I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 658 Between VX and D House

Chapter 658 Between VX and D House

Below zero, the snow is very thick. Although it is daytime, it seems to be covered with a layer of gray veil. The light is dim and there are no bright colors. A person's face.

Zhou Yun was sitting in the cafe, the indoor heating made the floor-to-ceiling windows foggy.

She just felt that it was so cold when she looked around.

Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun sat across from her, because they had nothing to do, both of them were swiping their phones—ah, no, Liu Yun was reading a book on an e-reader.

Liu Yun has always been a very quiet girl who loves life.Zhou Yun has known her for a long time, she is much more shy than Zheng Xiaoju, and not as noisy as the latter.

In the beginning, Liu Yun didn't like reading very much, but seeing Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju always read books, she was a little curious, so she asked Zhou Yun to recommend a few books to her.

Zhou Yun said that she mostly reads crime mystery novels.

Liu Yun said that she would try it first, and if she didn't like it, forget it.

But judging from the current situation, Liu Yun seems to be in love with reading novels.

Zhou Yun picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

Finally, Gu Huaichun's phone call came.

Half an hour ago, she sent a message to Gu Huaichun, asking him to call back when he was free.

"Congratulations, you saved the day." Zhou Yun said with a smile as soon as he answered the phone.

Gu Huaichun was sleepy as soon as he opened his mouth, and said in a very lethargic tone, "Come on, don't embarrass me, I just want to take a good rest now."

"Now? No way, if I remember correctly, your new drama will start airing soon." Zhou Yun said, "And, is your company willing to let you rest? Don't whip you like a How can they be willing to spin like a top?"

"Thank you!" Gu Huaichun said strangely.

"Then how did your company get Xu Qin in?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Gu Huaichun said: "It's nothing, I just bought the chat records from her girlfriend."

"Money?" Zhou Yun was shocked, "How much did you spend?"

"The numbers are kept secret, and the price is expensive anyway, which made me bleed hard."

"It deserves it, I told you a long time ago, let you pay attention."

"Come on, when you encounter such a situation of turning your face and denying people, who can do it? Have you never met such a person?"

Zhou Yun really has nothing to say, how could he not meet such a person at work.It's just that Zhou Yun doesn't like to take such people to heart.

Gu Huaichun yawned, "I'm really sleepy. I have nothing else to do. I haven't slept well these days."

"Okay, okay, you go to bed first." Zhou Yun said, "I won't disturb your rest."

"Hmm." Gu Huaichun hung up the phone.

Not even a small talk, it seems really sleepy.

After drinking coffee, Zhou Yun asked, "Shall we go to a market here? I saw someone recommending that there is a big market here, and there are many shops in it."

Both Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun nodded in agreement.

Zhou Yun felt that after finally coming to Berlin, he was quite willing to visit the local market.

If you have something suitable, you can buy it and give it to the people around you.

It's just too cold outside.

Zhou Yun felt that his face was almost numb from the cold wind.

After shopping and returning to the hotel, Zhou Yun soaked himself in the bathtub to drive out the cold. After soaking for more than an hour, he came out feeling dizzy and just wanted to sleep.

So, after eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yun fell asleep very quickly and slept soundly.

The result of going to bed so early is waking up early the next day.

Zhou Yun woke up at five in the morning.

She changed into her tracksuit and was about to go to the hotel gym for a workout.

As a result, when I went down at six o'clock, the gym was empty and the door was not opened.

Zhou Yun hesitated whether to go for a run, but when he saw the heavy snow outside, he gave up.

She finally decided to just walk up and down the stairs and move around.

After climbing the stairs for half an hour, she went back to her room to take a shower, change clothes, and then went to the dining room to have breakfast.

Zhou Lan sent her a message, saying that he had landed and would arrive at the hotel in about an hour.

Tomorrow Zhouzhan will participate in the screening of "The Mountain" at the Berlin International Film Festival with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun replied with an OK.

For this screening event, Zhou Yun didn't plan to wear VX, but a special custom-made dress from D's house.

Zhou Lan specially borrowed this dress from D's family. Regarding Zhou Yun's desire to wear this dress on the red carpet of the Berlin International Film Festival, D's family readily agreed to borrow the dress. Not only did they borrow this dress, they also gave them a copy. If Zhou Yun needs to borrow clothes for other occasions in the future, let Zhou Yun choose them conveniently.

