I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 659 Golden Globe Awards Ceremony

Chapter 659 Golden Globe Awards Ceremony

The Golden Globe Awards are considered to be second only to the Oscars in the world's film industry in terms of attention and influence.

Even if there were no Chinese participants in previous years, this award has attracted the attention of the Chinese film and media circles. What's more, this time not only "Behind the Scenes" competed for the best foreign language film, but also Zhou Yun was shortlisted for the best actress unit, will be featured at the awards ceremony.

On the day of the awards ceremony, domestic film media have already started various predictions and analysis.

In fact, although the film "Behind the Scenes" has a good reputation, there is another film that is the biggest hit for the best foreign language film.

Zhou Yun's Best Actress is even more so.The nomination was already a big upset at the beginning, which exceeded everyone's expectations.Zhou Yun's fans were afraid that everyone would not know the situation, had great expectations for Zhou Yun, and finally turned their anger on Zhou Yun. They have been clarifying that Zhou Yun's hope of winning the award is very low under various posts and speeches praising Zhou Yun.

On the one hand, despite the great influence of the Golden Globe Awards, in the final analysis, American films are still the mainstay, supplemented by films from other countries in Europe and the United States. It is not easy to have one or two films from Asia and Africa shortlisted. Thanks to the award at the Cannes Film Festival and the news of Zhou Yun, it sold a good box office in the United States, and with the help of a Chinese producer like Shi Luoqi who has been rooted in the American film industry for many years, it is now nominated for the Golden Globe As a result, it is too difficult for Zhou Yun, a Chinese actress, to win an award for a non-English film.

On the other hand, Zhou Yun itself is not popular. There are two other big favorites in the category of Best Actress in Musical/Comedy Movies. She is basically a companion.

The situation is very clear.

Although there is no hope of winning the award, this nomination is of great significance to Zhou Yun, and it is also of great significance to Chinese actresses.

It's not that you must win the Golden Globe and Oscar to prove the strength of an actor, and the awards in your own country are not enough, but any actor hopes to be recognized by audiences all over the world.

Today, only the Oscars, the Golden Globes and the three major European film festivals have the ability to influence the world. This is a fact.

Zhou Yun was able to nominate the Golden Globe Award, which is luck and her ability.

She made a Chinese figure appear in the list of mostly blond and blue-eyed personnel.

Zhou Yun will attend the ceremony with Shi Luoqi, Xue Qin, You Jiang and Wang Jing.

While preparing at the hotel, Song Chi made a video call.

Song Chi smiled and asked in the video, "How do you feel?"

The hair stylist is doing Zhou Yun's hair.

She put her mobile phone to the front and said, "I'm a little excited, what do you think of my look today?"

"Beautiful." Song Chi said, "Actually, you look beautiful in anything you wear."

"It must be uniquely beautiful and dazzling." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "It cannot be compared by others."

"No." Song Chi said, "Wherever you go, you are the one who attracts the most attention."

The red carpet of the Golden Globe Awards is a bit different from that in China. There are media reporters and even show hosts on the red carpet who put the equipment on the side of the red carpet, not the side with a layer in the middle, but directly The face-to-face kind of edge.

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun that when she was walking the red carpet, she might be stopped by a host or reporter who was broadcasting live, and then directly interview her some questions on the spot, and some people would even Play a little game with you or something.

Anyway, the red carpet at the scene was not so orderly, and it felt a bit noisy instead.

Zhou Yun said: "I will pay attention to answering questions, so as not to cause trouble for you."

"You just need to understand what I mean." Zhou Lan smiled.

Zhou Yun wore a long white dress that wraps his chest today, which is elegant and intellectual. Jinling Jewelry even provided them with a set of jewelry worth hundreds of millions, making Zhou Yun's jeweled aura no longer just a description.

In addition to Zhou Yun, Shi Luoqi, Xue Qin and Wang Jing are also well-dressed.

For such an important occasion, everyone is trying to bring out the best in themselves.

