I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 657 Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun

Chapter 657 Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun
Zhou Yun took a late sleep.

When she opened her eyes and woke up from the bed, she happened to be able to see the ray of sunlight coming in through the gap in the curtains.

It is not easy to meet a sunny day in the winter, Zhou Yun was very pleasantly surprised.

Zhou Yun stretched on the bed, then yawned again.

Anyone who sleeps in bed knows how blissful it is to do so.

She wants to fly to Berlin this afternoon, and she has nothing to do in the morning, so she can stay in a warm hotel and rest.

However, Zhou Lan seemed very displeased to see Zhou Yun having such a relaxed life. It took less than five minutes for Zhou Yun to open his eyes before she knocked on the door.

Zhou Yun opened the door in his pajamas with a face of accusation, and looked at Zhou Lan very unhappily.

Holding the Ipad in his hand, Zhou Lan said, "Don't complain that I disturbed your sleep, something happened."

Zhou Yun was taken aback by Zhou Lan's serious expression.

"An accident? What happened?" Most of Zhou Yun's pajamas disappeared.

Zhou Lan walked into the room with an Ipad, and said to Zhou Yun: "Half an hour ago, the actress Xu Qin who filmed with Gu Huaichun accused Gu Huaichun of cheating on her and playing with her feelings on her Weibo. , wrote a lot of eloquence, which also involved you."

Zhou Yun stared in shock.

"What did you say?"

Zhou Lan handed the Ipad to Zhou Yun, "Look at it yourself first."

Zhou Yun took the Ipad, and on the screen was a long Weibo post published by the actor named Xu Qin half an hour ago.

She said that when Gu Huaichun was filming with her in the film crew, he took the initiative to approach her, befriend her, give her small gifts, and take her out for dinner. Under Gu Huaichun's pursuit, she also loved Gu Huaichun. Moved.

The two started dating on the set until the filming of the play was over.

What Xu Qin didn't expect was that after the filming of the film, Gu Huaichun suddenly became indifferent.

She texted him, but he didn't reply, and she called him, but he didn't answer.

Xu Qin realized that he had been deceived.She said that it was fine for her to be deceived, and it was over when she suffered a loss, but she accidentally learned that Gu Huaichun had deceived other little girls in many crews, including Zhou Yun who was in "The Eighth Heartbeat". Everyone is for their own face, no one has ever exposed this matter.Xu Qin said that she didn't want more girls to be deceived by Gu Huaichun, so she had to stand up and expose this matter.


After Zhou Yun finished reading Xu Qin's long post, the last drowsiness left in his mind disappeared.

"What do you think?" Zhou Lan asked.

"What do you think?" Zhou Yun asked back.

Zhou Lan said, "Do you think what Xu Qin said is true or false?"

Zhou Yun was actually not ashamed to say that when she saw Xu Qin's long post on Weibo, her first reaction was that when she was filming "The Eighth Heartbeat", Gu Huaichun's room was next to her at first, and she The sound can be heard almost every night, it is like singing and dancing every night.

"If there was something between Gu Huaichun and Xu Qin, I believe it. If it is said that Gu Huaichun deliberately deceived her, I don't believe it." Zhou Yun said, "I have known him for a long time, what kind of person is he? People, I understand that he is quite sloppy in matters such as men and women, but he will not turn his face and deny people. If it is not the person you love and I want, Gu Huaichun will not cause this trouble for himself. I guess it is Gu Huai Chun didn't handle it well and offended people."

Zhou Lan said: "There are indeed some rumors about Gu Huaichun in the circle."

"What are the rumors?" Zhou Yun said, "Gu Huaichun messed up? It doesn't need to be a rumor, I know it's true. Do you still remember what I told you when I was filming "The Eighth Heartbeat"? "

Zhou Lan suddenly remembered.

She burst out laughing.

Zhou Yun said: "But he never advertised himself as an emotional cleanliness, and he never set up a pure personality. He told me that he is most afraid of emotional troubles, so every time he really wants to talk to him Whatever happens to the people around him, he will definitely make it clear in advance, so as not to cause trouble for himself."

