I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 664 Aoki Award Nomination

Although what Zhou Lan said made sense, Zhou Yun hesitated.

Zhou Yun himself doesn't want to be too fussy about salary and dividends.

In particular, Zhou Yun is quite unwilling to use the amount of remuneration and dividends offered by the other party to decide whether he wants to act in a movie.

But on the other hand, Zhou Lan's persistence is not wrong.

If Zhou Yun deserves such a high return, why should he accept the current price?
Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said to Zhou Lan: "Sister Lan, if Yao Yuanfeng is really unwilling, then forget it, but don't decide whether I will act in this movie because of this matter, I don't want to be with you because of this influence. Wen Bing's cooperation, you know how much I like to make movies with him."

Zhou Lan heard what Zhou Yun said, and she said, "Don't worry, Yao Yuanfeng is not a fool, he will definitely let go later, the overseas distribution rights of "One Mountain Two Tigers" sold well, and everyone is targeting you Yes, if you don't act, how much profit will he lose."

Yao Yuanfeng is not a very generous film company owner.

Many people in the circle know this.

If not, Zhou Yun would not have cooperated with Xindun in "Days" and "One Mountain, Two Tigers", and the salary he got was not high.

The former is because it was a low-cost investment from the beginning, and the latter is because Zhou Yun himself is a cameo, not a starring role.

But both movies helped Xindun make a lot of money.

What Zhou Lan was upset about was "One Mountain and Two Tigers". Xin Dun didn't pay the heroine's salary standard, but when promoting this movie, Zhou Yun was hyped as the heroine, which attracted many people to the cinema to watch this movie. A movie is equivalent to Zhou Yun's appeal in prostitution.

Therefore, Zhou Lan wanted to make back his losses in the second part of "One Mountain, Two Tigers".

However, Yao Yuanfeng’s idea is that Xindun has already paid a high salary and dividend ratio to Zhou Yun in "The Female Killer", and in the second part of "One Mountain, Two Tigers", Xindun will definitely continue to pay Liang Yuanpu 5% If Zhou Yun had to pay the same percentage of box office dividends, then Xindun would directly lose a lot of revenue from this movie.

The most important point is that Yao Yuanfeng didn't want to give Zhou Yun the impression that he would pay Zhou Yun dividends as long as he found Zhou Yun to act in a movie.

According to Yao Yuanfeng's plan, he will cooperate with Zhou Yun in many projects later on. If such an impression is formed, it means that every movie that Xindun will cooperate with Zhou Yun in the future, as long as Zhou Yun is the starring role, will be given to her. dividends.

For this reason, Yao Yuanfeng arranged for his own propaganda department to weaken Zhou Yun's propaganda on the film's box office performance.

He wanted Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan to understand that in the final analysis, Zhou Yun was only a cameo in this movie. The most important reason for this movie's box office success was Liang Yuanpu's starring role.

Seeing Yao Yuanfeng doing this, Zhou Lan sneered twice angrily.

She called Zhou Yun and said, "Xiao Yun, look, you are willing to cede some benefits for Director Wen Bing, but he is suppressing you at this moment."

Zhou Yun said, "Why did he do it so early?"

"To remind us, we are not qualified to discuss dividends with him in the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers." Zhou Lan said, "The box office of "One Mountain Two Tigers" is so good because of Liang Yuanpu, and we have nothing to do with it." relation."

Zhou Yun frowned upon hearing this.

"Sister Lan, do you think that's what he means?"

"Xiaoyun, let's put it this way, I wouldn't be so angry if he didn't play tricks on us in the promotion of the movie "One Mountain Two Tigers". Right? He also only paid for guest appearances, right? But look at how "One Mountain, Two Tigers" did its promotion? Is he promoting you as a guest actor? They posted Liang Yuanpu's drafts are not as many as yours, if it weren't for the drafts they sent, it would make everyone mistakenly think you are the protagonist, and your fans would not be disappointed." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun was silent.

What Zhou Lan said made her realize why Zhou Lan was so angry.

In fact, in all fairness, Zhou Yun was quite displeased with Yao Yuanfeng's actions.If "One Mountain and Two Tigers" had nothing to do with her box office success, then why was she the main promotional point before and after it was released?Zhou Yun is not an idiot who doesn't understand these routines. She also knows a little about how a movie is released and how to promote it.Therefore, Zhou Yun didn't think that Zhou Lan was deliberately distorting Yao Yuanfeng's meaning.