"Xiaoyun's style today will definitely be on the best-dressed list again." Shi Luoqi laughed, "You really fit this goddess style very well."

Zhou Yun kept the smile on his face, put one hand on his waist, and said, "Thank you, Sister Luo Qi, I feel that this skirt is very important now, and I really want to get rid of it quickly."

"You still feel tight with such a good figure? Isn't this skirt designed too inhumanely?" Xue Qin complained.

Zhou Yun smiled mischievously and said, "Maybe you have to pay some price for beauty."

Xue Qin began to complain unfriendly again: "That's you female stars, who are as thin as ribs and still say they are fat."

Zhou Yun had already gotten used to Xue Qin's style, so he smiled lightly.

Finally it was their turn to walk on the red carpet.

A group of people walked up.

After some media took several photos of them, they wanted to take a solo photo of Zhou Yun, so they asked the others to get out of the way.

Zhou Yun heard the impolite voice of this person, turned around and went to another direction.

Soon, a show host stopped her.

"Hi, Zhou Yun!" The host didn't even ask her if she would accept the interview, but directly passed the microphone in front of her and said, "We are the "Starlight" program, come say hello to the audience of our program. "

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment before he realized it.

When Shi Luoqi and the others saw Zhou Yun being stopped, they all stopped and waited for her.

Zhou Yun showed a bright smile in front of the camera and said, "Hi, everyone, I'm Zhou Yun."

The attitude of the host is very warm and friendly.

"Except for Zhou Yun, the people around Zhou Yun are all the main creative staff of the movie "Behind the Scenes", the producer Shi Luoqi, the director Xue Qin, these two, You Jiang and Wang Jing." The host looked at it like a treasure. The camera introduces everyone.

Zhou Yun looked at the little girl behind the camera holding up the sign, and held back a smile.

It turned out that the host, who seemed to have done enough homework in front of the camera, was actually able to name each of them by relying on the word board on the spot.

Well, it can be considered that this show has done their homework in advance, at least they have the heart to get the names of everyone who walks on the red carpet right, and there is no oolong.

After walking the red carpet, they entered the venue.

Everyone's seats are arranged in advance, but it is a table-by-table type.

The five of them shared a table with another crew.

"Wow, Zhou Yun, you are so beautiful today! Where is your dress from? Why have I never seen it before?" Christina exclaimed exaggeratedly when she saw her, and at the same time greeted her warmly. "I see. Is it the brand of Zheng Xiaowen you have been working with?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect Christina to know Zheng Xiaowen.

"Yes." Zhou Yun laughed, "You are also very charming today, are you going to present an award today?"

"Yes." Christina nodded, "Honey, good luck tonight!"

"Thank you."

Zhou Yun and Christina smiled at each other.

"Birds of a feather really flock together, and people are divided into groups." Suddenly, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded beside the two of them.

Zhou Yun and Christina turned their heads and saw Gertia who was also dressed up to attend.

Zhou Yun glanced at her, smiled lightly, and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are still as annoying as ever."

Gertia sneered and said, "Speaking of hate, people like you who come to my country to work and talk nonsense are really annoying."

"You have the ability to say this in front of the global audience when the awards are presented later." Zhou Yun directly retorted, "Don't always shoot in private, it will only make people think you are too low."

Gertia's face turned green again.

"Okay, Zhou Yun, why are you arguing with her? Elizabeth doesn't talk to her now." Christina took Zhou Yun's hand and advised, "Today is not suitable for arguing with others."

Gertia crossed her eyebrows and raised her tone in frustration: "Christina, don't think that you can overwhelm me now. Winning "Atonement" is not a big deal. If you have the skills, you can win an Oscar with this movie."

Christina glanced at her and said nothing.

Zhou Yun said directly: "You should get an Oscar for yourself first. You, a local school like you, didn't get one. What's the point of irony?"

Gertia clenched her fists angrily.

Suddenly, a photographer came over and said, "Gerdia, let me take a photo of you, Zhou Yun and Christina."