Zhou Lan: "The matter between two people is still a private matter. How can I say this clearly, but Xiaoyun, I don't care about it now. The most important issue for us now is that what Xu Qin said also said that you were also arrested. Gu Huaichun lied to me, and I said it with certainty, even though I know I didn't, I still want to ask you specifically, nothing happened between you and Gu Huaichun, right?"

Zhou Lan looked into Zhou Yun's eyes and asked.

Zhou Yun sighed helplessly, and said, "Sister Lan, nothing happened to Gu Huaichun and I. If you really want to ask what happened to us, that is, when we first met, the two of us looked at each other very differently. Pleasing to the eye."

Zhou Lan: "...You don't need to add the last sentence, then we have to respond to this matter as soon as possible. The later the response time, the more people will doubt it."


"Of course, we can't express an attitude of denying Xu Qin. Now there are quite a lot of people supporting her online, and many people choose to believe Xu Qin."

"When this kind of thing is exposed, girls are often at a disadvantage. Everyone preconceivedly believes that Xu Qin is also normal. How to clarify this matter, Gu Huaichun will figure out a way for himself. I only deny the relationship between me and Gu Huaichun. Where did Xu Qin hear about this, and I was deceived by Gu Huaichun?"

Not to mention anything else, just this one sentence, Xu Qin must have lied, or just listened to the rumors made by others.

After discussing with Zhou Lanyi, Zhou Yun decided to let Zhou Yun post directly on Weibo to clarify the matter.

She said on Weibo: Gu Huaichun and I have known each other since filming "The Eighth Heartbeat". I don't know about him and Ms. Xu Qin, but I was also deceived by Gu Huaichun , This incident has never happened before. After all, when we first met, he thought that I was famous because I was an Internet celebrity and had no acting skills. I thought he was arrogant and pretentious. He was a silly X. Later, he became friends and became familiar with him before he understood what the other party was. kind of person.

As soon as she posted this Weibo, even though it was early morning in China, she still received thousands of comments in just a few minutes.

One of the highly praised comments read: You only responded that you were not deceived by Gu Huaichun, so as a friend of Gu Huaichun, do you have any response to Gu Huaichun's playing with the feelings of many women?
Zhou Yun thought for a moment, and replied: First, I am friends with Gu Huaichun, but it does not mean that I know his love life well, and I am not interested; second, does Gu Huaichun really play with the feelings of many women? , It is not yet known, it is only Xu Qin's family's opinion at present, there may be a misunderstanding between the two, please do not draw a conclusion before Gu Huaichun responds to this matter.

These words made by Zhou Yun have actually expressed her attitude towards Gu Huaichun.

Zhou Yun believed in Gu Huaichun from beginning to end.

She didn't think that Gu Huaichun would deliberately deceive a person's feelings, he was not that kind of person.

After all, it was still early in the morning. After Xu Qin and Zhou Yun spoke out one after another, although the heat was high, it did not cause a large-scale discussion. This matter will not cause widespread discussion until the next morning when everyone wakes up. public opinion.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Sister Lan, do you think the people in Gu Huaichun's team know about this? They're already asleep, right?"

She asked Zhou Lan, and before Zhou Lan could answer, she hurriedly contacted Gu Huaichun herself.

Overseas phone calls were made, and after a while, Gu Huaichun answered the phone.

"Have you seen Xu Qin's Weibo?" Zhou Yun asked immediately after the call was connected.

Gu Huaichun's voice seemed a little irritated, "I see, the manager has already arrested me to the company, I saw your Weibo just now, thank you."

"You're welcome, the matter between you and Xu Qin is not what she said, is it?"

"No." Gu Huaichun said, "What I'm most afraid of is this kind of emotional trouble. I didn't expect to guard against it day and night, but I still couldn't guard against it."

"If you are afraid of emotional troubles, you should provoke less women." Zhou Yun reprimanded directly.

Gu Huaichun said with a gloomy expression, "I'm not a monk."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Gu Huaichun said: "Don't meddle in this matter later, I don't know if I can choose clean or not, she suddenly went crazy, I don't know what she will do."

"As long as it's not what she said, whatever the truth is."

"She has a picture in her hand."

"What picture?"

"The photo of the two of us sleeping together." Gu Huaichun said, "She took it secretly while I was asleep."

"..." Zhou Yun was a little speechless.

