Song Chi crawled out of the pool in a mess, his whole body was wet.

The assistant sent a blanket, and he wrapped it around his body, and went to the director to see the effect of the shooting just now.

"One more, okay?" Zuo Hang said, "You can give a little more energy to this place."

Song Chi said, "Okay, it's not easy to push hard in the water."

"En." Zuo Hang nodded, "Thanks for your hard work."

This underwater rescue scene has been filmed for five days, and the filming has not yet been completed.

Song Chi soaked in the water every day, and his skin turned white several degrees.

He went to rest first, waiting for someone to rearrange the pool.

Looking at his phone, he saw the message Zhou Yun sent him.

Song Chi was a little confused.

Why did Zhou Yun tell him this all of a sudden?
However, the fact that Zhou Yun would tell him this still made the corners of his lips curl up.

"Brother Chi, what are you laughing at?" the actor who was filming together asked curiously.

Song Chi put away the smile on his face and said, "It's nothing."

What happened between him and Zhou Yun has always been unwilling to let others know.

Song Chi sent a message to Zhou Yun, saying: Did someone say something to you?Don't worry, I don't mind.

At this time, Zhou Yun had already boarded the plane and was reading quietly during the long flight. It took a long time before he could see Song Chi's reply.

Song Chi fluttered in the pool until after nine o'clock in the evening. After crawling out of the pool, he was exhausted and unable to cheer up.

Shooting a disaster film like "Jianyuntai" really tossed the actors.

Song Chi has been soaking in the pool for more than nine hours every day these days. This is just the basics. The most important thing is that he has very intense action scenes in the water.

Anyone who has been active in water knows that it is several times more difficult for people to move in water than on land.

After fighting every day, he was so hungry that his back was pressed against his back.

Song Chi finished filming this day and couldn't just go to rest.

Wu Chengbao brought Yu Zhiyang over to meet him.

Song Chi simply took a shower, rinsed himself off, changed into casual clothes, and went to the restaurant by car.

Wu Chengbao and Yu Zhiyang were waiting for him in the restaurant.

The two of them had already had dinner, only Song Chi hadn't.

Song Chi didn't dare to eat carbohydrates at night, a plate of salad, corn, shrimp and chicken breast.

I'm so hungry, it's delicious to eat these.

Song Chi took two bites, and he recovered from his hunger, so he was able to talk to Yu Zhiyang.

"Zhi Yang, your sister Xiaoyun went to Australia to film a movie today, and she will come back after a while, so I asked you to come to my side. I heard Xiaoyun said that you are an actor, right?"

Yu Zhiyang nodded slowly, and said: "But I haven't filmed much."

When Yu Zhiyang was under Xu Guiying's hands before, Xu Guiying didn't want Yu Zhiyang to become popular, so he kept deliberately controlling his development, basically only letting him play some leftover roles.

Song Chi said: "It's okay, experience can be accumulated slowly, I also started filming from a newcomer to today, but do you like acting?"

Yu Zhiyang was a little at a loss.

"do not know."

He felt that he could neither like it nor dislike it.

Song Chi said: "It's okay, let's slowly understand what acting is all about. Your sister Xiaoyun and I are both actors, and maybe only this way can help you. If you have other things you want to do in the future Just tell us, you don’t have to be an actor.”

Yu Zhiyang hummed dully.

Song Chi didn't know what Yu Zhiyang had experienced, but he seemed to be more reticent than before, and the world seemed to be more resistant.

Song Chi didn't know exactly what Xu Guiying did to Zhi Yang, which caused a teenager who was only eighteen or nineteen years old to become so depressed.

In the beginning, the reason why Song Chi cared about Zhi Yang was because Zhou Yun cared about Zhi Yang very much.

But at this moment, Song Chi suddenly understood Zhou Yun's concern for Zhi Yang.

In the final analysis, people are emotional animals, born with compassion.

Zhou Yun felt compassion for Zhi Yang, and he did the same.

Song Chi looked into Yu Zhiyang's eyes and said, "Zhiyang, no matter what happened in the past, it has already passed. You still have a long life in the future. You can completely leave the past behind and go on your way. Your next path."

Yu Zhiyang hummed and nodded.

Song Chi looked at Yu Zhiyang, feeling somewhat helpless in his heart.

