I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 668 The Wisdom of Women

What Song Chi meant was that Zhou Yun didn't have to "head-to-head" with Yao Yuanfeng.

Now Zhou Yun and Yao Yuanfeng were embarrassed because of the popularity of the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers". If she went to tell Yao Yuanfeng about the filming of "Female Killer" at this time, it would be easy for Yao Yuanfeng to have something else Thoughts, even if Zhou Yun didn't have such thoughts at all.

For example, maybe Yao Yuanfeng would think that Zhou Yun was making excuses.

Zhou Yun put down the idea of ​​calling Yao Yuanfeng.

As Song Chi said, there is really no need for this.

Zeng Yingren looks kind and looks easy to talk to, but in fact he is not.Zhou Yun had a deep feeling in the next few days of getting along.

The filming in the first few days was all shooting some unimportant literary dramas.

But the so-called not very important, just means that it is not very important to the main line of this movie.

But these plays themselves are very meaningful to the role of Qiu Qian, the female killer.

These scenes were shot on location.

Zeng Ying is present every day.The fact that she was on the set didn't affect Zhou Yun's acting mood, but Zhou Yun didn't like Zeng Ying always popping up every time she went to discuss with Wen Bing the quality of the shot just now, smiling Participate in their discussions.

It’s fine once or twice, until Zhou Yun and Wen Bing said that they can try other effects for the one shot just now, and decided to take a few more shots to make sure, Zeng Ying suddenly said: “We need to waste time to make more shots. Do you want to shoot these? Director Wen, Xiaoyun, our current shooting progress is a bit slower than our plan."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Zeng Ying, and said, "Sister Ying, when I communicate with the director in the future, can I trouble you to stay away from us?"

Zeng Ying was taken aback.

"Xiao Yun, did I offend you somewhere? I'm sorry, I apologize to you first, I don't mean anything else, it's just that our film is filmed abroad, and the financial pressure is too great. It is also to ensure that we don’t have to be so stretched in the future filming.” Zeng Ying said, “After all, the scenes we are filming now are not particularly important, they are just cutscenes, aren’t they?”

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Ying, I'm not targeting you, but when I'm discussing the content of the performance with the director, I don't like being disturbed by others."

She felt that Zeng Ying would interrupt so openly to make comments once or twice, and she blamed herself for not expressing her resistance the first time she did so.

Zeng Ying showed an embarrassed smile.

"That's it, then, then I'll pay attention next time."

"Thank you, Miss Ying."

Zhou Yun's attitude was noticed by many staff around him.

What happened was also circulated among the crew.

This is the first time Zhou Yun has shown a tough attitude after joining the crew of "The Female Killer", and it was Zeng Ying who showed it.

Zeng Ying has a lot of power in the crew of "The Female Killer".

People in charge of money have always been powerful, not to mention Xin Dun and Yao Yuanfeng standing behind her.

Although Wen Bing is also a contracted director of Xindun, most of his filming team are recruited from outside.

For a big production like "The Female Killer", New Shield does not have enough talent reserves to provide the top talents in various types of work.

Zeng Ying had always been gentle and forceful in controlling everything about the crew before, and all matters, big or small, could only be fulfilled through her nodding.

Everyone is working for Xindun, more or less giving Zeng Ying face.

No one expected that Zhou Yun would suddenly disrespect Zeng Ying so much.

Face is a very metaphysical existence, and it is also a very important existence in human relationships. No one will easily erase it.

If possible, Zhou Yun didn't want to take the risk of offending someone and lose face to others.

It's just that she has what she values ​​most, and nothing else can affect this.

Moreover, there are things that only she can say.

Because only she said, Zeng Ying would pay attention to it and listen to it.

The filming of the literary drama on the city side took five days, and it was finally finished.

These five days were all filming her one-man show alone.

Most of the time it is to shoot some scenes of Zhou Yun walking in the crowd, cutscenes, or shopping.

These will be put in the movie at that time, basically for cross-scene use.As Zeng Ying said, it is a shot that is not important in the main film.