Gu Huaichun said: "At that time, I had already made an agreement with her, we just get what we need, and she also agreed, but who knows that now we are actually going against the grain."

"What purpose does she have?"

"I just went to bed once, but in the end she relied on me. She insisted on making me responsible for her. I refused. It was only a one-time thing that I agreed before going to bed. What you like and what I want, she will do it herself." It was very proactive, but later threatened me that we would expose our relationship." Gu Huaichun said helplessly.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, as expected.

It's just that Gu Huaichun didn't handle this relationship well.

Zhou Yun said: "Now that she has posted on Weibo, accusing you of playing with her feelings, and has a picture of you in bed, what are you going to do?"

Gu Huaichun said: "What can I do, I really can't stop being an actor and I won't give in to this kind of person! Let me tell you what I regret the most now is that I didn't ask her to sign a promise before going to bed with her!"


Zhou Yun felt that Gu Huaichun deserved it, and let him mess around.

On the one hand, she also disliked Gu Huaichun's messy behavior, but on the other hand, she was also annoyed by Xu Qin's behavior.

No matter how wrong Gu Huaichun should be, at least he made it clear that he was single.

"Wait, I still want to ask you, how did she say that I was deceived by you?" Zhou Yun asked, "Could it be you bragging with others in bed?"

Gu Huaichun was furious: "Zhou Yun, am I a braggadocio? In order to make others believe you, she deliberately dragged a person whom everyone knows into the water. I can't wait to call her mentally ill."

"Okay, as long as you don't brag and make her think it's true." Zhou Yun got the answer and heaved a sigh of relief, "You can settle this matter properly. I'm not in China now. If you need my help, Just call me directly."

Gu Huaichun said: "Thank you, I don't know what to do now, my agent is leading people to check all the chat records and call records between me and her, and someone will come to make notes for me later... the notes, Made me look like a criminal."

"Gu Huaichun, this kind of thing happened, don't be impatient, if you don't handle it well, it will affect many people, especially yourself." Zhou Yun said, "I believe in you, and the people around you must also believe in you , but the public may not believe you, you have to be mentally prepared, but no matter what, you have to persevere, if you haven’t done something, you haven’t done it, you don’t have a guilty conscience, and you don’t have to be afraid of anything.”

Gu Huaichun laughed.

"Zhou Yun, you are wrong."


"You believe me, but the people around me may not believe me." Gu Huaichun said, "You are the first person who told me to believe me so quickly and firmly."

"That's because your friends are all asleep now, it's early morning, and only I'm abroad, and it's morning now." Zhou Yun said, "I don't know about others, but Yin Zhou must believe in you as much as I do."

Gu Huaichun: "He's going to be my father's man, so it's better not to meddle in my affairs, yes, I have to tell him, he shouldn't speak rashly for me on the Internet."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun put away his smile.

She is actually not optimistic about this matter, but she wants Gu Huaichun to feel her support for him, so that Gu Huaichun can relax a little bit.

Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun helplessly, and said, "You really have nothing to say to your friends, but Xiao Yun, you are not afraid of what happens—"

"Just in case is just in case, everything has a case in case, but my real friends are only so few, and the friends I trust are only so few. When they need me to believe in them, I must believe them " Zhou Yun said, "I neither said that Xu Qin was lying, nor did I say anything else about her, I just expressed my support for my friend."

"Okay, I got it." Zhou Lan said, "Clean up your mood and go have breakfast first. Your status will not be affected. You are about to walk on the red carpet and be reviewed by media from all over the world, but It can't be bad."

Zhou Yun laughed.


Only Zhou Lan, who was still thinking about her going to the red carpet at this moment, couldn't be in poor condition.

Zhou Yun has been paying attention to this matter of Gu Huaichun, and from time to time he logs on to Weibo to check for the latest developments.

It's just that it's early morning in China, and no matter how big the news is, it has to lie dormant under the deep sleep of everyone.

Not much news.

On the contrary, when she arrived at the airport, she met several Chinese people, who were discussing this matter.

Zhou Yun walked by wearing sunglasses.

Zhou Yun could almost foresee that when she went to the Berlin International Film Festival, if there was an interview with media reporters, if there were Chinese media, they might not ask her questions about this matter.

