body.

It is often said that an actor can play any role he wants.

But those in the industry know better that actors have a lot of limitations.

Who can really abandon their own character and acting habits in different plays?

Stuart Patrice was shocked that the details and styles of Zhou Yun's performance in the two films were completely different, as if the performances given by two actors.

He can't find familiarity.

After being shocked, he finally clicked on this drama for the first time besides constantly tracking the information of "Deep Sea".

Watching the show made him heave a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, in this play, Zhou Yun did not give him the shocking feeling of being a third person acting like a reborn person.

But he can't deny that Zhou Yun has a very special temperament in this play, mysterious, as if hiding secrets on her body, but also cute, in many inadvertent details, her body reveals the delicacy of a mature woman.

Stuart Patrice has always thought that he can read actors, and he sees a mysterious aura in Zhou Yun that invites people to explore.

For an actor, such a temperament is rare.

An actor with such a temperament will continuously attract people's attention to her and be curious about everything that happens to her.

Stuart Patrice did not expect that there was such a quality in Zhou Yun.

He suddenly thought of those few people who had left their names in film history and became legends.

Of course, Stuart Patrice also knew that the current Zhou Yun was too far away from those people, and even in those people's maps, there was not a single Asian actor.

In the history of film development, Asian actors have truly become the superstar generation, decades later than those in Europe and the United States.

This night, he inexplicably had a trembling intuition.

Zhou Yun seemed to have this kind of potential.

Did he really see the potential, or was it an illusion?
Stuart Patrice was lost in thought.

That night, he didn't sleep well.


Zhou Yun didn't know that at this time, a senior executive of Paimengchi fell into a strange thought because of her.

She was discussing with Zhou Lan in the hotel which brokerage company to choose as her overseas brokerage agency.

"I will be inclined to choose Moweisen." Zhou Lan gave her opinion, she said, "I have talked with the representatives of Moweisen, Bike, and Louis Cobb, and Moweisen gave The conditions are the most generous. Moreover, Moweisen’s business scope is all over the world. We choose Moweisen. In the future, we will include Japan and South Korea. Many businesses in Asian countries and regions can also be contacted through them, but they want a share The ratio is also the highest.”

Zhou Yun nodded and asked, "Sister Lan, what is the reason why you gave up Bi Ke and Louise Kebi?"

"Their business scope is not as large as Mowesen's, especially Louis Cobb. Their business scope does not include Asia, but is limited to Europe and the United States. However, a large part of our business is actually in other Asian countries and regions. "Zhou Lan said, "Signing Louis Kebi means that we have to sign another agent in Asia. To be honest, I don't want too many agents to be assigned to too many agents. something clear."

Zhou Yun said: "Mo Weisen asks for a high share ratio. I just want to know whether it is higher for me, or it asks for a higher ratio for signed artists."

"Generally, Mo Weisen is famous in the industry for asking for a high share, but many big-name stars are willing to sign with them because the quality of service they provide is really high." Zhou Lan said, "You know Both Elizabeth and Christina are clients of their family."

As soon as Zhou Yun heard that both Elizabeth and Christina had signed with Moweisen, his decision was mostly made.

But her cautious character still did not let her make an immediate decision.

She said, "Let me meet again with the heads of several of their companies."

Zhou Lan nodded: "That's what I mean too."

The two initially agreed on this matter, and Zhou Lancai said: "This time attending the red carpet of the Golden Globe Awards, Zheng Xiaowen personally brought you a high-end dress that is going to start the season in March and then go on the show. I hope you can do it." Appear in VX."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "OK."

"In addition, she also offered to increase your endorsement fee to 3000 million yuan a year, but she hopes to buy out all your red carpet looks." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun shook his head directly and refused.

"Forget about it. I wear VX every time I walk the red carpet. After a long time, the binding is too strong. If one day VX needs to be replaced with new blood, which brand would dare to ask me to endorse it."

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Then I'll go and reject her."


