I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 661 Public opinion

Chapter 661 Public opinion
"Why don't we both stop singing." Song Chi said, "The two of us will do what we are best at, acting out a scene."

"Stop singing? Change the show? Can the director agree?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Song Chi said: "The show will not be changed, it will still be the performance of this song, but the singing part will be given to other singers, and we will be responsible for performing this song and doing a scene performance."

When Zhou Yun heard Song Chi say this, he immediately understood.

When many singers are singing, there are dancers next to them to interpret some situations in the song through dancing.

Song Chi planned to do a scene performance based on the content of this song.

"Can this work?" Zhou Yun thought for a while, "It seems to be true."

The requirement of the director team is that Zhou Yun and Song Chi will complete a performance together, but they don't necessarily have to sing.

If the form of their performance is changed from singing to acting, Zhou Yun no longer has to worry about lip-syncing.

This change only needs to find a singer to take on the part they were originally going to sing.

It's not hard to find a singer, no, there is Guan Xiaohe in the lounge.

She is a professional singer, and if she can go to the Spring Festival Gala, her singing ability is definitely not low, and she has passed the approval of the Spring Festival Gala before.

After discussing it with Song Chi, Zhou Yun and Song Chi thought it was feasible, so they went to the chief director to discuss it.

Sure enough, as they expected, the chief director did not deny the proposal outright.

With Zhou Yun and Song Chi's current status, as long as their opinions are not too unreasonable, the director team will definitely consider them seriously.

The chief director said: "I have to discuss your proposal with other people, but now there are less than [-] days left before the New Year's Eve. You can make your proposal in such a short time. Have you figured out the content of the performance? Before that, we have less than two rehearsals, and the last rehearsal will be carried out according to the standards of this live broadcast."

Song Chi said: "If you ask us to practice for a hundred days to sing a song, it is better to spend one day to study the effect of a scene performance. We are professional actors."

"Okay." The chief director nodded, "Song Chi, Zhou Yun, you design first, and I will also inform Guan Xiaohe, but I have to communicate with other people about this matter first, and you have to give a formal performance in the next rehearsal , we have to watch the content of the program first, and if we can pass the test, I will agree to change the program to this format."

"No problem." Song Chi nodded readily.

This song is about a love story.

The duration of this program is 3 minutes and 12 seconds, and the scene performances of Song Chi and Zhou Yun must be controlled within these 3 minutes and 12 seconds.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi did what they said they would do.

The first is to refine the content of the lyrics, and then to design the scene.

"Let's just show the normal scenes we get along with each other." Song Chi said, "There is no need to design something special. The more such things are designed, the stronger the design sense will be, and it will not be pure."

"En." Zhou Yun nodded in agreement.

Because Song Chi had to rush back to the set to film, they didn't have much time, and they didn't even eat dinner normally. The assistant came back with a boxed lunch, and the two of them sat on the floor of the rehearsal room, eating the boxed lunch while discussing.

"I think Guan Xiaohe has to be included." Zhou Yun said, "It can't be said that the two of us are playing our own and she is singing hers. This kind of separation is too strong, and it's not good-looking."

She said: "Well, you go back to the crew to film first, I'll go find Guan Xiaohe, and I'll take her there to find you."

Zhou Yun didn't arrange any other work later, she thought to herself, if Guan Xiaohe wanted to seize this opportunity, he would definitely make room for the rest of the time.

The chief director has already told Guan Xiaohe to start practicing this song in advance, but he also said that everything is unknown now, and no one knows what form the show will be performed in the end.

But for Guan Xiaohe, this is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

She thought she was eliminated by the Spring Festival Gala, but who knew she got another chance.

Even if this opportunity is uncertain.

This is also good news.

When Zhou Yun found Guan Xiaohe, Guan Xiaohe was practicing this song in the hotel.

Knowing that Zhou Yun was here, Guan Xiaohe greeted her at the door with a face full of surprise.

"Sister Xiaoyun, thank you and Brother Chi for giving me this opportunity!" Guan Xiaohe thanked excitedly as soon as we met.

"Xiaohe, don't be so polite. I really don't know how to sing, so I need you to help me." Zhou Yun said, "However, Xiaohe, I came to you because of this matter. Song Chi and I have already Gets out of what we're doing, but both of us think it's just too generic."

Guan Xiaohe's heart skipped a beat.

"Don't you want me to sing?"

Guan Xiaohe thought, so in the end Song Chi and Zhou Yun decided to sing by themselves?

Zhou Yun shook his head: "No, I need you to sing, but we want to integrate your singing part into the whole performance, otherwise our two performances are too separate, but this requires you to join us in rehearsal, Song Chi has already I'm back to the filming crew, and the movie can't be delayed, I would like to ask you to go to Song Chi's filming crew with me, and let's go there to rehearse together."