What should she say then?

Zhou Yun didn't know, didn't think it through.

She felt that she had said all she could say.

Zhou Yun noticed that Zheng Xiaoju was in a state of depression.

"Xiaoju, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I feel like I've been hit."

"Huh? What shock?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is it about Gu Huaichun?"

"Yeah." Zheng Xiaoju nodded, "I didn't expect... Brother Gu to be so irresponsible."

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Zheng Xiaoju's expression was a bit tangled, "Actually, I know that Brother Xiao Gu has affairs with many people, but I thought he was just flirting with others."

"Xiaoyu, I can understand your mood."

"is it?"

"From the perspective of my pure psychological feelings, I feel like you, too. Let's talk in private. If we have something to say, we won't tell lies." Zhou Yun smiled, "Even if I talk to him He is a friend, and I also think he is too indulgent, but, how should I put it, although it is true, I also feel that I have no position to criticize him. This is his private life. I have never deceived other people's feelings, as far as I know, there is no such thing as him, he is frank and scumbag, and he will not give people unnecessary hopes from the beginning, so from a purely rational point of view , I also understand the matter between men and women, as he said, he is not a monk, he is cultivating sex in a temple."

Zheng Xiaoju burst out laughing when he heard the last sentence.

Zhou Yun: "He was messed up by Xu Qin today. Let me tell you the truth, I already had a hunch. I thought he would be messed up sooner or later with his style. If something like this happened, no He has no choice but to face it by himself and bear the corresponding consequences."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and pouted thoughtfully.

"However, it seems Xiaoju that you really like Gu Huaichun."

"Of course." Zheng Xiaoju asked with a strange expression, "Sister Xiaoyun, why did you say that suddenly?"

Zhou Yun: "Because only if you really like someone, you will hope that everything is good for him, but we must accept the fact that everyone has their own flaws. Whether we can accept a person depends on whether we can accept it or not. The man's flaws."

"But I don't think you are flawed, Miss Xiaoyun."

"Are you serious?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

"That's probably because... I still have a lot of things that you don't know about." Zhou Yun smiled, "Little sentence, never believe that a person has no flaws, really."

Zheng Xiaoju felt very strange, why did Sister Xiaoyun insist that she was not perfect?
But it's not surprising, Sister Xiaoyun is such a person in the first place.


Another long flight.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, in the past six months, he has made more and more such long flights.

She took out her e-reader and started reading the script.

After landing on the ground, when Zhou Yun stood in the spacious airport and took a breath of fresh air, he felt much more refreshed.

Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Xiaoyun, let me take a photo for you."

Zhou Yun nodded happily, and asked Zheng Xiaoju to take some photos of her at the airport.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I feel that my photography skills have improved."

Before, Zhou Lan paid Zheng Xiaoju to learn photography. The main purpose was to let Zheng Xiaoju take more photos of Zhou Yun in his daily work, especially when Zhou Yun was filming in the group.

Sometimes when Zhou Yun joins the group, there will be no exposure activities for two or three months, and Zhou Yun himself rarely posts selfies on Weibo. At this time, the studio has to post a few photos of Zhou Yun to share some dynamics.

There is one advantage of the studio posting Zhou Yun's photos. If you are not a true fan of Zhou Yun, you will usually not touch the studio's Weibo to see it.

Zhou Lan is mainly to maintain Zhou Yun's fans' attention to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to say that it is good to keep hidden for a period of time, so that he will have a sense of surprise when he comes out.

Zhou Lan said, "It's good for you to keep aloof from the public for a period of time, but if you keep aloof from your loyal fans, they won't always be able to see your activity. How long can they wait for you? Wait until you need a film." When promoting, who will help you promote? Even CCTV values ​​the fan power of those young idols. Why? They can really do the job at critical times. They need data and data, and there is heat and heat. Of course, maybe you It’s no longer needed, but why not maintain it?”

Zhou Lan easily convinced her.

The most important thing is that Zhou Yun really has a group of fans who are following her new developments every day.

Zhou Yun was too embarrassed to let them down, and couldn't see anything.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I think this picture can be posted on Weibo later through the studio."

She was proud of one of them, and Zhou Yun was photographed with a particularly artistic sense by her.

