I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 667 A cohesive performance

Zhou Yun slept for a long time.

Her sleep quality has always been very good, and she rarely wakes up in the middle of her sleep, or suffers from insomnia for a long time.

She also sometimes feels that the quality of her sleep is good because there are no unsolvable problems in her life.

She once heard a saying from an old make-up artist on a film crew. She used to think that a good day must happen on this day to be a good day. After living to a certain age, she will find that if there is no bad thing happening on this day , In fact, it is already a beautiful day.

Zhou Yun took it for granted.

Zhou Yun was having breakfast at the hotel when he happened to meet Zeng Ying.

When Zeng Ying saw her, she showed a particularly bright smile.

"Xiaoyun, you came to have breakfast so early." Zeng Ying said, "It's so rare."

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

She thought to herself, why is this so rare?
"Sister Ying, are you alone?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zeng Ying nodded and said, "It's just me. Alas, people nowadays would rather sleep late than get up half an hour early to have breakfast. It's not good for the body."

Zhou Yun smiled.

She said, "Does Sister Ying pay much attention to health preservation?"

Zeng Ying nodded and said, "After thirty years old, I started to pay attention."

"No wonder Sister Ying doesn't look like thirty years old at all." Zhou Yun said, "The work of a producer is so tiring, but you are still full of youth."

"Oh, where is it?" Although Zeng Ying didn't admit it, the smile in her eyes was about to leak out, "I dare not take pictures next to you, every time I stand with you female stars, I feel like I'm a mother."

Zhou Yun didn't know how to answer the conversation again, so he could only keep smiling.

Zeng Ying may have realized that the conversation between them had reached a stalemate. After the two were silent for a few seconds, Zeng Ying suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Xiaoyun, I'm actually a little curious. Your focus for filming in the future is to prepare Put it in Hollywood, or in China?"

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, and said: "I haven't given much thought to this issue, but the focus of my work must be filming, so if I'm filming in China, the focus is on China; if I'm filming in Hollywood, the focus is on Hollywood." .”

"Many actors have gone to Hollywood, will you go?" Zeng Ying asked, "You are also very popular in the United States, and you have been nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress."

Zhou Yun said: "If you want to go to Hollywood specifically, then I probably won't. I still have many directors in China that I want to cooperate with. Just like this film, I really want to shoot with director Wen Bing. "

Zeng Ying said: "Then we domestic producers can breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, our colleagues communicated privately and were very worried that after you went to Hollywood to shoot "Killing Song", you have been focusing on Hollywood."

"No." Zhou Yun said, "I will always make Chinese films."

"After this news is released, everyone will be very happy." Zeng Ying said.

After having breakfast with Zeng Ying, Zhou Yun went back to his room to rest for a while, and then went to the conference room on time.

They rented a conference room in the hotel for their meeting.

Wen Bing specially got a projector to show his PPT.

He spent a lot of detailed storyboards to introduce to everyone his specific vision for the movie.

"The Female Killer" is different from movies like "Days". The former pays special attention to the stimulation of the picture and the rhythm of the entire narrative.

Wen Bing is not a director who shoots commercial films with the thinking of art films, which is also an important reason for the success of "One Mountain Two Tigers".

He will not put expression in front of good-looking stories and pictures.

"Our movie actually tells the story of a female killer who was framed and hunted down and then revenged. The core of the whole movie revolves around the main line of the story. Let me first introduce the female killer played by Zhou Yun, codenamed Swing , this character comes from another movie I made "One Mountain Two Tigers". In "One Mountain Two Tigers", Qiuqian received a task to fight for an object in Liang Yuanpu's hand, and the two were fighting for it In the film, some ambiguous feelings have arisen, this is something that all of us and the audience already know, and we want to make a fuss based on this existing foundation."

Wen Bing glanced at Zhou Yun and said: "First of all, everyone knows that Qiu Qian is a person with a very outstanding appearance, but her sense of danger is the same as her beauty, she has a sense of sharpness that can kill people at any time, but at the same time She is also very good at disguising. If necessary, she can play any kind of woman in this world, including the old man. In our movie, we designed a set of Zhou Yun's makeup as an old man to escape from other killers. .”

