Chapter 663
The movie box office war in the Spring Festival stalls can be called the most magnificent scene in the movie market.

"One Mountain, Two Tigers" ranked third in the pre-sale box office, and "Inaction" ranked fourth. By noon, the box office of the two films had not changed, and Shen Yao's comedy movie ranked far ahead. One, and the second is Tan Yaoxing's sci-fi comedy movie.

In the live broadcast of "One Mountain Two Tigers", the host asked Zhou Yun how his experience was as a female killer in "One Mountain Two Tigers".

Zhou Yun said: "It's very enjoyable, especially the fight scene. Actually, I haven't watched this movie until now, but Director Wen Bing said that it was beautifully played. Director Wen Bing and I are going to shoot again based on this character. An independent film."

"Wow, so the character from "One Mountain, Two Tigers" is in the new movie?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "So, everyone, hurry up and watch "One Mountain, Two Tigers."

After the live broadcast for one hour, Zhou Yun has another job, accepting the online live interview of the movie channel.

"How do you feel about cooperating with Mr. Liang Yuanpu this time?"

Zhou Yun said: "Teacher Liang is very charming. I don't talk to him much on the set. He is a relatively quiet person on the set. But when we act together, even though he and I are basically action scenes, But I can still be killed by his eyes and expressions, he gave me a fatal blow in many moments."

The host laughed and said: "Many viewers on the Internet said that there is a strong sense of CP between you and Mr. Liang Yuanpu, and there is a lot of sparks. I heard that you are preparing an independent movie with your character. May I ask, Will you make "One Mountain, Two Tigers" into a series in the future?"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Everything is unknown now, but I think if this movie achieves good box office results and the audience likes it, everything is possible."

"This Spring Festival, you have a lot of old acquaintances, like Teacher Shen Yao, and Song Chi, have you discussed this competition in private, who will get the best results at the box office?"

"We seldom discuss these things." Zhou Yun smiled, "Actually, our movie market is no longer a market where only one movie can make money. Our market is big enough. As long as a movie is made well, there will be no shortage of audiences. , and there will be no shortage of box office, so we all have the same mood, make a good movie, make the best things for the audience, and then leave everything to the audience.”

The host asked: "Have you ever thought about how much box office "One Mountain and Two Tigers" can make?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "To be honest, I haven't thought about it."

"Okay." The host said helplessly, "It seems that this is a very sensitive question, and many actors are unwilling to answer it."

Zhou Yun said: "Because it's hard to answer, no one knows how much box office a movie can make, and this is beyond our control as actors."

"Is there no expectation in your heart?"

"The higher the better." Zhou Yun smiled, "That's the only answer."

After the live broadcast of the movie channel's interview ended, Zhou Yun stretched and walked out of the room.

Song Chi hadn't come out of the room yet, so it was probably still live broadcasting online.

Half an hour later, Song Chi also came out.

"Let's go." Zhou Yun said.

The two of them made an appointment to go to the movies together after today's work was over.

Neither of them have watched "One Mountain, Two Tigers" and "Inaction".

As a result, the two were recognized by the audience in the movie theater and surrounded by layers.

It took Zhou Yun and Song Chi half an hour to run out.



The scene of two people being surrounded by people in the theater was photographed by many people and posted on the Internet, which also aroused heated discussions.

Some people laughed and said that they never expected that Zhou Yun and Song Chi, two big stars, would also squeeze into the Spring Festival stalls on the first day of the new year to go to the movies like them.

Some people are also curious whether the two of them went to see "The Inaction" or "One Mountain Two Tigers".

Today, the Internet is too lively.

There are still many programs in the Spring Festival Gala last night that everyone is reminiscing about. Several blockbuster movies released today have also attracted a lot of attention, and the topic has exploded.

What surprised everyone the most was that these few movies this year had a very good reputation.

Shen Yao's comedy movie "I'm a Big Brother" has a very good reputation among the audience, and was praised until the rooster crowed.

The animated movie "Jade Dragon" is full of enthusiasm, which makes people teary and full of passion.

Directed by Wen Bing and starring Liang Yuanpu and Zhou Yun, "One Mountain and Two Tigers" has hearty action scenes, fast-paced action, and multiple reversals.

Song Chi, Zhang Hongyu and other all-star cast "The Inaction" starred in each other's acting skills, suspenseful and brain-burning, which made people's scalp tingle, and finally brought tears to their eyes.