Gertia rolled her eyelids, said coldly, "No shot", and walked away.

Shi Luoqi and the others witnessed what happened just now, some were amazed, and some felt incredible.

Zhou Yun has not been in the United States as long as any of them. Why does it seem that he and Ge Diya have formed a big hatred and are facing each other tit for tat?

Shi Luoqi asked Zhou Yun in a low voice: "What's going on?"

Zhou Yun waved his hand, signaling to stop talking.

She smiled and introduced Christina to Shi Luoqi and they got to know each other.

Christina also praised them very exaggeratedly, and said that she knew each of them.

When she arrived at You Jiang, Christina said happily: "You Jiang, I already know you, Mr. You, we meet again."

You Jiang smiled and winked at Christina.

During this period of time, You Jiang basically participated in activities in the United States. He is a social expert. He is very close to Christina who also has this attribute. He probably knew him at the activities before.

The host of tonight's ceremony is a very famous host in the United States. He opened the opening with witty remarks and ridiculed all the big names present. He also mentioned Zhou Yun, saying that Zhou Yun "every year there are talented A newcomer was born, and this year's leader turned out to be a Chinese girl, how hard this Chinese girl worked, "Behind the Scene" and "Deep Sea" attracted the attention and curiosity of the whole world."

Zhou Yun smiled when she heard that she was mentioned, and when she saw that she was cut on the big screen at the scene, she smiled playfully at the camera again.

Domestic viewers who watched the live broadcast were a little surprised when they heard the host's introduction to Zhou Yun, which seemed a bit exaggerated.

They themselves are ashamed to say that "Behind the Scene" and "Deep Sea" have attracted the attention and curiosity of Zhou Yun from all over the world.

Until someone said: Don’t get me wrong, in their hearts, the United States is the center of the world, and their attention and curiosity to Zhou Yun is the attention and curiosity of the whole world to Zhou Yun.

A group of people were relieved and expressed their understanding.

"..." Zhou Lan was actually watching on the spot, but at the same time she was using her mobile phone to watch the bullet screen in the domestic live broadcast room, so as to grasp the news at the first time. Seeing this speech, she was a little dumbfounded.

In fact, everyone is right.

Zhou Lan did not sit with Zhou Yun and the others.

Her position is very far behind, and she is basically a behind-the-scenes staff.But her position can just see Zhou Yun's side face.

In the crowd, Zhou Yun sat gracefully, kept smiling, and occasionally chatted with the people next to him.

Although Zhou Lan has known Zhou Yun for a long time, so familiar that Zhou Lan can clearly describe every detail on Zhou Yun's face, she often feels a little surprised when she sees Zhou Yun.

Today, she is one of the most successful and famous agents in the country, and her annual income is no worse than that of He Yong. She knows in her heart where all this comes from.

Although Zhou Yun often said that without her, she would not be so at ease and so popular, but Zhou Lan knows that if Zhou Yun hadn't met her, she might be a few years later, or because another manager was short-sighted and eager for quick success. It has been a detour for a few years, but with Zhou Yun's qualifications, sooner or later she will get to where she is today.

She is the kind of genius who can jump the dragon gate as long as she is given a chance.

Looking at the star-studded celebrities in this room, Zhou Lan thought in his mind that today they just came here to explore the way, and it was a surprise to be able to sit here, but in the future they are bound to come and go here frequently, making everyone here feel happy. One is familiar with their existence.

When the award presenter read out the name of the winner of Best Actress in a Musical/Comedy Movie, Zhou Yun's secret expectation finally came to nothing.

Well, there is still no historic and miraculous upset to win the award.

Shi Luoqi, Xue Qin and You Jiang turned to look at her at the same time.

Zhou Yun smiled at them and said, "As expected, as expected."

Shi Luoqi said: "It's okay, we will come back next year with "Words of Fallen Leaves"."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

"Words of Fallen Leaves" has been snatched by G17 for distribution rights in the U.S., and its audience at the Sundance Film Festival has an excellent reputation. G17 believes that the film's U.S. box office is expected to exceed [-] million.

