I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 662 Time and Space Lovers

Chapter 662 Time and Space Lovers
——I don’t know if Zhou Yun and Song Chi will still perform on stage. If I ask you, they should discuss it with the director team and give up the performance under the pretext of feeling unwell.

——How could it be possible to just give up on the Spring Festival Gala? What kind of stage do you think this is?
——What is the quality of the program after five days of rehearsal?When we are so fooled?I admit that Zhou Yun and Song Chi are actors with good acting skills, but how many people are watching the Spring Festival Gala show, they should prepare well if they want to perform, instead of treating it so perfunctorily.

——It’s not that Zhou Yun and Song Chi are going to the Spring Festival Gala, they were personally invited by the director team, okay?

——It doesn't matter whether they were invited by the director team or not. Since they are going to be on the Spring Festival Gala, they should devote [-]% of their energy to it. I heard that Song Chi was still filming on the set three days ago.

——Can you people who don't know the situation stop talking nonsense?Are Song Chi and Zhou Yun the celebrities who must go to the Spring Festival Gala?The two of them are not considered to be in the Spring Festival Gala, and there are people who don't know them?Isn't it because the director team took a fancy to the popularity of the combination of the two of them, so they wanted to invite them to attract the audience. Apart from them, who else is more popular and appealing than them, let alone the two of them? Personally, he is still the most representative of our domestic young actors!


There is a quarrel on the Internet.

The name of the song is "Time and Space Lovers".

Fans of Zhou Yun, Song Chi, and Guan Xiaohe sat in front of the TV or the webcast early on, waiting for the show to come out.

Many of their fans did not participate in the sparring online.

They believe in their idols and believe that they will not fool the show or fool the audience.

They believe that after the show is broadcast, everyone's feelings will definitely change.

Zhou Yun and the others were also waiting.

Although there is a program list for the Spring Festival Gala, because it is a live broadcast and there is a countdown to zero, there is a lot of pressure to control the time, and the program sequence is often adjusted according to the situation on the spot.

The program of "Lovers in Time and Space" was originally scheduled to appear around 10:00.

However, due to previous program adjustments, "Lovers in Time and Space" was adjusted to the previous performance.

After receiving the notice, Zhou Yun and others took a breath, let go, and were ready to go to the stage.

Song Chi took her hand and said, "Everything is going well."

The three of them were waiting behind the scenes for the end of the last skit show, and then they were about to go on stage.

Zhou Lan took a photo of the three of them, but of course he didn't tell them.

Zhou Lan knew that Zhou Yun was under a lot of pressure now.

There is also a lot of doubts about this program on the Internet.

Zhou Lan believed that they would succeed. Before that, there was no need to say anything.

Zhou Yun is not the kind of person with poor psychological quality, she is a proper "competition player".

Zhou Lan knows.

Finally, the last show is over.

Several actors stepped off the stage, and on the other side, the host had already started talking and laughing in an orderly manner.

Zhou Yun and the others went to the designated place to wait.

Their show is the only one in today's Spring Festival Gala song program without other dancers, just the three of them.

Because of the scene performances of Song Chi and Zhou Yun, adding dancers will greatly affect the visual effect.

The stage lights are dimmed.

All three of them are ready at the appointed place.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"—I invite Song Chi, Zhou Yun, and Guan Xiaohe to bring "Lovers in Time and Space"."

The music is ringing.

The light gradually brightened.

On the screen, Guan Xiaohe is wearing a moon-white cheongsam, sitting gracefully on a swing, looking at the camera, smiling elegantly.

Behind her, the moon and stars are sparse, and the water of the small river is almost unreal.

Zhou Yun walked with a bright smile, and when she passed Guan Xiaohe, he stretched out his hand and showed her his right wrist. On her wrist was a thin red rope.

Guan Xiaohe smiled in surprise.

Zhou Yun nodded happily, as if confirming something with her. Her face, eyebrows and eyes revealed the innocence and beauty of a young girl.

The song is nostalgic, has a sense of time, and is full of nostalgia.

Guan Xiaohe turned his head and looked at Zhou Yun jumping forward with small steps, with a gentle smile in his eyes.

She picked up the microphone and sang the first line of the song.

As the singing sounded, Zhou Yun stopped, because a person appeared in front of her eyes.

Song Chi was wearing a black student uniform, standing under the street lamp, reading the book in his hand.

Zhou Yun smiled brightly, it was meeting her sweetheart.

She opened her mouth to call him, but of course there was no sound.

But Song Chi heard it, he raised his head in surprise, and when he saw Zhou Yun, he also smiled.

He closed the book in his hand and walked up to Zhou Yun.

After the two approached, Zhou Yun revealed the shyness of a girl instead.