Guan Xiaohe felt relieved.

She thought she had lost this opportunity again.

She immediately said: "It's okay, Miss Xiaoyun, I'll go with you, and I will cooperate with you in whatever you need me to do."

Guan Xiaohe's current obsession is to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

As long as she can go to the Spring Festival Gala, she is willing to do anything.

God knows how much effort she has put in to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

In her heart, she had already scolded the old senior who wanted to cooperate ten thousand times.

Zhou Yun patted Guan Xiaohe on the shoulder and said, "Okay, let's set off early tomorrow morning, can I add you on WeChat?"

Guan Xiaohe immediately took out his phone and added Zhou Yun as friends.

"Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun." Guan Xiaohe said, his eyes were red again, "I thought I wouldn't be able to attend the Spring Festival Gala this year, if you didn't give me this opportunity, I really wouldn't be able to."

Zhou Yun hugged Guan Xiaohe and said, "Let's work hard together. Although the time is short, we must make this show well, and the audiences all over the country will watch it."

Why do so many celebrities and entertainers want to go to the Spring Festival Gala? Because the Spring Festival Gala has become the top stage in the hearts of the people of the country over the past few decades. In everyone's mind, only the best artists can be on this stage.How many young people are known to people all over the country overnight because of the Spring Festival Gala. Any program will attract explosive discussions and attention.

Zhou Yun has acted in so many movies and TV series, but speaking of it, there are still many people who don't know her.

Not everyone pays attention to film and television, and not everyone pays attention to celebrities.

But the Spring Festival Gala is different.

People who don't usually pay attention to the entertainment and entertainment circles will also take a look at the Spring Festival Gala.

All media in the country will basically report on the Spring Festival Gala.

This is the stage with the largest exposure in the country.


Before Zhou Yun decides to do something, he will hesitate and consider a lot of issues, but once he decides to do it, he must do it to the extreme and do his best.

She took Guan Xiaohe to Song Chi's film crew, booked a room at the hotel where Song Chi was staying, and stayed.

The crew helped coordinate a rehearsal room for them.

Every day when Song Chi was filming on the set, Zhou Yun and Guan Xiaohe stayed in the rehearsal room, studying how to make the show better presented, and when Song Chi had nothing to do and time was free, Song Chi would come over and talk to them. Rehearse together.

They don't have a lot of time to grind bit by bit.

Zhou Yun began to ask others for help.

She invited director Jiang Xin over and asked him to watch the show for them and then give his opinion.

Jiang Xin simply stayed here for two days and helped them design a story of "meeting people in the song".

This is not finished.

Because of the designed story of "people meet in the song", the background of this performance suddenly has a very strong ancient charm.

The ancient background is not necessary, but the style is fresh and elegant.

Zhou Yun could only call Zheng Xiaowen again and said, "Xiaowen, I need your help."

Zheng Xiaowen flew over with her designer team to help design clothes for the three of them. At the same time, Zhou Yun also invited Li Chunhong, a makeup artist who had worked with "Ask the Heart", to design the looks of the three of them.

A group of people came together for this show.

The arrangement also needs to be changed. The original arrangement of this song is a relatively fresh and modern style.

Zhou Yun's heartbeat was accelerating.

She was uneasy, afraid that the performance would not be completed.

Time is too tight, no one knows if it can be done.

It usually takes half a month for Zheng Xiaowen to design a set of clothes from design idea to production, but now it only takes five days.

She and the designer of the team did not say any nonsense that could not be completed. In the rehearsal room, they listened to director Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun explain the concept and style of the whole performance. After watching the performance content again, they directly occupied a corner and started Discuss and draw pictures.

Li Chunhong and his apprentice Li Li also participated in it.

How can styling and clothing be separated.

It took only half a day for them to discuss a plan.

Fresh and elegant Chinese style.

Instead of imitating ancient times, it adopts a Chinese style that combines modernity with traditional Chinese culture.

They met when they were young, separated after the war, and reunited after the war.

A song expressing love is integrated with the fate of the times and the feelings of family and country.

"Song Chi's style is easy to get, the key is Zhou Yun's. The performance of this song only takes three minutes, and Zhou Yun has to change three sets of styles. It is too difficult to connect in the middle, and something will go wrong if you are not careful." Li Chunhong said , "Especially hair and makeup, I don't recommend making changes."

"It is indeed too difficult to make changes in such a short period of time." Jiang Xin said, "But I still think that we need to make changes in form and vision, which will give the audience a stronger feeling."

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at each other.

