I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 670 Action Movies

Sui Yu exaggeratedly asked back: "Zhou Lan, what's wrong with you? You suddenly called Xingshi to ask the crime."

Zhou Lan: "Why did I call, don't you understand? You said in the interview that we, Xiaoyun, are lucky and rely on Song Chi?"

"Please, it turned out to be this matter, why are you making such a fuss? Didn't you see that I said later that Xiaoyun's acting skills are beyond doubt, okay?"

"Let's not fool anyone with this spring and autumn style of writing. I called just to confirm if you were cheated by the reporter. From what you mean, it seems that the reporter didn't deliberately cheat you, so don't blame me. gone."

Zhou Lan hung up the phone directly.

Since Sui Yu dared to satirize Zhou Yun so openly, don't blame her.

Back then, Wei Ruxue came out of Chengqian Entertainment. How did she rely on to grab resources when she first debuted? Do you think others don't know?

Zhou Lan was about to call someone when Sui Yu called again.

Zhou Lan hung up the phone directly.

In the afternoon of that day, a marketing account posted the story of Wei Ruxue snatching away another heroine by relying on her personal connections.

This past incident had been exposed back then, but Qianqian Entertainment suppressed it.

Now, this old matter was brought up again, and it was Zhou Lan's handwriting.

It wasn't until this time that Zhou Lan answered Sui Yu's call.

Sui Yu said angrily, "Do you have to do this?"

"Sister Yu, correct me, you started it first." Zhou Lan was in a very comfortable mood at the moment, "If you hadn't fired the gun first, no one would have dug up these things."

"Okay, now we're even, okay?"

"Even? I'm sorry, this matter can't be evened out like this. I just dug up a little bit of information about Wei Ruxue's past, but the interviews you did are continuously giving everyone a negative impression of Xiaoyun." Zhou Lan said, "You are also an agent, do you think I can allow this to happen?"

Sui Yu was annoyed: "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Publicly apologize and clarify that what you mean is not what the original interview said." Zhou Lan said, "Otherwise, the next old thing that will be dug up will not be so simple."

After Zhou Lan finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Sui Yu's response.

About half an hour later, Sui Yu posted a clarification on her Weibo, to the effect that her interview was not about Zhou Yun relying on Song Chi to achieve today's achievements, if Zhou Yun did not have his own strength She can't succeed even with ten Song Chis. She just doesn't want everyone to compare different actors together, because each actor has different opportunities and different life experiences. This kind of comparison is for everyone. It's all an injury.

Zhou Lan neatly sent her a trending search, putting her in the top ten of the trending searches.

When Sui Yu saw herself appearing in the hot search list, her face turned green with anger.

At the same time, she also blamed herself a bit, because Wei Ruxue's "Walking with the Phoenix" was so good that she got carried away for a while, and ended up causing such trouble for herself and Wei Ruxue.

Of course, what scares Sui Yu the most is that Zhou Lan's methods are completely different from those two years ago. After this series of moves, she has no strength to fight back.

Hit and kill.

Sui Yu thought to herself, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle with her in the future.


Zhou Yun listened to Zhou Lan explain the whole story on the phone, smiled, and said, "Sui Yu wants to justify Wei Ruxue's name. In the past two years, many people have said that although Wei Ruxue's TV dramas are very good, , but it is only limited to the field of TV dramas, causing many people to think that Wei Ruxue's status is not as good as some movie actors."

"Isn't the chain of contempt in the film and television industry just like this? Sui Yu is dissatisfied, she can blame this phenomenon, what does it mean to name you?" Zhou Lan said, "She just sees that we have not I have attacked others in the end, thinking that even if she said that, we would just swallow it."

Zhou Yun asked: "But the ratings of "Walking with the Phoenix" are so good, isn't she afraid of recruiting Wei Ruxue at this time?"

"You really guessed right, Su Yan, Xu Siyao, and Liu Qingqing are all gone." Zhou Lan said, "They are vying for a big-name endorsement. Originally, Su Yan had the greatest advantage, but "Walk with the Wind" broadcast, the brand side is leaning towards Wei Ruxue again."

"Which brand? Let them all want to grab it."