She put her hands behind her back, lowered her head, raised her eyes again, unable to hide her smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the smile seeped into each other's eyes.

[Lang rides a bamboo horse to make green plums around the bed]

Guan Xiaohe finished singing the first verse.

The camera cuts to Guan Xiaohe.

Guan Xiaohe stood up from the swing, as if he heard something, he turned his head to look.

Behind her, a distant beacon suddenly lit up in the moonless night.

There was deep concern in her eyes.

The melody gradually filled with a touch of melancholy and sadness.

When the camera re-cut to Song Chi, Song Chi was standing next to a hanger. He had already taken off the student uniform just now, hung it on the hanger, picked up the military uniform next to him, and put it on himself.

He hadn't buttoned it yet, and Zhou Yun hurriedly pushed the door in with a package. Seeing Song Chi who had already put on his military uniform, she stopped in her tracks, and a tear fell instantly.

The moment Song Chi saw Zhou Yun, a difficult hesitation appeared on his face.

He slowly buttoned up the buttons and looked at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun gently wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, handed the package in his hand to Song Chi, took off the red thread on his wrist, and tied it to Song Chi's hand.

She didn't say anything, just doing all this quietly.

And he also didn't say anything, and when she tied the red rope around his wrist, he took a deep look at her for the last time.

His affection was hidden in his eyes, he turned around resolutely, remained silent for two seconds, bent down and picked up a suitcase, and left.

Zhou Yun stood where he was and watched him leave.

The snow gradually drifted up.

The seasons turn and the years change.

Zhou Yun walked to a vanity mirror, tied up his hair, put on a white nurse's cap, put on a white nurse's uniform, and put on a first-aid kit.

At this time, her face had completely faded away from the youthfulness and shyness of her teenage years, and was full of tenderness and firmness.

She walked quickly with the first aid kit on her back, and the camera followed her until she passed behind Guan Xiaohe, the camera stopped, and returned to Guan Xiaohe.

Guan Xiaohe's singing just entered the chorus of this song. Her eyes followed Zhou Yun's back, as if she heard something, and when she turned her head, the camera followed.

Song Chi sat against the wall in the ruins. His uniform was worn out and his face was no longer clean.

His situation seemed to be very bad, but his eyes were still bright, staring at the red rope on his wrist in a daze, suddenly he seemed to have heard something, immediately picked up the gun at hand, and rushed towards a certain place.

Zhou Yun passed him by the half-broken wall.

She walked to the place where Song Chi had been sitting by just now, and her steps slowed down.

The accompaniment of the music and Guan Xiaohe's singing are rendered to a certain mechanism at this moment.

In the lyrics, "we are scattered in this time and space, when will we meet again" outlines Zhou Yun's silhouette, and the camera pushes to a close-up of Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun's disappointed expression makes her not say a line, but makes everyone Everyone understands what kind of story this happened.

When Guan Xiaohe sang the climax, the high notes that tend to become high-pitched and powerful were handled by her as if they were clearing away the clouds and dawn.

Zhou Yun sat where Song Chi had been sitting just now, and looked up at the sky. Her eyes were slightly red, but she didn't shed any more tears. Suddenly, it seemed that someone was shouting something. Look, pick up the first aid kit and run.

Song Chi was injured and leaned against a stone, his right hand was covering his left arm, blood had already soaked his sleeve.

The moment Zhou Yun and her eyes met, surprise, disbelief, heartache, nervousness, and complex emotions erupted.

She only stopped for a moment, then ran up to him and half knelt down, and hurriedly took gauze for him to stop the bleeding.

When she wrapped the gauze around him, she saw that the red rope was still tied around his left wrist, her eyes turned red, and she immediately turned her head away, not looking at it anymore.

Song Chi grabbed Zhou Yun's hand with his right hand.

Zhou Yun looked into his eyes, and when the two of them looked at each other, thousands of words were in their eyes.

The singing has come to an end.

Zhou Yun suddenly looked back, as if someone else was calling her.

There was a moment of hesitation on Zhou Yun's face, as if he was about to leave at that time, her affection was hidden in her eyes, she bent down and quickly packed the first-aid kit, took a last look at him, got up and left, and rushed to treat others.

The accompaniment seems to be over, and the song seems to be over.

The camera returns to Guan Xiaohe.

Guan Xiaohe put down the hand that was holding the microphone to sing, and sat back on the swing again.

After a brief silence, the accompaniment sounded softly again.

Guan Xiaohe also picked up the microphone again and sang softly.

The singing is ethereal, and the camera slowly zooms out.

Behind him, the moon and stars are sparse, and the running water is murmuring.

A dining table with meals laid out on it.