"What about adding costumes and makeup through the design of the plot?" Zheng Xiaowen suddenly proposed.

"Huh?" The others looked at her.

Zheng Xiaowen said: "This story is divided into three stages. The teenagers met, the war broke up, and finally the two reunited. Through the design of the plot, in fact, it is completely possible to change clothes and make up directly on stage."

Zheng Xiaowen's words inspired them all.

That night, Zhou Yun only slept for an hour.

She has been communicating with Jiang Xin to discuss the performance details and connection details of this show.

There is not enough time.

Everyone worked non-stop to do their best to help the show.

Zheng Xiaowen directly called ten tailors, came with machinery and equipment, and started work in full swing, making costumes and shoes for them to wear during the performance.

Li Chunhong took her apprentice Li Li to design makeup and hairstyles for the three of them.

Jiang Xin's time was really tight. After staying for two days, he had to leave. He and Zhou Yun finally finalized the entire form and details of the performance, and then left. Styling and Clothing Effects.

For five days, Zhou Yun devoted all his energy to the rehearsal of the show except for six hours of sleep every day.

The most difficult part of this performance is her and Guan Xiaohe.

Guan Xiaohe's difficulty lies in singing this song, temporarily changing the arrangement and style, she has to understand and become familiar with the new arrangement and style in such a short period of time, and complete the performance with Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

The difficulty for Zhou Yun lies in moving positions, changing costumes, and acting.

Because Song Chi has little rehearsal time, almost all the transitions and position changes are on her.

There are no lines, but there are a lot of rival scenes, and within three minutes, he and Song Chi will act out a young acquaintance, a separation in war, and a final reunion.

The adjustment of emotions and the complexity of positioning made Zhou Yun feel a sigh of relief.

It's not a movie show, there's a reshoot, a live show, it's all about that one night.

Five days later, they flew to BJ to participate in the penultimate rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala, which was also the moment that decided the fate of their show.


On the same day, on the Internet, an anonymous user posted:
I really can't stand it anymore, let me tell you something, this year's CW invited the hottest celebrity couples, even after several rounds of rehearsals, they were stuffed into this year's CW. The program that took seven days to rehearse actually passed the review!Has the director team also started to lower the threshold of CW for the sake of traffic and popularity? !I can't understand it!Just wait and see, I never imagined that CW would one day start star-oriented and perfunctory the audience!

As soon as this post was posted, it caused an uproar on the Internet.

The Spring Festival Gala has attracted more attention than any other program.

Other programs can be perfunctory, but how can the Spring Festival Gala be perfunctory!
I don't know if this incident is true or not, but many people's emotions have been aroused, and they have left messages under the official blog of the Spring Festival Gala, asking them to give an explanation.

At the same time, some people started to find out who the star couple in this breaking news post was.

By comparing the star lists of the previous rehearsals and the next two rehearsals, someone compared Song Chi and Zhou Yun.

For a while, the two fell into a huge crisis of public opinion.

As I said earlier, the audience of the Spring Festival Gala is not the same as the audience of other shows in the entertainment industry.

Many people don't know Song Chi and Zhou Yun at all, or have only heard of their names, but have not read their works.

They didn't know who these two people were, but when they saw that these two stars passed the review of the Spring Festival Gala director team with a program that had only been rehearsed for five days, they immediately felt angry and thought that the Spring Festival Gala director The team was able to pass this program because they bowed to the star's fame and popularity.

Regarding the attacks of Song Chi and Zhou Yun, the sky was overwhelming for a while.

Even many netizens who usually have a good impression of the two of them can't stand this matter.

Just five days of rehearsals...airborne...

Especially the fans of celebrity entertainers who participated in the rehearsal but were killed in the middle of the show, seeing this news, it’s okay now, isn’t the opportunity of their own celebrity artist’s show being snatched away by these two paratroopers? !

The director team of the Spring Festival Gala did not expect that such a big public opinion crisis would suddenly erupt when the live broadcast of the New Year's Eve was about to begin.

The leaders above all called to ask what was going on.

The chief director explained what was going on, the leader was silent for a moment, and asked, "How about their program?"

The chief director said: "Everyone in our director team was touched."

The leader was silent for a while, and said, "If that's the case, then ignore the voices outside."

The chief director said: "Thank you for your understanding."

"I understand that it's not important, what's important is that the audience will say yes when the time comes."

The chief director said: "Definitely."

Having watched the program, he is full of confidence in the program.

After hanging up the phone, he frowned, went back to the director's room, and said, "Who the hell is spreading this kind of material on the Internet and guiding this kind of public opinion, find out who it is right away!"


Zhou Yun was under a lot of pressure.

