"Let's not talk about that, will you attend this year's Aoki Awards?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes, I have already received the invitation. This year, I will present the Best Actor Award. I should have already asked for leave from the crew, don't you know?"

Wen Bing said, "I didn't pay attention."

"What about you?"

"Of course I can't leave." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun is an actor, she asked for leave for a few days, and the crew can still shoot other actors' scenes.

He is the director. If the director leaves, the crew will have to stop working.

Zhou Yun said: "You are nominated for the best director this year, but you don't go?"

"Anyway, I won't get an award." Wen Bing smiled, "It's already a surprise that "One Mountain, Two Tigers" was nominated."

"How can I say that, the audience of this movie has such a good reputation, and it's not the kind of commercial action movie at all." Zhou Yun said, "I like it very much."

Wen Bing shrugged his shoulders and said: "Anyway, even if there is hope of winning the award, I can't go. There is no way, "Female Killer" happened to hit it, so you go on my behalf. If I win the award, you represent I'm on stage to accept the award."

"Okay, then you can send me your acceptance speech in advance, and I will read it for you," Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing: "Say something for me on the spot, if you really have this opportunity."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun looked at Wen Bing's thin face, and the sunlight came in from the train window, cutting a diagonal line on Wen Bing's face.

He was originally handsome, but under the magic of the light, he looked more like a scene in a certain movie. This man's face was full of a sense of story.

"Will you...will you make movies like "Days" in the future?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing said: "It is estimated that I will not make it in the past few years. Since the box office results of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" came out, Yao Yuanfeng wished that I would make every movie in the "One Mountain and Two Tigers" series."

"That would consume your talent too much. You can obviously shoot more types of movies."

Wen Bing said: "Then what can I do? When I signed the contract, I didn't have the leverage to negotiate with them."

Indeed, at that time Wen Bing was just a little-known director of commercials.

Zhou Yun fully understood Wen Bing's choice at that time.

Therefore, Wen Bing can only be constrained by too many new shields now.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "Could it be that Yao Yuanfeng doesn't support you if you want to make other movies?"

"He supported me to make films like "One Mountain and Two Tigers"." Wen Bing said, "Of course, I would also like to do it myself. I just want to be more free."

"Didn't Yao Yuanfeng talk to you? Anyway, the box office of "Days" and "One Mountain, Two Tigers" has fully proved that you are a film director who can control different genres and themes. Moreover, you After being so successful, he won't still treat you with the same attitude as before, right?"

"He is willing to give you a higher salary, and will respect you more in many things, but what kind of movie to make and how to make a movie, sorry, Yao Yuanfeng has his own ideas." Wen Bing shrugged helplessly, " This is Yao Yuanfeng's style."

Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling very helpless when he heard Wen Bing say this.

In fact, the film industry is like this.Regardless of Zhou Yun and Wen Bing's current positions, they are not the real powerful people.

Just like the movie "The Female Killer", in the eyes of the outside world, it is Zhou Yun's movie, or Wen Bing's movie, but in the eyes of the industry, it is Xindun's movie.

Whether it is a director or an actor, they may be smash hits or famous, but they are all just creators.

Power does not come from creation.

Yao Yuanfeng wanted Zhou Yun to make Xindun's movie, and wanted to establish a long-term cooperative relationship. Of course, he had to maintain a good relationship with Zhou Yun.

But Yao Yuanfeng didn't have to have Zhou Yun, and it wasn't without Zhou Yun that Xindun, a company, wouldn't be able to continue.

In the same way, Wen Bing is the same.

Before Zhou Yun and Wen Bing, Xindun was already one of the top film and television companies in the industry.

Zhou Yun and Wen Bing's momentum just made Yao Yuanfeng want to continue to cooperate with them, instead of being led by them, which is two different things.

Someone on the train recognized Zhou Yun and wanted to take a photo with her.

Zhou Yun readily agreed and took a photo with him.

"It's great to meet you." The somewhat fat foreign woman said enthusiastically.

Zhou Yun said thank you.

After the people left, Wen Bing said to Zhou Yun: "You are now well-known internationally."