A popular entry appeared: the strongest Spring Festival file in history.

The box office results were also dominated by the top four.

The box office of "I Am a Gangster" on the first day was 7.9 million, which exploded the market and broke the first-day box office record of a new film starring Shen Yao.

"One Mountain, Two Tigers" had a box office of 3 million on the first day, breaking the first-day box office record of a new film starring Liang Yuanpu and Zhou Yun.

"Jade Dragon" had a box office of 1.1 million on the first day, counterattacking the top and becoming the strongest dark horse.

"Inaction" had a box office of 1 million on its first day, and its reputation was excellent. Unfortunately, due to the subject matter, it still suffered a bit in this family carnival during the Spring Festival.

But except for "Jade Dragon" which is a dark horse, the first-day box office results of the other three films all met the expectations of the film studios and the market.

Like "Inaction", the film studio did not expect the box office to reach 1 million on the first day.

The next day, the box office battle became even more intense.

"I'm a Big Brother" is still running ahead, but "Jade Dragon" and "Inaction" are still inseparable. Although Zhou Yun is the protagonist in name, his appearance time is not much, only about [-] minutes. A fight scene is very exciting, but the absolute protagonist is still Liang Yuanpu, which made some audiences who were directed at Zhou Yun back off. Drumming.

At this time, Xindun officials announced that "The Female Killer" directed by Wen Bing and starring Zhou Yun will start in March. This film is a spin-off of "One Mountain Two Tigers".

Zhou Yun himself said this before, but now the official announcement of Xindun has attracted the attention of many people.

Xindun wanted to use this news to suppress the negative impact of "too little cloudiness" in "One Mountain and Two Tigers".

But the box office performance was affected after all, and the box office of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" fell to 2.4 million on the second day.

"Jade Dragon" and "Wuwei Zhe" have risen one after another, compared with the first day, with one 1.2 million and the other 1.5 million.

The word-of-mouth of "The Inaction" movie is very good, especially among film critics and the industry.

Song Chi's fans are all swiping "Song Chi's Return of the King".

Many people in the industry are saying that Song Chi is very likely to use this drama to return to the vision of film awards.

The box office trend of "Do Nothing" is very good, and Song Chi's performance has also received great praise.

In contrast, the topic about Zhou Yun is that Zhou Yun is amazing in "One Mountain and Two Tigers", but there are too few scenes.

Fortunately, the rhythm of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is very fast, not procrastinating at all.

Many viewers are actually worried that this movie will be dull and not good-looking because the director is Wen Bing.

As the only action movie in the Spring Festival file, the market is still huge.

Especially the fight scene between Liang Yuanpu and Zhou Yun received a lot of praise. According to the data report, after watching this movie, 30% of the audience praised this fight scene on their social platforms.

Xindun's publicity and distribution department immediately adjusted the promotional direction of the film, and began to mainly publicize the audience's praise and advantages of the film's action scenes.

On the third and fourth days, "One Mountain and Two Tigers" still stabilized the box office, and did not continue to drop sharply, remaining at around 2.2 million.

On the contrary, "Jade Dragon" and "The Man Who Do Nothing", the box office of the two films is very stalemate, and there has been no distinction between them.

But in any case, the box office of the movie "Do Nothing" will definitely exceed one billion, which means that this movie will definitely make a lot of money.

The film side is very happy.

Song Chi was also very happy.

He can get dividends from this movie.

He will be filming "Jian Yuntai" soon.

Zhou Yun also began to accept the action training of "The Female Killer".

On the day "One Mountain, Two Tigers" broke the billion mark, Yao Yuanfeng sent out a hundred red envelopes among the main creators, and everyone was paralyzed.

Yao Yuanfeng also took the initiative to give Zhou Yun a bonus.

"Queen of box office, well deserved!" Yao Yuanfeng sent a message to Zhou Yun.

It took less than a week for "One Mountain and Two Tigers" to break the billion mark.

According to the current trend, it is possible for this movie to break the box office of 30 billion, as long as the word-of-mouth does not collapse later.

Because of the success of "One Mountain and Two Tigers", the filming of "Female Killer" has also attracted much attention.

After Yao Yuanfeng came to Shanghai, the first thing he did was ask Zhou Yun out to talk about the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers".