Now, everyone is waiting to watch their show and see what is going on.

When she accepted the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala, she really did not expect to encounter such overwhelming attacks.

Guan Xiaohe stayed out of the matter instead, and now basically no one on the Internet knew that she was also in Zhou Yun and Song Chi's show.

So this time the public opinion attack did not attack her.

Guan Xiaohe was also worried that Zhou Yun was under too much pressure, so he frequently looked at her uneasily.

Zhou Yun noticed Guan Xiaohe's gaze, and took the initiative to comfort him: "It's okay, don't worry, we have tried our best to make this performance the best."

In this performance, Guan Xiaohe's singing is very important, and Zhou Yun does not want this to affect Guan Xiaohe's state.

The last rehearsal is also a rehearsal that is officially conducted according to the live broadcast standard.

Zhou Yun made a mistake in moving on stage, which was caused by being too nervous.

No one saw it, but she broke out in a cold sweat.

What if there is a more serious situation than this in the official performance?
After their performance, Zhou Yun locked himself in the lounge.

Both Guan Xiaohe and Song Chi saw Zhou Yun's mistake just now, and they knew why Zhou Yun did it.

"Brother Chi, Miss Xiaoyun...is she alright?"

Song Chi also felt anxious for Zhou Yun in his heart. He didn't show the slightest bit, and said, "It's okay, you go to rest first, keep your voice in good condition, and see you tomorrow."

Guan Xiaohe asked hesitantly, "Aren't you going to rehearse today?"

"It's already very good, we are very skilled, what we have to do now is to maintain our state to the best, and we can fully devote ourselves to the performance in the day after tomorrow." Song Chi said, "See you tomorrow."

Guan Xiaohe just left.

Song Chi left Zhou Yun alone for half an hour before knocking on the door and saying, "Xiao Yun, let me in."

Zhou Yun opened the door.

She looked bad.

Song Chi closed the door.

"Are you still worried about your mistake just now?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I'm afraid that there will be bigger problems in the official performance the day after tomorrow."

"Little Yun." Song Chi looked into Zhou Yun's eyes, "It's okay even if there are bigger problems."

Zhou Yun thought that Song Chi would say that there would be no problem.

She said: "Spring Festival Gala, it's okay to have bigger problems?"

"Because no matter what problem you have, I will support you and help you remedy it." Song Chi said, "I am very relaxed in rehearsal today, because I know that no matter what happens to me, you will help me remedy it."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly.

"Don't think I'm saying nice things, I'm serious." Song Chi said, "So, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake in your position. Even if you go to the auditorium, I will catch up and bring you back to the stage. superior."

Zhou Yun pushed Song Chi on the shoulder.

"If I still walk to the auditorium, then I will be in the headlines immediately."

"We are professional actors. Live performances cannot be without pressure, and it is impossible for all shows to be free of mistakes. But you have to be confident. We all have the ability to recover from mistakes. What I want to say is this." Song Chi said, "So, we don't have to worry about mistakes, you've designed the show to be the best it can be, haven't you?"

Zhou Yun sighed.

"Director Jiang Xin, Xiao Wen, Teacher Li Chunhong, and their team, so many people have put in so much effort for this show. If my mistake ruins the show, their hard work will be in vain."

"Xiao Yun, they didn't pay so much for the Spring Festival Gala. They did it for you. You invited them to help you for this show." Song Chi said, "How could they become the pressure of your performance? You know Why did they come to help when you called? Because everyone who knows you is the same as me, we all believe in your talent, your ability, you can make the impossible possible, even if, we finally did If you screw up, it’s okay, isn’t it just being scolded by everyone? But we are still us, and I will accompany you.”

Zhou Yun's mood finally relaxed slowly in Song Chi's words.

She hugged Song Chi's neck and leaned against it.

The next day, Zhou Yun didn't set the alarm clock, and let herself sleep until she woke up naturally. In the afternoon, she went to rehearse with Song Chi and Guan Xiaohe for the last time, checking all the costumes and props.

At night, Zhou Yun couldn't sleep, and still felt nervous and anxious.

So did Song Chi.

Two people watch a comedy movie together to soothe their emotions.

The schedule is announced.

Neither Zhou Yun nor Song Chi looked at their phones anymore.

Just tonight.

No one responded to the revelation, because the show is the best response.

Arrive at the scene, apply makeup, dress, and wait for the performance.

Many star performers were taking photos and exchanging greetings.

Zhou Yun, Song Chi, and Guan Xiaohe didn't go anywhere, they just stayed in their lounge, waiting quietly to take the stage.

Before coming to power, they don't want anyone to affect their status.

(End of this chapter)

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