After the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, there are many party activities.

Pai Munch organized one, and the crew of "Behind the Scenes" were invited to attend.

Of course, Zhou Yun received invitations to almost all parties.

Originally, Zhou Yun wanted to wear this dress directly, but Zhou Lan said that almost all celebrity artists would change their outfits—after all, for such a big event, celebrity artists only wear one set of clothes, and the brand does not. promise.

Attending Paimonchi's party, Zhou Yun wore V's clothes.

Because of Zhou Yun, it is much more convenient for Zhou Lan to borrow clothes from Wang Jing, and almost every brand readily agrees - on the one hand, Wang Jing's own image will not lose the face of any brand, on the other hand, they can They all hope that Zhou Yun can wear their clothes.

Both Zhou Yun and Wang Jing's managers are Zhou Lan. If they don't handle the relationship with Zhou Lan properly, how can Zhou Yun wear their clothes.

And Mr. You Jiang, who ushered in the second spring of his career by relying on "Behind the Scenes", seems to have gotten very close to the G family recently. Every time he attends an event, he wears the clothes of the G family.

When they came to the party, they immediately got warm cheers from everyone.

A man walked up to Zhou Yun and said, "Your performance in "Behind the Scenes" was fantastic, never mind the Golden Globes."

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Many people came to Zhou Yun to express their love for her, and Zhou Yun expressed his gratitude in a friendly manner.

That night, she met too many people.

However, she stayed at the party for less than forty minutes, and left in a hurry under Zhou Lan's reminder, changed into another set of clothes, and went to Mo Weisen's dinner party.

Zhou Yun has already decided to hand over his overseas agency to Mo Weisen, and his appearance tonight is a preview.

Zhou Yun met Elizabeth here.

"Hi, my dear, you are so beautiful tonight. It's okay if you didn't win the prize. You are the best in my heart." Elizabeth took Zhou Yun's hand enthusiastically and said, "It's been a long time since I came out to participate in the event. It really makes me so happy to see you."

Zhou Yun said: "Me too, I was so surprised to see you, why didn't you tell me in advance that you would come?"

"I also made a temporary decision. I didn't want to come out, and I didn't want to be reported randomly by those media reporters, but I was too bored, staying at home was so boring." Elizabeth said.

Zhou Yun laughed.

"I heard that Gertia went to trouble you again today?" Elizabeth asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "It's not troublesome, she's just annoying, you know, I haven't provoked her before, but she always comes to provoke me as if I'm sorry for her."

"She can't bear the sight of you becoming famous as soon as you come to Hollywood, she's too jealous." Elizabeth took Zhou Yun's hand to meet Sedar who had met at Elizabeth's party before, and said, "Sedar, Zhou Yun is here, didn't you look for her before?" ?"

Zhou Yun looked at Sedar in surprise.

The Oscar-nominated black actress known for the "Fantastic" franchise gave a look of surprise and said, "Hey, Zhou Yun, I finally met you, so I want you to do me a favor."

"Huh? You said."

Zhou Yun didn't know what he could do to help Sedar.

Sedar said: "I want to invite your boyfriend to play my leading role in a movie, can you introduce me to him?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect Sedar's target to be Song Chi.

"Haha, okay." Zhou Yun readily agreed, "No problem."

After some exchanges, Zhou Yun found out that Sedar was already working as a producer.

She set up a company by herself to find suitable projects to act in.

"Only in this way can you have the right to speak and act in the movies you want." Sedar said, "I heard that Song Chi also set up a production company by himself."

Zhou Yun thought, that's really different.

Song Chi's company was formally built as a production company, with professional managers running it, not a personal company that revolved around Song Chi's development projects.

"I want to start my own production company." Elizabeth said suddenly.

“You should have started your own production company a long time ago,” Sedar said.

Elizabeth said: "I always thought it was too much trouble before."