Zhou Yun didn't look directly at the camera, but turned his head to look at the other party, his eyes were clear, so he showed a kind of random purity.

Zhou Yun said, "Xiaoju, I'll take some pictures for you too."

Zheng Xiaoju happily changed several poses for Zhou Yun to take pictures.

After taking pictures of Zheng Xiaoju, Zhou Yun looked at Liu Yun again and said, "Xiao Yun, let me take some pictures for you too."

Liu Yun waved her hand and said, "I don't like taking pictures."

Zhou Yun thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Then, can we all take a group photo together?"

Liu Yun nodded and said yes.

Zhou Yun took her team for this trip to Berlin to take a group photo, and everyone smiled brightly.

Checking into the hotel, trying on clothes, trying on makeup, modifying the details, confirming the process, taking makeup photos, accepting the official interview of the Berlin Film Festival, after a complete set, Zhou Yun was busy until [-]:[-] in the evening before he could rest.

She also met Liu Zhiqiong of V Magazine.Liu Zhiqiong is the editor-in-chief of V magazine and a well-known fashion editor in the fashion circle. This time, he personally led the team to cooperate with the crew of "Heavy Mountain", which was shortlisted for the special screening unit. He will make a column for the Chinese crew of this year's Berlin Film Festival. , including exclusive interviews and inside page shooting. V magazine also contacted Zhou Yun, wanting to do a part of Zhou Yun, but Zhou Lan declined. This time Zhou Yun went to the Berlin Film Festival because of the invitation of the brand, not with the work. Zhou Lan thinks Forget it anyway.

Although the cooperation failed, Liu Zhiqiong and Zhou Yun still chatted happily.

The two are old acquaintances. On behalf of V magazine, Liu Zhiqiong has done two exclusive interviews with Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun himself admires Liu Zhiqiong's ability and talent very much.

Zhou Yun kept the two interviews she wrote, and they were really written into Zhou Yun's heart.

The two took a photo together, and Liu Zhiqiong said, "It doesn't matter if I post it online?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Okay." Liu Zhiqiong hugged Zhou Yun, "It's better for you to be refreshing."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yun felt dissatisfied with others when he heard Liu Zhiqiong's meaning.

Liu Zhiqiong said: "Don't mention it, I just got angry when I mentioned it. Not long ago, I took a photo with a big star. Now it's good. People from the team came to me specifically to ask for that photo. After finishing it, I sent it to me. The refined photos made me so angry that I replied directly, and I didn't plan to post on social media."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.


"I don't know what the people in her team think, I'm a fashion editor, I can post ugly photos? Do I still need my professionalism?" Liu Zhiqiong scolded.

Zhou Yun said: "It may be that the person her team is connecting with is not sensible."

"Fart, I don't know what kind of character she is, and it's not the first time I've dealt with her." Liu Zhiqiong said, "I won't tell you who she is anymore, I still have something to do, I have to prepare tomorrow's filming and interview outline , I have to confirm it one last time, if there is a chance, we will meet again."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

Liu Zhiqiong: "Looking forward to your red carpet look tomorrow."


Although Zhou Yun did not have any work screened at the film festival this time, due to her current popularity, she has received invitations from many media, including many Chinese media.

Zhou Lan selectively accepted several companies, especially the ones that cooperated with Jin Ling Jewelry.

What surprised Zhou Yun was that no domestic media asked about Gu Huaichun.

This surprised her.

On the contrary, Lin Yutang, a male reporter who interviewed her, said with a smile after the interview: "In the case of Gu Huaichun, you were really loyal. He didn't even respond, but you actually spoke for him. "

Zhou Yun smiled.

She asked: "Then what is the situation with this matter now? I have been abroad for a long time, and I can only read news on the Internet, so I don't know much about it."

Lin Yutang said: "Huh? You don't know yet? Just an hour before I interviewed you, Xu Qin took the initiative to admit his mistake and apologize."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"You don't even know. After this incident happened, two actresses who had filmed and had a relationship with Gu Huaichun came out to speak out, supporting Gu Huaichun and praising him for being a good person."