Zhou Lan said: "The D family has been thinking about you wearing their family's dress for a long time. The person in charge of the Asian region will chat with me every once in a while, asking me if there is any public event you want to attend, do you need it?" Wearing a skirt from their D family, and even gave me two skirts, both of which have a market price of five figures, I think they have a certain intention to win you."

Zhou Yun smiled.

She didn't plan to drop VX to become the spokesperson of D's family, she just didn't want to be tied to VX in front of the public and the media as if it was the only one.

What's more, different brands of clothes have different styles, and Zhou Yun doesn't want to stick to only one style.

However, when Zheng Xiaowen saw Zhou Yun walking on the red carpet for the screening of "Heavy Mountain" in a special custom-made dress from D's family, she still felt unavoidably nervous.

Zhou Yun's development momentum in the past two years has been too strong, which has completely exceeded Zheng Xiaowen's expectations. Of course, her cooperation with VX has also helped VX expand very quickly in the Chinese mainland market.

Zhou Yun's popularity and terrifying popularity have made VX's sales very impressive.

Zheng Xiaowen actually thought about paying a huge endorsement fee to directly ask Zhou Yun to renew her contract for five years.

But this plan was rejected by other partners.

On the one hand, they are not willing to spend such a huge amount of endorsement fees at one time, on the other hand, they are worried whether Zhou Yun will be able to bring such considerable profits to VX in the next five years.

"What if she stops being popular?" someone questioned.

Zheng Xiaowen retorted at the time: "Then what if other brands pry her away? Now which brand doesn't want to poach Zhou Yun?"

However, no matter what she said, the other partners just disagreed.

This plan can only be abandoned.

But the executives are obviously also worried about the problem that Zheng Xiaowen mentioned. If Zhou Yun does not renew the contract after the contract expires, no one knows how much impact the change of spokesperson will have on the development of the VX brand in China.

Now VX's revenue in China has accounted for nearly half of the global market, and the most important reason for its rapid expansion is that the two spokespersons, Zhou Yun and Wen Xi, have made VX famous.

Therefore, VX also wanted to deeply bind Zhou Yun, so he proposed an annual endorsement fee of 3000 million yuan for Zhou Yun to renew his contract for three years, on the condition that all red carpet dresses must wear VX.

Zheng Xiaowen originally thought that this price would be enough to impress Zhou Yun, but Zhou Lan rejected it not long after.

Zhou Yun's refusal made Zheng Xiaowen worried.

Zheng Xiaowen felt that she should go to see Zhou Yun in person.

Only by meeting Zhou Yun in person and having a face-to-face chat with Zhou Yun can she be sure of Zhou Yun's thoughts.

Since meeting Zhou Yun for the first time, Zheng Xiaowen talked directly with Zhou Yun about many things.

On the contrary, when both of them became more and more successful, the opportunities for face-to-face chats decreased, and more and more things became business affairs between the two teams.

This is not a good phenomenon.

Zheng Xiaowen believes in the power of stars very much.And she is also very clear that VX's position in the Chinese market is not stable. It has not formed a very solid brand image like D, G, and V. Star artists are the spokespersons of their families to give themselves a boost. Coffee, VX has not reached this point yet.

Zheng Xiaowen knows that VX cannot lose Zhou Yun.

Even if you lose Wenxi, you can't lose Zhou Yun.

Zheng Xiaowen made a decisive decision, bought a plane ticket, and decided to fly to Berlin to meet Zhou Yun.

When she hastily bought a plane ticket and landed in Berlin, she rushed to the hotel where Zhou Yun was staying, just in time for Zhou Yun to leave for the airport.

Zhou Yun is going back to the United States to attend the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony.

Zheng Xiaowen's sudden appearance startled both Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan.

The effect of Zhou Yun wearing D's dress on the red carpet received very positive feedback, and was rated as the best red carpet look by several fashion websites.

The D family was also very satisfied. They posted Zhou Yun's red carpet photos on the official website and official social media accounts, and directly called her a top actress in China.

This cooperation has naturally aroused many people's attention and speculation. In the past year, Zhou Yun has worn clothes from the D family several times. The special custom series obviously attaches great importance to Zhou Yun, and every time Zhou Yun wears D's clothes, not only the Chinese official Weibo will post news, but even the headquarters official website will post news, obviously with Zhou Yun in a beautiful "exploratory relationship" Expect".