Sedar said: "You are afraid of trouble now, but when you get old and the film companies don't ask you to make movies, you will be even more troublesome."

Elizabeth said, "How did you think so far?"

Sedar said: "If I don't want to go further, who else can I count on?"

Elizabeth is very popular now, and she has never missed a chance since her debut. Every day sitting at home, film companies keep sending her scripts and asking her to act.

She didn't think about the day when she would no longer be valued by the film company.

Most people don't think about this day when they are young.

Zhou Yun glanced at Sedar in surprise, a little surprised at Sedar's calmness and maturity.

Sedar and Elizabeth should be about the same age, but Sedar's considerations are obviously longer and farther.How many young actors are prepared for danger when they are most popular?There are very few.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought, even though she is in a good situation now, ten years later, twenty years later, when she is forty or fifty years old, how many suitable roles will there be in the market?
Zhou Yun thought of Zhang Hongyu, "Being a Mother", and Zeng Lili.

To be a producer, open a production company, and take the initiative to customize scripts for himself, maybe that's what Sedar thinks.

Zhou Yun felt that he might need to do the same?

In the final analysis, actresses and actors are not facing the same situation. From the current point of view, when actresses reach a certain age, their chances will drop sharply. This is an indisputable reality.

It's not that the popularity has decreased, nor the popularity has decreased, but the number of heroines who fit this age group has dropped sharply.

Sedar said: "I don't want to wait until I'm [-] or [-] years old, and I can only play some leftover roles."

Zhou Yun didn't know if Elizabeth had listened to it, but she was quite touched.

At this moment, she suddenly understood on another level how remarkable what Song Chi had done.He is helping powerful actresses like Zhang Hongyu to return to the center of the market, or in other words, he is even trying to open up the market for heroines in their forties and fifties.

That night, Zhou Yun didn't return to the hotel until three o'clock in the morning.

She met a lot of people, and got to know a lot of people, producers, directors, screenwriters, actors, photographers, stylists... Zhou Yun didn't know how much she remembered.

But when she fell asleep on the bed tiredly, she was still thinking about what Sedar said.

What can she do?

Setting up a company is not difficult, but how does it work?
With such doubts in his arms, Zhou Yun fell into a deep sleep.


the next day.

"Set up a production company?" Zhou Lan was very surprised when she heard Zhou Yun's idea. She didn't know how Zhou Yun had this idea overnight.

Zhou Yun said: "Well, a company that specializes in producing film and television dramas with protagonists in the [-]s and [-]s."

Zhou Lan was even more confused.

"Forty or fifty years old?"

Zhou Yun said: "I have to prepare myself for the future."

"Ah?" Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun in astonishment, "You mean, you are preparing for your own forty or fifty years old?"

Zhou Yun nodded, "That's right."

"What stimulated you?"

Zhou Yun said, "Don't you think I should plan ahead?"

"Even if you're planning ahead, it's too early." Zhou Lan said, "How old are you now?"

Zhou Yun said: "It's never too late to do something early, and I've thought about it, you see, we know so many actors with good acting skills and good people, but they are not well-known, and they can't get any good dramas, why? Why don’t I use my own strength to produce some good film and television dramas? With such a big market in our country, there are still so many themes and stories to explore.”

"If you want to try it, you can try it, but if you do this, you and Song Chi will be in a ring."

"No, I've thought about it. I only focus on making mid-to-medium-budget films, and I mainly focus on movies." Zhou Yun said, "The kind of movies that may have a low rate of return, but I think they are good movies, I didn’t start this company to make money anyway.”

"It's fine if you think so." Zhou Lan said, "But, Xiaoyun, you have to invest a lot of money every year to start such a company."

"Well, I think I can only make one or two films like this every year." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan smiled, "That's not a lot. Even if a movie is low-cost, at least tens of millions have been invested in it."

"Let's try the water first." Zhou Yun said, "If I keep losing money, then I can't keep doing it, but who knows, if I can make a lot of money."