Lin Yutang took out his mobile phone, opened a summary picture that was probably made by fans, and said to Zhou Yun, "Look, they said that Gu Huaichun would not only make it clear in advance, but also wouldn't turn his face and deny people afterwards. They will also introduce some opportunities for them. Of course, the most important thing is that one of Xu Qin's girlfriends sent out the chat records between Xu Qin and her. Lied to Xu Qin, Xu Qin knew from the beginning to the end, but Xu Qin wanted to tie Gu Huaichun to her side, so there was such a threat and exposure drama, just to force Gu Huaichun to calm things down, not to Not with her."

Zhou Yun was amazed.

"My God."

"It is estimated that Yue Hai put a lot of effort behind this matter." Lin Yutang said, "It is also ruthless to be able to get Xu Qin's best friend and get that chat record."

Although Zhou Yun didn't know how Yue Hai did it, he could only use coercion or temptation.

This trouble of Gu Huaichun was solved faster than Zhou Yun imagined, and this incident also made Zhou Yun admired by many people-you know, after this incident happened, Zhou Yun was the only one who spoke publicly on the Internet and The star who said positively that "it's just the words of Xu Qin's family" made everyone wait for Gu Huaichun's response.

Zhou Yun's move was also praised by Yao Yuanfeng, who was an afterthought, on Weibo, saying that Zhou Yun has a chivalrous demeanor, and he deserves to be the actress who played "Four Killers".

Zhou Yun couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw Yao Yuanfeng's Weibo post.

This matter can also make him popular and promote "Four Killers".

Still, isn't the latter part of the film finished?There's no news of it being released yet.

Looking at WeChat again, hey, so many people sent her messages.

Zhou Yun didn't even have time to reply one by one, she was about to walk on the red carpet.

When she walked on the red carpet wearing a VX gown, the surrounding cheers surged like a wave.

Zhou Yun waved to meet everyone.

This time, she walked the red carpet alone without the company of the crew.

The red carpet is actually not long, it is very short, but it gives the impression that it is very long, as if it can go for a long time.

There are people passing by from time to time.

Zhou Yun still remembers to highlight the jewelry she wears in some poses, which is her highlight today.

She has to fulfill the accusation of a spokesperson.

After walking the red carpet, Zhou Yun has completed his task.

Just accept an interview later.

Zhou Yun entered the movie palace.

It's full of people I don't know.

Fortunately, many people knew her and came to say hello and chat with her.

Only then did Zhou Yun meet some people.

After a while, Jing Dongtian came in with Qin Chong, Wei Ming and Yuxia.

Seeing familiar faces, Zhou Yun hurried over to say hello to them.

"Teacher Jing, Brother Ming, Sister Xia." Zhou Yun first called out the three people he knew, and finally his eyes fell on the young man among the four.

Presumably he is Qin Chong, the director of "Heavy Mountain".

"Xiaoyun, let me introduce you. He is the director of "Heavy Mountain", Qin Chong, Qin Chong, this is Zhou Yun."

Qin Chong's face looked a little green, seeing Zhou Yun showing an obviously shy expression of embarrassment.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to be more enthusiastic, and said: "Hello director, I am Zhou Yun, um, let me introduce myself, I am a good actor, remember to ask me for filming in the future."

Zhou Yun's initiative made Qin Zhong stunned for a moment.

Wei Ming smiled and said, "Now I know why Xiaoyun can act so well. I will learn this way of self-introduction in the future."

Zhou Yun smiled brightly.

Many people came to talk to Zhou Yun, including some Korean and Japanese producers and directors.

Compared with European and American film and television dramas, Korean and Japanese film and television dramas are more similar to Chinese film and television dramas.

Moreover, Zhou Yun is also well-known in South Korea.

Zhou Yun met several producers who said they wanted to invite her to act in the film they were preparing.

Zhou Yunquan said yes with a smile, and then asked for the script, and read the script first before making a decision.

Zhou Yun is also quite willing to cooperate with directors from other countries to broaden his own vision and expand his acting style.

Any good actor knows to find a good director to cooperate with. Different directors can explore different aspects of actors.

Moreover, films from different countries are based on different cultural backgrounds, and Zhou Yun is equally interested in them, or in other words, is interested in different characters in those different cultural backgrounds.

A good acting, inherently involves being that character.

(End of this chapter)

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