"However, Xiaoyun, I think your endorsement fee should indeed be increased." Zhou Lan said, "It stands to reason that in the past six months, whether it was domestic activities or foreign activities, most of the time we wore It is VX, which helped VX to gain popularity in China, and also wore VX to attend many important international events. This month, including the red carpet of the Golden Globe Awards and the red carpet of the opening ceremony of the Berlin International Film Festival, they all wore VX. At first When you signed, they didn't expect you to have so much international activity."

Zhou Yun said: "Now the endorsement fee is not low, let's talk about it when the contract is renewed. It's not good to actively raise the price during the contract period."

Zhou Lan said, "All right."

"However, Xiaoyun, let me tell you that several top brands have come to communicate with me about your future endorsement." Zhou Lan said, "The D family is willing to spend 1000 million US dollars to sign your next three-year endorsement."

Zhou Yun said, "Really?"

"Well." Zhou Lan said, "To be honest, your current market price should be the top price in China. It's fine if it's another brand, but jewelry, jewelry, dresses, shoes, etc., your international activities There are many, and the international exposure is also great, for the endorsement of these brands, it is not too much for us to charge more endorsement fees."

"Of course I would like to make more money, but I just don't want to do something that raises the price halfway." Zhou Yun said, "My contract with VX is about to expire, and when the contract is renewed, you can talk to them about the endorsement fee." There is no need to take more money for this year and a half."

Zhou Lan: "Where do I want to get more money for this year and a half? I see that Zheng Xiaowen is dissatisfied and wants to buy out all our red carpet dresses. It's a bit annoying, so I want to give her a warning, especially There was an event last time, you didn’t wear VX’s clothes, she even came to me to complain, inside and out, it was like you are the spokesperson of their family, how can you wear other clothes at the event, I posed for her at that time The contract, the contract is clearly written, it is agreed that we only need to make public appearances on certain occasions and how many times a year."

Hearing what Zhou Lan said, Zhou Yun sighed softly.

"Sister Lan, please be considerate of them. Every time we wear other people's clothes, many people under her official blog ask me if I don't want to cooperate with them. Zheng Xiaowen has a sense of crisis, please understand."

"Your temper is fine." Zhou Lan was a little helpless, "All in all, our exposure this year, especially the exposure of major events, is comparable to that of other celebrities and entertainers in three years. She is not satisfied, and I am not satisfied." Maybe give her a good face again, so as not to think that we are really soft persimmons."

Zhou Yun said: "Then I believe in your professionalism. If you think you need to use this attitude towards them, I absolutely support you."

Zhou Lan: "..."

Zhou Yun laughed and blinked.

"Before I became popular, Zheng Xiaowen gave me a lot of opportunities. At that time, she didn't know that I would become popular, nor that I would be nominated for the Golden Globe Award, nor that I would participate in so many film festivals, but she was optimistic about it. Me, that’s why they approached me, gave me a chance, and let me, who was not very famous at the time, participate in VX’s first show in China, and reciprocated, I shouldn’t haggle over her in these aspects.” Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan couldn't help sighing when he heard Zhou Yun say that.

"Well, if you want to say that, it is true." Zhou Lan said, "I will control my attitude."

In Europe and the United States, there are actually many top-level luxury goods, or in other words, they were not luxury goods at first, but because of the accumulation of time and history, they have become the top brands in the brand.

Zhou Yun still remembers how Zheng Xiaowen introduced the VX brand at that time.

As a Chinese, this is a brand that she independently founded in Europe. Although there is investment from European capital behind it, the entire brand itself is designed and controlled by Zheng Xiaowen.

Zhou Yun has been expecting Zheng Xiaowen to make VX a great brand, a brand recognized by the whole world, so that people all over the world want to wear VX.

She knows that this dream is difficult to achieve, and it should not even be her dream.

But... Many times, she is always prone to have such a sense of substitution, such an impulse.