Old man makeup is not uncommon in movies.

But the effect Wen Bing wants is rare.

"This part, I want to use a long shot to show that Xiaoyun appeared as an old man, mingling with the crowd to escape from the killers, until she broke through the blockade, she escaped successfully, and began to remove her hair and face to reveal the real appearance of Xiaoyun." Wen Bing said, "Through such a long shot, the audience can experience a reversal from 'who is this old man' to 'it turns out to be Zhou Yun' very intuitively, and can also Let them shock the audience severely when Zhou Yun reveals his true colors."

Zhou Yun imagined the scene Wen Bing mentioned in his mind, and the imagined appearance made Zhou Yun somewhat understand Wen Bing's intentions.

Indeed, if it is shot in one go with a long lens, it will definitely be shocking on the big screen.

Photographer Qin Jiang objected: "But in this way, it will be very difficult to shoot this shot."

Wen Bing said: "It is inevitable that the filming will be difficult."

Zeng Ying asked, "How long is this shot expected to take?"

Wen Bing said: "If it goes well, the filming will be finished in one day, but there is a lot of work to prepare in the early stage, rehearsals must be at least ten times to go up, there are many things that need the cooperation of various departments."

Indeed, it is a long shot in itself, and the official shooting can be finished in one day—as long as there are no other mistakes.

But how can this kind of lens be shot in one go.

Zhou Yun knew it all.

She glanced at Wen Bing with some surprise.

Wen Bing didn't look like he was joking.

Zeng Ying glanced at Wen Bing thoughtfully, and said, "Is the director sure to finish the filming in one day?"

Wen Bing asked back: "It depends on we have to finish the filming within a few days, and you will nod and agree to this filming plan."

Zeng Ying laughed and said, "Director, why do I feel that you are complaining about me for managing the budget too hard?"

Wen Bing said: "I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong."

Zeng Ying spread her hands and said, "Director, although I know you don't mean it, please allow me to explain again, our budget for this movie is only so much, if I don't control it more carefully, in case If there is no money to shoot later, it will be bad.”

Wen Bing shrugged and said, "You are the executive producer, you have the final say."

The conversation between the two of them brought the atmosphere of the scene down to freezing point.

As long as you are not a fool, you will also notice the conflict between Wen Bing and Zeng Ying at this time.

Zhou Yun was amazed at the conflict between Wen Bing and Zeng Ying that started to surface before the filming officially started.

Generally speaking, the director and executive producer are in a symbiotic relationship of mutual benefit and win-win, and conflicts between the two sides will not be exposed so clearly, at least not so clearly in the early stage.

What's going on here?
Zhou Yun blinked at Wen Bing vaguely, wondering why Wen Bing had such an attitude towards Zeng Ying.

During the break, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing went to the corridor to breathe and chat.

Zhou Yun asked: "What's wrong with you? Why are you in such a big conflict with Zeng Ying?"

Wen Bing said: "She has always wanted to control the crew."

"Control?" Zhou Yun said, "She is a producer, and she manages both money and people in this big business. Can't you talk about control?"

"No, you don't know." Wen Bing said, "Actually, before you joined the group, she had already rejected many of my shooting plans."

"Why?" Zhou Yun asked suspiciously.

It stands to reason that for a successful director like Wen Bing, Xindun shouldn't send a producer who is so strict with him.

Wen Bing: "I don't know why, but she doesn't understand movies at all. As long as the shooting plan has the risk of being overdue or over budget, she firmly disagrees. How can everything be done according to the plan when making a movie? Which crew can do it? Like this? But she doesn't like oil and salt, no matter what I say, it's useless."

Zhou Yun immediately understood Wen Bing's aggrieved feeling.

She said, "Have you talked to Yao Yuanfeng about this?"

Wen Bing hesitated and said, "I don't want to owe him any more."

"This is not owed to him. This movie is your movie, but it is also his movie. You are making this movie better. If you think that Zeng Ying's objection will affect your making this movie Now, you should go directly to Yao Yuanfeng and ask him to help you solve this problem." Zhou Yun said seriously, "The key is, do you think you should insist on shooting according to your ideas?"