"Sister Xiaowen, why are you..." Zhou Yun looked at Zheng Xiaowen in surprise.

Zheng Xiaowen smiled and said, "Xiaoyun, long time no see."

When Zhou Yun understood Zheng Xiaowen's reason for coming, she finally understood why Zheng Xiaowen came so far.

It turned out that he was afraid that she would run away.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said: "Sister Xiaowen, I rejected the contract renewal condition you put forward before, not because I was dissatisfied with the conditions you gave, but I actually said before that I am not willing to only wear one Brand clothes, of course, I like VX very much, and I am very happy to cooperate with VX, these are two different things, Sister Xiaowen, I don’t know if you can understand my thoughts?”

Zheng Xiaowen nodded and said: "Every girl wants to wear all the clothes in the world, I can understand, but, Xiao Yun, VX needs you, and I need you, our previous cooperation is so beautiful, isn't it? If you don’t want to be bound by VX, as you are now, you can occasionally wear other brands of clothes, I fully understand, but I think you and VX still have a longer way to go hand in hand, right? "

Zhou Yun never thought about not renewing his contract with VX.

She didn't expect that wearing D's clothes on the red carpet this time would make Zheng Xiaowen so uneasy.

"Sister Xiaowen, as you said, I had a great time working with VX. Of course, what I cherish more is your attention and support to me. Look, how many dresses you have personally made for me. I keep that in mind, so as long as everything is right, contract renewal is not a problem, okay?" Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun's words have already fully expressed his sincerity.

Zheng Xiaowen also understood the meaning of Zhou Yun's words.

"Okay, I'm relieved to hear you say that."

Zheng Xiaowen followed Zhou Yun back to the airport, bought the nearest flight back home on the spot, and flew back.


Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun on the plane to the United States: "This time I really scared her."

Zhou Yun asked: "It's not the first time for me to wear D's clothes, why is she so nervous?"

Zhou Lan said: "What else could it be? You don't know how popular you are wearing D's style this time. People in the fashion circle have gone crazy, all praising you and D's style, and a Everyone is very optimistic about your cooperation with the D family, under the background of this kind of public opinion, how can Zheng Xiaowen not be nervous."

Zhou Yun: "So that's how it is."

"The response this time is particularly good. I heard that the dress you are wearing has been sold out in the Asian region." Zhou Lan said, "The person in charge of D's Asian region sent me another gift this morning. I don’t know what it is, but it’s probably worth a lot.”

Zhou Yun smiled.

"How nice."

Zhou Lan asked, "Xiaoyun, do you really plan to continue working with VX?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

"Let me say something more. Of course, I fully respect your opinion. I just want to tell you that now, in fact, many of your fans say that VX is not good enough for you. It's not as good as your Su Yan and Yin Lin. They all have G family. , As for the branch endorsement of the D family, the industry also thinks that VX is just a new brand after all, not as good as the G family, which has a history of more than a hundred years, has a style, and does not match your identity."

"It doesn't matter what they say, even if I don't endorse the G family and the D family, it won't affect me." Zhou Yun said, "The most important thing is that I like the style of VX. If I can continue to cooperate with VX for a long time, Putting my personal label on VX is no more rewarding than endorsing an already successful brand."

"Okay, anyway, I'm just telling you some of the feedback I've received. In the end, I must fully respect your opinion." Zhou Lan smiled, "Facts have proved that many of your judgments are indeed correct."

Zhou Yun was very happy to hear Zhou Lan say that.

"Sister Lan, when the time is right, let's also sign Xiaojing's contract to our studio." Zhou Yun said, "It's not just that a capable manager like you can train more outstanding artists. It's just an actor, I remember you said before that you still want to sign a management contract with a talk show actor?"

Zhou Lan said: "We're too busy. Our current studio doesn't have a mature operating mechanism. We can't eat too much. I didn't sign their agency contracts. I signed several business agency contracts."

"That's it." Zhou Yun smiled, "It's also pretty good."

High order 1000+, the results written from the single digits of the first order, thank you, I hope to continue the source, so please continue to ask for your support, because of your recommendation and sharing, more and more friends come to read this book !
(End of this chapter)

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