But he didn't think that he could resolve Yu Zhiyang's knot with just a few words of his own.

There is ample time.

Take it easy.

Song Chi finished his dinner and asked Yu Zhiyang, "What do you want to do next? Take a break, or arrange for you to go to class?"

Yu Zhiyang hesitated for a moment and asked, "Can I follow you to watch your acting on the set?"

Song Chi was a little surprised that Yu Zhiyang would give this answer.

This answer was not any kind of answer Song Chi expected.

"Okay." Song Chi agreed after a little thought.

Yu Zhiyang: "Thank you."

Yu Zhiyang is really silent, a kind of silence that cherishes words like gold, and hardly takes the initiative to say anything.

But he's clearly not autistic - as you can see from his state, that's not the same thing.

Song Chi said: "However, these days I've been soaking in the water to shoot movies every day, so maybe there's nothing to see."

Yu Zhiyang said, "It's okay."

Song Chi didn't say anything else.


When Zhou Yun landed in Canberra, it was the local afternoon.

She saw a magnificent sunset hanging in the vast sky.

It seems that the unobstructed horizon stretches infinitely in the rim of the setting sun.

Several people went to get the luggage together, met the person who came to pick up the plane, and got into the car.

The person who came to pick up the plane claimed to be Fan Wenji, a local Chinese, very tanned, but very capable, with bright eyes, as if washed.

Others are also very enthusiastic and proactive, introducing the place to Zhou Yun and the others along the way.

Zhou Yun asked when he came to Australia.

Fan Wenji said that he came here to study in university, and then he stayed here and never returned to China.

"Have you immigrated?" Zhou Yun asked.

Fan Wen sent: "Then how can I, I still have to go back after I earn enough money here."

Zhou Yun was curious about what kind of work he was doing here, but it was difficult to ask.

If Fan Wenshui had a relatively good job, he probably wouldn't come to accompany this kind of job, would he?
But it’s not necessarily true. Nowadays, many international students or those who want to earn extra money will use their free time to take on this kind of work.

Pick up and drop off and earn more.

"I hired director Wen Bing not long ago. He came to see the scene before. You are going to make a movie here, right?" Fan Wenzhi asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes."

"I really envy you guys. When I was young, I also wanted to be an actor, but it's a pity that I'm too ugly."

"No way, you are very handsome." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun is not trying to be euphemistic, she really likes Fan Wenji's appearance, lean and thin, no matter how tanned he is, he looks clean.

Fan Wenji didn't take it seriously, he smiled.

"Being an actor is never enough."

When they arrived at the hotel, Fan Wenji helped them unload their luggage.

Zhou Yun said thank you.

Fan Wenji said: "Miss Zhou, can I ask you to sign for me? My girlfriend is your fan and I like you very much."

Zhou Yun nodded: "No problem, where is the signature?"

Fan Wenji took out a roll of rolled up posters from the car, opened it, and said, "This is the poster of "Days". I want you to sign this, is that okay?"

"Okay, what's your girlfriend's name?"

"Feifei." Fan Wenzhi said, "Fangfei's Fei."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, took a pen and wrote a paragraph on the poster: Dear Feifei, thank you and your boyfriend for allowing me to have a wonderful journey during the two hours I arrived in Australia.

Signed, Zhou Yun.

Fan Wenji received the poster signed by Zhou Yun in surprise.

He didn't expect Zhou Yun to write a paragraph so seriously.

This surprised him.

"Thank you, Miss Zhou."

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "By the way, Mr. Fan, is there any restaurant recommendation near here?"

Fan Wenzhi nodded and said, "Yes, Miss Zhou, what would you like to eat?"

Zhou Yun said: "It's all right, but I want to eat something more unique and pure."

Fan Wenzhi said: "I will make a list and send it to your assistant later."

"That's great, thank you." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun bid farewell to Fan Wenji and went to check in at the hotel.

Wen Bing and Zeng Ying, the film's producer, were waiting for her in the hotel lobby.

"Hey, Xiaoyun, are you tired after flying for so long?" Zeng Ying warmly hugged Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "A little bit, sister Ying, when did you guys arrive?"

"Director Wen and I arrived three days ago, and it's pretty cool here." Zeng Ying said, "I've been waiting for you."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I would have come here two days earlier if I had known."