"Actually not. The situation like just now is actually very rare. People who know me are basically people in the film, entertainment, fashion and other related industries. They only know me because of their work." Zhou Yun has a clear understanding of himself. Self-knowledge, "Of course, there may be many people in the United States who know me because of the previous news."

"I heard that the show "Deep Sea" is broadcasting well in the United States? Has it been welcomed by many people?" Wen Bing asked.

"It's not bad. It has indeed achieved more than expected results, and it has also broken the performance of our Chinese-language TV series in the US streaming media." Zhou Yun said, "But this is mainly because our Chinese-language TV series have basically never been broadcast in the United States." Due to the serious influence, many of our domestic TV series are sold to the United States, and most of them are also aimed at the Chinese community.”

"It takes a process to accumulate more and more over time, but the show "Deep Sea" must have helped you attract some loyal fans in the United States." Wen Bing said, "That's enough, at least you are no longer in the United States. Nobody."

"It's not that important whether it's an unknown person, and my work focus is not in the United States."

"The focus of your work is in our own country, but what you want to conquer in the future is the whole world." Wen Bing smiled, "If you don't conquer the American market, how can you call conquering the world?"

Zhou Yun: "You are right."

When Zhou Yun was filming abroad, the domestic entertainment industry was also in turmoil.

When "Deep Sea" helped Yuehai.com break the record for short dramas in one fell swoop, Wei Ruxue's "Walking with the Phoenix" was also broadcast on Chestnut Video.

When this show first aired, it caused a lot of complaints. On the one hand, they complained that this show is still the so-called heroine, and on the other hand, they complained that Wei Ruxue's appearance was too ugly.But all of this can't stand the popularity of this drama. On several authoritative statistics platforms, "Walking with the Phoenix" has won the first place with super popularity.

Because "Deep Sea" is not a daily broadcast, and it has already been aired to the end, most of the time it is overwhelmed by "Walk with the Phoenix".

The audience of the former is still not as wide as "Walking with the Phoenix".

At the same time, "Xian Yu Jue" was also broadcast as scheduled, detonating a frenzy of viewing among young people.

Strictly speaking, the degree of discussion and the number of viewers of this drama are not as many as "Deep Sea" and "Walking with the Phoenix", but "Xian Yujue" is extremely popular among teenagers under the age of 20. The popularity of this drama Several leading actors also became famous overnight, and their discussion and popularity on social platforms are not weaker than Zhou Yun and Wei Ruxue.

Young people are the main group of fans.

The status of Zhou Yun and Wei Ruxue has long been stable, and the fan base is not as explosive as it was in the morning.

On the contrary, fans who like "Xian Yu Jue" watch the drama one after another because of their love for this IP, and are very satisfied with the effect of this drama, and have an excellent reputation.

The three major dramas made the three video sites reap a bumper harvest.

But the most popular is "Walking with the Phoenix", because this drama is broadcast simultaneously on Taiwan and the Internet, its ratings on the TV station are rising steadily, and on the tenth day of broadcasting, the ratings have broken 1.5, shocking the industry.

Wei Ruxue can still hit a ratings of 1.5 in this era, even Heizi can't say anything.

What's more, this upward trend is obviously going to break the rhythm of 2, and it depends on how far behind "Walking with the Phoenix" can be.

In contrast, the discussion and high reputation of "Deep Sea" are more concentrated in the circle of white-collar elites, and it did not cause many waves in the circle of parents.

The three dramas are very popular, but the scope of the popularity is different.

Zhou Lan was in the process of negotiating with some top brands to discuss future cooperation with them, but suddenly there were comments on the Internet that Zhou Yun's new drama was overwhelmed by Wei Ruxue's new drama.

Zhou Lan didn't pay much attention to this kind of remarks that were obviously inciting a war. He just reminded the people in the online publicity team to control the heat and not let these remarks cause a war among fans.