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, Sister Lan, let Yao Yuanfeng do whatever he wants. Since he thinks that the box office of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" has nothing to do with me, we don't want to promote this movie anymore. participated in."

Zhou Lan was a little surprised, and asked, "Are we just going to hand over to others like this? "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is expected to break through the domestic box office of [-] billion. Don't we fight back against these drafts issued by Xindun?"

"There's nothing to fight back. It's just a cameo movie." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, I'm going to join the filming of "The Female Killer" soon. I'll finish the movie first."

Zhou Lan nodded.

"What about the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers"?"

"Let's talk about it." Zhou Yun said, "After I finish filming "The Female Killer", I will take a break, and I will go abroad to film "The Song of Killing" in the second half of the year. It’s also impossible to start this year.”

Zhou Lan understood what Zhou Yun meant.

That is to put it on hold for now.

Zhou Lan nodded.


Zhou Yun did not communicate with Yao Yuanfeng in private.

Some things, if they are explained at their level, it will not be easy to come back later.

Neither Zhou Yun nor Yao Yuanfeng will come to this point easily.

The excitement of the Spring Festival stalls continues.

When the box office of "Inaction" finally exceeded one billion, the box office of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" also exceeded two billion.

Xindun held a celebration reception and invited many people, including many media, but Zhou Yun did not attend.

Someone asked Zhou Yun on the spot why he didn't participate?
Yao Yuanfeng replied on the spot: "Zhou Yun is actively preparing for the filming of the movie "The Female Killer", so I can't come to participate for some reason."

On the same day, someone photographed Zhou Yun and Wen Xi meeting in a cafe, talking and laughing happily.

Fans were surprised.

Zhou Yun has time to drink coffee with Wen Xi, but doesn't have time to attend the celebration reception of "One Mountain Two Tigers"?

These doubtful voices did not attract much attention.

If the box office momentum of "One Mountain Two Tigers" is right, no one will suspect that there is a conflict between Zhou Yun and Xin Dun.

Wen Bing was the first to notice this.

Wen Bing came to ask Zhou Yun why she didn't go to the celebration reception.

Zhou Yun said: "I just made a cameo appearance, what am I going to celebrate."

Wen Bing didn't reply for a long time, and it took about half an hour before he sent a message: No matter what others say, you are not just a guest star in this movie, I know you have paid a lot for this movie to achieve this result .

Wen Bing has now become the most famous director in the industry.

Unlike the directors of several other films during the Spring Festival, Wen Bing makes films with a strong authorship.

Whether it is "Days" or "One Mountain and Two Tigers", they both have a completely different temperament from movies with similar themes.

Not to mention the fact that he has accumulated a large number of movie fans with these two films, the most important thing is that he has fully demonstrated his ability as a director to control different themes and his ability to be popular in the market through these two films.

It's a pity that Wen Bing signed a contract with Xindun, and other film companies couldn't sign new films with him.

Wen Bing has also become an ironclad proof of Yao Yuanfeng's vicious vision in the media.

When the movie "Days" was being promoted, the story that Yao Yuanfeng saw Zhongwen Bing's talent because of the commercial and directly signed the director of the commercial was widely circulated.

Zhou Yun said to Wen Bing: It's okay, we'll just finish filming "The Female Killer" later.

It was at this time that the nominees for the 54th Aoki Awards were announced.

Zhou Yun was nominated for Best Actress for the second time for "Behind the Scenes". At the same time, Zeng Lili was also nominated for Best Actress, and You Jiang was nominated for Best Actor. Unfortunately, Wang Jing was not nominated for Best Supporting Actress.

For a moment, the list of nominations for the Aoki Award attracted everyone's attention.

What everyone didn't expect the most was that several films in the Spring Festival file this time also signed up for the Aoki Award, and all of them were nominated.

Song Chi was nominated for Best Actor for "Inaction", Zhang Hongyu was nominated for Best Actress for "Inaction", Jiang Yuzhen was nominated for Best Supporting Actress, Mo Yu was nominated for Best Supporting Actor, four major performance awards, "Inaction" has a nomination.

"One Mountain and Two Tigers" was nominated for best director, but did not gain in acting awards.