"The spokesperson for the entire series of the H family in Asia." Zhou Lan said, "Ning Yao will be promoted to the title, and this seat will be vacant."

"No wonder." Zhou Yun said.

"In front, Su Yan and Xu Siyao fought very hard. After Wei Ruxue entered the field, Su Yan and Xu Siyao teamed up again. They planned to join forces to eliminate Wei Ruxue first."

"What did they do?" Zhou Yun asked.

These two people will join forces, there will definitely be some actions, and Wei Ruxue will not just snatch the endorsement of this brand.

Zhou Lan said: "Attacking Wei Ruxue's overall image and temperament is too earthy and not fashionable enough. In terms of appearance, Wei Ruxue is indeed inferior to Su Yan and Xu Siyao."

"But will a female star in Wei Ruxue's position be attacked for this reason?" Zhou Yun said, "No matter how bad her image and temperament are, she is still a female star who has stood in the top-tier position for many years."

"But the H family is a top luxury brand that focuses on elegance and fashion. If you look at Ning Yao before, you will know that for a brand in the position of the H family, they will choose the top stars on the one hand, and they will You should choose a star that matches your own brand style. Xu Siyao is actually a little weaker than the other two in terms of qualifications and works, but her appearance is the most prominent among the three."

In the eyes of many media, Xu Siyao's appearance can compete with Zhou Yun. Her bright face, which lacks a sense of story in film and television dramas, is invincible in the fashion circle.

Zhou Yun asked: "Then who do you think will win the endorsement among the three?"

"Who knows, none of these three people are good people." Zhou Lan said, "After I received the news, the first reaction in my mind was to let them eat dogs like dogs."

"You said earlier that Liu Qingqing was also competing for this brand."

"She is competing, but her chances are basically small. Although "Panic" has brought back her popularity and popularity, it is just a niche suspenseful online drama, and it is still not enough to make her come back. Back to the previous peak, and her out-of-wedlock childbirth has caused a great impact on her image, under normal circumstances, a brand like the H family would not use a star artist like Liu Qingqing as a spokesperson."

Celebrities are picking brand endorsements, and brands are also picking stars.

Actually, if it wasn't because Zhou Yun was already Blink's spokesperson, the H family's first choice would definitely be Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun hung up the phone after chatting with Zhou Lan about these matters.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I'm going to put on makeup." Zheng Xiaoju reminded.

"it is good."

A big scene to shoot today.

Zhou Yun escaped from the killer organization by riding a motorcycle, rushed into an abandoned old building, and fought with the pursuers.

This scene will be the first big action scene of the movie "The Female Killer".

It took an hour for Zhou Yun to finish styling and put on makeup.

She went to the set to meet Wen Bing.

This scene was set up in the shed, mainly because the last scene involved blasting. If you really want to find a suitable abandoned old building and blast it, the approval process is very troublesome.

Zhou Yun looked at the building built by the crew in surprise, both in appearance and architectural details, it was very complete.

Wen Bing walked over with a man who looked a little fierce.

"Xiaoyun, let me introduce you. This is Liu Gang, playing the role of the first killer who chased you down."

Zhou Yun stretched out his hand, "Hi, I'm Zhou Yun."

Liu Gang held Zhou Yun's hand politely and said, "Hello, I am Liu Gang."

Zhou Yun felt that Liu Gang looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

Liu Gang's figure is very tall, he should be at least [-] meters tall, and his body is full of tendons. It looks like he has very good skills.

Wen Bing first took Zhou Yun and Liu Gang to walk the show together.

According to the content of the script, Zhou Yun was chased into this building by the killer played by Liu Gang, where she completed the Jedi counter-kill against Liu Gang.

So, Gang Liu came over today.

The action style designed by the action director for Liu Gang is brute force and great strength, forming an absolute force suppression for Zhou Yun.

In the script, the action scenes between her and Gang Liu are only a few short lines, with almost no reference meaning, and rely entirely on the actions designed for them by the action director.

Zhou Yun has already been familiar with these movements in advance, but they still need to teach them hand in hand when shooting on site.