"That's true, at least you know many distributors in various countries, and they may be willing to buy." Zhou Lan said, "This is your biggest advantage. You know a lot of filmmakers internationally, and there will be more and more. If you really want to open a production company, there must be many people who are willing to invest in movies in your name and are willing to buy your movies."

Zhou Yun: "It feels like I'm completely consuming my name."

"You consume yourself, and no one can say anything."

"But will this consume too much of my energy? I'm afraid that talking about it will take up a lot of my time."

"You can find a reliable partner to work with you, but this matter can't be rushed, and you don't want to start this company as soon as you go back, right?" Zhou Lan said, "Let's look for it first, is there any?" The right person, if there is no right person, everything is in vain.”

Zhou Yun chatted with Zhou Lan for a long time, and the more they talked, the more excited they became.

After talking about this matter, they went to a restaurant outside to have lunch together, and then they were going to the airport to return home.

It was at this time that Zhou Yun temporarily received the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala has already started, and the program has been screened for many rounds. Zhou Yun did not expect to receive an invitation to the Spring Festival Gala at this time.

When they received the call, they were still at the airport in the United States and hadn't boarded the plane yet.

The director team wanted to invite Song Chi and Zhou Yun to sing a song together.

As soon as Zhou Yun heard the singing, his eyes turned black.

She really wanted to decline and had a lot of concerns, but the director tried his best to persuade her, and said that it was an order from a senior leader.

Only then did Zhou Yun realize why he came to her suddenly after several rounds of rehearsals.

It turned out to be the meaning of a certain high-ranking person.

The original words of the family were: "Isn't Zhou Yun the most representative of our country's literary and artistic personnel in the past two years? Why didn't you invite her to the Spring Festival Gala?"

Then, the call from the director's team came.

After some deliberation, Zhou Yun finally agreed.

The Spring Festival Gala has a very special meaning for every Chinese.

Zhou Yun also hopes that he can participate in a Spring Festival Gala and leave his shadow in the Spring Festival Gala.

However, she asked if she and Song Chi could bring a few more people to the show.

She thought to herself that both she and Song Chi were taking care of newcomers, so it would be great if she could show them on the Spring Festival Gala.

The director team was very embarrassed by Zhou Yun's request.

What programs and artists will be featured on the Spring Festival Gala must be approved by the higher authorities.

As soon as Zhou Yun heard the embarrassment, he said forget it.

She didn't want to cause trouble for other people's work. She thought it was her and Song Chi's show anyway, and bringing a few newcomers to the show was just to make her and Song Chi sing less. She didn't want to sing more.


After returning to China, Zhou Yun went to meet Wen Bing non-stop.

"Female Killer" will start filming in March, and she and Wen Bing have a lot of ideas about the script and characters to communicate.

The film is intended to be shot on location, so most of the film is filmed abroad.If such a theme is not filmed in a foreign background, it cannot be released in the mainland.

Wen Bing had been conducting field trips abroad to select locations before.

This kind of cross-border shooting, fortunately, has a large company like Xindun as the backing for various coordination, which saved Wen Bing a lot of trouble.

Wen Bing was worried that he had no experience in directing abroad, and was worried that some problems would occur. If he could not solve them in time, he would not be able to complete the filming within the expected time.

Zhou Yun said to Wen Bing: "It's okay, I have no other work arrangements in the future. If it is postponed, it will be postponed. I will definitely accompany you to the last day."

Wen Bing smiled and said, "That's good."

""One Mountain, Two Tigers" is about to be released, don't you need to run publicity?"

"Where do I have time now to run the promotion of "One Mountain and Two Tigers", if I don't take advantage of this time to set the scene of "Female Killer", in another week, "One Mountain and Two Tigers" will enter intensive promotion At that time, I really couldn't escape." Wen Bing said, "I heard you are going to the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded and said, "This is the current arrangement. Originally, I wanted to promote "One Mountain and Two Tigers" after I finished my performance, but the director team didn't agree, and I couldn't say a word more. "

Wen Bing smiled and said, "That's probably Xuan, but every sentence of the Spring Festival Gala has to be written in advance for review."