But Zhou Lan didn't expect that when Wei Ruxue's manager, Sui Yu, mentioned this topic in an interview, she said directly: "Of course Zhou Yun's new drama is also very good, but "Deep Sea"... To be honest, we approached us for the script of this show at the beginning, but we hesitated for a long time, and we still pushed it, because Wei Ruxue was not as lucky as Zhou Yun, and to meet so many great directors, we are here When I saw this script, I didn’t know if I could meet a good crew to shoot this good script, if a good script didn’t meet a good crew, it would be a waste.”

The reporter continued to ask: "Has Wei Ruxue been approached for the show "Deep Sea"? So she turned it down and then approached Zhou Yun?"

Sui Yu said: "I don't know the sequence, it's not important, I just want to say that there is no need to compare Zhou Yun with other actresses, you must know that not every actress is like Zhou Yun She is so lucky. She has a movie king boyfriend who fell in love with her, making her famous overnight, and took her to play the second female lead in "Question", which helped her make a great breakthrough in her career as an actress. Of course, Zhou There is no doubt that Yun has great acting skills. I just want to say that there are many actresses with acting skills, but not everyone has the opportunity to show their superb acting skills. Take one actress to another Actresses, it's not fair."

The reporter asked, "Then do you think Wei Ruxue got this opportunity to show off her acting skills?"

"Of course, of course, Ru Xue's luck is also very good. One drama after another has been filmed. After "Cold Cold" was broadcast, many people said that Ru Xue relied on eating "Cold Cold" for the next five years. One drama is enough, but Ru Xue is a very energetic actress, she is not willing to rest on her laurels, she has been working hard to find a good script and a good cast for more than a year, that's why "And Phoenix" Together" the drama."

The reporter asked: "Does Wei Ruxue have any plans to make a movie?"

Sui Yu: "We have been in contact with different film crews, but there are not so many suitable film projects, so we are still picking."

The reporter said: "You said before that when you saw the script of "Deep Sea", on the one hand, you also thought it was a good script and it was worth filming, but on the other hand, you were worried that there would be no good director and it would not be able to be filmed. This concern It sounds a little strange to me, so when Wei Ruxue chooses a project, she pays more attention to the team than the script, right?"

Sui Yu: "This is our secret, please forgive me for not being able to tell you."


Sui Yu's interview was very long, but when it was circulated on the Internet, the title was "Wei Ruxue Starred in "Walking with the Phoenix" because she rejected "Deep Sea"".

This title has a very obvious meaning of stepping on one hand.

On the one hand, Wei Ruxue was approached for the drama "Deep Sea", but Wei Ruxue didn't accept it, so Zhou Yun was found for this drama.

This is actually to give everyone an impression invisibly. In the drama circle, Wei Ruxue is the first to go to Wei Ruxue for the script. If Wei Ruxue refuses, she will go to Zhou Yun. This means that Wei Ruxue is the first choice. Cloud is just an option.

On the other hand, the title gives a hint: Walking with the Phoenix is ​​better than The Deep.

If not, how can you say talent?Wei Ruxue had to reject the almost "Deep Sea" before she got the chance to act in "Walking with the Phoenix".

And reading the text of the interview, you can clearly read another meaning of Sui Yu.

——You must know that not every actress is as lucky as Zhou Yun. There is an actor boyfriend who fell in love with her and made her famous overnight. She made a great breakthrough in her acting career.

When Zhou Yun saw this passage, his eyes were pierced, and he frowned subconsciously.

Sui Yu's blatantly saying this is completely denying Zhou Yun's own hard work and talent, and attributing all of Zhou Yun's success today to Song Chi.

Zhou Yun was furious.

This interview looked off-putting.

She directly called the editor-in-chief of the media that published the interview to inquire about the situation.

The editor-in-chief seemed to have been prepared to receive Zhou Lan's call, and said with a smile, "Zhou Lan, this is not a headline party. You can read the full text of the interview to find out. This is what Sui Yu meant."

Zhou Lan was a little annoyed.

But in the face of these old fritters in the media circle, even if she complained to him, it would be useless, it was just a waste of time.

Zhou Lan didn't say anything to him, and called Sui Yu directly.

"Sister Yu, what do you mean? Do you want to start a war?" Zhou Lan asked Sui Yu bluntly.

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