"After a while, you come out of this door and carefully observe the surrounding situation. Then Liu Gang will shoot at you from upstairs. You realize it in time, and after avoiding it, hide behind the row of containers and launch a counter fire. "

Wen Bing said.

An action scene needs to be broken down into many shots to shoot.

This is just the beginning of foreplay.

What follows is the highlight of the fight between the two.

Zhou Yun nodded, and took the gun from the props group.

But for such a scene, Wen Bing took a whole morning to shoot.

Wen Bing took five shots of Zhou Yun hiding behind the container alone.

The difficulty of this shot is that in this scene, Liu Gang almost shot Zhou Yun in the head.

Wen Bing wanted to shoot the thrilling effect of the bullets brushing past Zhou Yun's face and the edge of the container at the same time.

Of course, this scene must be realized by special effects in the end, but it can't be completely fictional, it's too fake.The method adopted for the on-site shooting was to build a bullet launcher, and rely on the machine to shoot the bullet to the designed position, that is, from a certain point on the edge of the container. Zhou Yun hid behind this point. Dodge back.Of course, a visual dislocation effect is used here, even if Zhou Yun does not dodge, the bullets will not be able to hit her, but from the shooting angle, it creates a feeling that if Zhou Yun does not dodge in time, he will be shot or wiped by bullets Effect.

In this scene, Zhou Yun had to dodge the moment the gunshots sounded and the bullet shot through the container. The visual balance between these two could not be achieved by acting skills.

Every time a shot fails, the container needs to be changed and the bullet launcher reinstalled.

Because of the difficulty of filming, Zhou Yun didn't want to delay the progress because of his performance problems, and kept in a state of tension, ready to perform at any time.

After the shot passed, Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank God, the filming is finally over."

Wen Bing is very satisfied with this lens.

On the big screen, he will not slow down this shot, but use these dangerous and exciting shots to arouse the adrenaline of the audience in a fast and tense rhythm, giving everyone a sense of surprise .

Of course, there will be a lot of special effects processing in the later stage.

The effect produced by the bullet launcher is not realistic enough after all.

Zhou Yun rested for a while, and then started filming the rest of the scene.

During the whole day of filming, Zhou Yun and Liu Gang hadn't exchanged hands, but were shooting each other with guns.

Most of the shots were filming Zhou Yun, but Liu Gang remained in the state. Even when the camera was not filming him, he also played against Zhou Yun upstairs, which moved Zhou Yun very much.

After finishing work for the day, Zhou Yun invited him and the martial arts instructor to have dinner.

"I'm not a professional action actor, and I need your advice on many things in the future." Zhou Yun first toasted them.

Liu Gang is tall and powerful, but his personality seems to be a bit reserved and shy. He doesn't talk much at the dinner table, and when Zhou Yun toasts him, he just says "where is that" with the martial arts instructor.

Zhou Yun looked at Liu Gang curiously, and asked, "Brother Gang, have you been filming action scenes for a long time?"

Liu Gang nodded and said, "After I retired, a friend introduced me to this industry as an action actor."

Zhou Yun said: "Sure enough, I rarely see a figure like yours in the entertainment industry."

The martial arts instructor said: "In recent years, because special effects have become more and more fashionable, action design is not as popular as before. With Liu Gang's skills and image, in the past, not to mention fame, but definitely can be mixed into an old face in action movies. , It's a pity that there are not so many opportunities now."

The words of the martial arts instructor sounded sad.

Zhou Yun asked: "Really? I see that there are many action movies coming out every year."

"What kind of action movie is that called? It's all ostentation to fool people." The martial arts director sneered, "A new director like director Wen Bing will pay attention to the innovation of action design and the innovation of camera sense when making action movies. Others, Heh heh, it's all just scratching the surface, nothing new, just the old routines."

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

She smiled mischievously.

Liu Gang said: "I can't say that, it's just that there are more choices for making movies now, and the visual effects of special effects are indeed more shocking than action movies, this is a fact."

"Who said that the visual effects of action movies are inferior to special effects? Look at "One Mountain and Two Tigers", there is no big scene, it is all punched and kicked, how beautiful is it?" the martial arts instructor said, "It's just such a movie, there are too few of them now."

All orders are 500+, thank you guys, bow.

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