Wen Bing asked: "Do you think it is necessary to shoot the long shot I just mentioned?"

"Of course." Zhou Yun said firmly, "I'm excited just by imagining it myself. As an actor, this kind of performance in one go is very challenging for me, and for the audience, this kind of shot is also very exciting. It will make this special effects makeup shot that has appeared many times in other movies even more shocking."

This feeling is like a person standing in front of you, you can't recognize him at all, until he takes off his disguise little by little in front of you, instead of walking into a room, after Come out later and tell you that the person just now was him.

This intuitive feeling is the most shocking and irreplaceable.


"I didn't expect Zeng Ying to control Wen Bing's filming so tightly. Wen Bing is not a new director. Of course, if you look at the time when he made his first film, his time as a film director is indeed It’s not long, but he has already successfully directed two films, I really don’t understand why Yao Yuanfeng doesn’t give Wen Bing more creative space.”

Zhou Yun complained to Song Chi about it on the phone.

Song Chi said: "It has nothing to do with whether Wen Bing is a mature director or not. Xindun's filmmaking style has always been this way, and the management of funds and budgets is very meticulous, so many directors do not like to work with Xindun."

"If Yao Yuanfeng does this, won't he reject many talented directors?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Song Chi said: "Have you forgotten? Xindun has been making commercial films before, and only started to invest some funds in art films in the past two years. They don't need talented directors, they just need to be able to fully follow the company's A director who intends to shoot the movie according to the original plan."

Zhou Yun was very surprised when he heard Song Chi say that.

The main reason is that as an actor, she has previously accepted the concept that "the director is the soul of a movie". Xindun's practice of using the director as a tool to execute the shooting plan made her a little unbelievable.

Song Chi said: "However, with Wen Bing's achievements and status today, Yao Yuanfeng actually arranged for such a producer and crew to shoot. He is in charge of the budget. Isn't he afraid that there will be more and more troubles between Wen Bing and Wen Bing?" Is it a big contradiction?"

"Wen Bing signed a contract with Xindun, even if the cooperation between Wenbing and Xindun is not happy, he can only cooperate with Xindun within five years." Zhou Yun said helplessly, "Is Yao Yuanfeng confident?"

"What about five years from now?" Song Chi said, "For a director like Wen Bing, any film and television company will scramble to cooperate with him. By then, how confident will Yao Yuanfeng be to keep Wen Bing?"

"Who knows, but Yao Yuanfeng, you can tell by his attitude towards me. Others say that I am lying at home now, and there are more than a dozen film and television company bosses begging me to pick me up at the door. A play? As long as I am willing to act, no matter what conditions I ask, the company will agree, but after Sister Lan asked me to pay dividends for the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers", he refused to agree, and even arranged for the company to distribute In the draft, the current box-office results of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" and I have been completely wiped out. This kind of person is really enthusiastic when he is enthusiastic about you, but once he has conflicts with you, he will change his face when he says he will change his face."

"He didn't break skin with you, did he?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun: "That's not the case. He also knows in his heart how many promotional articles I did when "One Mountain Two Tigers" was released."

"He is a businessman. It's not surprising that he has such thoughts and actions. You don't have to take it to heart." Song Chi said, "But I think you are right in saying that if Wen Bing's ideas are good for the movie Yes, no matter what, you have to fight with Yao Yuanfeng, Zeng Ying can't let Zeng Ying decide alone, she only cares whether the filming of the film is completed within the original budget and the original shooting date, as for after the filming What happens to the screening has nothing to do with her."

To put it bluntly, Zeng Ying's job is to manage accounts and supervise work for Xindun.

Zhou Yun asked: "Do you think I should call Yao Yuanfeng?"

"Some things don't need to be straightforward." Song Chi said, "You are not a newcomer, and every word you say and every action you make will be considered by someone."
A new month, a new day, ask for a monthly pass.

In addition, I forgot, do you still remember, was the matter of Yu Chu's pregnancy and reunion with Yin Zhou publicly exposed?

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