Zhou Yun feels that he is also quite amazing. He always tells himself to take care of his one-acre three-point land and not to meddle in other people's business. .

Zhou Yun actually realized that this kind of thinking was a bit naive.

Others may not want you to work hard for their dreams.

That's someone else's dream.

Zhou Yun advised himself from the bottom of his heart to curb this kind of thinking.

Zhou Lan said: "In addition, besides participating in the red carpet of the opening ceremony of the Berlin International Film Festival, we also have a brand endorsement event to participate in."

"It's a pity that no Chinese-language film was shortlisted for the main competition this time," Zhou Yun said.

""Heavy Mountain" was shortlisted for the special screening unit." Zhou Lan said, "The producer knows that you will attend the opening ceremony, so come to ask me if you can attend their premiere?"

""Heavy Mountain"?"

"Well, the director of this film is Qin Sang, a new director, but the producers are Teacher Jing Dongtian, Wei Ming and Yuxia." Zhou Lan said, "I heard that it was very difficult to prepare for this film. The director was very young, and he couldn't find any investment and couldn't afford actors at the time. Mr. Jingdongtian saw the script and felt that the director was worth helping, so he helped him get a sum of money from the venture capital meeting to help him film the film. For this movie, Wei Ming and Yuxia have been invited to act."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked, "Then when will this movie premiere?"

Zhou Lan said, "Four days after the opening ceremony."

Zhou Yun said, "Do I have a job here in the United States?"

"No, if I have a job, I'll push it straight away, and I won't come to ask you." Zhou Lan said, "I think, since they came to us on their own initiative, and they are all filmmakers, it's hard for them to set foot on this platform. A good film festival platform can help others stand on the platform."

Zhou Yun hummed, nodded, and said, "You are right, you should do this."

She suddenly thought of something and said, "Where is Xiao Jing? Do you want to go together?"

Zhou Lan said: "I'm going to bring Xiao Jing with me. I really hope she will show up more on international occasions."


After talking about these jobs, Zhou Lan stretched his waist.

"I'm really tired recently, and I have a lot of work to do." Zhou Lan said, "I think I need to hire an assistant."

Zhou Yun said: "I have felt this way for a long time. If you have a lot of daily affairs, you should find an assistant to help you."

"I haven't found the right person. I'm going to take you five artists now. What you handle every day is very important. If I can't find the right person, I don't dare to let them touch the work in my hand." Zhou Lan Said, "Xiaojing's assistant also has a problem, and I have to help her find a new assistant."

"Huh? What happened to her assistant?"

Zhou Lan said helplessly: "Xiao Jing found out that her assistant stole her things."

"What?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise, "What did you steal?"

"Jewelry." Zhou Lan said, "Also, her assistant secretly concealed the clothes sent by many brands, and then put them on the Internet for resale."

Zhou Yun felt incredible.

She didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

Zhou Lan: "It's really worrying, there's nothing I can do, I'm still helping Xiaojing find a new assistant."


An assistant is too important to an artist. From all aspects, he is a person who must be chosen carefully.

I am afraid that the assistant will not care about the artist, and I am also afraid that the assistant's intentions are not right, and he will pretend to be a tiger.

Zhou Yun thought of Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun, and said that they are both very good assistants, one is more lively and the other is more silent, both of them have character and character that Zhou Yun can trust.

She has been a little bit inseparable from them.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of the two of them is that no matter how good Zhou Yun treats them, they will never be arrogant on key issues and will absolutely maintain their principles.

Zhou Lan said: "By the way, there is one more thing. The 54th Aoki Awards have already begun to organize applications. "Behind the Scenes" is going to nominate you and Mr. Zeng Lili as Best Actress, and Xiaojing as Best Supporting Actress and Best Actress." Good newcomer."

Zhou Yun was the winner of the Best Actress at the Aoki Awards last year. At that time, she still won the award with "Days".

"pretty good."