Zhou Yun opened the door curtain and came out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes. She had already taken off her nurse cap and white uniform, and put on a plum red branch pattern coat, which was gentle and elegant.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Song Chi appeared at the door carrying the suitcase he had taken with him when he left.

He met Zhou Yun who looked up and smiled brightly.

Seeing the smile on his face, Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment, and in a daze, she also smiled with red eyes, and tears fell down as she smiled.

The music doesn't really end until this moment.

The show is over.

The applause of the audience was thunderous.

The host has already stood on the other side of the stage, and started stringing words in front of another camera.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi stepped off the stage together to make room for the following program.

They went backstage until they joined Guan Xiaohe, and the three of them looked at each other and smiled.

"We did it successfully!" Zhou Yun clenched his fists and danced. Until this time, she came out of the state of the character and let out a long sigh of relief.

Guan Xiaohe said very excitedly: "Brother Chi, Sister Xiaoyun, you performed so well, I always have to control myself not to cry on stage, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to control myself."

Zhou Yun said, "Me too."

This is their most devoted performance ever.

Zhou Yun's eyes turned red when he saw Song Chi.

A lot of people are filming them.

Zhou Lan ran over excitedly and said, "The three of you are amazing! Awesome, you are really awesome!"

Her eye sockets were also red, obviously she had cried just now.

She said: "Your show has been praised on the Internet, and the real-time ratings have reached the highest!"

Zhou Yun was surprised.


"Really!" Zhou Lan said, "In my circle of friends, there are already several media friends joking that everyone owes you an apology."

Zhou Yun laughed.

At this moment, she was really relieved and relieved all her psychological burden.

She hugged Song Chi, and cried out excitedly and softly.

Song Chi touched her head and said, "Look, I told you, there will be no problem."


After the performance ended, Zhou Yun and Song Chi did not go to the auditorium to continue watching the performance—even though the director team had prepared seats for them, and also thought that they could film some of their reactions to other programs during the live broadcast.

Both of them were too tired to prepare for this performance.

And in order not to get out of the situation at night, neither of them had dinner, and they were already extremely hungry by now.

In BJ City on New Year's Eve, there are very few people, it doesn't look like BJ at all.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi have already booked a place, and they will have a New Year's Eve dinner with the core members of their respective teams tonight.

"I'm sorry, because of our performance, everyone can't go home for the New Year's Eve dinner." Zhou Yun said to everyone.

The staff of the star team is actually no less relaxed than the star artist, they all revolve around the star artist.

Celebrities are going to the Spring Festival Gala, and they can't rest even on New Year's Eve.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "It's okay, Miss Xiaoyun, just give us more red envelopes."

Everyone booed and nodded.

Zhou Yun said happily: "No problem!"

Song Chi's assistant immediately yelled, "Brother Chi, we can't be worse than Sister Xiaoyun, right?"

Song Chi sat beside Zhou Yun and said with a smile, "You guys won't be missed."

Neither Zhou Yun nor Song Chi was stingy with those around them.

They originally prepared generous year-end bonuses for everyone, and because of their work tonight, they prepared another big red envelope for each person early on, and directly deposited [-] yuan into each person's card.

Song Chi raised his glass and said: "Over the past year, everyone has worked hard for us. I know that there must be many teams out there looking for you for outstanding people like you, but you didn't leave. I am very touched, no matter Whether it is my team or Xiaoyun's team, we have experienced many things this year. We are brothers and sisters in the trenches. I always miss you. If there is any good opportunity, I hope to help you better. Go up to the next floor, thank you, thank you!"

"Thank you Brother Chi!"

Everyone eats, drinks and has fun, and then greets the New Year together.

Zhou Yun drank a lot of wine, and she wanted to drink until she was exhausted and go to sleep quickly.

"You don't want to go back to the set tomorrow, do you?" Zhou Yun suddenly remembered and asked.

Song Chi said, "For the Chinese New Year, the crew took three days off."

"That's good." Zhou Yun nodded, "I thought you were going back to the set tomorrow and wouldn't be able to rest for a day."

As the boss of the production company of the movie "Jianyuntai", Song Chi actually didn't want to stop working.

But the Spring Festival is the most traditional festival for Chinese people. Song Chi can sacrifice a little, but it's not good for the whole crew not to go home.

Especially for this movie now, I don't know when it will be finished.

Song Chi said, "However, do you still have work tomorrow?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I want to promote "One Mountain Two Tigers"."

Song Chi nodded and said, "Me too, I want to promote "Inaction."

The two smiled.

At this time, Zhou Lan came over and said to Zhou Yun: "Xiaoyun, Xindun wants you to post a Weibo tonight to promote the release of "One Mountain Two Tigers" tomorrow."

Zhou Yun said yes.

The voice fell, and Song Chi's cell phone rang.

He answered the phone and said something to the other party. He shrugged helplessly at Zhou Yun.