But Wen Bing still took the photos very seriously.

This is what Zeng Ying couldn't understand.

If it's just a cutscene, just shoot what should be shot, why should you carve these unimportant shots like a work of art.

Including the time when Zhou Yun brushed past another person, including the casual sense of boredom in Zhou Yun's state.

In the end, Zeng Ying could only use "Wen Bing is still a director of literary films" to explain this matter.

This is not the first time that Zeng Ying has been a producer. She is a serious producer from the "New Shield" family. She has very rich experience in the industry, and she has appeared in many dramas produced by New Shield.

But she also belongs to the typical "master faction". No matter which director she cooperates with, she regards him as a partner. After all, the directors she can cooperate with are basically not top-level directors. Come to her to cooperate.

With the support of Xindun and the company's internal assessment indicators, Zeng Ying has always been very strict about budget control and financial management.

Among Zeng Ying's projects as executive producers, none of them went over budget, which is also her most famous achievement within the company.

This time Zeng Ying was arranged by Xindun to work with Wen Bing's "Female Killer", on the one hand because of her rich experience, this kind of group management requires an experienced producer like her, on the other hand because this time The shooting spans many countries, and Zeng Ying has experience in cross-border shooting projects.

She originally thought that since Wen Bing was the contracted director of Xindun, he should be a "knowledgeable" no matter what. Who knows that the two people's ideas have many differences, especially when it comes to shooting plans, Wen Bing always has a lot of fresh ideas. Thoughts, in the original shooting plan, there are many unknowable and new things in the live shooting every day, which makes Zeng Ying very crazy.

This is just the situation of live shooting in the city. What should I do when I change the location later and shoot more difficult fighting scenes and big scene blasting scenes?
When Zeng Ying thought about the situation she might face in the future, she felt that one head was two big.

What made Zeng Ying even more depressed was that after Zhou Yun remained neutral for a short time, he took Wen Bing's side in front of everyone.

Unlike Wen Bing, Zhou Yun is not a contracted actor of Xindun, and Zeng Ying herself has a news channel, knowing that Zhou Yun is having some disputes and tensions with Yao Yuanfeng, and now the two sides are in a stalemate.

Zeng Ying is not willing to let herself become a "fuse", if this is the case, the loss outweighs the gain.

Who knows what she will "ignite".

Zeng Ying decided to ask Zhou Yun out for a chat alone.

So, the night before the crew prepared for the special show, Zeng Ying invited Zhou Yun out for dinner.

Zhou Yun did not refuse.

Zeng Ying smiled and said, "Thank God, I haven't made you so angry that you don't want to come out for dinner with me."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Ying, why do you say that? When did you make me angry?"

Zeng Ying: "For me, I'm used to managing all the big and small things in the crew. Friends who used to work with me often said that I was a nanny-style management. In the past, everyone liked to discuss all kinds of things. They called me up when things were going on, on the one hand because I needed to make decisions on many things in the end, and on the other hand because they thought I had a lot of experience, and if they asked me to discuss it together, I could give them some constructive suggestions .”

"Well, of course." Zhou Yun said, ""The Female Assassin" is the movie with the largest investment I have made so far. Yao Yuanfeng dared to entrust this crew to you to manage, which has fully demonstrated your ability. And experience, I also believe in you."

"Ah?" Zeng Ying was a little surprised by Zhou Yun's words. She said, "Yesterday you asked me not to participate in the discussion between you and Wen Bing in front of so many people. I thought you thought my ability was not good enough."

"Oh, sister Ying, you misunderstood me."

Zhou Yun held his chest sincerely and said: "I just don't like when I, as an actor, communicate with the director about the content of the performance, and someone interrupts my communication with the director. This is my creative habit. If I let You are uncomfortable, and I sincerely apologize to you."