"Have you ever thought about Lianzhuang?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head: "I dare not think about it at all."

"Haha, I think so too. You won several awards last year, which is already a pleasant surprise. I don't think the judges of the Aoki Awards will give you this award again." Zhou Lan said, "However, as last year's Best Actress in a Leading Role, this year I think you will be invited to present the Best Actor Award."

"If they invite me, I'll go." Zhou Yun said.

"Then I will definitely invite you. You should be prepared, but I don't know if our brother Chi will be nominated this year." Zhou Lan said, "I heard the gossip that "Inaction" may also be on the Spring Festival file, If this is the case, we will be able to catch up with the registration for the Aoki Award."

Zhou Yun said, "Is that so? "The Man Who Do Nothing" is going to be released during the Spring Festival too?"

"It's not decided yet. I just heard the rumors. Now the Spring Festival is a must for all major film companies. The killing is too fierce. "One Mountain Two Tigers" has already occupied a pit early, and Shen Yao's new film has also occupied it. One pitfall, according to the practice of previous years, there are at most seven to eight blockbuster films." Zhou Lan said, ""The Inaction" is actually not in line with the atmosphere of the Spring Festival family carnival in previous years, but it is an all-star lineup after all. Now as long as it is a good movie , word-of-mouth can be fermented, no matter what the schedule is, it can sell well at the box office."

Zhou Yun said: "Then he will appear in a movie and a TV series in the next two months. I remember that "The Ark of Silence" he starred with Yin Lin will be broadcast soon, right?"

"It should be, but they haven't been set yet. It's a metaphysics to set a TV series now." Zhou Lan smiled helplessly.

Zhou Yun: "It seems that my brother Chi is going to explode this year. He attaches great importance to these two plays, saying that the scripts are very well written."

"But it has been difficult for him to win awards in recent years." Zhou Lan said, "He is already a grand slam, and heavyweight awards will not be given to him easily. He should actually hit the three major international film festivals."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, it's a pity that Song Chi opened his own production company and was a producer, so he couldn't settle down and become a pure artist.

He has to consider many business aspects to support the development of his company.

She said: "It's okay, as long as the work is excellent and remains in the hearts of the audience, it doesn't matter if you win an award or not in the end."

Zhou Lan nodded.

"Actually, you and Song Chi are facing the same situation." Zhou Lan said, "You have won several heavyweight awards in the past year, so it will be much more difficult to win awards in the future. Let's hit the international awards Bar."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, I'll do my best."


Who knows, the next day, Stuart Patrice contacted Zhou Yun.

He wanted to ask Zhou Yun to meet him.

Zhou Yun happened to have time, so Stuart Patrice came to Los Angeles just to meet Zhou Yun.

He is Pai Mengqi, an executive in charge of the content production of the drama series. He suddenly wants to meet Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun himself feels strange and doesn't know what's going on.

Stuart Patrice waved to her from a distance.

Zhou Yun met him and greeted him politely: "Hi, Mr. Patrice, hello."

Stewart Patrice's attitude showed a touch of enthusiasm that he didn't know what came from, and said: "I watched your "Days", "Behind the Scenes" and "Deep Sea" last night, and I lay in bed after watching them. After a long time, the first thought in my head after I woke up today was that I must meet you."

Zhou Yun showed a surprised expression.

No matter who it is, it will probably feel a little scary to be told, "The first thought in my head after I woke up today is that I must meet you", right?

Stewart Patrice didn't even seem to realize that what he said was easy to get weird.

But he seemed to finally realize that his attitude was a bit too enthusiastic, and finally restrained himself a bit, and then said: "Have you never acted in an English drama?"

Zhou Yun shook his head.

She said: "Now I still mainly shoot Chinese-language film and television dramas."

Stuart Patrice said: "Your English is very good, you can come to Hollywood to develop."

Zhou Yun smiled, waved his hands, and said, "I didn't stop coming to Hollywood to develop, but my filming in my own country went well."