After hanging up the phone, Song Chi said, "I'm also here to let me post on Weibo."

Zhou Yun smiled.

The two looked at each other and smiled again.

When the zero o'clock passed, Song Chi and Zhou Yun hugged each other tightly.


There are more and more discussions about the program "Lovers in Time and Space" on the Internet.

Some people say that the format of this show is not so novel, and it is fully supported by Guan Xiaohe's singing and the acting skills of Song Chi and Zhou Yun.

Some people say that this is a song plus situational performance. In three minutes, the three people performed a complete story, without a single line of dialogue, without a trace of switching between performance states, and there is no difference between going out of the play and entering the play. Through moving and connecting, the changes in the fate of the times are interpreted like changing faces, but everyone is moved to tears. How can this quality be improved?

Someone said, I want to know the link of Zhou Yun's first outfit in a minute!

Some people say that Song Chi really killed me. A handsome young guy with acting skills is like a white moonlight in my heart. When I saw him sitting against the wall and looking at his wrist, I wished I could rush to the screen and hug him into my arms and tell him mommy's here!
Some people say that Guan Xiaohe, a singer, has superb acting skills in the performance atmosphere of these two film kings and queens.

Some people say, but these can't hide the simplicity of the whole program format.


There was too much discussion on the Internet, but this performance was reposted wildly on the Internet.

No matter how you say it, one thing is recognized by everyone, this program is very touching, and the final ending is very happy.

One netizen commented very well, saying: People who celebrate the Chinese New Year make people cry and laugh at the same time, count them as ruthless.

Both "One Mountain, Two Tigers" and "Inaction" reposted this video very actively, and became popular, saying: This is the strength of our Song Chi/Zhou Yun!See you at the cinema tomorrow!
Zhou Yun and Song Chi received many WeChat messages from people that night, praising them for doing a great show.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi thought about it and decided to post a Weibo.

Zhou Yunfa, Song Chi reposted.

Zhou Yun said: When I received the invitation to this show, I was very tight and under great pressure, but this is the Spring Festival Gala, no matter how much pressure I have, I want to stand on this stage and contribute a good performance to everyone. I was late to sing this song, but I was really worried about going out of tune when I sang, so we discussed with the director team and decided to change the presentation format of this show. The director team told us very seriously that we only have one chance, if we give The director team of the show was not satisfied, so they continued to perform according to the original plan. Only when the director team passed the unanimous vote, can the show be performed in the form of tonight. This is how the five-day talk on the Internet came about. Song Chi and I want to To perform for you what we do best, so we decided to take on the challenge, the impossible challenge.Therefore, we would like to thank Guan Xiaohe very much. Without her willingness to believe in us and accept this challenge with us, this performance would not be established. We also want to thank director Jiang Xin for flying over to accompany us to rehearse during our most difficult time In two days, I helped us guide and improve from beginning to end. Thanks to Teacher Li Chunhong and Li Li for designing the look, and at the same time taking care of several makeup changes for me and Song Chi during the three-minute performance. Finally, I would like to thank my good friend, VX Zheng Xiaowen and her design team, five days, three sets of original Chinese style clothing, amazing you, I love you all!

Zhou Yun's microblog not only responded to the previous controversy, but also expressed his gratitude to those who have contributed to this evening's performance.

The most praised comment in the comment area is: Facts have proved that I can always trust Zhou Yun!
In the past few days, Zhou Yun's fans are the most aggrieved.

They fully believed in Zhou Yun. When so many voices questioned Zhou Yun on the Internet, they all believed that Zhou Yun would definitely not act perfunctorily.

Amid the unfavorable voices at the time, when her fans supported Zhou Yun, they were also attacked and ridiculed by many people.

But in the end, Zhou Yun proved their support and trust in her with tonight's show!

Both Zhou Yun's fans and Song Chi's fans felt a sense of elation.

At the same time, they were also proud and excited about Zhou Yun and Song Chi's performance tonight—even though it wasn't a particularly surprising performance for the two of them, it would be completely impossible for the two of them to perform the way they are today. No problem, more than enough, but this is a live broadcast, the levels and changes given by the three-minute performance, even if it is not a problem for them, it still shocks everyone.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi used their performance to prove to everyone that their acting skills are not in vain.

The next day, when the ratings came out, "Lovers in Time and Space" became one of the most watched programs of all singing and dancing programs, and the song "Lovers in Time and Space" also rushed to the top of the hot list on all music platforms, with gratifying results .

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi were still lying on the bed and did not get up.

They were too tired some time ago, and now they can finally rest for a while, and they all want to lie down on the bed for a while, because if they lie down for a while, they will start live broadcasting Lianmai to promote their respective movies.

(End of this chapter)

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