Zeng Ying stretched out her right hand, pressed it on Zhou Yun's arm, and said, "Don't be so polite to me. You are the soul of this movie. Without you, this movie can't be shot. I don't care what you do." I understand you [-]%."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Sister Ying, I'm even more panicked when you say that. I'm just an actor, and I just want to do my job well."

"Hey, that's how filmmaking is. Each crew may be strangers who have never worked together before. It takes a while to get used to each other, so I am also very envious of director Wen Bing. You have known him for so long. Now, you two must know each other very well."

"He and I just respect each other's work habits." Zhou Yun said, "He always has all kinds of whimsical ideas, but he will not force me to shoot according to his ideas. In the end, if I just can't understand that he's going to compromise and take a way that both of us will accept."

"is it?"

"Well, don't look at him as rebellious and rebellious as an artist. He doesn't listen to anyone's words. In fact, as long as we communicate with him well, he can fully understand our ideas."

Zhou Yun smiled and said to Zeng Ying: "Sister Ying, there are very few women behind the scenes in this industry, and there are very few women who can be producers like you. I heard about it before I met you. A lot about you, I totally understand how important a film's budget and money management is, and I fully understand how troublesome it is for you to manage such a big mess, but you also believe me, anyone who wants this movie People with good movies are just like you. They want to make this movie well. We may come up with a lot of fresh inspiration and ideas during the creation process, but we will definitely not be the kind who will use ruin People who use this movie to realize their own inspiration, whether it's me or director Wen Bing, are the same."

Zeng Ying nodded and said, "Of course I believe in you. Before working with you, I have heard many colleagues tell me that you are such an easy-to-work actor."

It really wasn't that Zeng Ying was flattering Zhou Yun and deliberately said something nice.

Not to mention comparing with actors of the same rank, but comparing with ordinary actors, Zhou Yun is an actor with very little work.

There is no requirement not to shoot night scenes, nor is it required to work no more than 8 hours a day, the contract does not stipulate that you must stay in the best hotel, and there is no unbelievable standard of hundreds of meals per meal.

After several days of filming with Zhou Yun, Zeng Ying really realized that Zhou Yun's "reputation" was not something touted by others.

"Sister Ying, we still have many challenges ahead that we need to face together, let's work hard together." Zhou Yun said to Zeng Ying.

On the way back, Zeng Ying kept replaying today's dinner in her mind.

She originally wanted to win Zhou Yun to her side, but why did she become Zhou Yun to do her ideological work in the end?
While Zeng Ying was surprised, she also had a new view on Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun is not a simple person.

This made Zeng Ying appreciate her even more.

On the transfer train, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing sat together.

Wen Bing asked her: "Did Zeng Ying ask you to have dinner with you yesterday?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Zhou Yun asked, "Did Zeng Ying tell you?"

"She posted a circle of friends, saying that after having dinner with you, she deeply discovered that under your beauty, there is still a very remarkable wisdom."

"Wow, you compliment me so much." Zhou Yun didn't look at Moments, and he didn't see Zeng Yingfa's Moments before.

Wen Bing smiled and said, "That's why I'm still curious. What did you tell her? It gave you great wisdom in her mouth."

"Why, in your eyes, am I not worthy of this compliment?" Zhou Yun asked, "Do you mean that I don't have great wisdom?"

"Of course you do. I didn't mean that. I just think it's rare for Zeng Ying to praise you so much."

"She's not evil, isn't it normal to compliment me? I'm working with her in a play now, she praises me, and I praise her."

"You just made her lose face in front of many people the day before yesterday."

"That was just my inadvertent mistake. I didn't deliberately want to make her lose face. I really don't like others to point fingers when I discuss roles and performances with you."

"That's who she is."

"So I have to make it clear to her that she thinks I'll lose face if I make her lose face. I didn't say this to make her lose face."

"I know."

"Wen Bing, there are conflicts and conflicts between you and her, and you have to resolve them yourself." Zhou Yun said, "You two are the most powerful people in this crew. If you two don't resolve conflicts, the movie will come later. There will be a lot of trouble during the filming.”

Zhou Yun said sincerely.

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