"Hollywood is the center of film and television drama production in the world, and you should spend more time here." Stuart Patrice, like every person in a Hollywood film and television company, is very concerned about the industry he is in, This place is full of absolute confidence and pride. In fact, Zhou Yun can tell that Stuart Patrice is not trying to show off, or implying that other places are not as good as Hollywood. He is just immersed in this environment for a long time. , so there is a general sense of pride.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Patrice, I admit that your side is going to be more mature in the construction of the entire industry, but we also have very good producers, directors and screenwriters in China, and we also have a very mature crew, and , I am a Chinese actress, and only directors and screenwriters from my own country can make the most suitable roles for me."

Stewart Patrice shook his head and said, "If the two films "Behind the Scenes" and "Days" were produced by American production companies, you might have already become famous internationally."

Zhou Yun said: "But these two movies have brought me a lot now, haven't they? At least, Mr. Patrice, didn't you come to see me because you watched these two movies?"

"I'm talking about audiences all over the world." Stuart Patrice said, "Your Chinese film and television industry does not have such a wide distribution channel as ours. The whole world has seen that the best filmmakers in the world want to win Oscars, and the best TV people in the world want to win Emmys."

Zhou Yun was really speechless by Stuart Patrice's self-confidence and pride.

She found that no matter how much she told him, she couldn't convince him.

In the end, Zhou Yun could only say: "Mr. Patrice, thank you very much for your appreciation of me. If you have a good project or a good role, you are welcome to contact me, but I am a Chinese actress. I still have many good film and television projects waiting for me to shoot in my country, and I have no plan to shift my focus to Hollywood."

Stuart Patrice sighed when he heard Zhou Yun say that, showing an expression of indignation.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded.

What's the matter with this big brother?

The two of them just met today for the first time, right?Why the look like she missed a great opportunity?

Actually, Stuart Patrice was a businessman.There is nothing wrong with it, perhaps the most important reason for many people to enter this industry is because they love this industry, but when you have to deal with different people and different things every day in your job, it is often trivial or ruined. In terms of things, your love for this industry may not be able to stick to your original intention.

Stewart Patrice is in charge of the production of Paimonchi's episodes. Almost every year, he meets with the best producers, directors and actors in the world to discuss projects, cooperation intentions, schedules, remuneration, and even details. What kind of service should be provided to them when filming.

You can work for ideals, but you can't think too ideal about your work.

Stuart Patrice only had passion for Zhou Yun at that moment. Of course, it was not the kind of men and women, but a passion out of professional ideals.

He saw in Zhou Yun a unique temperament that she could climb to the top of the pyramid.

It's just that Zhou Yun's judgment on his situation and career seems to have exceeded his expectations.

In his subconscious mind, no actor is willing to refuse an invitation from Hollywood, especially an invitation from the top film and television production company Paramount.

Why is Zhou Yun so stubborn?She seems to be full of confidence in her country's film and television industry. Of course, "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" are serious Chinese films, but how many such films does she think she will encounter in her lifetime?Stewart Patrice admitted that every country has excellent and talented film and television professionals, but how many countries have the ability to promote these people to the world like the United States?

Why Zhou Yun refused to focus on Hollywood?

Stuart Patrice couldn't figure this out.

Of course, he couldn't figure it out. If he could figure it out, his great confidence in the company he was in and the film and television industry would be cracked.

Zhou Yun met Stuart Patrice, and felt that Song Chi was doing the right thing.

She didn't find it an offense that Stuart Patrice came to her, on the contrary, she knew that it was his admiration for her.

But she doesn't really want this kind of condescending appreciation - I think you have good qualifications, you have to stay in your own country and lose your talents, come to us, we have the best talents in the world, and the top talents in the world production team and distribution team.

Zhou Yun himself is an "arrogant" person, how can he accept another person's "arrogant" invitation.
Is it a fat badge?

(End of this chapter)

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