"You said that if you can promote "One Mountain and Two Tigers" in the Spring Festival Gala, then you don't have to worry about the box office of this movie."

"There was a lot of fighting during the Spring Festival. Currently, the pre-sales of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" are not bad, but the investment in this film is very large. If the box office does not support the box office in the first few days, there is no extra room, and the filming schedule will be immediately rejected. Other movies will be crowded out." Wen Bing said, "I'm really afraid of losing money, this is my first movie with such a large investment as a director, and Liang Yuanpu is also invited to star in it, you don't know that Yao Yuanfeng will promote this movie I can’t sleep well thinking about it at night because of how much I’ve invested in it.”

Zhou Yun encouraged him: "Don't worry, with a box office fortune like me, "One Mountain Two Tigers" will definitely not be bad, but I haven't seen the finished film yet."

Wen Bing said: "Xindun held two internal test screenings, and the response was not bad, but I was worried that this kind of fighting and killing would be too exciting, and it is not suitable for the whole family to go out to watch movies together during the Spring Festival."

"That can't be all family movies. This year's Spring Festival should only have an action movie like "One Mountain Two Tigers"?"

"At present, it is scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival, one of ours, and one of Song Chi's spy film "The Inaction". This is also a blockbuster with an all-star cast. Besides this, there is also a comedy film starring Shen Yao. This film is currently ranked first in pre-sale, and there is also a sci-fi comedy film directed by Tan Yaoxing, and an inspirational film by Chen Shimo."

After listening to it, Zhou Yun said, "The themes are clearly distinguished."

"Everyone is afraid that if they fight too hard, both sides will suffer." Wen Bing said, "Of course, besides these few, there are two more animations to be released."

"I remember last year's "The Great Sage" took more than [-] billion at the box office." Zhou Yun said.

"The Great Sage" is an animation for the Spring Festival last year.

Wen Bing nodded.

Zhou Yun said: "We do our own work well, and the next thing is to watch the audience of this movie."

"Yeah." Wen Bing nodded.

Although he nodded, Zhou Yun could still tell that Wen Bing was still nervous.

When a movie is released, the pressure on the director must be the most intense.

Because everyone says that film is the art of the director.

Whether it sells well or not, whether it is popular or not.

"Days" is the jewel in the front, and now "One Mountain and Two Tigers" has completely changed the theme and genre, will the audience still buy it?
Zhou Yun knew that Wen Bing was nervous, and she was also nervous about the unknown prospect.

"Female Killer" is a derivative film of "One Mountain Two Tigers". At the beginning, Xindun didn't want to give the green light to this movie so quickly. According to Xindun's thinking, they still wanted to see the box office of "One Mountain Two Tigers" first. And word of mouth, as well as the audience's attitude towards Zhou Yun's role, and then decide whether to shoot or not, and how much money to give for the shoot.

But later, Zhou Yun's schedule was really tight. If "The Female Killer" was not put on the schedule as soon as possible, Zhou Yun's schedule might have to wait for a year or two. In addition, Yao Yuanfeng wanted to have a closer cooperation with Zhou Yun at that time. So "Female Killer" was given the green light and entered the stage of formal preparation.

The performance of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" also affected Xindun's confidence in "Female Killer" to a certain extent.

After seeing Wen Bing, Zhou Yun went home to rest for a day, and went to meet Song Chi on the crew of "Jianyuntai".

It is said that "Jianyuntai" was very difficult to shoot.

Director Zuo Hang is very demanding. If there is a detail that is not up to standard on the scene, Zuo Hang must correct it, which caused the progress of "Jian Yuntai" to slow down.

Song Chi estimated that "Jian Yuntai" could not be finished as scheduled.

Zhou Yun went to visit the set, and when he arrived on the set, Zuo Hang dragged him to make a cameo appearance.

Zhou Yun readily agreed, playing the role of a woman who fell in a panic and was helped up by Song Chi.