"No, it was originally agreed to arrive today, so we came here early and stepped on the spot." Zeng Ying said, "I haven't congratulated you in person yet, and you have been nominated for the Aoki Award for Best Actress. It's amazing, even though you are young. In a generation of actresses, no one can compare with you, but you are still breaking the record set by yourself."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No way, sister Ying, stop praising me like that, I'm really embarrassed."

Zeng Ying said: "Isn't that the case? Don't be self-effacing. If you ask me, all actresses should come to learn from you. Before I worked with you, I heard many people praise you and say that you You can endure hardships, and you are never hypocritical on the set. At first, I thought it was because others had a filter for you. This time, after working with you for so long, I realized that you are really such a person.”

Zhou Yun is not very good at dealing with such a situation of being boasted by others.

She has always been quite resistant to being praised by others - it's not that she doesn't like to hear others praise her, but that she doesn't know how to react, she doesn't laugh or doesn't laugh, she's at a loss.

After putting away the luggage and changing clothes, Zhou Yun went to drink coffee with Zeng Ying and Wen Bing.

Zeng Ying said: "Xiaoyun, I heard that you borrowed several million from Liu Yuqian?"

Zhou Yun looked at Zeng Ying in surprise, and asked, "Where did Sister Ying hear about it?"

Zeng Ying didn't answer directly, but was vague, and only said: "There is no impenetrable wall in this circle. No matter what, news will leak out. I also listened to Biren. I didn't expect you He is actually willing to lend money to Liu Yuqian."

"Why didn't you think of it?" Zhou Yun said, "Is she a liar?"

"That's not what it means, but everyone knows that she owes a lot of money, and it's hard to pay it off." Zeng Ying said, "She didn't just ask you to borrow money."

"Since she promised to pay back, I believe she will." Zhou Yun didn't intend to continue talking to Zeng Ying on this topic.

She was not very familiar with Zeng Ying, so she didn't really want to have an in-depth conversation with her on such a sensitive topic.

Zhou Yun took the initiative to ask, "Is sister Ying married?"

Zeng Ying shook her head and said, "I'm engaged, and I plan to get married in the second half of the year."

When Zhou Yun heard this, he thought what a coincidence, and said, "Congratulations."

Zeng Ying said, "Do you and Song Chi have plans to get married when?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "We let nature take its course. We are very busy now, and we spend very little time together. Whether we get married or not doesn't mean much to us. Even if we get married, this situation cannot be changed in a short time."

Zeng Ying said: "I also thought the same way when I was young. It doesn't mean much to us whether we get married or not. But after I turned thirty, I suddenly started to feel age-related anxiety. You must not understand it now. Then When everyone around you is slowly getting married and having children, and you are alone, you have a feeling of being left behind by others.”

Zhou Yun: "That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is that getting married or not doesn't make much sense to the way Song Chi and I get along. We're both too busy now. Even if we get married, we can't slow down our pace. It's not that we don't intend to get married."

Zeng Ying suddenly realized, "Oh, that's what you mean."

Wen Bing listened to the conversation between the two, and blinked at Zhou Yun vaguely.

Zhou Yun knew what Wen Bing meant.

Wen Bing is a person who is too mean at certain times—for example, at this time, Wen Bing actually wants to tell Zhou Yun, look, the producer of our film has problems with basic understanding.

This shouldn't have been a problem.

Zeng Ying was filmed by Xindun to manage the "Female Killer" project, of course, she was sent by Yao Yuanfeng.

Although it is said that Xindun gave the green light to this movie and also gave a large investment, but with such a large amount of investment, Xindun certainly will not allow Wen Bing to squander in a foreign country. After shooting, what should I do?
Zeng Ying is here to manage the money.

In the early preparation process, Wen Bing had already had many conflicts with Zeng Ying.

Sometimes, Wen Bing insisted on shooting a certain scene, but Zeng Ying felt that this scene was not worth spending so much money on shooting, so the two would conflict.

Zhou Yun has long heard of the conflict between the two.

This is a helpless thing, one is spending money, the other is managing money, and their positions are naturally contradictory.

After drinking coffee, Wen Bing said to Zhou Yun, "Remember to come to the meeting tomorrow."

"Understood, I won't forget." Zhou Yun said, "I have to go back to sleep, I'm so sleepy."

Wen Bing nodded and got up first: "Let's go."

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