And Shen Yao was nominated for Best Actor for "I'm a Big Brother".

Most of this year's nominations are from popular movies, unlike last year, most of them were literary films with low box office.

Regarding the list of nominations for this year's Aoki Awards, the most common sentence is "Song Chi and Zhou Yun, the husband and wife file, won the hemp".

After Zhou Yun saw the nomination list, he was very happy.

Because both "Behind the Scenes" and "Do Nothing" have received a lot of nominations.

When Zhou Lan analyzed the nomination list, he said it was a pity.

Zhou Yun thought Zhou Lan was pitying Wang Jing.

But Zhou Lan said: "It would have been nice if I had given Teacher Zeng Lili the award for Best Supporting Actress when I signed up. She has a much higher chance of winning the award for Best Supporting Actress than Best Actress."

Although Zhou Yun is the heroine in name in "Behind the Scenes", several of them are actually the protagonists. Therefore, both Zeng Lili and You Jiang reported for the protagonist unit, and they both successfully received nominations.

Zhou Yun said, "Why do you say that?"

"The probability of your success is extremely low, basically you can't win an award, but Zeng Lili didn't show the strength to crush you in "Behind the Scenes", and you have more roles than Zeng Lili, and the character level is also richer. With the same nomination as you, the judges will definitely consider whether the award will be convincing to the public, and it is obviously difficult to convince the public if you are there."

Zhou Yun: "It makes sense."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan nodded, "Yin Lin was also nominated. She and you have already opened a double yolk egg at the Lingjun Award. If you consider this point, Yin Lin is basically useless, so in the For the best actress, this year is basically a competition between Zhang Hongyu and Cheng Qin from "The Wandering Song."

Zhou Yun: "Then who do you think has the greater hope?"

"Chengqin." Zhou Lan said, "Zhang Hongyu's role in "Inaction" is actually the same as that of Zeng Lili in "Behind the Scenes". Strictly speaking, she is not the heroine. Ning Xiner in "Inaction" She is a well-deserved heroine, but this time she was not shortlisted. Instead, Zhang Hongyu was shortlisted, and "Song of the Wandering" is completely a one-man show by Ben Qin. She played the joys and sorrows of a low-level woman. It is in line with the taste of the judges of the Aoki Award."

"Then who do you think has the greatest hope for the best actor?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Song Chi and Liang Yuanpu." Zhou Lan analyzed, "The movie "I'm a Big Brother" is funny, but to be honest, Shen Yao didn't give a breakthrough performance in this movie, so I can only say nominations That is to say, although Zheng He's acting skills in "The Silent Witness" are good, just like "I Am a Big Brother", the quality of the movie itself limits the performance of the actors. "The Inaction" is a very wonderful group play. But Song Chi can still act in a way that people can't take their eyes off, especially the scene of being tortured, which is very shocking. Liang Yuanpu has already won the Lingjun Award for Best Actor for "The Name of the River", which is not like you Like Yin Lin, he has double yolks. Of course, Teacher You Jiang also has hope. As the only male character in "Behind the Scenes", Teacher You performed a breakthrough performance. It is completely different from his previous characters. It has been well received by many professionals in the industry, but the shortcoming is that the focus of the film "Behind the Scenes" is not on him. If "Behind the Scenes" is filmed with his character as the focus and perspective, then I think Song Chi and Liang Yuanpu also Not his opponent, Mr. You Jiang has acted in plays for so many years, and he has not won any awards before, and Song Chi and Liang Yuanpu are both in the hands of several best actor awards."

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously and said, "I just don't know who the judges will be this year."

"Well, in fact, who wins the award has a lot to do with who the judges are. Different judges have different aesthetics and preferences." Zhou Lan said, "But anyway, this time "Behind the Scenes" can be said to be a complete victory. Yes, all important awards have been nominated."

"Xiao Jing didn't nominate Best Supporting Actress, aren't you unhappy?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan: "I've been mentally prepared for a long time. I know how Xiao Jing will perform. Her nomination is an incentive, and it's normal not to nominate her."

"But she must be a little disappointed, you comfort her."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan nodded, "Yes, in fact, it's pretty good for her to be able to play "Behind the Scenes", which has made her development at least a few steps up, and the Lingjun Award for Best Newcomer is enough for her to eat two. years."

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