The scene was very simple, but it took a long time to shoot.

Zhou Yun felt once how high Zuo Hang's requirements are.

He actually asked that when she was helped up by Song Chi, a lock of bangs would fall off exactly, and then she would hook her back with her fingers.

Zhou Yun really didn’t understand why this happened, until he was tortured and took more than [-] shots, just to wait for the lock of bangs to fall to the position Zuo Hang wanted, the shot was successfully shot, Zhou Yun went to see the shot just now , was amazed by the look of his eyes.

She acted it herself, and when she acted, she didn't know that this scene would have a fragile and bewildered beauty when it was photographed in the camera.

Zuo Hang said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Yun said: "I am convinced."

She finally understood why Song Chi tolerated Zuo Hang's constant slowdown of the filming progress.

To be honest, although Zuo Hang spent more time, he is very good at shooting.

Zhou Yun's heart fluttered suddenly, and he asked, "Director, what are you planning to film next? Is there a role suitable for me?"

Zuo Hang said directly: "Yes, but your salary is too high, I can't afford it."

"The salary is negotiable." Zhou Yun said, "Can I read the script?"

"It's just a supporting role." Zuo Hang said, "And he's also a lunatic."

Zhou Yun's heart skipped a beat.

"You think the suitable role for me is a lunatic?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zuo Hang said: "She is a beautiful young lunatic."

Zhou Yun: "..."

She said, "Okay."

"If you are willing to act, I will send you the script later, but the script has not been completely revised yet." Zuo Hang said.

"Okay, you can send it to me." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun accompanied Song Chi for three days on the crew of "Jianyuntai", and asked, "What about the performance of the Spring Festival Gala? Before the official performance, can you ask the crew for leave?"

For an occasion like the Spring Festival Gala, it was impossible for Song Chi not to participate in the rehearsal.

No matter how big the star is, there is no one who does not participate in the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal.

Song Chi said: "Yes, I have already asked for leave with the crew, and I will participate in the last three rehearsals."

Zhou Yun nodded, "That's good."

However, Song Chi was unable to participate in the promotion of the film "Inaction".

There is really no time.

Fortunately, "Inaction" has many other star actors besides him, so the starlight will not be dimmed in the promotional activities.

Zhou Yun hugged Song Chi, "I'm going to BJ later this afternoon. You're filming, so I won't come to say goodbye to you."

"Yeah." Song Chi kissed Zhou Yun's lips, "Tell me when we arrive."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"By the way, don't forget to contact Sedar, I promised him." Zhou Yun reminded.

What Zhou Yun said was that Sedar entrusted Zhou Yun to introduce Song Chi.

Song Chi smiled and nodded, "Understood, don't worry, I won't let you lose your promise to your friends."

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun went to BJ by plane.

As soon as he landed, Zhou Yun received a message from Liu Yuqian: Xiaoyun, have you returned to China yet?Do you have time to meet up?
Zhou Yunhui: I just arrived in BJ, sister Yuqian, where are you?

Liu Yuqian: What a coincidence?Of course I'm in BJ, so are you free now?
Zhou Yun said: I am still on the plane and taxiing, and it will be two hours before I arrive in the urban area.

Liu Yuqian said: Which hotel do you live in?I'll wait for you at the hotel.

Zhou Yun said yes, and gave Liu Yuqian the name of the hotel.

When Zhou Yun arrived at the hotel, it was already half past six in the evening.

Zhou Yun entered the lobby, and when Zheng Xiaoju checked in, she turned her head and looked around, but she couldn't find Liu Yuqian, so she called Liu Yuqian.

"I'm in a cafe next door, have you arrived yet?"

"Well, I just arrived. I'm sorry, Sister Yuqian. There's been a traffic jam on the road, so I'm a little late." Zhou Yun said, "I'm so hungry, why don't we have dinner together."

"Okay, then I'll come and find you now."
Today's writing is relatively smooth, please ask for a monthly ticket, please recommend, please support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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