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Xiaoyun, you must be included in the second part, otherwise it won't be a complete "One Mountain Two Tigers"."

Zhou Yun was unwilling to make the second part before.

The main reason is that she made this movie to help Wen Bing and Yao Yuanfeng.

But "One Mountain Two Tigers" has such a good reputation and box office results, Zhou Yun also hesitated.

She said: "Mr. Yao, will director Wen Bing continue to direct the sequel?"

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Of course, only Wen Bing can direct "One Mountain Two Tigers"."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Now that "One Mountain Two Tigers" has such a good reputation and performance, Yao Yuanfeng began to say that "One Mountain Two Tigers" can only be directed by Wen Bing, obviously before thinking about letting other directors direct the second part.

"Mr. Yao, I can shoot the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers", but I really don't know when I will be free. Besides, will I still be allowed to make a guest appearance in the second part?" Zhou Yun asked.

She doesn't mind making a cameo by herself, but she doesn't want to be like this time again. It's obviously a cameo, but Xindun promotes it as a heroine, causing many of her fans to feel cheated.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Xiaoyun, don't worry, your role in the second film will definitely be the main role, it is impossible to be less than Mr. Liang."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm not saying that I have more roles than Mr. Liang, I just don't want my fans to have the feeling of being tricked into the cinema again."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely impossible." Yao Yuanfeng said, "There is an independent film "The Female Assassin" behind you, Xiaoyun, you believe me, the role of the female assassin will definitely become a classic role for you. Will bring this series to the global market.”

Yao Yuanfeng has always liked to draw big cakes.

Zhou Yun only believed half of it.

The "One Mountain Two Tigers" series may not be able to earn a particularly large box office when it is launched in the global market.

Chinese-language action films used to have a glorious history, but now they are not so brilliant.

Every movie has its own life.

After Zhou Lan heard from Zhou Yun that Yao Yuanfeng wanted Zhou Yun to act in the second part, he immediately said, "No, it's fine to agree to act in the second part, but we must get the dividends from the global box office."


"Liang Yuanpu's performance of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" can get 5% of the box office dividends. Your ability to carry the box office has been proven. Why can't you take it?" Zhou Lan said, "And, given your current international The popularity on the Internet, the movies you make will be watched and bought by various film studios around the world, especially this kind of commercial action movies, they can't use your popularity for nothing, but don't give you benefits in return?"

As soon as Zhou Lan and Yao Yuanfeng asked for box office dividends, Yao Yuanfeng refused.

Zhou Lan was also very stubborn, and said directly: "If we can't give Zhou Yun a box office dividend, then we can't make this movie. Mr. Yao and Xiaoyun can get a box office dividend in China if they take over Hollywood's "Killing Song". Since you want Xiaoyun to film the series "One Mountain Two Tigers", you must agree to our request."

Yao Yuanfeng firmly disagreed.

"Then it seems that Xiao Yun is not as good as Liang Yuanpu in your mind. As far as I know, Liang Yuanpu can get 5% of the box office bonus for his performance in "One Mountain and Two Tigers."

"What level of actor is Liang Yuanpu?" Yao Yuanfeng was a little annoyed, "Also, don't forget that Liang Yuanpu is the well-deserved absolute protagonist of "One Mountain, Two Tigers", and the current high box office is not due to Zhou Yun. "

"Oh, really? Mr. Yao, if you want to put it this way, why did Xindun put so much effort into promoting Zhou Yun?" Zhou Lan said, "We obviously only played a cameo role, but you cut it for [-] minutes. In it, Zhou Yun is promoted as the heroine, isn't it?"

Yao Yuanfeng said: "These are two different things, Zhou Lan, Zhou Yun got a bonus for filming "The Female Killer", didn't he?"

"Since "Female Assassin" can get dividends, why can't the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers"?" Zhou Lan asked back.

Yao Yuanfeng stopped talking.

Zhou Lan didn't expect to be able to discuss the results in one go, so the conversation broke up for the time being.

Zhou Lan went to communicate with Zhou Yun about the latest situation.

"It's difficult to estimate the share of the global box office. My bottom line is that if they can't share the global box office, they have to compensate us in terms of salary and overseas box office dividends." Zhou Lan said, "Xindun sells films overseas. You They are the biggest stars, if they have no sincerity, then they won’t act.”

(End of this chapter)

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